- 631. My future profession
Analysis of existing professions. Consideration of programming languages??. Characteristics of the benefits of working as a programmer. Study of features of choosing a future profession. Consideration of aspects of a web designer and its functions.
- 632. My Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan as a big country taking the ninth place in the world on the area. Baikonur as the first and world's largest spaceport. Astana - the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Sights of the city and its history. Famous people and events Astana.
- 633. My rating system
MPAA rating system. The attitude of parents to the children's favorite films. Dividing films on genres: foreign cartoons, melodramas and love stories, serials and musicals, psychedelic and historical films, comedies. Examples of the most well-known films.
- 634. My working day
My favourite phrase is: “I shall work and learn as long as I live”. I put my exercise-books, pens and other things into my bag and go to the University. As a rule I have no free time on week-days. At 6 o’clock I do my homework. And I go to bed at 12 p.m.
- 635. Mycological findings
General information on the distribution of the new invasive mildew, Podosphaera amelanchieris Maurizio, registered in Belarus, Ukraine. The distribution of fungi, species and morphological characteristics. Comparative characteristics of several species.
A study of little-known areas of performance creativity of the well-known Ukrainian composer Mykola Lysenko — his accompanist and ensemble activities. A special analysis of the performing practice of M. Lysenko as an accompanist and ensemble player.
A comprehensive study of the little-known directions of the performance work of the well-known Ukrainian composer M. Lysenko. The first experience of analyzing the performing practice of M. Lysenko as an accompanist and ensemble player in musicology.
Selling of the strategy of mystification of his political power by Abdurrahman Wahid. Using his social status as the grandson of the founder of the party Nahdatul Ulama - a Muslim organization in Indonesia. Study of the Javanese interpretation of power.
To the use of ancient myths and the category of the beautiful in mythopoetical poems of John Keats. The poet's search of truth and beauty, his identification of love with poetry and the formation of his poetic credo. The desire to contrast the ideals.
- 640. Myth of management
The manager is the man who decides among alternative choises. Noe managing is a very important type of behavior. Aspect of organizational decision making. The main myths of management. How decide on the allocation of tellers at various times of the day.
- 641. Mythoanalytical transformation of leadership in the modern world: sociological approach of G. Durand
Analysis of the mythoanalytic transformation of leadership in the context of M. Weber's typology concepts. Ensuring changes in the sphere of public administration. Generation of innovations and their implementation, resource issues of self-organization.
Analysis of the basic concept-mythology thunderstorm and research of possible scenarios of its embodiment in various modern song discourses, in particular in English, Swedish and Slavic (Russian and Ukrainian). Construction of its associative fields.
- 643. Myths and realities about the kish ataman of Zaporoz'ka Sich Petro Kalnyshevsky: history and present
The purpose of the article is to reflect the key milestones of the life path of the last kish ataman of Zaporoz’ka Sich P. Kalnyshevsky, to analyze issues regarding his date of birth, ancestry and career stages. The attention is focused on the economic.
Первая и вторая квадратичная форма. Построение проекции вектора кривизны линии на нормаль поверхности в точке, через которую проходит эта кривая. Изучение кривизны всех линий на поверхности, рассмотрение плоских сечений. Уравнение индикатрисы Дюпена.
Определение серотипов, генотипов и резистентности к антимикробным препаратам штаммов Streptococcus pneumoniae, полученных от здоровых детей и детей с различными формами пневмококковой инфекции. Пути преодоления резистентности в современных условиях.
Свойства коричневых, лугово-коричневых и серо-коричневых почв, входящих в единую фациальную группу почвообразования и используемых в хозяйствах в северной части Ленкоранской низменности. Факторы среды, участвующие в почвообразовательном процессе.