Linguistic and stylistic features of folk writer klchin’s prose
Contribution of the writer Elchin to the development of Azerbaijani literary and theoretical thought. Ideological features, stylistic advantages of the works of the writer-playwright, the formulation of the elchinsky stage in our literature today.
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Дата добавления | 30.03.2023 |
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Linguistic and stylistic features of folk writer klchin's prose
Arzu Abbasova,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Teacher at the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature
Nakhchivan State University
(Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan)
People's writer Elchin, who made a unique contribution to the development of Azerbaijani literary and theoretical thought, was a master of both history of literature and literary criticism, and became one of the unforgettable figures of XX century Azerbaijani literature with his multifaceted and fruitful activity. The idea-content features, stylistic merits of the writer-playwright's works, his skillful use of the expressive possibilities of our language, hisfluent language formed an Elchin stage in our literature today. The article follows the creative path of People's Writer Elchin Efendiyev, the problems of literary language in the prose of the prominent writer are widely evaluated and analyzed. The use of the Azerbaijani language in the novels, narratives and stories of Elchin, the development offluent, readable ideas, words, accents and dialects in accordance with the grammatical laws of our language, the use of accents and dialects in art examples are studied comparatively. It was emphasized that Elchin, as a talented representative of the 60s generation who created the most valuable examples of XX century Azerbaijani prose with his perfect descriptive skills, writing style, writing language and stylistic peculiarities was always in the center of attention of literary-critical thought. If his works are republished from time to time, it is not only an appreciation of his work, but also the contribution of his perfect visual skills as a writer. The paper is dedicated to the linguistic and stylistic features offolk writer Elchin. The purpose of the study is to determine the important points of the linguistic features. This analysis was based on the study of the sources related to the subject, the analysis of the results obtained, the analysis and synthesis of the arguments, and also the comparative analysis method. elchin azerbaijani literature language
Key words: people's writer Elchin, dialect features, literary language, grammatical norm, 60s generation
кандидат філологічних наук, викладач кафедри азербайджанської мови та літератури Нахічиванського державного університету (Нахічевань, Азербайджанська Республіка)
Народний письменник Ельчін, який зробив унікальний внесок у розвиток азербайджанської літературно-теоретичної думки, був майстром як історії літератури, так і літературознавства, і став однією з незабутніх постатей азербайджанської літератури XX століття своєю багатогранністю і плідною діяльністю. Ідейно- змістові особливості, стилістичні переваги творів письменника-драматурга, його вміле використання виразних можливостей нашої мови, його вільна мова сформували ельчинський етап у нашій літературі сьогодні. Стаття проводить творчим шляхом народного письменника Ельчіна Ефендієва, широко оцінюються та аналізуються проблеми літературної мови в прозі видатного письменника. Вивчається використання азербайджанської мови в романах і оповіданнях Ельчіна, розвиток плавних, читабельних ідей, слів, наголосів та діалектів відповідно до граматичних законів нашої мови, використання наголосів та діалектів у прикладах мистецтва порівняльно. Було підкреслено, що Ельчін, як талановитий представник покоління 60-х років, який створив найцінніші зразки азербайджанської прози XX століття своїми досконалими описовими навичками, стилем письма, мовою письма та стилістичними особливостями, завжди був у центрі уваги літературно-критичних кіл. Якщо час від часу його твори перевидаються, це не лише оцінка його творчості, а і внесок його досконалих візуальних навичок як письменника. Статтю присвячено мовно-стилістичним особливостям народного письменника Ельчіна. Мета дослідження - визначити важливі моменти мовних особливостей творів Ельчіна. Цей аналіз базувався на вивченні джерел, що стосуються предмета, аналізі отриманих результатів, аналізі та синтезі аргументів, а також методі порівняльного аналізу.
Ключові слова: народний письменник Ельчін, особливості діалекту, літературна мова, граматична норма, покоління 60-х років.
People's writer Elchin, who made a unique contribution to the development of Azerbaijani literary and theoretical thought, was a master of both history of literature and literary criticism, and became one of the unforgettable figures of XX century Azerbaijani literature with his multifaceted and fruitful activity. The artistic work of the prominent writer attracted attention with its variety of genres, subject, content, artistic merits, language, stylistic features, and his first writing experiences were in the center of history of literature and literary criticism. The literary happiness of Elchin, who brought a new, different atmosphere to our prose and dramaturgy with his unique style of writing and opportunities for expression, is also due to the fact that his literary work was supervised by the literary critic Elchin himself. The result of this responsibility, objectivity and productivity is reflected in numerous literary examples of his novels, narratives, stories, dramaturgy.
The main purpose of the research is to study Elchin's creativity, aspects related to the language of images, the psychology of images.
Research method
In the course of the research, the methods of analysis adopted in theoretical literature, including historical-theoretical and comparative analysis, were used. The methodological basis of the research consists of scientific works on literary theory.
Main material
When the generation of the 60s to which is characterized in literary criticism as the second strongest event in our twentieth-century literature, a number of points come to the fore. Thus, language and style features are among the values brought to our literature by this generation, and the initial elements of modernism observed in the works of this generation resulted in the emergence of valuable examples of our modern and postmodern literature at a later stage. In this sense, the simplicity of the written language, the skill of description, the fluency of the talented representative of the sixties, Elchin's creative path is interesting, readable and memorable. Elchin's artistic creativity has always been in the center of attention of literary criticism, high opinions have been expressed about his creativity, which is based on the literary value and stylistic originality of the art samples created by him. In this sense, Abid Tahirli's views are significant. He writes: “People's writer Elchin's artistic-publicist, literary-critical heritage-story, narrative, novel, play, screenplays, translations, monographs and articles was lovingly spoken by well-known researchers, authoritative public and state figures, influential representatives of science and culture in our country and abroad, his works were highly appreciated after a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the ideas, content, unique language, style and artistic issues” (Tahirli, 2018).
As it was noted, the idea-content features, stylistic merits of the writer-playwright's works, his skillful use of the expressive possibilities of our language, his fluent language formed an Elchin stage in our literature today. One of the ideas that is particularly sensitive to the value added to our literature by Elchin's creativity and the generation of the 60s states: “The sixties of the last century can be considered a new, the next Renaissance in the history of XX century Azerbaijani culture. And when I say the Renaissance, I mean a new worldview, a significant change in culture, especially in the world of literature. A new worldview creates a new culture, a new literature and at a time when the Soviet system had not yet collapsed, but was moving towards change and renewal, a new generation of literature and the art of speech emerged. Elchin-one of the leading representatives of this renaissance in those years, an artist known and appreciated by the whole nation, the Turkic world, as well as the Western world in the 21st century, is a prominent cultural figure who literally represents Azerbaijani culture all over the world. He is an intellectual who voices the realities of Azerbaijan not only in the XX century, but also in the XXI century from high tribunes, high positions” ( site/?name=xeber& One of the points to note is that during the Soviet era, when the regime did not collapse, Elchin, who added a new concept of values to literature, skillfully preserved the subtlety, fluency and history of the Azerbaijani language in large and small artistic samples, approached our language with sensitivity, skillfully used the dialects and accents of the environment at the regional in his works, kept alive the regularities of literary language with a peculiar subjectivity, was able to bear the main burden of the 60s generation.
It should be noted that critics who follow the writer's creative path emphasize his early creative path, more precisely, the life of Absheron on the theme of his first works which was reflected by the publicist Elmira Akhundova: “The author began his career with stories and tales reflecting the Absheron environment later it rose to such fundamental novels as “Mahmud va Maryam” (Mahmud and Maryam) and “Olum hokmu” (The Death Sentence), which embodied a certain period” (525th, 2015). As much as the expressions taken from the social environment and the life of the society as a result of the writer's deep observations are used in the works of Elchin in the literary language, the linguistic features of the historical period are treated with the same sensitivity. As a result, we can see that the author's works on modern theme are revived in all aspects of our lives, historical color is preserved in historical prose samples, and the linguistic features of the period are sensitively observed. As research has shown on his writing skills, it is impossible to find unnecessary words in Elchin's sweet, fluent writing language, on the contrary, it is written about words, as well as highly artistic literary examples reminiscent of a wreath woven in accordance with the laws of language: “When Elchin chooses a subject, describes a “part” of life, descends into the inner-spiritual world of the image, he does not remind anyone, he always stays true to his style, sweet and flowing writing style, does not give comprehensive descriptions of nature, does not think with additional borders, as a rule, descends into psychology, the world of feelings and thoughts, reveals the contradictions and extraordinary qualities hidden inside the image” (Writer Elchin, 2018: 11).
The basic laws of the historical development of the Azerbaijani language are followed in the historical works of Elchin. Thus, the language of the novel “Mahmud and Maryam”, based on folklore sources, the subject of which is based on the author's history, is simple, readable and does not tire the reader, nor does it separate the reader from the historical aura, on the contrary, the writer, who makes the work more fluent by giving idioms, expressions, and parables in the language of images, expects the principles of historical prose with his descriptive skills and stylistic features, and even sets an example for authors who write on historical topics which we can clearly see this in the attitude of literary criticism and literary criticism to the writer's works. In this sense, the study of Elchin's novel “Mahmud and Maryam”, especially the language of the novel, states: “... The beauty of the artistic language, narration and poetics of “Mahmud and Maryam” is a peak in all the works of the writer and in our prose ...” (Elchin, 1943). As expressed in the opinion, the language of the novel has formed a tradition in historical novelism with its fluency.
In all the works of the writer, the path to the spiritual world, the inner world of the image, the revelation of his psychology is so sensitively and fluently that Elchin's model in prose forms the style of writing, as it individualizes the writer's style. The improved, polished written language allows the writer to show the breadth of his horizons. In this sense, Elchin's creative skills attract attention with the objectivity of the idea written about the descriptive nature of the image, the stylistic nature of the image (Writer Elchin, 2018: 11).
The researcher also points out that the writer “does not give comprehensive descriptions of nature, does not think of additional borders”. “This is one of the features that make Elchin's language specific. For example, let's look at the author's story “Qarabag §ikostosi”. In a work that is as thought-provoking as it is fresh, whether it is the choice of subject or the idea, the writer has shaped every image as a standard, he is to make the reader think, just as they do not tire the reader by expressing their thoughts and ideas in short sentences in fluent language. In a simple dialogue, the writer deals with a large topic with natural descriptions, looking at the views expressed by Tanriverdi and Jumu, the arrival of Russians in Azerbaijan creates a thought-provoking situation, which raises the question of what ordinary people have to do with it.
We read in front of the question Tanriverdi's “Who is this?”:
“Vasily Kuzmich was convinced that there was no other nation in the world that cooked delicious food from Azerbaijanis, and at that time Vasily Kuzmich was proud that he was a Muslim like these beautiful Azerbaijanis ...” (Elchin, 2005: 62). In the example of a small example from the story, we live the sweet fluency of the language, the national character of the chosen expression, the valuable information about the Azerbaijani culture and cuisine, as well as the pride of being an Azerbaijani writer. Or the writer's deep observations, his ability to express his thoughts and subtext in the subtle layers of language in the story “Qurd” (The Wolf), in which he expresses his concern for the shortcomings of public life as a citizen writer in full artistic colors, with deep generalizations, truly amazes.
The rich literary language of the writer, his deep psychology, which is the expression of his anxious thoughts, finds its expression in the notes about the work: ... “The story of “The Wolf” is distinguished by its rich literary language and subtle psychology, as if able to convey the details of the smallest feelings and emotions” (525th, 2015). Academician Tofig Hajiyev, who accurately expressed the literary generation to which the writer belonged and his place in literary memory, wrote: “Elchin is one of the talented representatives of the youth who came to our literature in the 60s. In his first stories, his breath was fresh. There was a clear increase from story to story in this literary and artistic freshness. This increase covered his subject area, plot choice, composition, all the parameters of the category of literary and artistic creativity, as well as his language - language style” (Hajiyev, 1990: 244).
Academician People's Writer Elchin's ideas reflecting his individuality and difference accurately express the originality of his language. The eminent researcher emphasizes that Elchin's language is “... a modern vernacular with a simple, everyday imagery, vocabulary and pronunciation - it is our living speech today, our modern literary language embroidered with art. Of course, its syntax is not limited to sentences coming out of a snake's throat, it is not an exhibition of an ideal sequence of words, but it is a witty, expressive, emotional artistic fact. Readability confirms this. After all, in addition to the accurate grammatical structure of the language of the work of art, and also the tip of the mystery, the creative style must have a hidden sweetness, an artistic taste that is born at the moment of inspiration when writing. If a writer's language goes beyond the grammatical norm (of course, he doesn't have the right to do so), it's a flaw, but if it doesn't have an artistic taste, it's not readable (it's horrible). “(Hajiyev, 1990: 241). As we apply the same approach to the author's work “§u§aya duman golib” (“Fog has come to Shusha”), we can see the same linguistic facts, the same fluency in this example. Let's look at an example from the work: “. The Khazna rock, on the other hand, now stood majestically in return for such a deed of man, and it was very much alive. The Khazna rock was not a lifeless cliff, it breathed, listened, saw, and was silent. If there is this Treasure Rock in the world, if the roar of the Dashalti River could be heard like that, if those handfuls of lights were burning like that, why was Iskander Abishov dissatisfied with his life and why did he talk about the monotony of his days?” (Elchin, 2005, 2nd v: 142). In the example, the author's language harmony, fluency, expectation of grammatical norms, syntactic stability, accuracy in word choice, comprehensibility of the point under the influence of the emotionality of such an expression in case of violation of grammatical norms and all such parameters, language regularity unambiguously belong to Elchin.
It is the writer's uniqueness that depends on such details in shaping what we call the concept. Let's take a look at an excerpt from the author's story “Fog has come to Shusha”: “As Doppa Dadash swung the kamancha from right to left and interrogated the strings of the kamancha, the sound of the kamancha, the purity of the atmosphere, the purity of the springs, the call of the rose, the call of the flower, the breath of friendship, fidelity and warmth spread throughout the courtyard of Shusha sanatorium...” (Elchin, 2005, 2nd v: 123). In the literary text, the atmosphere of the Karabakh environment is felt from the very first word, which is undoubtedly the success of the writer. At the same time, the preservation of dialectal features in the text adds color to the work and serves to understand the environment.
As it was emphasized in the researches about Elchin's creativity, a big panorama of the life of the settlement was created. Both the subject matter and the language facts must be taken into account here. Thus, just as the life of Absheron is a special stage in the writer's work, the language features that express the life of the people of Absheron are specific in these works, that is, his skillful use of the dialect of settlements and villages around Baku brought a special vitality to his works. In this sense, let's take a look at the scene we have chosen from “Bir goru§un tarix- Qosi” (The History of a Meeting): “That strange summer night was just beginning, and soon the sun would set completely behind the 54-aluminum van, and the frogs would begin to chirp, and the sound of crickets would take over the world. All the lights in the village would be turned off, except for the lights in the courtyard of the boarding house and sanatorium above the Zugulba rocks. The sound of the electric train coming and going to Baku could be heard for a while, and then it would stop.. Now, on the one hand, the moon was reddening the horizon, and the blue-red water of the sea was shining brightly from the horizon to the shore” ((Elchin, 2005, 1st v: 61). One of the values that the writer's generation of the 1960s brought to literature was to look at urban and rural life from a different perspective. In this sense, the landscape described by the author in the example is expressed not only by the calmness and purity that gives a person peace, but also by the problems in the writer's pen, the subtle issues are reflected in a wide epic board in fluent language. The Absheron environment is fully reflected in the author's narratives and stories. That is, the specific features of the life of Absheron, the dialectical features of the region, the examples of folklore of the region, the life of the people are fully completed, and each text structure complements the other. At the root of this literary harmony observed in Elchin's prose is the language factor, as reflected in research.
To conclude, academician People's Writer Elchin's ideas reflecting his individuality and difference accurately express the originality of his language. In all the works of the writer, the path to the spiritual world, the inner world of the image, the revelation of his psychology is so sensitively and fluently that Elchin's model in prose forms the style of writing, as it individualizes the writer's style. The improved, polished written language allows the writer to show the breadth of his horizons. In this sense, Elchin's creative skills attract attention with the objectivity of the idea written about the descriptive nature of the image, the stylistic nature of the image. The important point is that the writer's language infects the language of images, plays a key role in the psychology of images, characterizes the person of the settlement. In general, we can observe the point of typification of dialectal features in the language of the writer in two directions: Karabakh environment, Absheron environment. The linguistic facts and dialect features determined by the theme and environment in the prose samples such as “Bir goru§un tarixgasi”, “Toyugun diri qalmasi”, “Dol?a”, “Baladada§in ilk mahabbati” of the talented writer determine the stylistic peculiarity of the writer. People's writer, literary critic Elchin Efendiyev's work with its individual, specific features has taken a worthy place in history of literature and literary criticism as an important event of twentieth-century Azerbaijani literary thought. One of the main merits of the writer's artistic heritage is that he is sensitive to the internal laws of our language, pays attention to local features, and has the ability to describe in simple, fluent language.
1. Elchin. Selected works. 10 v., 2nd v. Baku : Chinar, 2005. 523 p.
2. Elchin. Selected works. 10 v., 1st v. Baku : Chinar, 2005. 497 p.
3. Elchin (1943). URL:
4. Hajiyev T. Our poetry, prose, literary language. Baku :Yazifi, 1990. P. 244-259.
5. Tahirli A. Elchin for the homeland. 2018. URL:
6. Writer Elchin Efendiyev, who lived and created for the people. Baku : 2018, 67 p.
7. URL:
8. 525th newspaper. 2015. 24 January. P. 14-15.
1. Elchin. Selected works. 10 v., 2nd v. Baku: Chinar, 2005. 523 p.
2. Elchin. Selected works. 10 v., 1st v. Baku: Chinar, 2005.497 p.
3. Elchin (1943)
4. Hajiyev T. Our poetry, prose, literary language. Baku:Yazi<p, 1990, p. 244-259.
5. Tahirli A. Elchin for the homeland. 2018,
6. Writer Elchin Efendiyev, who lived and created for the people. Baku: 2018, 67 p.
8. 525th newspaper. 2015. 24 January. P. 14-15.
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