A formal result of the longitudinal force acting on a moving potential. The equivalence between the adiabatic perturbation theory and the kinetic theory for the longitudinal force in the dilute gas limit. The longitudinal force. Long-ranged potentials.
- 332. Lord Byron
The British poet and one of the greatest poets-romanticists. Aristocratic excesses of lord Byron. Political career, life abroad. Participation in military operations. Wound and death of the great poet. The most well-known literary works of the poet.
Analysis of the publication of "A Mortifying Disclosure" in the British newspaper "The Times" on August 24, 1917, with criticism of British foreign policy towards the Ottoman Empire, the actions of Louis Mallet, the British ambassador in Constantinople.
- 334. Louis Pasteur
Scientific achievements of the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Identifying the causes of childhood diseases and infant mortality, the use of vaccination. The acquisition of a degree in the physical sciences in the Higher Normal School.
Применение модой искусства как источника символических ценностей для создания собственного мифологизированного образа. Рассмотрение интеркультурной апроприации на примере коллаборации французского дома моды Louis Vuitton и японской художницы Яёи Кусамы.
- 336. Lovemarks
Определение сути концепции "Lovemarks". Анализ российского рынка. Книга "Lovemarks", как пример "Любимого бренда". Рассмотрение примеров общепризнанных лавмарок (на основе компаний Coca-cola, P&G и Lexus). Италия в контексте основных аспектов Лавмарки.
The most practical table for use with low altitude observations. The speed of light. The absolute index of refraction of a substance. The computing astronomical refraction. F corrective factor for variation in air density. Refrection correction table.
History of forming of scotch language and him some general signs with English. Feature of diphthongs - sounds the articulation of which implies a transition from one vowel to other. The Celtic language and highland English after replacing Gaelic.
- 339. LPT-порт
Порт параллельного интерфейса служит для подключения принтера LPT-порт - Line PrinTer - построчного принтера. BIOS обеспечивает поддержку LPT-порта, необходимую для организации вывода по интерфейсу Centronics или его отечественным аналогом интерфейсу ИРПР
Суть поняття соціолекту. Виникнення, естетичні відмінності між "Lunfardo" та "Lunfardesco". Структурно-морфологічні особливості "Lunfardo". Молодіжний сленг як своєрідний засіб вербалізації буття. Особливості вживання та формулювання лексики "Lunfardo".
- 341. Lung Abscess
Lung abscess is necrosis of the pulmonary tissue and formation of cavities (more than 2 cm) containing necrotic debris or fluid caused by microbial infection. Organisms. Causes. Signs and symptoms. Diagnosis and Management. Complications. Prognosis.
Lustration as the political form of legitimization of the new state regime. Basic rules of the political rituals of purification. Political system of Czech Republic and Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania. The policy totalitarianism in Russia.
Tourism - one of the most dynamic sectors of the economical system of regions and cities. Decentralization, reverse, marketing impact on logistics and increased requirements to tourists safety problems like one of the main concepts of overtourism.
Характеристика особенностей когнитивных нарушений, которые наблюдаются при нейродегенеративных заболеваниях. Характеристика водорастворимого Lynxl как препарата, потенциально способного улучшать когнитивные процессы при нейродегенеративных заболеваниях.
Covers the landscape paintings by Valentyn Zakharchenko, an Odesa-based artist, on the late 20th through the early 21st century, the main features of his individual manner. The process of introduction of the artist’s name into the scientific circulation.
Poetological reflection - the author's focus on the process of generation, existence of a work of art, including the issue of aesthetic criteria, normative canons, attitude to the art of predecessors. Directions of "Philology" of J. Allnatt's poetry.
The main differentiation of the L’Oreal Paris Company. Goods and Service Design. Product life cycle management. The term "Cosmetovigilance" in L’Oreal Cosmetics. Quality and Safety of the products. Supplier and distributor selection. Supply Chain.