Linguistic expression of emotions (based on military neologisms)
Study of the emergence of new language units in the vocabulary. Means of strengthening the emotional, expressive and evaluative nature of speech. Consideration of emotionality as a component of the lexical and semantic structure of military neologisms.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.10.2023 |
Размер файла | 30,8 K |
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National University "Odesa Law Academy"
Linguistic expression of emotions (based on military neologisms)
Potenko Lyudmyla Oleksandrivna Ph.D. in Philology,
Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages
One of the most productive ways to enrich the language is to create neologisms. Neologisms emerge and become established in the lexicon under the influence of a number of extra-linguistic factors, in particular: new armed conflicts, the emergence and introduction of new technologies, techniques, which entails the need to define and describe them. One of the intra-linguistic factors that contribute to the creation of neologisms is the language user's desire for greater expressiveness and figurativeness of his speech. This article attempts to highlight the processes of neologisation of the lexical system of the Ukrainian language occurring at the present stage of its development, namely during the Russian-Ukrainian war, and to analyse the emotive semantics of neologisms that appeared during the war. language military neologism lexical
In selecting the material for analysis, a continuous sampling method was applied on the material of modern Ukrainian-language media, Internet resources and social networks. The descriptive method was used for general analysis, description and systematisation of the linguistic material. The relevance of this research lies in addressing the topic of neologisms during the period of martial law, which is characterised not only by a certain amount and speed of neologisation of the vocabulary, but also by the heightened emotional atmosphere in society, which has led to an increase in the emotionally expressive and evaluative nature of speech. It should be noted that the human emotional perception of the surrounding world, which is socialized in human society and fixed in the collective linguistic consciousness as an objective emotional component of many language units of different levels, takes an active part in the reflection of reality. In this work, we consider emotivity as component of the semantic structure of neologisms.
Keywords: neologism, emotivity, military vocabulary, emotive lexicon.
Мовне вираження емоцій (на матеріалі військових неологізмів)
Потенко Людмила Олександрівна
кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов, Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія», м. Одеса,
Одним із найпродуктивніших способів збагачення мови є утворення неологізмів. Неологізми виникають і закріплюються в лексиці під впливом низки екстралінгвальних чинників, зокрема: нові збройні конфлікти, поява і впровадження нових технологій, техніки, що тягне за собою необхідність їх визначення та опису.
Одним із внутрішньомовних чинників, що сприяють створенню неологізмів, є прагнення носія мови до більшої виразності та образності свого мовлення.
У статті зроблено спробу висвітлити процеси неологізації лексичної системи української мови, що відбуваються на сучасному етапі її розвитку, а саме під час російсько-української війни, та проаналізувати емотивну семантику неологізмів, що з'явилися під час війни.
При відборі матеріалу для аналізу застосовувався метод суцільної вибірки на матеріалі сучасних україномовних ЗМІ, інтернет-ресурсів та соціальних мереж.
Описовий метод використано для загального аналізу, опису та систематизації мовного матеріалу. Актуальність дослідження полягає у зверненні до теми неологізмів у період воєнного стану, який характеризується не лише певною кількістю та швидкістю неологізації лексики, а й підвищеною емоційною атмосферою в суспільстві, що призвело до посилення емоційно-експресивного та оцінного характеру мовлення.
Слід зазначити, що у відображенні дійсності активну участь бере емоційне сприйняття людиною навколишнього світу, яке соціалізується в людському суспільстві і закріплюється в колективній мовній свідомості як об'єктивний емоційний компонент багатьох мовних одиниць різних рівнів. У цій роботі ми розглядаємо емотивність як компонент семантичної структури неологізмів.
Ключові слова: неологізм, емотивність, військова лексика, емотивна лексика.
The intensive development of society, science, technology, culture, and various changes in social life lead to the emergence
of a large number of new realities and concepts that require nomination, so new lexical items appear to denote new notions or to give new meaning to existing ones. Vocabulary is the most mobile part of language, closely linked to events in the surrounding reality, and as a result it is constantly renewed. With the beginning of a new stage of the war - a large-scale russian invasion - new words appear daily in the information networks, the Ukrainian language is enriched with military sub-standard vocabulary. This process is first intensified in social networks and then picked up by the official websites of the Ukrainian authorities [3, p 55]. There is no doubt that the heightened emotional atmosphere in society during the war period is the reason for the intensified emotional-expressive and evaluative nature of speech.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Neologisms have long attracted the attention of many researchers. Currently, there is a considerable number of studies of domestic and foreign linguists devoted to the problems of neologisms in different languages (V. Hak, K. Horodenska, O. Zemska, V. Karaban, J. Koloiz, O. Muromtseva, A. Neluba, O. Potebnia, O. Selivanova, N. Feldman, E. Hanpira, R. Baayen, G. Cannon, M. Cohen, R. Fischer, E. McKean, etc.). These are mainly general works, in which various questions of neology are considered. In particular, the works of such researchers as L. Chumak, A. Dzyubina, A. Styshov, Y. Zatsny, Y. Zhluktenko are devoted to the issues of lexical innovation. However, many issues related to the understanding of the term neologism, the nature and essence of linguistic innovation, methods of study, etc. remain unresolved and debatable. Recently, there have been a number of studies highlighting various aspects of military neologisms as a promising area of modern research [2], [3], [6], [8], [10], [13], [18], [21]. Emotions as one of the ways of linguistic interpretation of the world through the emotive component of word semantics have been the focus of attention of many linguists (I. Arnold, L. Babenko, M. Hamziuk, Ya. Hnezdilova, I. Kvasiuk, M. Krasavskyi, A. Manzii, R. Sakiieva, V. Teliia, V. Shakhovskyi, etc.). The relevance of this study lies in the fact that the available scientific works of linguists do not fully outline the peculiarities of the emotive semantics of Ukrainian neologisms, including those that appeared during the russian- Ukrainian war of 2022.
The aim of the article is to consider the issues related to the emergence of neologisms and to study the emotive semantics of Ukrainian neologisms that emerged during the russian-Ukrainian war.
Results and discussion
Military-themed lexical items, "military neologisms", are widely used today, used by representatives of various segments of the population, and can be found on social networks, in the media, and in colloquial speech. Military neologisms are a tribute to the creativity of the Ukrainian language, but also to the sense of humor of the Ukrainian nation, and its ability to maintain its spirit and sense of freedom, while assessing its own situation to best describe the behavior of different people [22]. As stated by Professor L. Masenko, the Ukrainian language is perhaps russia's greatest enemy. Language is an important element of resistance. In times of war, language turns into a weapon - the humor of the Ukrainian people has become a kind of "semantic air defense" that helps to defend against russian propaganda and preserve the strength of spirit [25].
Observations of the language of mass media and Internet sites proves that the lexical and semantic system in such periods actively produces a large corpus of neologic vocabulary [3, p. 54]. According to O. Styshov's observations, among significant corpus of neologisms, with the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine (1914-2022), there has been "a significant activation of creation and intensive penetration of a considerable layer of military neolexes into the common language" [21, p. 117].
Therefore, in this war, language stands up for itself and for Ukraine, loudly declaring its own word-forming potential. The collective image of the russian invaders is characterized by such new words as "fashiki," "rashiki," "rashists," and "kadyrovtsi," while the belarusian military, who support russia's armed aggression, are most often called "lukashists". Such words, which have an ironic mocking tone, demonstrate the attitude of Ukrainians toward the russian invaders [25]. Ukrainian linguists point out that today it is quite appropriate to write the words "russia", "russian federation" as well as the surname of putin and his henchmen with a small letter to express disdain for the aggressor country. The author of school textbooks, linguist Alexander Avramenko says that "although the spelling does not allow it now, we have every moral right to write these proper names with a small letter. Subsequently, the document may be amended at the official level" [26].
Contemporary researchers argue that at the present stage of development, the Ukrainian mass media have become one of the main sources of research on the Ukrainian language in general and the lexical system in particular, as they allow us to trace the influence of society on their development and to identify the peculiarities of the interaction between social and linguistic dynamics [18, p. 184].
During the war, many foreign words became widely used in everyday speech of Ukrainians, and are often heard on television in Ukraine and other countries. These are names of weapons, military equipment, and advanced technologies used in warfare. Such words are "bayraktar", "harpoon", "javelin", "himars", "Starlink", "challenger", "abrams", "leopard", etc. These are so-called lexical borrowings that have been consolidated by transcribing English terms into Ukrainian. "Rusogohomia" instead of "russophobia". Recently, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine proposed not to use the word "phobia" or "fear" but to replace it with a neologism that has the meaning of "go home" in English [28].
The emergence of new concepts and realities during the war that require linguistic units to nominate them has led to the growing popularity of social networks among different age groups of society and, as a result, the emergence of new neologisms. Neologisms often become popular through word of mouth or by way of mass media and the internet which makes them spread like wildfire. When it appears in glossaries and dictionaries it is then an indication that it has gained the approval of lexicographers [16, p. 160]. In turn, the information agency of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense Армія Inform (Army Inform) put together a lexicon of military neologisms being used in Ukraine [22]. In total, the dictionary contains 25 neologisms, 9 new phrases, and 9 words that have acquired new meanings.
The structure of language is a linguistic reflection of the history of the development of the social consciousness of its speakers. Therefore, the most significant evolutionary changes occur at the lexical and semantic level of the language in the process of joint labor and speech activities of its speakers. Thanks to these changes, new lexical items (neologisms/novelties) or semantic meanings are constantly being formed to denote a variety of subjects, realities, phenomena, processes, actions, trends, etc. in socio-political or cultural life or in everyday life.
Neology is a branch of linguistics that deals with the formation of neologisms in modern language systems. It is well known that any established science has its own terminological apparatus, where each term has a single, strictly delineated meaning. Unfortunately, the same cannot yet be said of the terminological system of neologisms. There are a number of terms used in modern linguistics to define new lexical items ("neologism", "new word", "new creation", "new formation", "innovation", etc.), but the term "neologism" still does not have a single universal definition among modern researchers. The most common of all terms is "neologism", which came to be used as "a word or compound used in a language in a certain period to denote a new or existing concept or in a new meaning and understood by native speakers as lexical new formations" [11, p. 417]. According to the Oxford English Dictionary (2016), a neologism is "a newly coined word that may be in the process of entering common use, but has not yet been accepted into mainstream language" [16, p. 160].
However, over time, neologism has come to be understood as a variety of new language units. Hence, "neologisms are new words, word- combinations or fixed phrases that appear in the language due to the development of social life, culture, science and engineering" [20]. In this work, we use the term "neologism" in a broad sense, understanding it not only as commonly used linguistic units accepted and fixed by usage, but also as individual, occasional formations characterised by novelty of form or meaning. The emotional expressiveness of military neologisms is clearly seen in the journalistic style of speech, which aims to shape public opinion and is driven by the need to convey new information to the recipient in an expressively vivid form, as the media have the greatest power to influence people's speech behaviour.
The linguistic means of expressing emotion as an independent object of linguistic research came into the focus of scholars from various schools and directions during the second half of the 20th century. The anthropological nature of modern linguistics aims to study language processes when the subject of speech is involved in the description of language mechanisms. Emotional phenomena act as a motivational basis for language communication, being not only one of the main prerequisites for the act of speech, but also a fairly important extra-linguistic factor of linguistic change. New developments in language studies have now made it possible to investigate emotion as an integral part of our language activity rather than studying emotion as a somehow separate phenomenon added to speaking [17]. Emotions are fixed in memory and reproduced not arbitrarily, but together with those extra-linguistic phenomena that caused them. Emotions are connected with thinking, knowledge of the world.
Emotionality as a psychological phenomenon is a human property that characterises the content, quality and dynamics of his/her emotions and feelings. At the linguistic level, emotionality is transformed into emotivity, which is reflected, displayed, indicated and fixed primarily in the semantics of the lexical unit as its separate (additional) component [1]. The content aspects of emotionality are related to the core properties of a personality, its moral potential: the orientation of the motivational sphere, worldview, value orientations, etc. Emotionality and emotivity have different orientations: the former is largely focused on the subject (emotions for oneself), the latter is aimed at the object (emotions for others) [19].
Emotivity is interpreted in the modern linguistic dictionary as "a subcategory of informativity, manifested in the emotional load of discourse modules and text components; the property of a linguistic unit to convey feelings, emotions" [9, p. 178]. In modern literature, the concept of emosemes [14] (introduced by V. Shakhovsky) is increasingly being used to analyse various emotional states expressed by linguistic units, the essence of which is revealed as a separate type of semes that correlate with the emotions of the speaker. These semes are expressed in the semantics of a linguistic unit as a combination of the semantic feature "emotion" and semantic specifiers: "love", "contempt", "humiliation", etc. N. Boiko noted that "emotivity" as an invariant seme in the lexical meaning of the word is realised in two antonymic variants: "approval" (positive emotionality) / "disapproval" (negative emotionality). All cases of verbalization of emotions depend on syntagmatic relations of lexical units. The contextual use of lexemes helps to determine the type and place of the emotive component in their semantics [1, p. 28].
The neologisation of the language lexicon and innovative, primarily lexical and semantic processes associated with the realisation of new possibilities of the language system, in particular word formation, are striking factors that testify to the dynamic nature of the language. The ability to denote an unknown concept through a known one is represented in both lexical and semantic word formation, the essence of which is the use of a word that has long been in the language to denote a new concept, to verbalise the conceptual meaning, etc. [7, p. 18].
Derivational neologisms are interpreted in this paper as lexical units formed on the basis of the language's own and borrowed resources by means of word formation. Neologisms are new words and word combinations with new meanings, which appeared in the language as a result of borrowing, calculating, compounding, abbreviation, transfer, expansion or narrowing of meaning. The main morphological ways of forming neologisms are affixation, compounding (composition); blending (telescoping), shortening (abbriviation, acronym), and conversion. It is argued that the most common ways of creating neologisms in Ukrainian-language media texts are word formation, semantic and borrowing [10, p. 299].
A productive way to enhance the emotive content at the word-formation level is through stem and word compounding. Due to the successful combination of semantically incompatible components, new concepts are established, which, due to their unusualness and imagery, cause the emergence of new emotions and emotional evaluation. Proper or common names become the basis for the innovation, but their semantics as stemming elements is not fully reflected in the derived word - one of the semantic elements of the stemming element (its distinctive feature, property, etc.) is taken, which forms the semantic basis of the derivation [5, p. 81].
Lexical blending/contamination/telescopy is a complex morphophonological process. This is a relatively new way of word formation that entered the Ukrainian language from English at the end of the 20th century [21, p. 123]. In the written communication such lexical innovations "often perform nominal, figurative, emotional and expressive functions" [15]. Following Y. Teglivets, we refer to the group of telescopisms the English neologism rashism formed by merging the first component with the ending of the second: place name + name of an ideology: rashism (rasha + fascism) - the ideology and practice of militant russian chauvinism, which seeks to eliminate Ukrainian statehood and destroy Ukrainians as a nation; a modern form of nazism [12, p. 280]. The semantics of this neologism is determined by the negative emotional evaluation. Another example Путлєрнет "Putlernet”, joining of anthroponym + anthroponym + networking: (putin + hitler + Internet), is "ironic name for the autonomous russian Internet" [12, p. 281]. Semantic and stylistic features of such units often help to reveal the context [21, p.123].
Compounding, the joining of two separate words to produce a single form, is considered to be one of the most productive ways of neologisms' formation [4, p. 225]. The next example is the combination of three stems with no linking component such as Затридні - Inthreedays (in one word). The neologism arose from the kremlin's plans to seize Ukraine in three days. The russian authorities were confident in the quick success of their army in the war and used this slogan for the purpose of propaganda among the population [13, p. 162]. Now it is used to describe unrealistic plans, or ideas that might some people might strongly believe in, while others believe those plans will come to nothing [22]. The emotional coloring realized in the semantics of such units arises from the discrepancy that occurs between the meaning of the constituent units and the semantic structure of the complex derivative. Such formations reflect the priorities, sympathies and antipathies of different groups and individual members of Ukrainian and foreign society.
The above-mentioned examples have shown that neologisms with a compound word structure have a special place in the creation of emotive lexical meaning. During the war period, the creation of various types of new derivational compounds using borrowed or derivative bases intensified noticeably.
Anthroponyms involved in the creation of many military neologisms include proper names of well-known real or fictional persons. Commonly known facts form the semantics of the name and are stably associated with a particular anthroponym. This makes it possible to use a neologism constructed with its help without additional explanation [2]. Such an example would be the model of verb formation from nouns in Ukrainian, which are derivational formations with different suffixes (e.g., ати/-увати/-ити). The
vast majority of neologisms of this type are characterised by the formation of emotionally evaluative verbs with a high degree of intensity of semantic negative meaning: Макронити (makronyty) - "constantly pretending to be concerned but doing nothing to solve the problem". Шойгувати (shoihuvaty) - ""pretending at the workplace that everything is going according to plan". Кадирити (kadyryty) - "wishful thinking" (ramzan kadyrov often shoots videos of imaginary battles in abandoned warehouses). Semantics of the formative lexemes is neutralised by negatively motivated factors objectified in the context. The negative emotional evaluation that characterises the meaning of these neologisms is determined by the presence in these lexemes of a certain emoseme, namely: contempt, condemnation, mockery. In contrast to the previous examples, the following neologism belongs to the thematic group of positive emotions and is identified by an emotive tone of approval, satisfaction, and respect. Кімити - "kimyty" (To maintain a high level of optimism, regardless of the situation. It refers to the optimism displayed by Mikolaiv region governor Vitalii Kim, who is of mixed Korean-Ukrainian heritage) [6, p. 11].
Neologisms, word combinations created to denote a new concept or phenomenon previously unknown to the public, are also quite common. Тікток-війська - "TikTok army ". Military forces under the orders of Chechen leader ramzan kadyrov that would post on TikTok numerous "victorious" videos and photos from Ukraine, but who were afraid to fight in the field [22]. The negative emotional evaluation that defines this expression determines, respectively, the presence of the emosemes of 'mockery' and 'contempt' in this neologism.
Other examples of derivational verbal neologisms with pronounced emotive semantics that are a reflection of speakers' attitudes towards certain events include: забайрактарити - "zabairaktaryty" (To destroy the military equipment of the enemy through drones. It comes from the name of the Turkish drone Bayraktar that Ankara sold to Kyiv.); чорнобаїти - "chornobaity" (The phenomenon of the battles near village Chornobaivka, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine repeatedly repelled the occupiers. This word refers to the enemy's phenomenal ability to repeatedly commit identical senseless acts that have severe and painful consequences.); відхаймарсити - "vidkhaimarsyty" (fight the enemy using appropriate military equipment). Other words are also worthy of attention: "застінгерити", "заджавелінити", which can similarly be used in the sense of '"destruction of the occupiers from known guided missiles, anti-aircraft missile systems or anti-tank missile systems'" [27].
Consequently, the studied military neologisms are characterised by a variety of evaluative semantics, among which there are groups of words of negative and positive evaluation that reveal the disapproving or approving attitude of native speakers to objects, facts and phenomena of objective reality. It has been established that among derivational war-themed neologisms, the nouns of negative-evaluative semantics, including judgmental, ironic, dismissive, and swear words significantly prevail. The emotions that are actualised in the process of the act of negative evaluation are mainly discontent, indignation, anger, resentment, disdain, irritation, contempt. We have recorded much fewer military neologisms of a positive- evaluative nature.
Thus, "a considerable number of lexical innovations originated from military activities. In addition to borrowing Ukrainian new words on military subjects, a number of own neologisms on this topic have emerged in English [8, p. 107]. In general, the process is that there is certain lexicon of words that had a narrow usage in the military that now have a much wider context. The incursion into civilian language of military slang in times of war - and other neologisms - is not a new phenomenon. As conflict alters societies, it also changes the way they talk about conflict. Some language serves to create a distance from the horrible reality or reinforce social solidarity, but in other cases it provides a useful tool to talk about the reality of the experience [23]. Considering the fact that the military operations on the territory of Ukraine are ongoing and it is not known when they will end, O. Styshov assumes that military neologisms will continue to be actively created and function [22, p. 128].
Of course, it is impossible to call war even neutral circumstances, bringing new words into use. At the same time, linguistic reactions to new military circumstances are a very valuable stage in the further development of the Ukrainian language and the country as a whole [27]. Taras Kremin, the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language, writes in his column on Ukrinform that "russia's full-scale war against Ukraine demonstrates to the whole world the dignity and valor of our people. At the same time, we have not only influenced the course of the modern history of the modern world, but also enriched the Ukrainian language - the spiritual treasury of the nation - with military substandard vocabulary" [24].
Thus, we can state that among the various processes that take place in the language system, neologisation plays an important role. The analysis of the studied material showed that the media is one of the main sources of the dissemination of neologisms, as the language of mass media is quite dynamic and contributes to the activation of innovation processes in the vocabulary of Ukrainian media, especially during the war. The vast majority of modern neologisms contain an emotional component, as they demonstrate the ability of Ukrainians to perceive events ironically, even in such difficult times as war.
As a promising direction for further research we consider the study of the emotivity of individual-authored novations in the post-war period.
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17. Jensen T. W. Emotion in Languaging: Languaging as Affective, Adaptive, and Flexible Behavior in Social Interaction. Frontiers in Psychology. V. 5, 2014. fpsyg.2014.00720
18. Navalna M., Kostusiak N., Levchenko T., Oleksenko V., Shyts A., Popkova O. Extra-linguistic factors and tendencies of activation of military vocabulary in Ukrainian mass media. AD ALTA: Journal of interdisciplinary research,2022, vol. 12. special issue XXV, pp. 184-189.
19. Richard W. J. & Horst A. Intercultural tact versus intercultural tact. Politeness in Language. 1992. pp. 21-42.
20. Sayadi F. The Translation of Neologisms. Translation Journal. 16 (2), 2011. URL: https ://translationjournal. net/journal/56neologisms. htm
21. Styshov O. Neologisms of the Military Sphere in the Modern Ukrainian Language. LOGOS 113. SPALIS * GRUODIS, 2022. pp. 116-128.
22. Global Voices. URL: has-reshaped-l anguage-to-create-new-i di om s/
23. The Guardian. URL: 2022/dec/27/chandeliers- and-avatars-how-conflict-spawned-a-new-lexicon-in-ukraine
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25. Радіо Свобода України. URL: masenko-ukrayinska-mova/32126052.html
26. ТСН. URL: neologizmi-i-bagato-layki-2107099.html
27. Українське національне інформаційне агентство. URL: rubric-society/3490258-novitni-slengizmineologizmi-movne-viddzerkalenna-vijni.html
28. Twitter. URL:
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