Combined impedance monitoring in patients with gastroesophageal reflux. Functional disorders of the esophagus in patients with proton pump inhibitor deficiency. Comparative characteristics of reflux between respondents and nonresponders receiving PPI.
Exploring the role of mother agencies using cross-cultural theories and stakeholder theories. Identification of current trends in the modern fashion asian market. Development of professional models for promotional products. The stakeholder concept.
Study of Roma children learning using appropriate bilingual methods. Achievement of a good level of proficiency in both Romani and the official school language. Analysis of changes in the system of selection of minority children in special schools.
- 544. Motherhood and its influence on the health of women in greek villages of the north Аzov sea region
Considered a motherhood and its influence on the health of women in Greek villages of Northern Azov. It is shown that pregnancy and childbirth was always accompanied by various prejudices and number of injunctions, woman could harm to the unborn baby.
Motivation of students of higher education studying on the basis of distance educational technologies in order to improve the effectiveness of foreign language learning. The essence of distance learning educational technology, its types and forms.
- 546. Motivation
Definition of Motivation. Behavioral Views, cognitive Views of Motivation. The Humanistic View, the Impact of Cooperative Learning on Motivation. Suggestions for Teaching in Classroom: Motivating Students to Learn. Resources for Further Investigation.
- 547. Motivation
Definition of motivation. Behavioral, cognitive and the humanistic view of motivation. The impact of cooperative learning on motivation. Suggestions for teaching in your classroom: motivating students to learn. Resources for further investigation.
Motivation of students in English for Specific Purposes is a task for a teacher, it can lead to their success or failure. The considering the importance of motivation for students, studying how teachers can enhance it to improve second language teaching.
Distance learning is considered as an alternative form of education, its advantages and disadvantages are studied and characterized. The issue of motivation in distance learning, as a main prerequisite of good results in studies, is investigated.
Informal names for geographical objects as interesting phenomena in the sphere of proper names. The motivation of the informal place names in the USA that often indicate a special feature of the activities characteristic of a particular city or state.
Discusses the question of motivation of university students for independent work, which is done during training activities. "Maslows" Hierarchy of Needs Theory (1954), McClelland's Needs Theory (1961), and "Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory" are analyzed.
The design and management of reward systems present the general manager with one of the most difficult human resource management tasks. This policy area contains the greatest contradictions between the promise of theory and the reality of implementation.
The problem of forming a system of motivation for the development of teaching staff. The need to create a quality system of staff motivation in educational institutions. The describes the use of innovative forms and methods of stimulating teachers.
A study of motivation to achieve success. The problem of interest in acquiring knowledge of pharmacist students in Ukraine. The peculiarity of the use of artificial intelligence for the further realization of the prospects of digitization of education.
Cognition in Motivational and Affective Contexts. Intelligence and Personality: From Psychometrics to Personal Dynamics. Dynamic Integration: Optimization and Differentiation in Development. Intellectual Functioning and Development in Social Contexts.
The impact of English language proficiency on wages. Development of motivation to learn English and maintain it at a decent level. Raising a rating that affects whether or not a scholarship is awarded. Ways to increase students' intrinsic motivation.
Changing priorities regarding the importance of knowledge in the educational process and determining the impact on the participants of the educational process. Characteristic features of changes in the motivational aspect of foreign language learning.
Characteristics of female and male entrepreneurship. Factors to become an entrepreneur. The study of internal and external motivation. Implementation of business policy. Current trends in the study of entrepreneurship. Methods for measuring prompting.
KTM 990 adventure: New overlander on test. Aprilia: into the future. Leo Mercanti on the future of the Italian marque. Husky trails: Ian Kerr goes back to trail riding school. Ducati monster S4RS: The launch of the latest Panigale fire-breather.
Introduction of new approaches to teaching in Ukrainian in mountain schools. Formation of communicatively competent cultural personality. Accounting for national-regional components of communication. Use of optimal language tools and ethical norms.
Exploring new directions for the development of educational services. Education trend towards globalization. Implementation of the latest technological advances. Expansion of the Ukrainian education market - humanization of the national education system.
Analysis of the medical and social problem of rheumatoid arthritis. The nature of the course of the disease, the main lesions of the musculoskeletal system. The effectiveness of exercise during the rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
- 563. Movie games
Rich history of formation Hollywood industry of motion pictures. Golden Age of Hollywood and the great system of monopolization of the motion pictures industry. Big Six in Hollywood and they grossing films. Key coordinating actions in Hollywood Games.
- 564. Mozilla Firefox
Характеристика свободно распространяемого браузера Mozilla Firefox. Официальные сборки Firefox. Системные требования браузера и награды от организаций. Рост популярности Firefox. Механизм расширений, позволяющий пользователям модифицировать браузер.
Результати DFT і MP2 теоретичних досліджень внутрішньо-молекулярної динаміки 2-піридин-2-іл-1H-бензімідазолу. Одержання структурних параметрів для конформерів 2-піридин-2-іл-1H-бензоімідазолу. Значення внутрішніх бар’єрів обертання. Хімічні зсуви ядер.
Магниторезистивная оперативная память. Разработка новых технологий флеш-памяти. Растущий объем производства других типов компьютерной памяти. Запись информации в ячейки. Плотность размещения элементов в микросхеме. Быстродействие памяти, короткий заряд.
Задачі, пов'язані з виконанням математичних розрахунків як одна з найважливіших областей застосування комп'ютерів. Програма фірми Microsoft для роботи з електронними таблицями під назвою Excel: її характеристика, умови працювання та користування.
- 568. MS EXCELL
Основные положения и сущность работы операционной системы Excel, ее особенности и функциональность. Общие сведения о книгах и листах MS Excel. Типы данных, настройки и возможности их использования. Вычисления в Excel, формулы и функции, команды.
Интерфейс Microsoft Word 2007, создание и редактирование текстового документа. Основные принципы работы с таблицами. Использование графических объектов. Рецензирование документа и подготовка его к печати. Понятие колонтитула и его использование.
- 570. MS Word MS Excel
MS Word его характеристика, описание работы и основных функциональных систем. Списки, иерархические списки, таблицы и стили в MS Word. MS Excel, его характеристика а также работа с таблицами и ячейками, зависимые ячейки, адресация, графики и диаграммы.