Peculiarities of organizational and methodical work with patrol police personnel under martial law
Specifics of patrol police work during martial law. Methodical work of the management team, supporting the activities of the subordinate staff. Improvement of professional training: tactics of fire, functional, general-profile and psychological training.
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Дата добавления | 24.02.2024 |
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National academy of internal affairs
Peculiarities of organizational and methodical work with patrol police personnel under martial law
O. Biloshytskyi, Research
of the Doctor of Philosophy
The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that the functioning of law enforcement agencies during martial law was marked by the expansion of the functions of the patrol police, which requires increased attention to police training. In particular, there is a need to analyse the current practice of law enforcement training and to create scientifically based recommendations for its improvement. That is why the purpose of the article is to clarify the specifics of the work of the patrol police during martial law and the peculiarities of the methodological work of the management team related to the training and support of the activities of subordinate personnel.
To achieve the aim of the study, a set of theoretical and empirical methods was used, including the following: analysis, generalization and interpretation, expert evaluation, survey and graphical methods, which made it possible to interpret the results obtained and develop recommendations. It is established that the heads of patrol police units in their work with personnel were guided by organizational, moral and psychological, legal, administrative and economical methods of management. Thanks to these methods, the personnel were constantly aware of the operational situation, were able to develop supplementary action plans, and use reserve forces and means. Guided by legal and economical methods, managers were able not only to apply sanctions, but also to protect the rights of their subordinates from illegal encroachments and to reward them with a decent salary.
In addition, an analogy was drawn between the existing professional combat and psychological traits of managers and their ability to work in a team. The personal example, combat, physical, and legal training of managers made it possible to quickly solve urgent problems, conflicts, and perform official tasks among their subordinates. The practical significance of the study is that the findings will serve as a basis for scientific research to study the features and improve professional training, which would include aspects of fire, functional, general and psychological training tactics
Keywords: National police of Ukraine; public safety; management methods; professional training; trust of the population; professional duties
Особливості організаційно-методичної роботи з особовим складом патрульної поліції в умовах воєнного стану
О. Білошицький, Здобувач наукового ступеня доктора філософії Національна академія внутрішніх справ
Актуальність теми дослідження полягає в тому, що функціонування правоохоронних органів у період воєнного стану означилося розширенням функцій патрульної поліції, що потребує посиленої уваги до підготовки поліцейських. Зокрема, постала необхідність аналізу сучасної практики підготовки правоохоронців і створення науково обґрунтованих рекомендацій щодо її покращення. Саме тому метою статті було з'ясування специфіки роботи патрульної поліції в період воєнного стану й особливостей методичної роботи керівної ланки, яка стосувалася підготовки та супроводження діяльності підпорядкованого складу.
Для реалізації мети дослідження використано комплекс теоретичних й емпіричних методів, серед яких такі: аналізу, узагальнення та інтерпретації, експертної оцінки, опитування та графічний, що надали можливість інтерпретувати отримані результати й розробити рекомендації. Встановлено, що керівники підрозділів патрульної поліції в роботі з персоналом керувалися організаційними, морально-психологічними, правовими, розпорядчими й економічними методами управління. Завдяки зазначеним методам особовий склад постійно володів оперативною обстановкою, мав змогу розробляти доповнені плани дій, застосовувати резервні сили й засоби. Керуючись правовими та економічними методами, управлінці мали змогу не тільки застосовувати санкції, а й захищати права своїх підлеглих від незаконних посягань і достойно їх преміювати.
Крім цього, аналогію проведено між наявними професійно-бойовими та психологічними рисами в управлінців та їх уміннями працювати в команді. Власний приклад, бойова, фізична, правова підготовка керівників давали змогу швидко вирішувати нагальні проблеми, конфлікти, виконувати службові завдання серед підпорядкованого складу. Практична значущість дослідження полягає в тому, що одержані висновки слугуватимуть підґрунтям для наукового пошуку з вивчення особливостей та вдосконалення професійної підготовки, яка містила б аспекти тактики вогневої, функціональної, загально-профільної та психологічної підготовки
Ключові слова: Національна поліція України; публічна безпека; методи управління; професійна підготовка; довіра населення; професійні обов'язки
The open armed aggression against Ukraine contributed to the consolidation of the state's armed and law enforcement forces. The patrol police, in addition to preventive activities, began to carry out strategic activities. Police officers ensure public safety and order, assist in the evacuation of the population, serve at checkpoints, and ensure safety on transport routes in constant potential danger to their own lives and health. The diversity of these tasks indicates the importance of identifying the existing difficulties that make service impossible and the level of effectiveness of personnel management. While issues related to the performance of the patrol police began to be studied during the reform of the law enforcement system in general, new challenges, namely active hostilities in the country, have created an urgent need to analyse successful and negative experiences of management and organizational activities. This allows for further high-quality professional and psychological training; development of new tactics in atypical and extreme situations; and organization of work with the possibility of optimal use of forces and means serving in the unit.
The main reform idea of the modern law enforcement system remains the reformatting of the outdated organizational and administrative system into modern management. It should take into account information on the knowledge, skills, and abilities of personnel; on the moral and psychological state of the unit; on time management in the deployment of forces and means to perform assigned tasks. Due to all these aspects, the organizational and methodological work should be carried out by better-trained managers who are ready for new challenges of professional activity.
The current state of the organizational structure of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) was studied by S. Gusarov (2022). He attempted to identify the main factors of building a renewed police structure and pointed out the need for decentralization, which would allow for independent planning of current activities, personnel changes and financial policy. A. Kubayenko (2020) in his scientific works expresses the opinion that the problem-oriented concept (POC) should be used in building a high-quality police management system. It allows for informed management and implementation of a smart initiative. V. Abroskin (2018) attempted to identify the areas of police management that are prioritized during the armed conflict in Ukraine. The author points out that the situation in which police officers work is systematically and occasionally complicated, so there is a need for highly qualified and competent personnel management and modern training for complicated actions in atypical situations.
As of 2023, military operations are taking place not only in Ukraine but also in some parts of the world. In this regard, foreign scholars are trying to determine the role of law enforcement officers in interacting with military units in the national struggle, the problems of their interaction, difficulties in performing official tasks in a more complex operational setting, and the dynamics of the war's impact on law enforcement agencies in the future. Based on the results of the study of all the above factors, recommendations for reforming the police in line with modern realities are being developed. Thus, S. Schrader (2021) tried to establish the role of US police units in World War II. A. Deglow & R. Sund- berg (2021) determined the level of public perception of the police as an institution that is effective in fighting crime, procedurally fair and deserves to be trusted during a period of national struggle.
A number of researchers have conducted a scientific search in the area of organization of patrol police activities. G. Shpytalenko & A. Turbal (2022) described the legal regime followed by patrol police officers since the full-scale invasion of the terrorist country. They noted that there was no public control during the martial law period. In addition, the powers of the police in terms of cooperation with the European Police Office were significantly expanded. O. Korol (2023) analysed the legal status of the head of the National Police unit. He pointed out that the proper observance of the rule of law by personnel depends on the administrative and legal status of the body itself, the professionalism of the management and their personal qualities. E. Zelenskyi (2019) proved the importance of continuous improvement of knowledge in the field of application and use of firearms. It is noted that it is during professional training and support that a police officer must master a large amount of knowledge and a range of skills for coordinated actions in possible extreme situations. O. Baranetskyi (2020) substantiated the need for a systematic and planned approach to physical training in the process of service training. In addition, he developed recommendations for the training of older age groups. A programme of moral and psychological support was proposed by V. Biloshitskyi et al. (2020).
Given the above, the purpose of the article is to assess the positive experience and difficulties of managerial work in the patrol police units of Ukraine under martial law and to provide certain recommendations for its improvement.
Materials and Methods. Thanks to a wide range of theoretical, empirical and special methods, it became possible to carry out a scientific study of the peculiarities of organizational and methodological work with patrol police personnel under martial law. The method of analysis and synthesis allowed getting acquainted with the results of scientific research by Ukrainian and foreign scientists who develop programmes to improve the service activities of patrol police officers. It was possible to outline a wide range of police functions that were expanded during the period of martial law.
The comparison method allowed establishing the coefficient of growth of the level of trust in the police. The graphical method was used for a percentage comparison of the managerial qualities of the leaders. The method of interpretation and generalization was used to formulate a conclusion and unresolved issues that require further research. The methods of structural and functional analysis were used to analyse typical and atypical professional tasks performed during martial law; study the legal documents regulating the activities of law enforcement units; summarize the results of the survey and provide recommendations for further research.
In order to achieve the goals, set in the study, a survey was conducted using prepared questionnaires. The survey and expert evaluation methods were used to determine the methods and forms of organizational work of patrol police unit managers. The survey involved 70 people from the permanent staff of patrol police units in Kyiv, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, and Vinnytsia regions. The survey was conducted in several stages during the in-service training in April-May 2022. Respondents received printed questionnaires and could read and process them anonymously. The questionnaire contained a number of closed and open questions (Table 1). All survey participants were informed of their anonymity, the purpose of the survey, and the risks associated with the publication of their results. The research was conducted in accordance with the ethical standards and rules of the Declaration of Helsinki (1975).
The study analysed a number of normative and legal sources: The Law of Ukraine On the National Police the Law of Ukraine On the Disciplinary Statute of the National Police of Ukraine and its amendments in March 20223, and On the Legal Regime of Martial Law. In addition, before the study there was a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 573, No. 1455, No. 181, and the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “On approval of the Regulation on the organization of official training of employees of the National Police of Ukraine”.
Results and Discussion
The success of the work of the Patrol Police and the National Police as a whole can be judged by the level of public trust. During 2021-2022, statistics show that citizens began to support the current government, the volunteer movement, and law enforcement agencies more. At the end of 2022, the level of trust of the population of Ukraine in all regions (except for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) in the National Police was 58%. Compared to 2019-2021, the increase in 2022 is almost 28%. In addition, the population of the southern and eastern regions is almost equally positive about the work of police officers (Fig. 1). This level of trust indicates that law enforcement officers continued to stand firm in defence of people's interests in a difficult time for Ukraine - the time of war. They were involved in various activities related not only to countering the aggressor, but also to preventing domestic violence, conducting legal education activities in educational institutions, conducting training on how to handle suspicious objects, etc. The patrol police were also involved in all these activities.
Table 1
List of questions contained in the author's survey questionnaire
№ |
Question |
1. |
Which of the following extended powers do you most often have to perform? |
2. |
Are you satisfied with the process of managing the activities of your unit during martial law? |
3. |
Does your immediate supervisor participate in the discussion of problems that need immediate resolution? |
4. |
Which of the following types of training is given more attention in your unit? |
5. |
In your opinion, what management methods of the manager are successful in the unit where you serve? |
6. |
Which of the following personal qualities are characteristic of your manager? |
7. |
Which of the following qualities would allow a manager to successfully interact and organize the work of subordinates? |
8. |
How often does the head of your department apply sanctions to offenders ? |
9. |
Do you feel the support of the population when performing official duties? |
10. |
Are you satisfied with the salary level? |
Source: developed by the author
Figure 1. Comparative graph of the percentage level of trust of the population in the NPU in the period 2021-2022, %. Source: developed by the author, based on A. Grushetsky (2023)
professional fire psychological patrol police martial law
The range of activities of the patrol police is so wide that it requires constant control and clear management. Thus, in March 2022, the Law of Ukraine “On the Police”1 and the Disciplinary Statute were amended to expand the powers of police officers during the period of martial law. Patrol officers can receive information from government bodies free of charge; to be without identification marks, if a certain situation requires; use improvised means if there is a legitimate need; use technical devices (recording of offences, search for radiation threats, analytical work for setting car licence plates); keep persons in temporary detention centres, if there are cases provided for by law; provide technical and forensic examination in the presence of threats of explosive objects. Disciplinary sanctions may be applied to police officers if they have committed a misdemeanour related to a violation of discipline.
All these changes were adopted due to the fact that during the period of martial law, the patrols almost constantly interacted with the military forces and perform some of their powers. As an example, according to the Procedure for the introduction of curfew, police officers are part of patrols that check compliance with light masking and curfew. Police officers patrol on the routes determined by the commandants of a certain area and can completely restrict the movement of motor vehicles in accordance with the approved Order of the entry regime. Also, in accordance with the Evacuation Procedure, they have the right to remove persons from temporary detention centres and move them to safe places.
In view of the above, there is an urgent need for certain levels of organizational and methodical work with personnel. After all, the excess of multifaceted tasks, double subordination, and almost constant psychological stress can affect their competence and cause them to make significant mistakes in their work. It is believed that organizational and methodical work should be carried out during official training of patrol officers. Of course, in accordance with the Regulation on official training, patrolmen undergo special professional and psychological training. So, personnel management during the period of active military operations requires constant monitoring of their actions, influence on their consciousness and timely preparation for work at any time and situation.
To establish the level of organizational work with personnel, as well as the level of satisfaction of subordinates with the management process, the author conducted an anonymous survey of managers and subordinates. The number of respondents from the subordinate staff was 70 people. It was established that during the period of martial law, tactical (33% - 23 interviewees) and fire (29% - 20 interviewees) training is organized as much as possible among other types of service training. Among others, the following are defined: functional (7% - 5 respondents), physical (10% - 7 respondents), psychological (14% - 10 respondents), general profile (7% - 5 respondents) training (Fig. 2). Such a tendency is quite understandable, because combat operations require the patrolman to correctly evaluate and implement tactical actions in various official circumstances. Detention of subversive intelligence groups, adjusters of missile attacks, criminals of other criminal crimes oblige the police officer to clearly know the conditions of use or use of weapons, as well as the technical characteristics of these weapons.
Figure 2. Comparative graph of the percentage level of professional training of police officers in patrol police units. Source: developed by the author
Thanks to the answers of the respondents, management methods of managers were established, which, in their opinion, are the most successful and can bring results in working with the team. Effective methods were: organizational (37% - 26 respondents), management (14% - 10 respondents), legal (16% - 11 respondents), economic (10% - 7 respondents), moral and psychological (19% - 13 respondents) (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Comparative chart of management methods in patrol police units. Source: developed by the author
The organizational method allows planning the actions of personnel in advance, with the involvement of the necessary forces and means. Subordinates are informed and equipped in time. In the case of impossibility to implement a certain action plan, there is already a backup plan prepared in time, which the manager familiarizes with in advance. The administrative method is used in case of atypical situations. By their orders, leaders can change the deployment of forces and direct them to the necessary place in the shortest possible time. Also, this method involves managers taking responsibility for their own actions and the actions of their staff.
The legal method provides for the protection of the rights and freedoms of the staff of the police unit by referring to the legal acts that guarantee it. It also provides for the application of sanctions to violators of the norms (disciplinary action, administrative, criminal liability, etc.). The economical method consists in the correct allocation of resources. The method makes it possible to fairly distribute wages among subordinates in accordance with the work done and to stimulate its improvement. The moral-psychological method contributes to democratization and improvement of relations between subordinates, improvement of the social-psychological climate and stimulation to the performance of official duties.
In the course of the survey, respondents were asked to determine what qualities inherent in managers would allow them to successfully interact and organize the work of their subordinates. Survey participants identified the main ones: physical qualities (26% - 18 respondents); professional combat qualities (28.5% - 20 interviewees), psychological qualities (27.0% - 19 interviewees), moral qualities (18.5% - 13 interviewees) (Fig. 4). The extreme conditions of the service prompted the disclosure of the entire spectrum of qualities of the management link. They became an informal test of resilience, the ability to take responsibility or work together in a team.
Figure 4. Comparative graph of personal qualities of the manager when performing official tasks. Source: developed by the author
Patrol police officers in their questionnaires noted that during the period of martial law, their superiors showed courage and tried to show by example how to perform their duties and solve problems that caused certain difficulties. The management team has been working as a team throughout this period. Most of them took care of the personnel and tried to provide them with everything they needed. At the same time, the authors' task was to establish what should be taken into account when training the leadership in the future.
Military events in the country have placed high demands on the command staff. Possessing professional and combat qualities, a leader is always fully prepared to work in any conditions. He must not only have knowledge and skills, but also be able to successfully apply them in practice. Psychological qualities are necessary to encourage subordinates to be resilient and show courage in difficult and life-threatening situations by their own example. Physical qualities are necessary to perform certain special tasks with dexterity and together as a team.
In recent years, a number of scholars have attempted to study the peculiarities of the service of police officers of the National Police of Ukraine and provide certain recommendations for its improvement. Thus, O. Vakhnytska (2023) outlined the tasks and functions of the police under martial law. It was noted that, in addition to the typical tasks for such preventive police as patrol police, it became inherent in ensuring the protection of property left unattended; ensuring public order and safety in the event of industrial accidents or disasters, etc. Researcher V. Sokurenko (2022) believes that these and other expanded powers and tasks are of a preventive and prophylactic nature, which, along with operational ones, are aimed at ensuring public order and guaranteeing the rights of the population. V. Bondar & D. Kachmarik (2023) confirm that additional powers allow for round-the-clock and intensified policing of public order. I. Voznesenskyi (2023), in turn, proved the importance of building the readiness of police officers to use firearms in case of emergency. The study confirms the scientist's opinion, as firearms training is given considerable attention by law enforcement agencies.
Since the introduction of martial law throughout the country, law enforcement officers began to be guided in their activities not only by the Law of Ukraine “On the Police”1, departmental and non-departmental normative legal acts, but also by the Law of Ukraine “On Martial Law”. During this period, the activities of the police become not only law-enforcement, but also protective. Accordingly, the question of interaction between the patrol police and other units, which are designed to protect the citizens of the country from illegal invasion and their subordination in the event of such interaction, is gaining relevance. Issues of this aspect remain debatable. M. Pendyura & M. Brazaluk (2023) established that the interaction of the patrol police with the National Guard of Ukraine or with the State Emergency Service of Ukraine is coordinated and normatively regulated, and with the Security Service of Ukraine SSU or the Armed Forces of Ukraine - requires clear regulation. G. Mulyar (2023) speaks of the need to establish at the state level legal norms for the organization of police interaction with territorial communities aimed at the prevention of offences related to ensuring security and order in the state. O. Bezpalova (2022) in her turn determined what is the protective function of patrol police officers who ensure public peace during martial law, and what their activities are aimed at. The following are highlighted: the recording of war crimes, the provision of primary medical and psychological assistance to victims, the protection of explosive objects, etc. Such activity requires careful, methodical training of personnel and clear organization of the performance of their official powers. The research carried out by the author confirms that, according to patrol policemen, modern training meets these requirements, because the greatest attention is focused on improving tactical and fire skills and, to a lesser extent, psychological stability.
Foreign scholars are also searching for methods to improve the work of patrol police during the period when they perform atypical tasks in extreme situations. S. Maslennikova (2023) identified the main directions of reforming the system of professional training of law enforcement officers during martial law and noted the importance of involving foreign specialists in such activities. P. Sittiboon & A. Gerdruang (2019) studied the state of problems and obstacles, as well as guidelines that help to achieve results in the management of patrol officers during special operations. Canadian researchers have studied the automated work system of patrol police officers and developed conclusions that contain recommendations for the management team on the organization of work and the formation of work shifts (Simpson & Bell, 2022). L. Kleygrewe etal. (2021) tried to implement the European experience of police training. They identified problems with the current organization and practice of training and performance of various police units, including patrol officers. They found that managers and instructors critically assess the level of training of subordinate staff and need innovative training methods, including practical training, even during the period of service. In turn, the study shows that the most demanded qualities of officers in the opinion of Ukrainian patrol police officers are their professional and combat skills and psychological qualities, and the most effective management methods are organizational, combined with democratization of relations and improvement of the social and psychological climate and motivation.
In 2020, the Kharkiv Institute for Social Research assessed the institutional capacity of the Patrol Police Department (Kobzin & Chernousov, 2020). The assessment found that the in-service training plan exceeds 200 hours. Most of them are devoted to functional training, self-defence, interaction with the public and firearms training. It was noted that the department has an active psychological service that works in cooperation with the heads of services. Managers and subordinates regularly undergo advanced training and training in community policing. Comparing the results of the study in the author's article, it can be noted that as of 2023, service training, due to military operations, is more focused on fire, tactical and psychological training.
The expansion of the powers of patrol officers since March 2022 has allowed police officers to perform important strategic tasks (patrolling the territory, checking compliance with curfews and camouflage, etc.) in even greater cohesion with the military. Such interaction requires coordination and supervision by leaders. Clear and coordinated actions allow not only to achieve success, but also to save lives and health in critical situations. The article reveals the peculiarities of patrol police activities in the event of atypical service situations.
During the survey, patrol officers indicated that a manager should encourage others to want to improve and show good results in their work by example. In their opinion, a manager should have a certain set of qualities that will allow them to be relied on. The main ones should include professional and combat, physical, psychological and moral qualities. In addition, methodical work in groups should be organized through the manager's use of a certain set of methods that protect the rights and freedoms of the team. The manager should protect his or her subordinates from unfair acts against them, take responsibility for the team's mistakes, work side by side in a team, etc. A promising way forward is to improve the forms and methods of patrol police management in order to establish clear and coordinated interaction between the staff of the institution in the future.
The current level of training of patrol police officers is aimed at their acquisition of specialized knowledge in tactical training and firearms. The police must be constantly on the defensive. Each unit should be informed and provided with all necessary means. At the same time, respondents noted that less attention is paid to general, functional and psychological training. That is why domestic researchers face the need to develop a modern system of service training for patrol police officers, taking into account the current realities of service (military operations, terrorist attacks, elimination of negative consequences of disasters, etc.) The study found that the training of subordinate personnel should in the future be aimed at developing stress resistance, a “sense of time”, and critical observation.
The issue of regulatory support for police interaction with paramilitary structures of different levels during martial law requires further research.
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