Peculiarities of self-attitude of anti-terrorist operation participants in case of loss of health

Research of the impact of participation in the anti-terrorist operation on self-assessment, self-esteem and self-attitude. A program of psychosocial training for optimizing the self-attitude and self-esteem of operation participants who lost their health.

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Дата добавления 11.10.2018
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Peculiarities of self-attitude of antiterrorist operation participants in case of loss of health

Natalia Afanasieva, Iryna Ostopolets

The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical research of the impact of participation in the antiterrorist operation in the East of Ukraine on self-assessment, self-esteem and self-esteem of veterans. The urgency of this issue is due to the need to develop a system ofpsychosocial rehabilitation of veterans, especially those wounded, to address the following issues: readaptation to peaceful life, reintegration into social environment, prevention and psychocorrection of symptoms of post-traumatic stress, etc. According to the results of the empirical study, it has been found that the injured veterans have generally positive attitudes towards themselves, and there are a number of features that distinguish them from other antiterrorist participants. They expect a special attitude towards themselves, depend on the attitude of others, wait for the approval of themselves as individuals. At the same time, their self-esteem is characterized by inadequacy, it is overestimated by the neurotic type. The level of self-respect is moderate with a tendency to low. That is, the achievements increase it and failures, on the contrary, decrease it. A program ofpsychosocial training aimed at optimizing the self-attitude and self-esteem of ATO participants who lost their health due to injuries has been suggested. The methodological basis of the training is a systematic approach that makes it possible to consider any psychological phenomenon as a system, in the aggregate of interconnections and interdependencies. The results of the training have shown its effectiveness in acquiring the ability to overcome internal barriers, to gain skills of effective communication, forming adequate self-attitude and self-esteem by the ATO participants.

Keywords: self-esteem, self-attitude, self-respect, participants of antiterrorist operation, loss of health, psychosocial training.

Наталя Афанасьева,

кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри психології діяльності в особливих умовах, Національний університет цивільного захисту України, вул. Чернишевська, 94, м. Харків, Україна, Ірина Остополець, кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри загальної психології, ДВНЗ «Донбаський державний педагогічний університет», вул. Генерала Батюка, 17, м. Слов'янськ Донецької області, Україна,

Наталія Світлична, кандидат психологічних наук, старший викладач кафедри психології діяльності в особливих умовах, Національний університет цивільного захисту України, вул. Чернишевська, 94, м. Харків, Україна


У статті представлено результати теоретико-емпіричного дослідження проблеми впливу участі в антитерористичній операції на Сході України на самоставлення, самооцінку та самоповагу демобілізованих військовослужбовців. Актуальність проблеми обумовлена необхідністю розробки системи соціально-психологічної реабілітації демобілізованих бійців, особливо тих, які зазнали поранень, для вирішення таких питань: реадаптація до мирного життя, реінтеграція у соціальне середовище, попередження та психокорекція симптомів посттравматичного стресу тощо. Метою статті є дослідження психологічних особливостей самоставлення, самооцінки та самоповаги учасників бойових дій на Сході України, які втратили здоров'я унаслідок поранення, а також розробка та апробація програми соціально-психологічного тренінгу, спрямованого на оптимізацію параметрів самоставлення та самооцінки учасників АТО. Для досягнення мети було використано комплекс теоретичних, емпіричних та математико-статистичних методів. За результати емпіричного дослідження встановлено, що ті бійці, які були поранені, мають у цілому позитивне ставлення до себе, наявна також низка особливостей, що відрізняє їх від інших учасників АТО. Вони очікують особливого ставлення до себе, залежать від відношення інших, чекають схвалення себе як особистості, мають розвинений інтерес до власного внутрішнього життя, почуттів. При цьому їхня самооцінка характеризується неадекватністю, вона є завищеною за невротичним типом. Рівень самоповаги середній з тенденцією до заниження, нестійкий. Тобто успіхи її підвищують, а невдачі, навпаки, роблять низькою. На основі результатів теоретичного та емпіричного дослідження створена програма соціально-психологічного тренінгу, спрямованого на оптимізацію самоставлення та самооцінки учасників АТО, що втратили здоров'я внаслідок поранення. Його методологічною основою є системний підхід, який дозволяє розглядати будь-який психологічний феномен як систему у сукупності взаємозв'язків та взаємозалежностей. Результати застосування тренінгу показали його ефективність у набутті учасниками вмінь долати внутрішні бар'єри, навичок ефективного спілкування, інтегрування в цілісну особистість, формування адекватного самос- тавлення та самооцінки тощо.

Ключові слова: самоставлення, самооцінка, самоповага, учасники бойових дій, втрата здоров'я, соціально - психологічний тренінг.

self attitude health loss


The Ukrainian society is now experiencing hard times that significantly affect mental health, physiological and emotional state of Ukrainian citizens, which is a result of constant tension, anxiety, frustration due to the anti-terrorist operation in the East of Ukraine, which can be regarded as a real war.

The situation initially turned out to be rather complicated both for the Ukrainian society as ordinary citizens were not ready to live in the actual conditions of war, and for the Armed Forces, especially at the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO).

The Ukrainian army suffered huge losses, since at the beginning of combat operations, mobilized fighters were usually trained by the express method and sent to the front much earlier than it was provided by the training curriculum for military men. Therefore, they did not always have time to adapt psychologically and emotionally to the conditions of the war, violence and death (Onishchenko, Timchenko, 2017). One of the most important issues that is being addressed in mass media and placed for considerations at the meetings of government committees and non-governmental organizations is now the need to resolve the problems of the antiterrorist operation participants' rehabilitation. It is worth noting that a lot of research institutions in Ukraine are engaged in the development of scientific programs, protocols of rehabilitation, methodical guidance of rehabilitation institutions. The international community and civic organizations help in the treatment of wounded or disabled people, too.

At the same time, the need for psychosocial rehabilitation organization, the provision of highly skilled psychological assistance, social support in solving a whole range of problems after demobilization (adaptation to new conditions of the social environment, dissatisfaction with the new social and professional status, the need for psy chological protection, suicidal thoughts, etc.) determine the relevance of the study of ATO veterans' self-attitude (Afanasieva, Bosniuk, et. al., 2017).

After all, it is self-attitude which is considered to be significant in the system of self-regulation. The nature of the regulatory influence of self-determination is provided by the scope and depth of its inclusion in the process of internal personality determination. The attitude of a person towards oneself manifests itself in his/her social activity, which determines adequacy and differentiation (Matsevko, 2010).

Aim and Tasks

The paper aims to study the psychological peculiarities of self-attitude and self-esteem of ATO participants in the East of Ukraine who have lost their health due to injuries.

The following tasks are addressed:

1) analyzing theoretical aspects of the issue of selfattitude, self-esteem and self-respect of ATO participants;

2) identifying peculiarities of self-attitude, selfesteem and self-respect of ATO participants who have lost their health due to injuries;

3) presenting a program of psycho-correction of selfattitude, self-esteem and self-respect of ATO veterans who have lost their health due to injuries.

Research Methods

To solve the research tasks, theoretical methods were used: analysis and systematization of scientific literature in the field of psychology, generalization of the received information, analysis and interpretation of the obtained data. The solution of empirical tasks was carried out with the use of such psychodiagnostic tools as self-assessment questionnaire by V. Stolin, S. Pantileieva, the methodology of researching self-esteem by S. Budassi, and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale.

To test the validity of statistical hypotheses, the Student's t-test and Fisher's method were used.

The sample of the study consisted of ATO veterans who lost their health due to injuries and those who have not been injured (62 and 64 males aged 25 to 35, respectively). The empirical study was carried out before the training, with the aim of establishing the directions for further practical work, which was subsequently implemented through the training technology.

Research Results

First, let us consider the peculiarities of the selfattitude of ATO participants who have lost their health due to injuries (group 1 - 62), and those respondents who have no injuries (group 2 - 64) - see. table 1.

It is worth noting that in the self-attitude structure two subsystems are allocated - evaluative and emotional- value, which, although they differ in semantic content, function together. The first one combines “self-esteem”, “sense of competence”, and “sense of efficiency”. The second one involves “autosympathy”, “self-worth”, “selfrespect”, and “self-acceptance”. These subsystems differ not only in the content but also in connection with personality characteristics, the role in the system of selfregulation, and logics of the formation (Matsevko, 2010).

Consequently, significant differences between the indices of the following scales of self-attitude were found: according to the scale III (expected attitude of other people towards oneself), 2 (others' attitude towards oneself) - with the predominance of the participants of the group 1 (p < 0.05 according to Fisher's test). It means that those who have lost their health often expect a positive attitude from others, they are dependent on it and on the opinions of other people.

According to the scale IV, 6 (self-interest), the indicators are also significantly higher in the respondents of the group 1 (p < 0.05). This indicates that the injured ATO participants have a developed interest in their own thoughts and feelings, the willingness to communicate with themselves “on an equal footing”, and believe they are interesting for others. To a greater extent this is due to the age of the respondents. Young people cognize themselves, take a shot in different situations, so they are more interesting for themselves and, as it seems to them, for others.

According to the scale V - indicators of selfaccusation are significantly higher in the group 2 (p <05). That is, the ATO participants who have not been injured blame themselves for their mistakes and failures. We believe this is due to the military experience that has accumulated in them and makes them feel guilty of real or imaginary mistakes.

In general, self-respect, autosympathy, self-interest due to the additivity of this structure are integrated into the general sense of a positive or negative attitude towards oneself. Therefore, global self-attitude, despite the reduction of individual emotional dimensions, remains constant due to compensatory growth of others (Matsev- ko, 2010). The fact of reduction of self-interest in the representatives of one group, and self-esteem in the other one, determines the need for the implementation of training work in these areas.

Thus, the study of self-attitude of the ATO participants has shown that there are certain differences in their emotional-value self-attitude. We believe that they are related both to the impact of the traumatic experience on the personality, and the specificity of the attitude of others towards them. The wounded veterans in our society are treated differently than those who have not been injured, which causes the difference in their self-attitude.

In order to study the peculiarities of self-esteem of the ATO participants, the method of Budasi was used. Self-esteem is a person's perception of the importance of his/her personal activity in the society and the assessment of his/her qualities and feelings, virtues and disadvantages. The system of personal senses of the individual acts as the main criterion for evaluation.

Self-esteem of a personality is multifaceted. We distinguish the following its main functions: regulatory, on the basis of which the problems of personal choice are solved; protective, providing the relative stability and independence of the person. The results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

ATO Participants' Levels of Self-Esteem (in %)

Self-esteem levels

Group 1

Group 2













Inflated by the neurotic type










The obtained results show that in the group 1 inflated self-esteem by the neurotic type is prevalent, and in the group 2, it is adequate (no significant differences were found). This suggests that the injured ATO participants have the idealized ideas of their personalities, about their significance for other people. They may not always recognize their own mistakes, laziness, lack of knowledge, misconduct, rigidity and aggressiveness, inconsistency. In our opinion, this is also due to a special attitude to this category of fighters, they are treated in a rather lenient way.

The non-injured ATO participants are characterized by an adequate self-esteem, which usually provides the appropriate level of appeals, adequate attitude to achievements and failures, approval and disapproval.

We believe that such differences in the levels of selfesteem are associated with the military experience, the level of personality maturity, the specifics of the processing of an injury event, etc.

Then we studied the level of self-esteem in the studied groups using M. Rosenberg's method. The obtained results are presented in the table. 2

Table 2.

Indicators of Self-Esteem ofA TO Participants (Points)


Group 1

Group 2








It has been found that the level of self-esteem of the respondents does not statistically differ, but it is lower in the injured participants as compared to those who did not suffer injuries. Self-esteem of the individual is based on the way he/she assesses his/her dignity and success. A person with a high level of self-respect has an adequate level of self-esteem. The first component of self-respect is the emotional one which is attitude towards oneself as a personality. The second one is the level of competence in various spheres of life, achievements contribute to the strengthening of self-respect, as well as the growth of a sense of self-worth. Interpersonal relationships play an important role in self-respect formation; a person with an adequate self-esteem builds positive, constructive, mature relationships with others. This, in turn, supports positive attitude towards oneself. To make a person respect oneself, he/she must fully approve oneself, accept oneself with all shortcomings and weaknesses. This is possible only with the mature self-awareness and reflection. High self-respect level motivates a person to take active deeds, raises satisfaction with life and creates self-gratitude.

Self-esteem is a central element and the motive of self-concept. Self-concept is a personality core, an important part of human self-consciousness. It is a stable, internally coherent and consistent person' s perception of oneself. It carries out important functions: ensures the internal coherence of human knowledge about oneself, promotes the interpretation and motivation of new experiences and is a source of anticipation of certain actions in self-attitude.

Based on the obtained results, a program of psychosocial training for optimizing self-esteem and self-attitude of the injured ATO participants has been developed. The methodological basis of the training is a system approach which is understood as a method of theoretical and practical research that assumes that each mental process, a phenomenon or a state of a person (subject of a research) is considered as a system. The peculiarity of the system approach is the study of the system as a single organism taking into account the internal connections between individual elements and external links with other systems and objects.

The purpose of the training is to increase the selfesteem of ATO participants, change the pace for success, form the ability for adequate self-assessment, and increase motivation.

The tasks of the training are as follows: improvement of self-esteem, self-knowledge; comprehending the motives of life that determine its success; analyzing causes of failures in life; the formulation of life goals, etc.

The role of anchormen during the training sessions was performed by ATO participants who previously took part in psycho-correction rehabilitation activities, are were trained to provide psychological assistance to persons of this category.

Table 3.

Plan of Psychosocial Training for Self-Attitude and Self-Esteem Optimization of ATO Participants

Day 1: getting acquainted with the goals of the training, accepting rules of work in the group, identifying participants' expectations, their correcting, forming climate of trust.

Exercises: Getting Acquainted, Interviewing, Rules of Teamwork Formation, Our Expectations about the Training Results, Revealing One's Name, Personality Map, Who Am I?, What Kind of Person Am I?

Day 2: overcoming insecurity, teambuilding, increasing participants' empathy, awareness of self-esteem and self-attitude.

Exercises: My “Self', The Way We support or Change Our Self-Esteem, Meeting at the Seashore with Me-real and Me- ideal, List of feelings, Mastering feelings, What good can you see in the person?, Meditation “I am Me”

Day 3: raising the level of self-esteem, development of positive self-acceptance, awareness of acceptance of oneself by other people.

Exercises: Dignity and Deed, Associations, Counter

Arguments, Listening in silence, Providing Support, RolePlaying, My Advantages, I am the Star

Day 4: overcoming inner barriers, development of communication skills.

Exercises: My Problem in Communication, My Opinion Concerning My Relations, Meeting Point, Good and Bad Deeds, Conflict, Significant People, Revision of Interrelations, Communication Efficiency

Day 5: integrating harmed personality aspects into holistic personality, forming adequate self-attitude and self-esteem.

Exercises: Self-Image, I am as I am, Parts of My “Self'; Ideals; Dreams, Desires, Plans; Planning the Future; Past, Present, Future; What? Who? How? Where? When?, The Last Hour

According to the results of the training, positive changes were observed in the self-attitude of the injured ATO participants. The comparison of the results of the assessment of self-attitude, self-esteem and self-respect before and after the training shows the optimization of indicators, the presence of statistically significant differences in certain parameters (both before and after training in the group 1, and comparison of results with data of the group 2), which proves its effectiveness.

On the basis of the obtained results, a program of psychosocial training for the injured ATO participants' self-attitude and self-esteem optimization has been developed.


The research outcomes show the complexity of the issue because social maladaptation is not just the absence of adaptability to other people or social life, but a difficult psychosocial phenomenon. Psychosocial isolation and the psychological state of frustration and depression associated with it, inadequate communicative skills and behavioral disorganization are its symptoms (Kokun, Pishko, Lozinskaya, 2014). Given that human adaptation has two interrelated aspects - adaptation to the society, its requirements, and adaptation to oneself, and maladaptation can be manifested both through the rejection of social norms, and through self-alienation, the “war with oneself' (Lehman, 1993; Tedeschi, 2004). Therefore, the work on psychosocial maladaptation should be conducted basing on its understanding as a complex phenomenon.

It is the attitude of a person towards oneself, his/her self-respect are the core of all human aspirations and actions and which must be taken into account in the process of building the society (Matsevko, 2010), therefore, the empirical research and practical work were focused on self-attitude, self-esteem and self-respect, which are often considered as the main components of self-concept.

It should be noted that the psychosocial consequences of participation in military conflicts were investigated by a number of foreign and domestic scholars (Yen, 2014; Safin, 2016, Snedkov, Litvintsev, Nechyporenko, Litkin, 2015; Christopher, 2004; Foa, 2013; Linley, Joseph, 2004 etc.). Experts agree that all participants of military operations experience significant psychological and emotional stress which it is difficult to cope with, and many of them have problems with mental and psychological health (Svitlychna, 2013).

The results obtained show that the injured ATO participants and those who have not suffered a loss of health experience difficulties in adapting to peaceful life.

Researchers argue that for most combatants, adaptation to civil life is accompanied by severe stress: a sense of collapse of prospects, isolation and alienation from social life, since in real life their experience and knowledge are often unclaimed (Paroniants, 2004; Leskov, 2006; Stein, 2010). As a rule, veterans with post- traumatic stress disorder become the object of attention of doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and people with existential problems, loss of identity, impairment of self-attitude and self-esteem are paid much less attention. Therefore, the issue of full social integration of combatants into the society, promoting their active inclusion in the process of social functioning, the realization of their personal potential becomes of particular importance.

The Ukrainian Donbas syndrome has its peculiarities. First, the contingent of the affected involves volunteers, and mobilized civil people. Also, there are differences in the manifestations of the syndrome. And this is because of the nature of warfare in which there is no direct fire contact, there is an artillery war. Recurring attacks with mortars and multiple launcher rocket-launch system battery make soldiers just wait for their completion in ambush. It creates a situation where the risk of injury is accompanied by involuntary inactivity activating mechanisms of adaptation of a “hit or run” type. In this situation, one cannot give a free play to one's energy, and stress is hiding inside, so according to the feedbacks after the training the participants considered acquiring the ability to overcome internal barriers, effective communication skills, integration into a coherent identity, creating an adequate self-attitude and self-esteem to be especially effective and necessary.


Self-attitude is a term used to indicate the specificity of the attitude of the individual to his/her own “self”. The structure of self-attitude is composed of self-respect, autosympathy, self-perception, love for self, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-indignation, self-accusation, dissatisfaction with oneself and so on. Self-attitude has protective features. A person can defend his/her own “self' from negative emotions and maintain self-respect at a relatively constant level. One of the means of such protection is a negative self-esteem focused on other people's positive reactions and compassion.

The psychological consequences of commitment lead to ignited sense of justice, increased anxiety, “explosive” reactions that arise periodically in response to any stimuli, depressive states, social interaction disturbances, family conflicts and employment problems. Such people lose interest in social life, their activity in solving vital problems decreases.


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