The relevance of this article is the contradiction between the typical position of linguoculturologists, who use proverbs in their studies to illustrate the idea of the national specific mental representations of the world, reflected in the language.
The level of self-organization of freedom as an integral attribute of human existence is an important criterion of social progress. The development of technology creates the conditions for a fuller realization of the freedom of choice of one's own future.
The theory of speech acts is partly taxonomic and partly explanatory. It must systematically classify types of speech acts and the ways in which they can succeed or fail. It must reckon with the fact that the relationship between the words being used.
Improving the quality of higher education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Analysis of the problem of maintaining group dynamics in flexible remote teams of government university. Determining the potential of using artificial intelligence tools.
For Levinas, an individual behaves on two different levels. On the ontological level, the ego is a consciousness that aspires to understand the world. On the ethical level, the ego “faces” that which Levinas calls the Other, transcendence, or God.
The phase shift how a result of the self-inductance of the current loops within the conductor. Levitation of conductors in an oscillating magnetic field. The studying phenomenon the self-inductance of an aluminum ring from measuring the vertical force.
Область мирного застосування космічного простору охоплює різноманітні види діяльності, спрямовані на спільне поліпшення умов життя людей. Шляхи удосконалень та розвитку правових механізмів з метою забезпечення сталої демілітаризації космічного простору.
Обоснование существования комплекса регуляторов внешнеэкономических операций, отличного от национально-правовых систем. Международные коммерческие договоры. Внедрение в правовое пространство торгового сотрудничества негосударственного регулирования.
Определение места, занимаемого lex mercatoria в системе регуляторов правоотношений на международном финансовом рынке. Нормы, структура элементов lex mercatoria, регулирующих взаимоотношения участников международных финансовых рынков, перспективы развития.
Анализ связи уровней регулирования трансграничных отношений в нефтегазовом секторе: негосударственных источников lex petrolea, национального и международного права. Процесс "материализации", его влияние на стирание границ между публичным и частным правом.
Analysis of vocabulary in the language of poetry. Manifestation of stylistics in the language of the poem in the text, and not in the lexical unit. Heed of lexical stylistics in the context of the analysis of modern poetic language of Russian poets.
Acquaintance with the national-cultural features of the English language in New Zealand. General characteristics of the main lexical and phonetic innovations that have arisen on the basis of the dialects of Great Britain, as well as the Maori language.
The most exciting enigma of the Poe’s works. Lexical and phonetic stylistic devices in the poems "The Raven", "Ulalume" by Edgar Allan Poe. The stylistic analysis of the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe and the stylistic analysis of the poem "Ulalume".
The theoretical material on how to understand the "aphorism" and "political discourse", its particularities, the necessary set of criteria, which are necessary for distant living. Analysis of the purpose of "political discourse" and its peculiarities.
The problem of lexical and semantic transformations used by translators in the process of preparing Bradbury's collection of stories "All summer in the day" is considered. Three concepts according to which the term transformation has been consolidated.
The status of hacker jargon as a linguistic and sociocultural phenomenon, its lexicological, stylistic, and phonetic features, the most significant ways of forming. The pronunciation keys to the jargon. The style hackers use in written and oral speech.
Neologisms as a linguistic phenomenon. Stylistic classification of the english word-stock. The status of hacker slang as a linguistic and socio-cultural phenomenon. Ways of forming a hacker slang and style hackers use in written and spoken language.
Formation of the ability to understand and create phrases in a foreign language as lexical units (fragments). Performing a whole complex of practical grammatical actions, which involves understanding the correct sequence of grammatical operations.
Lexical competence is a vital part of the foreign language fluency. The approaches to learning vocabulary and examples of types of exercises which help students gain lexical competence. Mastering professionally-oriented vocabulary while studying English.
- 200. Lexical lacunas in Xiao Hong's novel "Tales of Hulan river": characteristics and classification
Peculiarities of taking into account cultural differences and linguistic features of the author when translating. Types of lexical lacunae from the "Legend of Hulanhe": conceptual, material and institutional culture. Characteristics of lexical gaps.
The study of the phenomenon of multiculturalism in modern literature. Analysis of the novels of the Nobel Prize winner Tony Morrison. The use of post-modern techniques with the image of African-American women, her understanding of her place in the world.
The history of the peculiarities of American English. Lexical features differences in the American and English vocabulary. The differences in the American and English pronunciation. Features and differences between American and British spelling.
The stylistic device of repetition as an element of textuality and means of expression in a work of fiction, which is manifested in its power to impact readers, their linguistic consciousness, evaluation and culture of perception in a specific manner.
The article aims at analysing the lexical semantics of English and Ukrainian lexemes denoting "honour". The analysed samples are divided into the groups of polysemantic lexemes, lexical units with the middle degree of polysemy and monosemantic units.
The semantic meaning of verbs to denote disputes. formalized method of lexico-semantic analysis. The need to form new families. The study of monosemantic series of the lexical meaning of verbs to denote disputes in English. The highest degree of polysemy.
Analysis of scientific terminological vocabulary in H. Wells' science fiction novel "The Time Machine". Lexical, structural and semantic features of terms related to social sciences. An image of the latest achievements of mankind and future technologies.
Linguistic features of scientific and technical literature are considered; characteristic language constructions and methods of their translation. The main difficulties, stages and types of translation of scientific and technical texts are analyzed.
Analysis of political discourse as a discourse of persuasion. Review of the range of language tools used by politicians to manipulate the electorate. Characteristic features of political discourse (especially political slogans) at the grammatical level.
Emotional discourse is created by the purposeful efforts of the speaker in order to evoke the necessary emotions in the listener/listeners, is prepared in advance and is based on conscious secondary (socially determined), completely controlled emotions.
Analysis of lexical and semantic means of expression in the poetic world of Y. Baltrushaitis. Peculiarities of the artistic thinking of the symbolists, which contributed to the creation of a unique system of poetic images. Study of the poet’s early poems.