Analysis of evaluation methods of localization. The influence of localization of firms on its economic performance. Development of cluster analysis to search for new ways to support enterprises in the conditions of stagnation of economy in Russia.
Disclosure of the concept of localization factors in the development of productive forces. A comprehensive study of the main factors influencing the localization of economic space at the regional level. Human-centric model of social development.
Ecological priorities in the business. The organizational structure of enterprises operating functions in the system of economical-economical management. Using ecological factors to improve the competitiveness of products and businesses in general.
- 334. Loch Ness "monster"
Loch Ness and its monster are both found in northern Scotland. Loch Ness is part of the Great Glen. The Loch Ness "monster" -affectionately known as "Nessie" - is an alleged plesiosaur-like creature living in Loch Ness, a long, deep lake near Inverness.
- 335. Loch Ness monster
Introduction to the methods of teaching reading texts in English. Characteristic for specific information by finding the description of a monster and location of Loch Ness. Consideration and analysis of major exercise for fixing the studied topics.
The analysis of the philosophical doctrine of the English scientist John Locke's of man and theory of knowledge. The problems of the philosophy of nature and science in his works. Study and criticism of Locke judgments about the people and substances.
Выявление типичных и нетипичных элементов локуса в "Романе о Розе". Выделение двух "loca amoena" (приятное место) – "предварительного" и "основного". Отличительная особенность поэтики реверди. Взаимодействие образа места с изображением райского сада.
A transmission line model is used to design log periodic of bow-tie antennas arrays operating in C band fed in series with enhanced bandwidth. The transmission line model is simple, precise and allowing taking into account the whole geometrical, electric.
Attempt to draw lessons from the metalogical philosophical texts. Interpretation of formulas as the basic truths or basic items of knowledge that are chosen as an axiom, an interpretation of a derivative truths - given appropriate transformation rules.
The logic as the heart of mathematics, indicating some of the areas of difficulty and some of the opportunities that exist in mathematics. The role of investigative work and the place of formal proofs. The main purpose of the mathematics course.
- 341. Logical Positivism
Features of the new movement in European philosophy. Consideration of exposure of logical positivism and the answer to the problem of the relation s between the logical and the empirical. Analysis and characterization of the Rassell-Whitehead system.
This role of logistic management as a critical tool for enhancing the efficiency and overall performance of enterprises. Logistic management plays a vital role in supporting optimalfunctioning of the logistic chain and achieving successful outcomes.
Досліджено феномен інтернет-мему як основної структурної одиниці сучасного медіапростору, що виконує функції інтеграції, трансляції, репрезентації, інформування, а також емоційну та фатичну функції. Проаналізовано загальні характеристики інтернет-мему.
- 344. London
London is a leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism, and transport, it is one of the world's financial centres.
The art, design and architecture in 20th century London. The downside of continuous and almost unregulated growth. London's physical look and the new futuristic buildings London's. The extent and seriousness of air and water pollution in London.
London as the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the largest city in the British Isles. The main features of the geographical and economic situation. Characteristic features of the territorial Edinburg, Cardiff, Belfast.
- 347. London attractions
The study of the place where the British government sits. Consideration of the structural features of the chapel of Big Ben. Study parameters Tower Bridge. Defining characteristics of Buckingham Palace. Identify tourist attraction Oxford Street.
Information about the brown long-eared bats in Luhansk region, to consider the prevalence, typical habitats and analyze morphometric peculiarities of the species. The presence of a stable local population of the brown long-eared bats in Luhansk region.
Histological studies of inflammation of fibrous connective tissue. The surgical removal of a painful process. Drug encapsulation technique in the root canal periapical region of the left central incisor tooth. Analysis of representation of the case.
A formal result of the longitudinal force acting on a moving potential. The equivalence between the adiabatic perturbation theory and the kinetic theory for the longitudinal force in the dilute gas limit. The longitudinal force. Long-ranged potentials.
- 351. Lord Byron
The British poet and one of the greatest poets-romanticists. Aristocratic excesses of lord Byron. Political career, life abroad. Participation in military operations. Wound and death of the great poet. The most well-known literary works of the poet.
Analysis of the publication of "A Mortifying Disclosure" in the British newspaper "The Times" on August 24, 1917, with criticism of British foreign policy towards the Ottoman Empire, the actions of Louis Mallet, the British ambassador in Constantinople.
- 353. Louis Pasteur
Scientific achievements of the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Identifying the causes of childhood diseases and infant mortality, the use of vaccination. The acquisition of a degree in the physical sciences in the Higher Normal School.
Применение модой искусства как источника символических ценностей для создания собственного мифологизированного образа. Рассмотрение интеркультурной апроприации на примере коллаборации французского дома моды Louis Vuitton и японской художницы Яёи Кусамы.
- 355. Lovemarks
Определение сути концепции "Lovemarks". Анализ российского рынка. Книга "Lovemarks", как пример "Любимого бренда". Рассмотрение примеров общепризнанных лавмарок (на основе компаний Coca-cola, P&G и Lexus). Италия в контексте основных аспектов Лавмарки.
The most practical table for use with low altitude observations. The speed of light. The absolute index of refraction of a substance. The computing astronomical refraction. F corrective factor for variation in air density. Refrection correction table.
History of forming of scotch language and him some general signs with English. Feature of diphthongs - sounds the articulation of which implies a transition from one vowel to other. The Celtic language and highland English after replacing Gaelic.
- 358. LPT-порт
Порт параллельного интерфейса служит для подключения принтера LPT-порт - Line PrinTer - построчного принтера. BIOS обеспечивает поддержку LPT-порта, необходимую для организации вывода по интерфейсу Centronics или его отечественным аналогом интерфейсу ИРПР
Суть поняття соціолекту. Виникнення, естетичні відмінності між "Lunfardo" та "Lunfardesco". Структурно-морфологічні особливості "Lunfardo". Молодіжний сленг як своєрідний засіб вербалізації буття. Особливості вживання та формулювання лексики "Lunfardo".
- 360. Lung Abscess
Lung abscess is necrosis of the pulmonary tissue and formation of cavities (more than 2 cm) containing necrotic debris or fluid caused by microbial infection. Organisms. Causes. Signs and symptoms. Diagnosis and Management. Complications. Prognosis.