Model of order technology of changing organizational culture

The model of social-psychological technology of a change of organizational culture, the order technology is represented. The questions of development and in transformation of business organizations in constantly varying conditions of a market competition.

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Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ 06.02.2019
Ðàçìåð ôàéëà 49,4 K

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Model of order technology of changing organizational culture

Aksenovskaya L.N.

The model of social-psychological technology of a change of organizational culture (the order technology) is represented. In the article it is given a description and considered principles of work of the technology, and discussed methods of diagnostics of organizational culture. It is shown in what way a system of order trainings functions as a key technological process.

Social-psychological aspects of organizational changes attract attention both practical men (business consultants, top-managers of business organizations) and theorists from among social psychologists and experts in the field of management and the theory of organizations. The reason of this interest is covered in exigency to solve questions of development and in transformation of business organizations in constantly varying conditions of a market competition.

The problem of organizational changes is a part of wider problem area, it is a part of the theme of the social changes declared by A. Teshfell as a key problem of development of social psychology as a whole [3]. The point of organizational changes and its social-psychological phenomenology is considered in works of a number of domestic researchers: G.M. Andreeva [3], T.J. Bazarov [4], A.V. Bulgakov [5], A.A. Grachev [6], A.L. Zhuravliov [7], S.A. Lipatov [8], etc. The special interest in the context of the problem of organizational changes represents a question concerning social-psychological technologies of organizational changes and specifically social-psychological technologies of change of organizational culture. psychological technology culture business

The purpose of the article is to present the compact description of a model of the order technology of change of organizational culture having been developed and approved by the author of the article during the last ten years.

The general description of the order technology of change of organizational culture.

The order technology of change of organizational culture is an applied part of the order approach to work with organizational culture, to its research and change [1].

Being a social-psychological technology, the order technology is based on an idea of organizational culture as a complex social-psychological order of organizational-administrative interactions, being established and settling with systems of ethic senses of the participants of the interaction. The critical parameters of order technology have been assigned by social-psychological (order) model of organizational culture, which model-forming parameter was administrative interaction. Three basic stages of administrative interaction («parental», «commanding», «vicarial») have been empirically discovered and metaphorically simulated. Each of these types of models of administrative interaction initiates development of a corresponding type of organizational culture («family», «army», «church»). In its developed form the organizational culture as a social-psychological order (the order) includes all three aspects - «family», «army», «church», each of which performs its specific function and provides the viability of organizational culture. Besides these three basic aspects (suborders) of culture as a social-psychological order (the order), there have been singled out two additional ones - the syncretic suborder (it is characterized with the undifferentiated condition of all three aspects) and the synthetic suborder (it is characterized with a condition of harmonious and balanced development of three basic suborders). The singled out suborders (three basic and two additional) can be considered as stages of forming organizational culture: syncretic stage - a «family» stage - an «army» stage - a «church» stage - a synthetic stage [2].

According to the order model the technology of changing of organizational culture is built as a consecutive operation with five suborders of the psycho-sociocultural level - syncretic, «family», «army», «church» and synthetic, generated by corresponding types of administrative interaction.

The architecture of the order technology is set with an aggregate of coordinated among themselves and in a definite way structured sequences of stages and actions which have their own purpose, but rigidly focused on achievement of the single goal of transfer of organizational-cultural system from existing into a desirable condition.

The most general algorithmizated frame of changing of organizational culture is a regulative cycle including the following sequence of stages: 1) preliminary and basic diagnostics; 2) working out the plan of changing; 3) realization of the plan of changing; 4) an estimation of the received result; 5) support of the received changing.

In relation to the aforesaid sequence of actions the second sequence acts as substantial filling of the first one and actually represents social-psychological (order) technology of changing of organizational culture. It includes the following sequence of stages: 1) a syncretic stage of work with organizational culture; 2) work with the «family» suborder of organizational culture; 3) work with the «army» suborder of organizational culture; 4) work with the «church» suborder of organizational culture; 5) a synthetic stage of work with organizational culture.

The essence of changing of the organizational culture, which are carried out on the basis of the order approach, consists in consecutive workup (diagnostics, correction, forming and development) of each suborder of organizational-cultural system and their putting into a balanced high-functional condition with the purpose of increase of controllability of an organization and increase of efficiency of its activity.

The third sequence of stages and actions is traditionally defined as systemic and supposes the following order of workup of each suborder: 1) a level of a personality of a leader; 2) a level of an administrative team; 3) a level of an average management; 4) a level of the performing personnel; 5) a level of the organization as a whole. Thus, changing is carried out «from top to down» and then is fixed by special methods during all «space» of organizational-cultural system.

The technological sequence of change of organizational culture is assigned with: à) «from top to down» movement within the framework of a suborder stage (for example, work within the framework of a «family» suborder stage passes five levels: a leader, a managerial team, an average management, a performing personnel, a level of the organization as a whole); á) movement throughout suborder stages: from a syncretic stage through «family», «army» and «church» to a synthetic stage (for example, when a workup of a «family» suborder stage is finishing, a workup of an «army» suborder stage is beginning in the «from top to down» principle, then «church» begins and the cycle finishes with a workup of a synthetic suborder stage).

The experience available at our disposal shows that terms of passing through one suborder stage can be limited to one year (12 months). It is minimally sufficient term for fastening new attitudes and models of interaction in psychology and behavior of the personnel.

Thus, the full cycle of order changing of organizational culture takes five years (one year per each suborder stage). The result of five-year work is a formed and started mechanism of permanent self-transformation of the organization (besides the operative decision of actual problems of activity facing to it).

Principles of functioning of the order technology of changing of organizational culture

The development of order technology of changing of organizational culture is carried out on the basis of a number of principles imposed both requirements of practical needs (realities of activity of the business enterprises), and requirements of theoretical (intellectual) discipline. We shall emphasize the main principles.

1. The principle of a primacy of the problem facing to the organization.

The order technology of changing of organizational culture is a way of solving problems facing to the organization. It is focused on implementation of social-psychological changes on the basis of a subject content which is actual for the organization (for example, the organization states forming a financial discipline and raising an accounting system as an actual problem. This task is taken as a subject basis of the project and is being solved in the course of its realization together with forming social-psychological characteristics of culture which are necessary for the organization).

2. The principle of a primacy of social-psychological changing of organizational culture.

The primacy of changing is settled in relation to studying, research of organizational culture. The research problem accompanies the problem of changing in the course of solving a productive problem (in the broad sense of the word) which facing the organization. At the same time the research problem is essentially significant as it is responsible for the «production» of new knowledge which is «convertible» into effective administrative decisions.

3. The principle of scientific and practical validity of social-psychological technology.

à) The order technology of changing of organizational culture is an important element and an applied part of the order concept, methodology and social-psychological model of organizational culture.

b) Elements and methods of order technology have been generated in the process of solving practical problems and have passed a selection during practical application.

4. The principle of unity of changing and diagnostics of organizational culture.

In the order technology diagnostics «is built» into the process of changing and, as a rule, is a method of changing of organizational culture. It allows: à) to save time of the organization and á) to keep focus of attention on the purpose of changing and on development of means of achievement of this purpose.

5. The principle of metaphorical modelling.

The deep psychological mechanism of changing organizational-cultural system is a creation of sense, implemented by the means of metaphor. In order to form of the single sense subsystem of organizational-cultural system the method of metaphorical modelling of significant aspects of organizational-administrative interaction is applied in the order technology.

The aggregate of the named principles interprets and in some cases specifies particular aspects of the system of methodological principles of the order approach to studying and changing of organizational culture.

Methods of order diagnostics of organizational culture

Order diagnostics of organizational culture is a description of a state of various system levels and separate elements of organizational-cultural system by means of a wide class of order models.

Order diagnostics is approached as much as possible together to procedures and methods of changing of organizational culture, and in some cases it is directly identical to them and it itself is a method of changing of organizational culture in process of its application.

According to the methodological principle of radical (cognitive) pluralism in the order diagnostics: à) a wide set of methods from various approaches is used, á) known methods are modified, and â) own methods are developed.

Methods are applied selectively according to a facing problem, specificity of a situation, features of groups and separate people. The used methods of the order diagnostics can be classified by criterion of an attribute (formal attributes of distinction of methods and intensional attributes of distinction of methods). The classification of methods of the order diagnostics will be presented according to a formal attribute. I. Methods: à) diagnostics; á) self-diagnostics.

II. Methods: à) individual; á) team; â) organizational.

III. Methods: à) diagnostics of the «external» order; á) diagnostics of the «internal» order; â) diagnostics of the combined aspects of «external» and «internal» orders. IV. Methods: à) the basic; á) supporting (or subsidiary). V. Methods: à) game methods; á) «labour» methods.

VI. Methods: à) rational-reflective; á) emotional-image-bearing.

Let's shortly comment on the given classification.

According to the first group of methods: the self-diagnostics (the self-description and a self-estimation) is a leading method of diagnostic work in order projects. During the process of training a separate person is given with models on the basis of which the customer of changing independently provides a description of the existing condition and evaluates it. The method and a skill of using it independently are the special results received during the project.

Methods of diagnostics are latent techniques of monitoring of a situation and its subjects on the part of the consultant and are not evident (or are not actual) for the customer.

According to the second group of methods, the given group reflects the classical system approach to diagnostics of organizational culture. In the order approach the following sequence of performance is usually applied: à) the description of existing condition (EÑ) of organizational and organizational-cultural system by the leader of the organization, b) description of the EÑ leader, c) description of the EÑ administrative team, d) description of EÑ organizational-cultural system.

In the third group of methods there is a difference between methods of diagnostics of «external» aspects of the organizational-cultural order (a level of the organization and its cultural suborders) and methods of diagnostics of «internal» aspects of the organizational-cultural order (a level of a person and sortering-technology of management therapy). The special place is taken with the system of matrix models, allowing to provide evaluating descriptions of combined aspects of «external» and «internal» orders.

The fourth group of methods includes methods of self-diagnostics and the diagnostic tables used by the customer and the consultant. All the other methods are considered as supporting (subsidiary) ones because they possess diagnostic potential, but they are not methods of diagnostics in the strict sense of the word.

As for the fifth group of methods, game methods are used in special conditions during time free from industrial activity. The «labour» methods of diagnostics are connected to studying professional occupation (its organizing, processes, documentations, interactions, etc.) in real, natural conditions. Thus, attention is focused on a diagnostic potential of a proper industrial activity (industrial activity is widely understood as manufacture of goods, or service both in material and in non-material sense of a word).

In the sixth group of methods all methods except for the first and metaphorical ones belong to rational-reflective methods.

The other way of classification of methods of the order diagnostics can be made by the criterion of a substantial attribute:

– supervision (in game conditions or working environment);

– conversation (in a form of advisory sessions; or in a form of work with diagnostic tables).

Work with documents (documents' development and analysis) Polling

Group diagnostics (according to elements of organizational culture; according to the types of organizational culture).

Metaphorical modelling (a method of metaphorical modelling of administrative interaction; a metaphorical visual representation of existing and desirable conditions; a metaphorical complex representation of an existing condition; order trainings as a technique of «combining with a metaphor»).

Game modelling (modelling of business-processes, administrative interaction, strategic decisions, etc. It is implemented: à) indoors, b) in the nature, c) in the mixed conditions). In some cases it is compatible with metaphorical modelling, for example, order trainings).

Sortering methods: self-diagnostics with the help of a «sortering circle» (includes the modified methods of psychosynthesis, etc.), sortering games (sortering methods as varieties of the management therapy used in the order approach).

Corporate actions (conferences, presentations, holidays, sports competitions, special order actions - ceremonies, rituals, etc.).

Furthermore in the order programs various additional methods are used, which have well shown themselves in practice of social-psychological trainings for a long time, they are psychological gymnastics, cinemalogy, east single combats, etc.

The result of order diagnostics is the following.

At the level of the «external» order: à) defining the dominating suborder and its condition, b) defining a desirable condition of the dominating suborder, c) defining «a zone of the nearest suborder development» that is which order aspect is to be developed.

At the level of the «internal» order: à) defining Â6 condition - elements of the «sortering circle» model; á) defining problem zones in administrative interaction (by means of sortering games). Thus, order diagnostics of organizational culture, being pluralist in its methods, nevertheless, is rigidly focused on substantial and formal parametrics of the order model of organizational culture and order understanding of organizational culture as a complex social-psychological order controlled by meaning systems of participants of the interaction.

System of order trainings as social-psychological technology of changing of organizational culture

Social-psychological changing of organizational culture is put into practice most of all by means of a system of the trainings reflecting an order vision of organizational culture and a social-psychological mechanism of its forming, developing, and functioning.

Order trainings, being a version of a social-psychological training which is specialized in solving problems of changing organizational culture, can be determined with the method accepted for common defining of social-psychological training. It means that order trainings are included in the sphere of practical psychology focused on using methods of group psychological work for achievement of posed objects [9]. The quoted above part of definition of social-psychological training names this object as «development of competence in intercourse» and it correlates with order understanding of the essence of changing of organizational culture according to which the culture is generated and changes in the process of administrative interaction, i.e. interactive aspect of intercourse.

The following principles, first of all, concern to principles of designing of order trainings:

1) The principle of substantial-structural conformity of trainings of the order model of organizational culture. The system of trainings is built as a consecutive movement from a syncretic suborder through «family», «army», and «church» to a synthetic suborder of the organizational-cultural order;

2) The principle of distribution of order trainings according to the criterion of belonging to «external», or to the «internal» order. Trainings of «family» and «army» levels are concerned to the aspect of the «external» order, and trainings of «church» level are concerned to the aspect of the «internal» order;

3) The principle of movement trainings' programs from the «external» order to the «internal» order. The order technology presupposes the following sequence of trainings: the «family» suborder (the «external» order) - the «army» suborder (the «external» order) - the «church» suborder (the «internal» order). The given logic reflects the logic of development of the organizational-cultural order, the logic socialpsychological «interiorisation», the logic of movement from «objective» (obvious) to «subjective» (unevident);

4) The principle «1+1». Order training is constituted on two bases: à) the basic organizational-cultural metaphor and b) the subject content which is actual for the organization. It means that specific professional (industrial) content providing increase of efficiency of activity of the organization is being developed or created by means of a certain social- psychological technology.

5) The principle of a leading part of a leader of the organization in preparation and carrying out trainings' programs.

Carrying out of training and training's program is preceded with a stage of their development / designing which is carried out by the leader (leaders) of the organization with the methodical and methodological help of the consultant. Training is not only developed, but also carried out by the leader (leaders) of the organization that allows to bring together theoretical and practical levels of solving problems which are posed for the organization to the maximum.

The structural building of the system of order trainings as social-psychological technology of changing organizational culture reproduces a structural building of order model of organizational culture. In the latter three basic suborders are segregated: «family», «army», «church», which are stages of development of the organizational cultural order. And there are also two additional suborders segregated: syncretic (an initial stage of forming organizational culture) and synthetic (a finishing stage of forming entire organizational culture).

To form and develop each suborder the system of trainings is built which is based on a metaphor of the corresponding order. For example, a year's program of trainings under the joint name «Corporate tribe» has been developed for the work with «family» suborder. (The name of the program is an allusion on a methodological principle of neoarchaic). A year's program of trainings under the joint name «Administrative special troops» has been developed for the work with «army» suborder. And a year's program of trainings under the joint name «Dzen cloister» (sortering) has been developed for the work with «church» suborder.

Every year's training program has its own symbolics, attributes and equipment for the participants which are corresponding to a metaphor of the suborder. Each year's program has also got its own set of subject themes among which one is emphasized as dominant. The purpose of the system of year's training programs is forming, developing, and correcting each suborder in the sequence which is reflecting the stage of development of the organizational-cultural order, and also reducing them to an equally developed, balanced condition. Together with achievement of the named purpose, the other fundamental important purpose is achieved that is the mechanism of permanent transformation of the organizational-cultural order is formed.

It is necessary to note separately the inclusion in a technological chain of work with two additional suborders - syncretic and synthetic. At the syncretic stage of development of organizational culture a various tool kit of intervention, which is being chosen situationally, can technologically be applied. The purpose is to prepare a leader, a team and the organization for realization of the full-scale order project. At the synthetic stage it is supposed a year's work of acquiring habits of management of the created organizational-cultural order, a transition of the leader, the team and the organization to the level of a free, creative use of all known technologies, methods, etc. for the achievement of new purposes. how are year's training programs connected to «external» and «internal» aspects of the organizational-cultural order? Two training programs are devoted to «study» of «external» aspects of the organizational-cultural order, and one training program is devoted to work with «internal» aspect of the organizational-cultural order. As a whole, it is obvious that «external» aspects of the order receive the greater attention and development, than «internal» aspects. At the same time, it is necessary to note that there is a certain difference between the first year program («Corporate tribe») and the second year program («Administrative special troops»). In the first program, concerning to work with the «external» aspect of the order, the image of a primary elementary order and its understanding is being formed. The problem of initial socialpsychological regulation of administrative interaction (in the broad sense of the word) is being solved. In the second program concerning to work with the «external» aspect of the order, an external forcing order is becoming dominant. The external order shows its other side - it is not supporting individual displays as in the first case, but it is depressing and depreciating them.

In existing practice of order projects the subject content of training programs at the level of dominant themes has been distributed as follows: the dominant theme for «Corporate tribe» program is a theme of «Corporate standards of management»; for «Administrative special troops» program it is a theme of «Corporate culture»; for «Dzen cloister» program it is a theme of «Sortering».

It is necessary to note that the set of dominant themes used by us can vary if the organizational situation needs it. Accordingly, in some cases marking of training programs (their name) can be corrected. Especially it concerns the name of the third training program («Dzen cloister»). Using the terminology and attributes of Dzen-Buddhism as a metaphorical model of «religious» / «church» / «internal» order is caused by a number of circumstances: à) Dzen metaphor is perceived by participants of programs (mainly atheists, agnostics, Christians, Moslems, Jews) as especially game model of a reality of the internal order; b) it is not perceived as religiously-ideologically «loaded» even because it is a «religion without the God», and the image of the superior force is not personified in it. As a result the application of the given metaphor does not entail appearance of real religious associations and it is a convenient solution of the problem which has been put before the program within the framework of our culture. At the same time if the «Dzen game» is not acceptable for the group, a change of marking of the program can be implemented easily, as it is not the fundamental factor (participants design a game «religion»).

Thus, the given training system and technology have a double level determination in which are distinguished: à) levels in the form of year's training programs («family», «army», «church», a synthetic level) and b) levels inside of every year's training programs (individual, team, organizational).

Diagnostics is realized inside of each program, at its each level and by means of this program and its levels. Work always begins with an individual level - a level of the leader and its object is both preparation / development of the programs, and preparation of the leader for its realization. The program is realized by efforts of the leader and under his / her direction. At the same time as an object-problem before the leader there are sequentially appeared: à) the organization (the entire organizational-cultural system); b) corporate culture (as an accented / problematical aspect of the entire organizational-cultural system); c) the own personality («culture of Self» as a stressed aspect of corporate culture). Consecutive focusing of attention on the organization, on its culture and on culture of the leader and his / her team is carried out in the course of application of training technology and its programs: «Corporate standards of management» (what management of the organization is, what specific targets facing to the enterprise are and in what way the management of solving these problems will be carried out); «Corporate culture» (what corporate culture is, what purposes of its changing are and in what way the management of solving these problems will be carried out); Sortering (what «Culture of Self» is, what purposes of working with the «culture of Self» are and in what way the management of solving these problems will be carried out).

Each problem in the process of its solution passes three levels of study: a level of a leader - a level of an administrative team - a level of the organization (in this case it is a performing level; in the other context the level of the organization is an aggregate of all of its levels, i.e. the entire organizational-cultural system). As a matter of fact, the logic of the given sequence of problems is logic of movement from the external order (obvious, observable) to logic of the internal order (unevident for a direct visual observation).

The conclusion

The order technology of changing organizational culture is a component part of the order approach to work with organizational culture and it reflects understanding of social-psychological essence of the phenomenon of organizational culture, methodology of its studying and its social-psychological model generated in the given approach.

In order technology phases of diagnostics and changing are brought together as much as possible. A key method of technology is a system of order trainings reproducing the structure of the order model of organizational culture and a sequence of its development.

The technology submitted in given article in its modelling kind has long experience of approbation and regular application and it stably shows useful practical results.


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