Model of teachers’ training for the development of students’ health-preserving competence in the postgraduate education

Improving the skills and acquisition of qualities by the teacher to manage the process of preserving and promoting the health of the younger generation. Defining methodological approaches to the development of students' health-preserving competence.

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Дата добавления 07.06.2022
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Model of teachers' training for the development of students' health-preserving competence in the postgraduate education

O.Ye. Antonova, N. M. Polishchuk, O. V. Antonov


The article presents a structural and functional model of teachers ' training in postgraduate education for the development of health-preserving competence of students, which allows to determine methodological approaches, the content of the activity of a teacher (formation of life values, needs, motives, mastery of necessary knowledge, creating conditions for practical health saving skills, improving skills and acquiring qualities to manage this process in school), methods and means of implementing the tasks, provides an assessment of the process and determine its outcome - a specialist capable of developing health preserving skills of students.

The offered model consists of target, axiological, semantic, operational, control-evaluation and performance components. The target component ensures that the results of the process of the corresponding teacher training correlate with the goals and objectives. As a specific aim of the proposed model provides for the formation of teachers' readiness for the development of healthpreserving competence of students. Peculiarities of the axiological component functioning are determined by the teacher's pedagogical activity on preserving and strengthening the health of the young generation by developing an individual plan of its preparation, which ensures the development of values and stable motivations for teachers to develop health preserving competence of students.

The content component provides for the improvement of the content of teacher training courses, enrichment of its health issues in the activities of teachers, as well as the development of the author's course "Teachers' training for the development of health preserving competence of students". The operational (operational-activity) component contains various forms, methods, means, methods of professional and pedagogical training of teachers aimed at the realization of its goals and objectives, namely: business games, trainings, discussions, individual, creative tasks, modeling, tasks of creative and research character, directed on mastering by the teacher of a complex of means which promote the organization of pedagogically expedient interaction with pupils concerning a health problem. The control-evaluation component is aimed at monitoring and assessing the level of readiness of teachers to develop health-preserving competence of students, the appropriate correction of this process.

The performance component is represented by the structure of the teacher's readiness to develop health-preserving competence of students, which consists of axiological, cognitive, activity, personal components. To determine the effectiveness of the formation of teacher readiness, a number of criteria were chosen: value-motivational, cognitive, activity and personal- volitional.

Key words: health, health preservation, health-preserving competence, system of postgraduate education, model of teachers' training for the development of students' healthpreserving competence in the postgraduate education


Модель підготовки вчителя до розвитку здоров'язбережувальної компетентності учнів в умовах післядипломної освіти

О.Є. Антонова, Н. М. Поліщук, О. В. Антонов

У статті представлено структурно-функціональну модель підготовки вчителя в умовах післядипломної освіти до розвитку здоров'язбережувальної компетентності учнів, яка дозволяє визначити методологічні підходи, зміст діяльності педагога (формування системи життєвих цінностей, потреб, мотивів, оволодіння необхідними знаннями, створення умов для практичного формування здоров'язбережувальних умінь, удосконалення навичок і набуття якостей для управління цим процесом у школі), методи і засоби реалізації поставлених завдань, передбачає оцінку здійсненого процесу і визначення його результату - фахівця, здатного розвивати здоров'язбережувальну компетентність учнів.

Запропонована модель складається з цільового, аксіологічного, змістового, операційно- діяльнісного, контрольно-оцінного і результативного компонентів. Цільовий компонент забезпечує відповідність результатів процесу такої підготовки вчителя поставленим цілям і завданням. В якості конкретної мети пропонованої моделі передбачено формування готовності вчителя до розвитку здоров'язбережувальної компетентності учнів. Особливості функціонування аксіологічного компонента визначаються спрямованістю педагогічної діяльності вчителя на збереження і зміцнення здоров'я молодого покоління шляхом розробки індивідуального плану його підготовки, що забезпечує вироблення в педагогів ціннісних установок та стійких мотивацій до розвитку здоров'язбережувальної компетентності учнів. Змістовий компонент передбачає вдосконалення змісту курсів підвищення кваліфікації вчителів, збагачення його проблематикою здоров'язбереження у діяльності педагога, а також розробку авторського курсу "Підготовка вчителя до розвитку здоров'язбережувальної компетентності учнів". Операційно-діяльнісний компонент вміщує різноманітні форми, методи, засоби, прийоми професійно-педагогічної підготовки учителів, спрямовані на реалізацію її мети і завдань. Серед них ділові ігри, тренінги, дискусії, індивідуальні, творчі завдання, моделювання, завдання творчого та дослідницького характеру, спрямовані на оволодіння педагогом комплексом засобів, які сприяють організації педагогічно доцільної взаємодії з учнями щодо проблеми здоров'язбереження. Контрольно-оцінний компонент спрямований на здійснення, контролю та оцінки рівня готовності вчителя до розвитку здоров'язбережувальної компетентності школярів, відповідної корекції цього процесу.

Результативний компонент представлений структурою готовності вчителя до розвитку здоров'язбережувальної компетентності учнів, яка складається з аксіологічної, когнітивної, діяльнісної, особистісної складових. Для визначення ефективності формування готовності вчителів обрано низку критеріїв: ціннісно-мотиваційний, когнітивний, діяльнісний та особистісно-вольовий.

Ключові слова: здоров'я, здоров'язбереження, здоров'язбережувальна компетентність, система післядипломної педагогічної освіти, модель підготовки вчителя до розвитку здоров'язбережувальної компетентності школярів.

Introduction of the issue

One of the leading directions in the development of education in Ukraine is the preservation of health of young generation, which determines the degree of their viability, creativity, ability to realize their potential, perform their biological and social functions. In this regard, the concept of healthpreserving competence as a quality of an individual has been introduced into scientific circulation, which includes knowledge about the structure and functions of the human body, norms and rules of hygiene, values of a healthy lifestyle, experience in healthcare. Health becomes a pedagogical category, and its preservation in students forms the object of pedagogical influence.

In turn, the social significance of the health culture of students raises the issue of teacher preparation for the formation of students' healthpreserving competence, organization of the appropriate environment in the educational institutions, mastering and application of appropriate technologies. However, in the system of teacher training in a higher educational institutions (HEIs), as well as the formation of professional position focused on solving children's health problems is not one of the required tasks. However, the importance the above mentioned issues grows with the formation of professional competencies and the achieved level of professional maturity, when teachers have new meanings in the realization of selfdevelopment goals. That is why the problem of preparing teachers for the formation of health-preserving competence of students becomes relevant in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education.

Current state of the issue. The works of domestic and foreign philosophers, physicians, psychologists, and teachers were devoted to research in the field of student health care. Fundamental issues related to human health are revealed in the works of M. Amosov, H. Apanasenko, Brekhman, Yu. Lisitsina and other. Health issues have been covered in studies of V. Zahviazynskyi, P. Pidcasystyi, T. Shamova and other. Psychological and pedagogical research on the formation of a culture of individual health, its health-preserving competence carried out by M. Bezrukhykh, V. Bezrukova, N. Bibik, T. Boichenko, Ye. Vainer, V. Horashchuk, O. Dubohai, H. Zaitsev, O. Ionova, S. Kyrylenko, S. Kondratiuk, O. Omelchenko, S. Omelchenko, O. Savchenko, H. Serikov.

Outline of the unresolved issues brought up in the article. Analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the isuue, in particular scientific works of A. Zubko, N. Vasina, O. Matafonova, A. Moskalova, E. Shatrova suggests that the effectiveness of pedagogical activities in preserving and strengthening the health of students directly depends on the level of appropriate teacher training, in particular in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, which remains insufficiently studied in both theoretical and methodological aspects.

Previous research has shown that the training of teachers in the system of postgraduate education for the formation of health-preserving competence of students becomes possible if he/she is properly motivated to carry out relevant activities, including the corresponding development of a model of teacher training for health care activities, including introduction of the relevant educational and methodical complex (educational program, forms of the organization of preparation containing scientific and methodical support of teachers in the mode of research and experimental work; methodical and didactic materials).

Aim of research is the development of a structural-functional model of teacher training in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education for health-preserving activities.

Presentation of the main material

Modeling of the process of teacher training in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education for the development of health-preserving competence of students took place according to the algorithm developed by V. Uruskyi [10], and provided a step-bystep solution of the following steps:

1. Determining and substantiating the need for teacher training in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education for the development of health-preserving competence of students.

2. Analyzing existing models of content and structure of relevant training.

3. Evaluating the state of readiness of specific categories/groups of teachers for the development of healthpreserving competence of students.

4. Developing and substantiating the model of teacher training for the development of health-preserving competence of students in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education.

5. Preparing didactic support for postgraduate training of the teacher for the development of health-preserving competence of students.

6. Implementing theoretical provisions and functional model of teacher readiness for the development of health-preserving competence of students in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education.

7. Clarifying the curricula, plans, adjustment of technology of organization and training of teachers for health-preserving activities.

8. Assessing the achieved level of formation of teachers' readiness to develop health-preserving competence of students based on learning outcomes.

9. Stimulating and organizing the methodological support of healthpreserving activity of teachers and pedagogical staff.

The structural-functional model is chosen as the basic one, which allows to determine methodological approaches, content of teacher's activity in this direction (work with a system of values, needs, motives, formation of necessary knowledge, creation of conditions for practical development of health-preserving skills, development of school managerial skills and qualities), methods and means by which it is planned to achieve the desired result; evaluation of the implemented process through the description of its result. The educational process, built on its basis, allows to achieve the desired goals: a specialist ready for the formation and development of health-preserving competence of students.

The result of the research conducted is a regional model of teacher training in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education for the development of health-preserving competence of students (see Fig. 1). We will describe each component of the model.

The structure of teacher training in e system of postgraduate educatioi--ealthy lifestyles and healthcare are formed as a result of purposeful pedagogical influence. Therefore, it is important to start the formation of health-preserving competence of an individual while studying at school, for it is the only structure through which the entire population of the country "passes". It is purposeful systematic training and education that allows to carry out this process effectively, so the role of the school in maintaining and promoting health is crucial. However, the effectiveness of pedagogical activities in preserving and promoting the health of students mainly depends on the level of appropriate teacher training. Thus, it can be stated that the government has issued a social order for a teacher who is able to form the future generation physically, mentally, socially and spiritually, developing healthy future citizens of Ukraine; apply health technologies; to develop in students the skills of preserving, strengthening health and caring for it.

The target component of the model ensures compliance of the results of the process of teacher training for the development of health-preserving competence of students with the predefined goals and objectives, as well as effective assessment of the efficiency of the entire training. The purpose of this component is to set goals for each stage of preparation, which depends on the effectiveness of the whole process. As a specific goal of the model, we consider the formation of teacher readiness for the development of health-preserving competence of students.

Therefore, the aim of training and retraining of teachers in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education is to deepen their scientific, theoretical, organizational and technological knowledge of modern education, including improving their healthpreserving competence, familiarity with health technologies and opportunities for their implementation in the educational process.

The result of appropriate training should be the readiness of the teacher to develop health-preserving competence of students, which is realized in the ability of the teacher to form in students the motivation to take care of life and health; strong beliefs about the priority of health as the main condition for the realization of physical, mental, social and spiritual potential of an individual, taking into account his/her individual characteristics and features; to educate students in a careful, caring and conscious way, forming the attitude to their own health as one of the highest human values, as well as instilling the need for self-awareness and comprehensive self-improvement; to acquaint students with the basic principles and patterns of human life in the natural and social environment, aimed at preserving life and health of every person; to form in students a stable motivational attitude to a healthy lifestyle as a leading condition for maintaining and strengthening health; to acquaint students with the basic principles, ways and methods of saving lives and strengthening all components of health; to teach students methods of self-defense in conditions of threat to life; methods of self-assessment and control of the state and level of health during all years of study, etc.

Teacher training in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education for the development of health-preserving competence of students should be based on the following principles [3]:

taking into account the values, orientations and needs of the individual, which involves taking into account the variable ones that change under the influence of social life, directions and necessities of the training process aimed at developing a conscious, selective, positive attitude of teachers to healthcare;

integrity and interdisciplinarity which are used for integrated management and organization of the teacher training process that allow the teachers to more widely disclose the issues of maintaining the individual health of students in teaching subjects and disciplines provided by the secondary school program in the future;

• professional orientation that realizes the main purpose of forming the readiness of teachers to develop health-preserving competence of students in order to prepare them to perform social functions and carry out professional tasks. It requires the priority to be given to the development and improvement of those knowledge, skills, abilities and personality traits of teachers that are of the greatest practical importance in the performance of their functional duties;

health orientation, which is a mandatory guideline for achieving the greatest and unconditional health effect, i.e. the effect of “health promotion”. This principle, according to L. P. Matveev, "contains not only preventive content (to prevent health disorders), but also an active installation (strengthen, improve, amplify), which aims at forming sustainable health, which passes due to the steady increase in the level of human capacity ... " [7: 84];

scientificity - regulates the organization of the process of teacher training in PGIs in accordance with the current level of development of science and technology, experience gained by world civilization on the preservation and promotion of health;

continuity which allows to consistently prepare teachers to master the theoretical material, practical actions, consolidate existing skills, i.e. contributes to the maximum use of positive transfer from lesson-to-lesson of the previously acquired knowledge, skills, abilities;

dialogicity - based on the position that the formation of personality, health-preserving

knowledge in particular, as well as corresponding skills and abilities, can be properly developed only under the condition of subject-subject relations, equal cooperation and interaction. In this case, classes should be organized not in the traditional way, based on the reproduction of pre-prepared material, but as a dialogue based on personal experience of the individual, joint work on the studied material;

reflexivity, which is the understanding of the subject content of the material by the listener and is possible only through self-analysis, reliance on their own experience, its evaluation and awareness.

In the process of training the teachers for the development of healthpreserving competence of students in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education, special conditions must be created to ensure the inclusion of students in health-preserving processes at all stages of their professional growth, namely:

didactic, which determine the content of education and are implemented through specially designed programs for the formation of teachers' readiness to develop healthpreserving competence of students (N. M. Polishchuk designed and implemented in the educational process of the regional institute of postgraduate pedagogical education her author's program "Teacher training for introduction of students' health development competence", which became the basis for the implementation of the proposed model of teacher training);

organizational, including a set of didactic forms, methods, tools and technologies of teaching that allow to obtain the appropriate result of education (for each stage of training we have offered set of forms, methods, teaching aids);

* methodical, presented by methodical recommendations and textbooks for teachers on health problems (manuals and textbooks on "Fundamentals of Health”, workbooks for students, teacher books, etc.).

Organizational principles of teacher training in the institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education to the development of health-preserving competence of students is carried out full-time and/or in the form of distance learning, including self-educational work, methodical work in the intercourse period, which is determined by the students' independent study on the basis of educational and self- educational work implied by the credit- modular system of education - fulltime, part-time, semi-part-time forms; mastering educational material during the lectures; independent analysis of educational material on the basis of the corresponding complex of educational and methodical maintenance; performing practical tasks aimed at acquiring the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice; participation in seminars in order to develop critical thinking, attitudes to new opportunities in teaching the subject [9]; conducting current self-assessment (after mastering each topic, module), as well as final assessment in the form of testing; preparing and substantiating individual creative projects in the form of a set of educational and methodical materials on the subject of the module.

Teacher training for the development of health-preserving competence of students is carried out in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education in several stages:

The first stage is pre-course training at the level of the district methodical office. An important link in the system of continuing pedagogical education is training in the intercourse period, the purpose of which is to promote continuous creative growth, increase the scientific and methodological level of healthcare, and achieve on this basis a significant improvement in pedagogical skills.

The organization of scientific and methodological work on the issues of healthcare is based on an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of the educational process, diagnosis of requests and needs of teachers, the level of their own health and professional competence, coordination of various forms of training and more.

Diagnosis and evaluation of teachers on the effectiveness of forms of scientific and methodological work on the problem of health is carried out annually at the end of the school year, so that at the beginning of the new school year you can plan the most appropriate forms.

Based on diagnostic data, methodologists responsible for the subject of health basics compile diagnostic maps of teachers, from which they choose scientific and methodological problems, forms and methods of methodical (scientific and methodical) work in accordance with the needs and requests of each teacher, district (city) and secondary school. Methodical work with pedagogical workers is carried out mainly through traditional collective and individual forms of its organization. Collective (mass) are seminars and workshops, pedagogical readings, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, etc.; group - methodical associations and departments, schools for young teachers, problem, initiative groups, etc.; individual - self-education, mentoring, internships, counseling, etc.

The results of individual work of the teacher on the chosen scientific and methodical topic on a problem of health preservation, as a rule, are made out in writing and are voiced and discussed during round-table talk. The teacher composes an essay that reflects the main stages of his/her activities in the pre-course (between-the-courses) periods: justification of the feasibility of choosing an individual issue in the perspective of the tasks of solving the problem of health preservation; brief analysis of the literature on the discussed issue; description of individual work experience within the chosen topic (problem); the impact of work on the topic on the results of educational activities on the subject; conclusions from the consequences of individual work on a scientific and methodological topic (problem).

Stage 2 - course preparation (duration: two weeks). Courses for pedagogical workers are the main component of improving their pedagogical skills and professional qualification on the basis of understanding their own activities, the purpose of which is to improve their educational level and professional training in healthcare due to deepening, expanding and updating general scientific and special knowledge and skills.

The task of advanced training courses for teachers on health preservation is the formation of healthpreserving competence and preparation for its development in students, deepening valeological, sociohumanitarian and psychological- pedagogical knowledge, the formation of modern health technologies exploitation skills. The content of advanced training of pedagogical workers provides acquaintance of teachers with the latest scientific achievements in the field of healthcare in Ukraine and the world, improvement of forms and methods of teaching, introduction of modern highend technologies. The structure, content, scope and distribution of academic hours between the main forms of classes are determined by standard curricula. The structure of the curriculum is modular and consists of three modules: socio-humanitarian, professional and diagnostic. The main forms of training with students are the following: input and output diagnosis, interactive lectures, seminars, trainings, workshops, business games, practical and laboratory classes, role-playing games and simulations, round-table talks, scientific conferences, study tours, pedagogical practice, development and protection of author 's projects, creative works. At the face-to-face stages of professional development of the main forms of implementation of the educational process are: lectures, seminars, practical classes, conferences on exchange of experience, "round tables”, trainings, control and diagnostic activities, consultations, project defense, business games, etc.

Stage 3 - pedagogical practice. Pedagogical practice is a mandatory component of the students' work in advanced training courses and aims to master their professional skills, abilities, acquaintance with promising pedagogical experience and innovative activities of educational institutions in the field of healthcare, as well as analytical skills. The content and purpose of pedagogical practice correspond to the problem and topic of the special course, the objects of practice are coordinated with the departments (offices) of education and educational institutions, on the basis of which it is organized. The plan of pedagogical practice is formed by course leaders as an appendix to the curriculum. Course leaders inform the administration of educational institutions in advance about the content and duration of the internship and advise teachers on its implementation. Teachers who manage the practice instruct students on the activities to perform the tasks of practice.

Stage 4 - round-table talks on the health issues. This type of classes examines the relationship between theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The main attention was paid to the students' awareness of the importance of health-preserving competence; self-esteem not only of his/her experience, but also of colleagues; identifying ways in which positive results can be achieved; determining the peculiarities of students' perception of the teacher's actions. In preparation for the round-table talks students deepen and develop the following skills: independent work with scientific and methodological literature and scientific information; mastering the methods of analysis of the state of affairs on the problem of healthcare and its main components; systematization and generalization of knowledge gained as a result of studying the problem; formation of theoretical conclusions, development of practical recommendations for their implementation in the work of offices (departments) of education and educational institutions.

Stage 5 - post-course preparation (generalizations, seminars at the level of the district methodical office). It is carried out some time after the end of the course training in order to check the level of mastering the basic theoretical provisions and practical recommendations on the problem of health and the development of health competence of students by the teachers. It usually takes the form of experience exchange in the field of the healthcare, which aims to promote and disseminate effective pedagogical practice, create psychological and pedagogical incentives for the development of creative activity of teachers, enrich the system of pedagogical work with non-standard approaches. Exchange of experience at the level of the district methodical office involves diagnosing the quality of health-preserving activities, analysis and evaluation of its compliance with the tasks and progressive trends, as well as the level of its productivity; identification of creative elements and problems in the teacher's work system that he needs to solve. It can be carried out in the form of a creative report of the teacher or a scientific article. teacher competence health student

Teacher training in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education for the development of health-preserving competence of primary school students consists of a number of components, namely: axiological, target, content-based, operational-activity, assessive- evaluative, effectiveness-based. The peculiarities of the functioning of the axiological component are the development of health-preserving direction of pedagogical activity through the development of an individual plan of teacher training in order to preserve and strengthen the health of the younger generation. This will ensure that teachers develop values and sustainable motivations for the development of health-preserving competence of their students. The target component ensures the compliance of the results of the process of teacher training for the development of health competence of students with the goals and objectives, as well as efficient diagnosis of the effectiveness of all training. The content- based component involves improving the content of training courses for biology teachers in order to enrich the information on health issues in the activities of teachers, as well as the development of the author's course "Teacher training for the development of health-preserving competence of students" [3]. The operational-activity component contains various forms, methods, tools, techniques of professional and pedagogical training of teachers, which are aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of teacher training for the development of healthpreserving competence of students. These include business games, trainings, discussions, individual, creative tasks, modeling, creative and research tasks, etc. At the same time, teachers master a set of various methods, techniques, tools that will help them organize pedagogically appropriate interaction with students on the problem of health. The assessive-evaluative component is aimed at monitoring and assessing the level of readiness of teachers to develop health-preserving competence of students; appropriate correction of this process [9].

The effectiveness-based component is represented by the structure of the teacher's readiness to develop healthpreserving competence of primary school students, which consists of axiological, cognitive, activity, personal components. The axiological block is a system of personal values, the leading place among which is health and which motivate teachers to develop healthpreserving competence of students, form a positive attitude towards it; cognitive, which involves the existence of a system of knowledge about the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of health-preserving competence of students. Activity pattern is characterized by the skills of application of health-preserving activities. Personal component involves the development of the teacher's qualities and traits aimed at maintaining and developing health - his/her own and students'. To determine the effectiveness of the formation of teachers' readiness, a number of criteria were chosen: value- motivational, cognitive, activity and personal-volitional. The value- motivational criterion covers motives and values, social orientations, pedagogical orientation of the teacher on the development of healthpreserving competence of students. The cognitive criterion characterizes the level of teacher's knowledge of the system of knowledge for the development of health competence

Conclusions and research perspectives

Thus, the structural model of teacher training in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education for the development of health-preserving competence of primary school students developed by us allows to determine methodological approaches, content of teacher's activity in order to identify values, needs, motives of healthpreserving activity; to form the knowledge necessary for this type of activity; to create conditions for practical development of health-preserving abilities and skills and development of necessary qualities of the personality of the teacher; to pick up a complex of forms, methods, technologies, means which are necessary for formation of the corresponding competences of the teacher. The model also reflects the elements of evaluation of the implemented process and describes its result. The educational process, built on the basis of this model, allows to achieve the desired result, namely to form a teacher's readiness to develop health-preserving competence of students.

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