Model of socialization of preschoolers with special needs in the system of special education
Main tasks of educational establishments are formed, which will allow to improve the process of socialization of children with needs. Subject character of relationship between an employee of special educational establishment and their pupils is proved.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 02.04.2019 |
Размер файла | 167,6 K |
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Размещено на
Tamila Grygorivna Kolomoiets
Candidate of sociological sciences, senior lecturer,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,
pr. Gagarin, 54, Kryvyi Rih city, Ukraine
The relevance of socialization of children with special needs beginning at the stage of preschool age is proved in the article. Critical analysis of scientific works on the socialization's nature was made. Absence of common opinion on the pointed concept is grounded, and main scientific views on the problem are summarized. Main tasks of special educational establishments are formed, which will allow to improve the process of socialization of children with special needs. Subject-subject character of relationship between an employee of special educational establishment and their pupils is proved. Model of such interaction is built.
Key words. Special education, inclusive education, socialization, children with special needs, psychophysical disturbances, social adaptation, preschool education.
Problem statement. Modern social relationships in our country are far from being harmonious. As to educational system, such disharmony is even stronger, because it is expressed in separating of mass and correctional education. Attempts to form inclusive education have not come to any considerable results, which appears in constant division of children into “normal majority” and “backward minority”. That is why the problem of socialization of children with special needs when they are at preschool age comes to the new level of importance.
Analysis of research and publications on the issue. In the process of scientific search, three groups of scientists whose works were of interest in the context of this research were distinguished. Firstly, works that concern socialization as phenomenon and process were studied. In this regard, thoughts of G. Andreeva, E. Andrienko, S. Litvinenko, B. Lomov, M. Lukashevych, V. Moskalenko, S. Savchenko, T. Semygina appeared to be interesting. Secondly, views of scientists on peculiarities of socialization of children of preschool age were researched, in particular of: A. Mudryk, V. Mukhina, A. Kapska, T. Kravchenko, I. Rogalska. Thirdly, works of scientists on peculiarities of socialization of children with special needs were subject to studying, in particular of: V. Arbenina, L. Sokuryanska, L. Khyzhnyak.
At the same time, in our opinion, issues of formation of mechanism of interaction between teachers of special educational institutions and their pupils towards increasing of socialization efficiency of the latter are left unsolved.
Purpose and objectives of the article. Purpose of this research is formation of model of interaction between teachers of special educational institutions and their pupils towards increasing of socialization's efficiency of children with special needs.
Considering the pointed purpose, objectives of the research are the following:
- formation of the notion about the nature of the category of socialization;
- studying of the socialization peculiarities of children of preschool age;
- formation of the notion about principles of functioning of special education establishments;
- construction of the model of interaction between teachers and pupils of special educational institutions for socialization of the latter.
Methods of research. the following methods of scientific research were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, logical method in the process of studying.
Statement of the main data for research. For the purpose of more comprehensive formation of the notion about the mechanism of socialization of children with psychophysical disturbances at preschool age, first of all we refer to defining the essence of the concept of “socialization”, because, as scientific analysis has shown, for now agreement of opinion in this regard has not been formed.
In the most general understanding socialization is considered as “the process of mastering the social standards of behavior, values, harmonizing of relationships with new social environment and an active reproduction of social experience acquired in its own activities and communication” [1].
According to the works of number of scientists [1; 2, s.165; 3, s.134], socialization is a way to ensure the entry of the individual into social communities, comfortable coexistence with other parties in them, the socialization of their activities, lifestyles, opinions, directing them to achieve of common interests. As a result of the socialization the formation of individual as a member of certain social groups, communities, and layers is provided.
Moreover, many researchers concentrate on learning of specific social experience by the individual, awareness of social values and norms [4, s.344; 5, s.52; 6, s.176]. In particular, G. Andreeva considers socialization as a two-way process: on the one hand, it is the assimilation of social experience by the individual based on his entry into the social environment with the relevant social relations, and on the other hand - it is the process of active reproduction of social relations by the individual based on his activities as a member of society [6, s.176].
It is this interpretation of socialization can be considered the most common and acceptable because it identifies the interaction of the individual and the society.
E. Andrienko also considers socialization as one that is twofold and is the interaction of internal and external content. Meanwhile, the local content socialization - is a process of forming of the whole person, and external content - is a complex of all social impacts on people [11]. Such dual understanding of the nature of socialization is found also in the works of B. Lomov [7], Lukashevich M. and T. V. Semigina [8].
According to Russian researcher A. Mudryk, socialization is the process of the individual' developing in interaction with the environment [5, p. 52]. However, a pointed author identifies the following types of socialization, as elemental (in the process of spontaneous interaction between a man and society), relatively guided (in a result of an influence on the socialization process from the state), relatively controlled (in the process of planned creating of conditions for the formation of a person by the society and the state), conscious self-transformation of a man (more or less).
We agree with the views of: A. Kapsjkaya, that socialization is a process of consistent entry of the individual in a social environment, accompanied by assimilation and reproduction of society's culture in its interaction with living conditions [9]; S. Savchenko, that socialization should be considered as multi process of acquiring human qualities which can form behavior in a particular social situation, provide subject-subjective unity of personality, and also learning and reproduction social values and norms by individual [10, p. 61]; V. Moskalenko that socialization - is a process in which the individual is a prerequisite of social development and at the same it is its result; the process that expresses the objective-subjective unity of internal, natural and social [12, p.194].
Also it is specious thought of S. Litvinenko, that person is as socially successful as it is socially adaptive. Thus, a man becomes the subject of social development, while remaining the subject of self-development [13, pp. 216-219].
Note, that even at 80 years of the twentieth century the interest to the process of socialization started to increase not only of sociological but also psychological and educational science. In the 90's formation of a new paradigm of education, based on humanization and democratization of the learning process, formation of human values and norms of behavior in society are actualized. These processes, in turn, are supported by strengthening of the national education's role.
The main socio-educational factor of socialization in the implementation of educational objectives A. Kapsjkaya considers traditional socialization mechanism, which is connected with the assimilation of norms and standards of behavior by a child, attitudes and stereotypes specific to his\her family and the closest environment as they are absorbed in unconscious or subconscious level [9].
A. Mudryk notes that during the study of the socialization of preschool children should focus on the processes of personality's formation, as they determine the development of such a child, due to specific social conditions [5, p.50].
In studies of V. Mukhina socialization of children is considered as their development based on the dialectical unity of the internal conditions and an internal position, in a result of it a social space gradually mastered child, because the desire to realize their desire for recognition child is gradually assimilated, because of the desire to realize their wish for recognition [14, p.71].
In turn, T. Kravchenko identifies the following main characteristics of the socialization process of children: adaptation (adjustment to the social environment of the child and the partial adaptation of the environment to the child); a social role (behavior model that is given by a social position of the child in the system of social or interpersonal relations); a social status (regulated pattern of behavior in a society that is supported by respective rights and obligations); social norms (rules of conducting in a society); moral norms (moral requirements to behavior); social instruction (subjective orientation to social values); social behavior (that is regulated by an individual and social consciousness, by social institutions, by legal norms, etc.); value (that a child appreciates); value orientation (conscious social values that meet the needs of the child); social consciousness (reflection of a social reality); social experience (the result of the previous development of society); social relations (between representatives of certain social groups); factors of socialization (conditions which influence to the child in the process of him\her integrating to the particular society); socialization agents (the persons who set certain parameters to the child's value orientation); ways of socialization (specific types of the child's interactions with the environment) [15, p.13]. The pointed author reasonably substantiated a close relationship between education of a child and her future socialization in the context of activity and synergistic approaches.
An important contribution to the study of the nature of the socialization process of preschool children was made by I. Roghaljsjka, which defines it as a process of formation of the child's personality in her\his interaction with the social world by entering him\her into the system of social relations, the assimilation of socio-cultural experience through subjective knowledge of the surrounding world and the actual construction of the image of the social world [16, p.17].
The specifics of the person's socialization in early childhood, according to I. Roghaljsjka, is in continuous change of the space of its "social maturation"; ensuring the expansion of freedom's degree in its entering into the society; development of its subjective activity; formation of social competence; social and emotional development of society [16, p. 26].
Considering the socialization of preschool children in the light of the special (correctional) education, we note that children with special needs require a different approach to the process of socialization. Nowadays these children are mostly associated with special educational institution, which are isolated from the rest of society. The process of formation of inclusive education, due to which such children are able to attend the ordinary secondary schools at the end, occurs slowly. As for the early childhood (pre-school), these children are in most cases stay in the specialized educational institutions.
As it was noted by us in [17], the positive aspect of integration of general and special (correctional) education was the adoption of the Concept of inclusive education. In a memorandum to the Concept states: "By joining to the major of international treaties on human rights (UN Declaration about Human Rights, UN Conventions about the Rights of the persons with disabilities, the rights of the child), Ukraine has committed itself to respect human rights, in particular, to ensure the right to education of children with special educational needs. "
Bearing in mind the aspects which are outlined in these regulations, the main tasks of correctional institutions of education (CIE) in Ukraine we have singled out [17, pp.49-50]:
1) formation of the necessary conditions for the development of the individual with the maximum using of his\her potential;
2) providing of essential and methodical sequence at different stages of studying;
3) providing of mental functions' development, sensor systems of preservation and strengthening of children's health;
4) formation of different training variants within preschool, primary, basic and secondary schools for children of different categories depending on their potential educational opportunities;
5) substantiation of the contents of public, correctional and school components of the basic curriculum of different types of special educational institutions;
6) determining means of socialization and adaptation of children, the basic principles of correctional education, the content of special pedagogical technologies;
7) formation of the family's institution, providing assistance and support to parents in the upbringing of children.
The social nature of specified tasks is that their implementation contributes to the potential adaptation and socialization of children with special needs in the surrounding social environment, forms a complex interaction of state, education, family and society in this direction. In particular, we believe that further educational processes of children with special needs are at least as vulnerable if their socialization and social adaptation in an environment of healthy children occur during the school age (for example in the form of inclusion). Under such conditions their student life and further professional activities will also be more socially adapted. In addition, the investigation of the behavior of students which were made by B. Arbjenina and L. Sokurjansjka proves its greater tolerance compared to other age segments of the population [18 pp. 402-432].
Moreover, globalization processes occurring today in the national education system on the way to European integration, on which L Khyzhnjak emphasizes, also promote to socialization and social adaptation of the subject of social relations referred by us. [19]
Thus, the changes which are made today in the national standards of special education, contribute to stereotypes' overcoming in understanding of socialization of children with special needs. The basic idea of such education is revaluation of compensatory correctional load, purposeful development of psycho physiological processes that help to improve the level of acquisition of knowledge and skills by a child and his\her integration into society. Special education acquires a new status and move to a new stage of development in general secondary education in the context of recent educational standards.
We should not forget that the correction is the foundation of a unified system of special education, which includes compensation in its thesaurus as an internal process of replacing lost functions and rehabilitation as a process and a result of functions' renovation and of psychophysical development of children with special needs.
We defined training, education, correction and development as composite components of remedial education [20]. However, correction is considered as the foundation of educational work in a special school, that is: the effectiveness of training and education of the child reduces, the process of mastering of the necessary knowledge, skills, becoming her behavior, socialization of individual and integration into society are complicated without purposeful overcoming or weaken of the disadvantages of the child.
We also note that a key feature of correctional institutions of education compared to traditional can assume it is the presence of correctional and developmental moment that was proved by us in [20]. It is the object of correction (that needs to be corrected and to develop for the child) depend the content of the educational component. The less correctional influence is required, the more working plans of the educational process of CIE will be close to the secondary curriculum.
Thus, correctional and developmental work is considered by us as a basis of the educational process in special institution of education, which is carried out on the one hand, by the methods of the traditional educational process and on the other hand - the required level of correctional and supporting efforts in the process of maximum possible proof of children with disabilities to normal level. In our view, the current development of special education is practically not seen its social dimension, namely: organization of a favorable social environment for the implementation of the main tasks of correctional education - that is adaptation and socialization of children with special needs.
It should also be noted that the result of socialization - is a social type of person that is a fixed set of social personality's traits, which is manifested in its mind and behavior.
A child with special needs is perceived by different members of society ambiguously, not all members perceive this child appropriately and sensitively. As a result, the child's relations with the community in many cases move into the category of disabled, child immersed in her\himself, a child does not want to communicate with others. Many complexes and obstacles are stayed to a full member of society even in adulthood. Therefore, in this case it is the important factor of effective interaction of an employee and a pupil of CIE on the way to overcoming of social and personal obstacles to complete social adaptation and socialization.
In the course of our investigation it is revealed that the subject-subject relations open up much more opportunities for getting certain social results of CIE workers, especially in preschool. Focusing on both the pupils as a subject with a certain social status allows wider look at its interaction with other members of society both within the CIE and beyond, more meaningfully evaluate the possible social result of this professional activities. It is no accidently; due this approach it is possible in different way to look on the formation of "sociality" of the child, as at proactive, responsive and effective process is. There is a formation of personal qualities of the child not in isolation (as part of his\her development) and in interaction with the social environment.
Social psychological science sees a significant turnaround of development and transformation of social processes, including social interaction in using of subjective factors of interaction. Indeed, an essence of the processes of socialization and social adaptation is manifested through a variety of the subjects' relationships with each other The ability of a person not only to involve, but also to take an active part in building of different relationships with others embodies the subjective dimension of the socialization process. The opinion of the well - known researchers confirms that category of a subject appears where there is a need for study of human interaction with the world, coordination and comparison own abilities and values with external conditions and circumstances of existing reality [21, p.7; 22, p.26].
Only at the subject, unlike the object, there is the coexistence of two planes of reality - individual and social, an own living space, which of characteristic feature is the social activity of the individual is formed. The subject provides its interaction with reality in various forms of activity (activity, cognition, communication), forming connections between these forms as situational and prolonged; he\she realizes the strategic directions of interaction with the world, through the totality of which and lays his\her line of life.
In addition, the indicators of so-called social subjectivity are highlighted in the researches of L. Sokurjansjka, including psychological readiness of the individual to self-employment, his\her theoretical and practical preparedness for it, responsibility for results, willingness to take risks, the ability to influence other social actors [23, p.7]. This fact once again confirms the importance of subject-subject interaction in the implementation of public relations.
Thus, the subjective nature of socialization of CIE pupils is manifested in the moments of coordination of individual (internal system) peculiarities of the functioning with the external conditions and factors of social coexistence. Therefore, in our opinion, the relationship of workers and pupils of CIE has bright expressed subject-subjective nature, which definitely improves their social interaction. First, processes of social adaptation and socialization are manifested more active and more complete; secondly, there is the category of social efficiency, which cannot be for the subject-object relations (Fig. 1).
Consequently, we stress the importance of subjectivity factor in interaction of an employee and a pupil of CIE to accelerate and improve the quality of the social adaptation's processes and socialization of preschool children.
Conclusions and recommendations for further research. Thus, the essence of socialization of preschool children can be defined as the process of their entering the system of social relations, the result of a child's development as the future universal subject of activity by the way of its multilevel interaction with society.
In general, the analysis of scientific views allows us to formulate the following features of socialization:
- acquiring of the qualities needed for life and work in society by the child is happened, involving to public relations, formation of social roles, etc;
- conditions for better psychic, physical and mental development of the child, her\his emergence as a "man among men" is formed;
- multifaceted self-governing social behavior of a child is implemented;
- mastering by the elements of human culture, by social norms and laws is occurred;
- the impact on the child's personality by different means of educational activities through the formation of social "I" is taken place;
- not always desired and expected in certain educational conditions (antisocial behavior, alienation of the individual from society) results of socialization, are got.
A comparative study of the efficiency of socialization of children with special needs in terms of special and inclusive education is determined as the prospect of further research.
socialization children educational
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