- 241. Life D. Defoe
Definition а man of many talents and author of an extraordinary range and number of works, Defoe remains in many ways an enigmatic figure. A man who made many enemies, he has been accused of double-dealing, of dishonest or equivocal conduct, of venality.
To identify life landscapes (volunteering, selfless help to the army, the existential landscape with the context of suffering, surviving and of care with the context of saving family, partnership) with their value-sense onfiguration in the context of war.
Familiarization with the biography and works (novel "Curtain") of Agatha Christie, which was one of the most creative writers of the 20th-century, had become a prolific writer of murder, mystery and suspense, and also best-selling novelist of all time.
Сущность Life Placement, история его возникновения, развития и распространения. Основные преимущества использования технологии Life Placement, проведение акции для обеспечения широкого информационного покрытия. Роль Life Placement в маркетологии.
Osteochondrosis as a degenerative-destructive spinal cord injury, systemic lesion of vertebrae, ligamentous apparatus, intervertebral discs. Analysis of quality of life, anxiety and the presence of depressive disorders in patients with osteochondrosis
The philosophical and psychological characteristics of life strategy are considered as a factor in the construction of a person’s living space. Analyzed the contradictions arising in the preparation of future specialists for the design of life strategies.
The article reveals the concept of life values as a way of attitude of people belonging to different age and social groups to a healthy lifestyle. It was found that the issue of "free time" requires a more conscious approach to its planning and filling.
The likelihood ratio test is a test used to compare the fit of two models, one of which is a special case of the other. The test is based on the likelihood ratio, which expresses how many times more likely the data are under one model than the other.
Symbolism of images of flowers in the poem by T.S. Eliot's "The waste land". The ambiguity and originality of the semantics of lilac and hyacinth flowers. The structure and nature of the modernist symbol, historical-literary and archetypal approaches.
The logic of authentication of Burrows, Abadi and Needham. which transforms a protocol into a special form and then uses logical rules to analyze it. Using BAN logic and its enhancements in order to find new weaknesses in various cryptographic protocols.
Study of the field of higher education in Latvia. An analysis of the limitations students and teachers face when using digital tools in everyday life. A study of the use of the digital education platform Moodle in the International College of Cosmetology.
Research of features of use of linear images in the modern visual environment. The importance of the line in human perception of objects, as well as its use in design and art are substantiated. Trends of linearity in modern visual space are analyzed.
The use of the Swedish words grans and ra used to indicate the Russian-Swedish border in 1617. The designation of a boundary mark by the word ra. Abstractness of the meaning of the word grans. The border between two states in a relatively abstract sense.
Grain and Trivium - hardware oriented stream ciphers. The linear sequential circuit approximation method as an effective method for the linear model determination. Outline of the analyzed ciphers. Description of Trivium. Correlation coefficient analysis.
The place of neural network modeling of language units as an innovative tool for modern research. The value of linguistic units, the genesis of which can be traced thanks to the interaction of an artificial neural network with an array of text data.
- 256. Lingocultural specificity of independence concept in the Ukrainian and Spanish language worldviews
Linguistic means of representation of core and peripheral features of the concept. Comparison of conceptual, associative and axiological components of these mental units. Differences in the perception of the concept by the Spanish and Ukrainian peoples.
Феномен політичної культури в тоталітарній державі. Політиколінгвістична трансформація слів Lingua Sovetica. Куркульство як перешкода для соціалізму. Культ особистості чи культ і особистість. Трансформація слів Lingua Sovetica в пострадянські часи.
Linguistics - a science that is currently developing in line with the epistemological attitudes of the anthropological paradigm of scientific and linguistic knowledge. Concept like one of the kind of minimized deepest meaning of the science subject.
Описание сервиса lingualeo.ru, который студенты могут использовать при изучении английского языка, как одно из вспомогательных средств. Возможности сервиса; принцип работы с ним, а также основные мнемонические приёмы, используемые для запоминания слов.
Moderation in the cultural and symptomatic aspect of speech-thinking activity of representatives of English-speaking cultures. Speech phenomenon of nedoskazany as a communicative-pragmatic category of moderation of the English artistic discourse.
19-20 centuries - the period of revival of national awakening, self-awareness and the emergence of ideas of independence in the aesthetic and public opinion of Azerbaijan. Writing a complete history of linguistic thought of scientific linguistics.
Discursive strategies and tactics of the President of Ukraine V. Zelenskyi. Definition of promotion strategy and theater strategy. Creating a positive mental space around yourself and your political power. Use of ethnonym vocatives and the pronoun "we".
Aspects of the impact of social networks on language and communication. Simplification of language practices during online communication in the conditions of globalization of the information space. Linguistic discourse of communication in social networks.
Linguistic features of expressions of gratitude, verbalized on the pages of English-language works of art. Consideration of communicative situations. Analysis of the lexical means of gratitude and the factors influencing the way of its verbalization.
Formation of linguistic and cultural competence of future specialists in the economic profile. Development of individual qualities of a competitive highly qualified specialist in the labor market. Use of information technologies in language teaching.
Analysis of messages of national identity in English-language newspaper discourse. The role of cultural symbols and mass media in the system of values of the country and patriotic education. Linguopragmatic aspects of the concept of "patriotism".
Cultural adaptation of the psychodiagnostic questionnaire, which involves the implementation of two-way "blind" translation with subsequent linguistic validation. Study of features of linguistic and psychometric validation of Ukrainian translation.
Contribution of the writer Elchin to the development of Azerbaijani literary and theoretical thought. Ideological features, stylistic advantages of the works of the writer-playwright, the formulation of the elchinsky stage in our literature today.
Consideration of linguistic aspect of the introduction of the latest methods of teaching a foreign language in the process of European integration. Formation and development of students' communicative competence, practical mastery of a foreign language.
The problem of a headline as a "strong position". This research focuses on linguistic patterns in obvious clickbaits in The Washington Post, a morning daily newspaper, the most authoritative source of information, and dominant newspapers in the USA.