Linguistic historiography on the methodological views of the outstanding ukrainian linguists of the 70’s of the ХІХ century - 30’s of the ХХ century

Linguistic historiographical works that give an idea of the methodological foundations of comparative and historical studies of Ukrainian linguists. Innovative nature of the statements of scientists for the additional development of linguistics.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 15.12.2021
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Donbas State Teachers' Training University

Linguistic historiography on the methodological views of the outstanding Ukrainian linguists

Tyshchenko К.

- Candidate of Science (Linguistics), Associate Professor, Department of Germanic and Slavonic Linguistics

Botsman Yu.

- Bachelor's Degree Programme Student, Department of Philology (English and German Languages), Donbas State Teachers' Training University


of the 70's of the ХІХ century - 30's of the ХХ century

The article thoroughly analyzes the methodological foundations of the comparative-historical researches of Ukrainian linguists of the 70's of the XIXth century - 30's of the XXth century, in particular, such scientists' as P O. Buzuk, A. Yu. Krymskyi, K. T. Nimchynov, Ye. K. Tymchenko and others. The implementation of the methodological views of these linguists in the works on the history of the East Slavic languages is studied. The innovative character of the scientists' statements for the further development of linguistics is shown. It is proved that aforementioned Ukrainian researchers, who referred to historical and comparative methods, became the continuators of the traditions of scientists from Kharkiv, Moscow, and Kazan schools.

Key words: method of research, sources of language history studying, chronologization of language phenomena.


Тищенко К.

- кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри германської та слов'янської філології Донбаського державного педагогічного університету

Боцман Ю.

- студентка ІІ курсу англо-німецького відділення філологічного факультету Донбаського державного педагогічного університету


70-х рр. ХІХ ст. - 30-х рр. ХХ ст.

У статті розкрито методологічні погляди А. Ю. Кримського, П. О. Бузука, К. Т. Німчинова, Є. К. Тимченка та ін. Вивчено їх реалізацію у розвідках цих мовознавців з історії східнослов'янських мов. Показано новаторський характер тверджень учених для подальшого розвитку мовознавства. Доведено, що названі українські дослідники, які зверталися до історичного і порівняльного методів, стали продовжувачами традицій учених Харківської, Московської, Казанської шкіл.

Ключові слова: метод дослідження, джерела вивчення історії мови, хронологізація мовних явищ.


Тищенко E.

- кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры германской и славянской филологии Донбасского государственного педагогического университета Боцман Ю.

- студентка ІІ курса англо-немецкого отделения филологического факультета Донбасского государственного педагогического университета


ХІХ в. - 30-х гг. ХХ в.

В статье раскрыты методологические взгляды А. Е. Крымского, П. А. Бузука, К. Т. Немчинова, Е. К. Тимченко и др. Изучена их реализация в трудах этих языковедов по истории восточнославянских языков. Показан новаторский характер утверждений ученых для последующего развития языкознания. Доказано, что названные украинские исследователи, которые обращались к историческому и сравнительному методам, стали продолжателями традиций ученых Харьковской, Московской, Казанской школ.

Ключевые слова: метод исследования, источники изучения истории языка, хронологизация языковых явлений.

Problem statement

The study of the linguistic heritage of the past is always relevant to science. It is known that the scientific achievements of Ukrainian linguists of the 70's of the ХІХ century - 30's of the ХХ century quite often act as the object of research of modern linguistic historiographers. In particular, it is related to the methodological views of P. O. Buzuk, A. Yu. Krymskyi, K. T. Nimchynov, Ye. K. Tymchenko et al.

In our study, we proceed from the broad interpretation of the linguistic method as a complex unit which includes three heterogeneous components: ontological, operational, teleological [10, p. 26; 3, p. 35]. The most important part of the operational component of the comparative historical method and historical one is the linguistic reconstruction process. That is why the methodology of reconstruction in linguistics is one of the priority problems of linguistic historiography. Researchers agree that the technique of reconstruction plays an important role in the works of the outstanding Ukrainian linguists of the 70's of the ХІХ century - 30's of the ХХ century.

The analysis of recent publications

It should be noted that the analysis of the research methodology of Ukrainian linguists of the 70's of the ХІХ century - 30's of the ХХ century is presented in the investigations by V. A. Glushchenko [4], O. M. Golub [5], K. A. Tyshchenko [13], et al. However, the question posed to this time is disclosed only in general terms. This factor determines the relevance of the proposed article.

The purpose of the study is to solve the question of the methodological foundations of comparative historical studies of Ukrainian linguists of the 70's of the ХІХ century - 30's of the ХХ century, in particular, P. O. Buzuk, A. Yu. Krymskyi, K. T. Nimchynov, Ye. K. Tymchenko et al.

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks: 1) to analyze modern linguistic historiographic works, which give an idea of the methodological foundations of comparative historical studies of Ukrainian linguists of the 70's of the ХІХ century - 30's of the ХХ century; 2) to study the implementation of methodological views of linguists in works on the history of East Slavic languages; 3) to show the innovative character of the statements of these linguists for the further development of linguistics.

The main body of the research

The statements of Ukrainian scientists of the 70's of the ХІХ century - 30's of the ХХ century on the methods of studying the history of speech phenomena made significant contributions to linguistic research. Thus, according to P. O. Buzuk, «the historical study of the language that restores its past life is at the same time the comparative study» [3, p. 104]. Another confirmation of P. O. Buzuk's opinion about the combination of historical and comparative aspects in the study of the language phenomena history might be the following statement: «the same comparative method, which, however, should verify its conclusions by historical method» [1, p. 8]. P. O. Buzuk points to the additional tasks of this method, namely, «observation of the so-called exceptions to one or another sound law», «analysis of the lexical relations of the Slavic languages with other languages» and «the consequences obtained by Slavic archeology» [1]. This thesis is also emphasized by modern linguists [11, p. 58]. It can be argued that this interpretation of the method to some extent resembles the statements of the Moscow school representatives. A similar point of view was maintained by V. K. Porzhezinskyi [9, p. 1], P. F. Fortunatov [12, p. 24] et al.

K. T. Nimchynov pointed out the advantages of comparative-historical method as well. According to the linguist, «the initial language, prelanguage, is the point of origin and the spreading of certain language phenomena», but he further adheres to Delbruck's understanding of the «prelanguage», namely, «more or less convenient hypothesis, convenient for the explanation of a number of linguistic facts» [8, p. 20-21]. And in this study of linguistic facts, according to the linguist, «the most useful, most accurate tool to discover the law and the distribution of phenomena of language development, will be a method of historically comparative study of isolated isogloss» [8, p. 21].

In the scientific literature it was defined what the methodology of A. Yu. Krymskyi's research was based on. As V. A. Glushchenko notes, the scientist used the historical method [4, p. 112]. Scholars of the Moscow linguistic school defined the historical method as the one which studies the facts of the history of the language contained in the ancient written monuments: this method is « the reconstruction of linguistic phenomena by the monuments of the language - manuscripts, inscriptions, etc.» [6, p. 9].

The vast use of the data of written monuments in A. Yu. Krymskyi's works should not be explained by ignorance of modern dialects [ibid]. The scientist was one of the leading Ukrainian dialectologists of his time. At the same time, the orientation of A. Yu. Krymskyi to the material of ancient written monuments as a priority source of studying the history of language did not allow him to use in his historical and phonetic research the rich, informative material of modern talks that was at his disposal. And this impoverished the results.

Ye. K. Tymchenko's statement concerning the use of the material of ancient written monuments is also very important. Our observations testify that in criticizing ancient written monuments as the source of the history study, Ye. K. Tymchenko followed the scholars of the Kharkiv, Kazan and Moscow schools. The influence of O. Shakhmatov, who for many years the prominent Ukrainian linguist had worked with, was particularly significant. We should also note that in Tymchenko's works, as well as in the research of the Kharkiv, Kazan and Moscow schools' scholars, modern dialectal data was the priority source for the study of the history of the language; the material of ancient written monuments was qualified as the most important one among the auxiliary sources.

These above mentioned Ukrainian scholars, who turned to historical and comparative methods, became the continuators of the traditions of scientists from the Kharkiv, Moscow, and Kazan schools in terms of studying the causes of language and sound changes. The practice of research the Ukrainian scientists shows that they tried to establish the causes of phonetic phenomena presented in their linguistic works. In the theoretical aspect, the statement of P. O. Buzuk, who believed that «all phonetic changes are caused, are primarily caused due to psychological reasons, but these changes in sounds may, in some cases, however, be independent of the influence of neighboring sounds» [2, p. 38]. The linguist, similar to the claims of his predecessors, identifies «conditioned» or «combined» and «spontaneous» changes - those that show «the independence of sound changes from the influence of neighboring sounds» [4]. Among the «conditioned» or «combined» ones the linguists distinguishes two types - processes of assimilation and dissimilation [2, p. 39], which in turn can be progressive and regressive, complete and partial [2, p. 40-41]. Examples addressed by the author are presented in both Slavic and Indo-European languages [2, p. 41-43]. As an example, the linguist points out the transition й to ы, the process of transition of the nasalized о and е vowels in pure vowels in the pre-Slavic epoch [2, p. 43]. The named processes are based on psychological factors [2, p. 44-45].

All these theoretical statements have a practical reproduction in the practice of linguistic studies. Analysis of the scientists' works who applied historical and comparative methods showed that the consideration of phonetic processes was reduced to the establishment of phonetic conditions under which these phenomena occurred. V. A. Glushchenko highlights this feature in the writings of representatives of historical and comparative methods in Ukrainian linguistics [4]. For instance, A. Yu. Krymskyi pointed out the phonetic processes of sound change [є] «in the syllable, followed by the soft and very often the syllable at the end of the word» pronounced as е (soft е), «inclined however to expand in a very broad soft a (close to я). But before the solid syllables - in accordance with the letter «є (and sometimes also at the end of the word) the soft о can be heard» [7, p. 199]. O. O. Shakhmatov made critical remarks concerning the insufficiency of the study of the conditions of the transition е to a phonetic processes at the end of the words in the Eastern Slavic South of the X century in the work of A. Yu. Krymskyi [15, p. 148-150].

A. Yu. Krymskyi wrote about the solidification of consonants before е in labial combinations бе, пе, ве, ме and at the same time used a relative and absolute chronologization, when «labial combinations (бе, пе, ве, ме) became solid only after the fall of the muted sounds and after the emergence of substitutionary longitude, which occurred only around the XII-XIII centuries» [7, p. 194-195].

K. T. Nimchynov also addressed the process of the phonetic conditions establishment. Thus, «previously ъ, ь at the end were weakened, generally ъ and ь were weak and normally unstressed in the syllables before the syllables with normal sound... strong sounds transferred to the sound of a normal power, - in East Slavic languages to о and е» [8, p. 65].

Ye. K. Tymchenko established the conditions for phonetic changes and chronologized them: pre-Slavic g changed into vein sperents and larynx [12, p. 44-45], solidification of semi-palatable and palatal vowels before е: небо, пень, нива [12, p. 45], solidification of labial in all positions: голуб, кров, масо, пйать [12, p. 45]. linguistic methodological historical

A. Yu. Krymskyi explored and formulated phonetic conditions for the operation of the phonetic law, when «the sound e after soft consonants is tend to transform among Malorus folk before solid syllable - into [ь] о; and before soft syllables and in pronunciation either stay in the form of e or expand into я» [7, p. 399].


The conducted research showed that for the linguistic works of Ukrainian linguists of the 70's of the ХІХ century - 30's of the ХХ century it is typical to use the historical (A. Yu. Krymskyi) and comparative historical (K. T. Nimchynov) methods of research. The implementation of these methodological views became the linguistic reconstruction of speech phenomena, in particular phonetic ones. Important is the fact that Ukrainian linguists combined relative and absolute chronology, studying the phenomena of vocalism and consonantism.

The prospects of further research we see in the in-depth study of comparative historical and historical methods in the studies of Ukrainian linguists of the 70's of the ХІХ century - 30's of the ХХ century, in particular, ontological and teleological components of these methods.


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