Analysis of the peculiarities of the study of the legal status of workers in the USSR in 1921-1928. Familiarity with the problems of the Soviet government's new economic policy. Characteristics of the principles of objectivity, science and historicism.
Assess and find possible ways to improve the international legal framework to exercise state jurisdiction to prevent pollution from offshore oil rigs. Analyzes the legal status of offshore rigs to provide for the necessary jurisprudential dimensions.
The factors influencing the role of agricultural transnational corporations. Defining the key of "agrarian transnational corporations" and their characteristics. Principles of regulation of relations with their participation in the agrarian sphere.
The essence of agrarian transnational corporations as a legal phenomenon. Establishing and analyzing the positive and negative aspects of the activities of corporations. Classification of agricultural transnational corporations operating in Ukraine.
Place, role, nature and use of legal consulting in the modern system of legal assistance. Characteristics and features of social, professional and concrete-practical level of legal consulting services as the main business form of legal assistance.
- 156. Legal terminology and the key issuesof its reproduction as based on the legaldrama series "suits"
The concept of legal terminology in the framework of translation studies as a separate discipline and methods of its reproduction from English to Ukrainian. Characteristics of the methods of translation of legal terms. Main problems of legal terminology.
The ways of development of the legal translation and its formation as an interdisciplinary issue that is at the junction of legal translation and comparative law are defined. Traditional and pragmatic approaches to the term "term" are considered.
Investigating the problems of legal regulation, proposed by the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine" on improvement of the mechanisms to ensure the tasks of criminal proceedings. Proposals to perfecting of the the bill.
Reduce the risks of socially irresponsible business practices - the task of corporate social responsibility. Conditions of the Latvian annual accounts law to the inclusion of non-financial indicators in the management reports of commercial entities.
The issue of the prospect of creating a single codified legal act in the field of medical services, taking into account world heritage and international standards for ensuring the rights of healthcare consumers. Learned the right to medical services.
- 161. Legislative development of criminal proceedings and evidence in the Slovak Republic (1993–2021)
The main stages and directions of the legislative development of criminal proceedings and evidence after the formation of the Slovak Republic. Analysis of evidence and means of proof. Legal regulation of the use of information and technical means.
Consideration of the issue of legislative regulation of language relations in Ukraine. The ability of the national language to fulfill the functions of uniting society and national identification of its members. Principles of state language policy.
Проблематика перекладу поняття legitimate expectations у контексті статті 1 Першого протоколу до Конвенції про захист прав людини і основоположних свобод у рішеннях ЄСПЛ щодо України. Розробка доктрини legitimate expectations в англосаксонському праві,
Аналіз актуальності проблеми важливості розвитку креативності молодших школярів під час LEGO-конструювання. Характеристика комплексу ігрових завдань для формування креативності учнів початкових класів на уроках математики за допомогою цеглинок LEGO.
Аналіз п’єси Х. Мюллера "Маузер" у зіставленні з концепцією "навчальної" п’єси Б. Брехта. Спільні риси в поетиці Lehrstuck драматургів: активізація глядача; наявність хорів, що коментують дію; використання п’єси аматорами в якості "навчальної вправи".
The two scholastic alternatives concerning freedom and providence. Leibniz's view of the scholastic positions. The criteria for an adequate view. Leibniz's two accounts and view of freedom. The Doctrine of moral necessity. Difficulties in the account.
The thought of Leibniz from mathematical and physical to the metaphysical, as in the essay "The Radical Origination of the Universe". Here Leibniz raises the questions and also shows answers to this most general questions has already been indicated.
The construction of Leibniz's work in the form of philosophical dialogue. The question of the innate nature of human morality. Sensual-symbolic, contemplative and intuitive aspects and forms of knowledge. The concept of logical and epistemological ideal.
Analysis of the frontier theory by Fr.D. Turner and found elsewhere by M. Foucault. Features of "other" territories created by public railway workers in Northern Manchuria in the 19th-20th centuries. Exclusion of income organization problems in Harbin.
Finding out the peculiarities of the coverage of the Lemko emigration of the interwar period by the newspaper "Nash Lemko". Resettlement is one of the dominant topics in the newspaper. She covered the life of the Lemko diaspora in the United States.
Obtaining essential oil by hydrodistillation from the fruits and leaves of a lemon tree cultivated in the subtropical climate in the regions of Azerbaijan, analyzing its chemical composition on a gas chromatograph, studying its field of application.
- 172. Leonardo da Vinci
Brief biographical sketch of the life and creativity of the famous Italian artist and scientist of the 15th century Leonardo da Vinci. An overview of some of the most popular pictures taken its place in the world culture and art of the Renaissance.
- 173. Leonardo da Vinci
Biographical aspects of life Leonardo da Vinci – italian painter, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, botanist and writer. A most famous works of the artist. Picture "The Last Supper" is on the wall of a chapel in Milan.
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci - an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. Mona Lisa as the most popular artist's picture.
Determiation of the leptin level in blood serum of obese women during the third trimester of pregnancy as compared to healthy pregnant women. Сorrelating the leptin content in in blood serum of obese pregnant women with the severity of their disease.
Les caractéristiques historiques et culturelles de l'interprétation de la place et du rôle des Grecs dans le dialogue interculturel et l’interaction avec les représentants d'autres groupes ethniques de la région bessarabienne dans
The research focuses on the system of performance resources of expression of a jazz musician, which received the title of "performance poetics" and “performance style. It is articulated on such positions as unique timbre and sound production.
Study of the most pressing problems of biotechnology, information technology, ethical issues of energy. Philosophical and Sociocultural Studies of Engineering, published by Carl Mitcham. The relationship between engineering, science and philosophy.
Study of Renner's correspondence with J. Stalin, determine the originality of the letter, prove the fact of its falsification. Analysis of ideological lexicon, identification of false data. Review of historical facts from the Soviet politics in Austria.
Analyzes and characterized of the cost and norms of the consumer basket of modern Ukrainian. Examines of the general level of purchasing power of the population and the size of the minimum wage for the last four years (2014 - beginning of 2018).