Linguistic aspect of the introduction of innovation methods of foreign language teaching in the context of European integration
Consideration of linguistic aspect of the introduction of the latest methods of teaching a foreign language in the process of European integration. Formation and development of students' communicative competence, practical mastery of a foreign language.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 26.02.2023 |
Размер файла | 25,9 K |
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Linguistic aspect of the introduction of innovation methods of foreign language teaching in the context of European integration
Suima Irina Pavlivna PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Translation and Linguistic Training of Foreigners, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
The article deals with the consideration of linguistic aspect of the introduction of the contemporary methods of teaching a foreign language in the process of European integration. In the modern world, studying at a university in general and studying foreign languages in particular require a revision of both the general methodology and specific methods and techniques, that is, a revision of the concept of study itself. The problem of learning a foreign language as a means of communication acquires special significance in a modern educational institution. It is emphasized that the main goal of learning foreign languages is the formation and development of students' communicative competence, practical mastery of a foreign language. It is stated in the article, that in the process of learning a foreign language for students, the implementation of the principle of communicative orientation plays an important role, because this principle is the leading one, since the result of learning is the formation of abilities and skills in using the language as a means of communication. The relevance of the research can be proved by the importance of the issue and, at the same time, the insufficient awareness of teachers of modern educational institutions about Western concepts of learning foreign languages.
The purpose of the research is theoretical substantiation of the use of new learning techniques and methods, as well as the development of pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of motivation for learning foreign languages. Methods are descriptive and comparative.
It is stated in the article that one of the possible ways to increase the efficiency of higher education is to study foreign pedagogical experience. Modern pedagogical technologies such as collaborative learning, project methodology, use of new information technologies, Internet resources help to implement a person-oriented approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of students, their level of education, inclinations, etc.
It is emphasized that most modern methods are communicatively oriented. One of their main features is students' creativity. Creative tasks are today a sign of modernity. They make it possible to construct work both on oral expression and on other types of activity in a new way.
It is noted that an important aspect is the choice of lexical and grammatical material, which, first of all, will be useful to the student for his/her professional activity.
Keywords: foreign language, communicative technique, European integration, person-oriented approach, information technologies.
Суїма Ірина Павлівна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри перекладу та лінгвістичної підготовки іноземців, Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара
Стаття присвячена розглядові лінгвістичного аспекту впровадження новітніх методик викладання іноземної мови у процесі євроінтеграції. У сучасному світі навчання в університеті загалом і навчання іноземним мовам зокрема вимагають перегляду як загальної методології, так і конкретних методів і прийомів, тобто перегляду самої концепції навчання. Проблема навчання іноземної мови як засобу спілкування набуває особливої значущості у сучасному закладі освіти. Підкреслено, що основною метою навчання іноземних мов є формування та розвиток комунікативної компетентності студентів, практичного оволодіння іноземною мовою. У статті зазначено, що у процесі навчання іноземної мови студентів важливу роль відіграє реалізація принципу комунікативної спрямованості, тому що цей принцип є провідним, оскільки результатом навчання є формування вмінь та навичок користування мовою як засобом спілкування. Актуальність теми дослідження може бути аргументована важливістю проблеми та водночас недостатньою обізнаністю викладачів сучасного закладу освіти про західні концепції навчання іноземних мов.
Мета дослідження: теоретичне обґрунтування використання нових прийомів та методів навчання, а також розробка педагогічних умов, що забезпечують формування мотивації навчання іноземних мов. Методи: описовий та порівняльний. foreign language communicative
У статті зазначено, що одним із можливих способів пошуку шляхів підвищення ефективності вищої освіти є вивчення зарубіжного педагогічного досвіду. Сучасні педагогічні технології такі, як навчання у співпраці, проектна методика, використання нових інформаційних технологій, інтернет - ресурсів допомагають реалізувати особистісно- орієнтований підхід у навчанні, забезпечують індивідуалізацію та диференціацію навчання з урахуванням здібностей студентів, їхнього рівня навченості, схильностей тощо.
Підкреслено, що більшість сучасних методик є комунікативно- орієнтованими. Одна з основних їх ознак - творчість студентів. Саме творчі завдання є сьогодні ознакою сучасності. Вони дозволяють по- новому побудувати роботу як над усним висловлюванням, так і над іншими видами діяльності. Відзначено, що важливим аспектом є вибір лексичного та граматичного матеріалу, що, у першу чергу, буде корисним студенту для його\її професійної діяльності.
Ключові слова: іноземна мова, комунікативна методика, євроінтеграція, особистісно-орієнтований підхід, інформаційні технології.
The relevance of the problem. In the modern world, university education in general and foreign language teaching in particular require a revision of both the general methodology and specific methods and techniques, that is, a revision of the concept of education itself. Entering the European community, various processes taking place in the spheres of politics, economics, culture, determine the problem of intercultural communication, mutual understanding of communication participants belonging to different nationalities. All these facts affect the methods of teaching foreign languages, and create problems in the theory and practice of teaching foreign languages.
It should be noted that knowledge and qualifications are becoming priority values in human life in the information society. In order to keep abreast of the development of student's field in world practice, it is necessary to have enough information not only in the native language, but also in a foreign one.
The problem of teaching a foreign language as a means of communication is of particular importance in a modern educational institution within the process of European integration. Thus, the main goal in teaching foreign languages is the formation and development of the communicative competence of students, teaching the practical mastery of a foreign language (Brodska, Yankovets, Bloshchynskyi, Rabiichuk, 2017: 169).
The task of the teacher is to create such conditions for the practical mastery of the language for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow all students to show their activity, their creativity (Bloshchynskyi, Yaremchuk, 2014: 276). The task of the teacher is to activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages. Modern pedagogical technologies such as collaborative learning, project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of students, their level of learning, etc.
In the process of teaching a foreign language to students, an important role is played by the implementation of the principle of communicative orientation, because this principle is the leading one, since the result of teaching students is the formation of skills and abilities to use the language as a means of communication.
Thus, the relevance of the research can be proved by the importance of the issue and, at the same time, the insufficient awareness of teachers of a modern educational institution about Western concepts of teaching foreign languages.
The main research methods in the article are descriptive and comparative.
Analysis of last researches and publications. The current stage of development of education is built taking into account the achievements and problems that have arisen in the process of transition of the education system to a new qualitative level. The transition of the system to educational programs in all institutions has been successfully completed and is being further developed in the creation of a single educational space through the integration of basic and additional education (Yakovlieva, 2014: 231-234).
The ongoing development of the education system in our country places increased demands on the quality of teacher education, which forms the foundation of the modern system of lifelong education. One of the possible ways to find ways to improve the effectiveness of higher pedagogical education is to study foreign pedagogical experience. The science of education, like other areas of knowledge and social practice, cannot develop in isolation from world experience (Artemeva, Makeeva, Milrud, 2005: 367-387). The sphere of education in this case is subject to general trends and patterns of development.
The main principle of teaching foreign languages is a comprehensive professionally-oriented study of a foreign language as a learning technology, on the basis of which communication is taught in various areas and situations of communication in order to solve professional problems (Kushnirov, 2014:348-356).
The logic of developing a communicative methodology led to the final promotion of a foreign language culture as the goal of teaching foreign languages in an educational institution (Balendr, Komarnytska, Bloshchynskyi, Didenko, 2018: 56). And such a system can only be built on a communicative basis. As the practice of using the communicative methodology has shown, it provides not only the assimilation of a foreign language as a means of communication, but also the development of the comprehensive qualities of the personality of student.
In the last two decades, such a trend as projectivity has been formed in education within the process of European integration (Yankovets, Bloshchynskyi, 2016: 201). It is closely related to the project culture, which arose as a result of the unification of the humanitarian-artistic and scientific- technical areas in education. The design culture is, as it were, the general formula in which the art of planning, invention, creation.
Mastering the culture of design, the student learns to think creatively, independently planning his actions, predicting possible options, solving the tasks facing him, implementing the means and methods of work he has mastered. The design culture is now entering many areas of educational practice in the form of project methods and project-based teaching methods (Coyle, 2015). The project method is actively included in the teaching of foreign languages.
Currently, intensive teaching of foreign languages is implemented in various developing, newly created and existing methodological systems. This is due to the variety of specific goals of teaching a foreign language to various groups of students, as well as the variety of learning conditions (a grid of training hours, their number, the size of the study group).
The most famous at present is the method of activating the reserve capabilities of the individual (Marsh, 2002). The activation method most clearly and fully reflects the concept of intensive teaching of a foreign language. The activity method of teaching a foreign language is based on the activity concept of learning, represented by the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions. Based on this theory, for several years, the development of learning technology was carried out, which was then called the activity method. In fact, the activity method is comparable with the activity approach, which is based on the idea of the activity of the cognizing object, of learning as an active, conscious, creative activity. This technique involves teaching communication in the unity of all its functions: regulatory, cognitive, value- oriented and etiquette. It can be used both in work with an adult contingent and in high school.
The purpose of the research is theoretical substantiation of the use of new techniques and teaching methods, as well as the development of pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of motivation for teaching foreign languages.
Presentation of main material of the research. The process of teaching foreign language communication is a model of the real process of communication in terms of the main parameters: motivation, purposefulness, informativeness of the communication process, novelty, situationality, functionality, the nature of the interaction of those who communicate and the system of speech means. Due to this fact, learning conditions are created that are adequate to real ones, which ensures the successful mastery of skills and their use in real communication. The complex nature of a foreign language culture is manifested in the unity and interconnection of its educational, cognitive, educational and developmental aspects. Each of these aspects, in a practical sense, are equivalent. But true mastery of one is possible only on the condition of proper mastery of the others.
The volume of regional, linguistic and linguo-cultural knowledge of reality cannot be fully assimilated within the framework of one course, therefore it is necessary to build a model of the content of the object of knowledge, that is, to select, depending on the purpose of training and the content of the course, the amount of specified knowledge that will be sufficient to represent the culture countries and language systems. At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the cognitive needs of individual students related to their individual interests, etc. Certain frameworks of the system of education and its final tasks require, for methodological purposes, the creation of a model of the content of development, that is, a certain minimum that is necessary to solve the problems facing the subject.
The communicative learning system is built in a reverse way: first, the final product (goal) is outlined, and then the tasks that can lead to this result are determined. This takes place within the entire course, every year, cycle of lessons and one lesson and applies to all aspects. This approach provides training with a systematic approach with all its inherent qualities: integrity, hierarchy, purposefulness.
Systematic training is built taking into account the patterns of mastering each of its aspects by students. All training in organizational terms is built on the basis of the rules of cyclicity and concentricity. Cyclicity is manifested in the fact that a certain amount of material is assimilated within a cycle of lessons, each of which includes a certain number of lessons. Any cycle is built on the basis of the stages of development of a particular skill and ability in each type of speech activity.
The cyclicity is reinforced by a concentric approach that concerns both the speech material and the issues discussed. Consistency is manifested in the fact that the proposed system includes not only a foreign language teacher and a student, but also his parents, teachers of other subjects. Interdisciplinary connections are used as a means of additional motivation for those students who are not interested in a foreign language.
Each student, as an individual, has certain abilities, both general and partial. Communicative training is aimed at identifying their initial level and their further development. For this purpose, special means are used to identify abilities - special tests, for development - exercises and supports.
When organizing joint activities of the student, it is planned to develop the personality traits necessary for fruitful cooperation.
Joint activities are organized in such a way that students realize that the success of the common cause depends on each of them. The combination of communication with other activities makes it possible to bring learning closer to real communication, which is carried out not only for the sake of communication, but also serves other activities that take place simultaneously with it.
For a more productive mastery of all aspects of a foreign language by students, a system of tools (reminders and special exercises) is provided for the formation of the necessary skills and abilities in students, for the formation of the ability to learn, which constitutes subjective individualization.
The third leading component of the principle of individualization is the so-called personal individualization. It involves taking into account and using the parameters inherent in the individual: personal experience, context of activity, interests and inclinations, emotions and feelings, worldview, status in the team. All this allows students to evoke true communicative and situational motivation.
Speech-thinking tasks are designed to develop the mechanisms of thinking: the mechanism of orientation in a situation, the evaluation of feedback signals and decision-making, the mechanism for determining the goal, the mechanism of choice, the mechanism of combination and design.
The principle of functionality in teaching a foreign language. This principle assumes that each student must understand what not only practical knowledge of the language can give him, but also the use of the acquired knowledge in cognitive and developmental aspects.
This principle also lies in the fact that the functions of the types of speech activity are mastered as a means of communication, that is, those functions that are performed in the process of human communication are recognized and assimilated: reading, writing, speaking, listening.
Novelty prescribes the use of texts and exercises that contain something new for students, the rejection of repeated reading of the same text and exercises with the same task, the variability of texts of different content, but built on the same material. Thus, novelty ensures the rejection of arbitrary memorization, develops speech production, heuristics and productivity of students' speech skills, and arouses interest in learning activities.
Now let's move on to the methodological principles on which another modern method of teaching English is based. So, the main methodological principles that are conceptually important for the design methodology are the following.
The principle of consciousness, which provides for the support of students on a system of grammatical rules, work on which is built in the form of work with tables, which in turn is a sign of the following principle.
The principle of accessibility is manifested, first of all, in the fact that when building a course of study according to the project methodology, issues and problems that are significant for the student are considered.
The principle of activity in the project methodology is based not only on external activity (active speech activity), but also on internal activity, which manifests itself when working on projects, developing the creative potential of students and based on previously studied material.
The principle of communication, which ensures contact not only with the teacher, but also communication within groups, during the preparation of projects, as well as with teachers of other groups.
The principle of systematicity is relevant for this methodology not only because all the material is divided into topics and subtopics, but also because the methodology is based on the cyclical organization of the educational process: each of the provided cycles is designed for a certain number of hours.
The principle of independence also plays a very important role in the design methodology. The novelty of this approach is that students are given the opportunity to design the content of communication themselves, starting from the first lesson. Each project is related to a certain theme and developed within a certain time. The work on the project is combined with the creation of a solid language base. And since work on projects is carried out either independently or in a group with other students, we can talk about the principle of independence as one of the fundamental ones.
The principles of the design methodology are closely interrelated and very important. This technique teaches students to think creatively, independently planning their actions, perhaps options for solving the tasks facing them, and the principles on which this technique is based make learning according to it possible for any age group.
The principle of collective interaction, which is the leading one in the activation method, the most famous in the intensive technique. It is this principle that links the goals of education and upbringing, characterizes the means, methods and conditions of the educational process. For the educational process, which is based on this principle, it is characteristic that students actively communicate with others, expand their knowledge, improve their skills and abilities. Optimal interaction is formed between them and collective relationships are formed, which serve as a condition and means of increasing the effectiveness of teaching, the success of each of the trainees depends largely on the others.
The principle of personality-oriented communication is no less significant. It is based on the influence of communication, its nature, style on the implementation of educational and educational goals.
The principle of the role-based organization of the educational process is closely related to the two previous ones. Roles and masks in a group greatly contribute to the management of communication in the classroom.
The principle of concentration in the organization of educational material and the educational process is not only a qualitative, but also a quantitative characteristic of the intensive method.
The principle of multifunctionality of exercises reflects the specifics of the system of exercises in the intensive teaching methodology. Language skills that have been formed in non-speech conditions are fragile. Therefore, the most productive approach is considered to be the approach to teaching a foreign language, which involves the simultaneous and parallel mastery of language material and speech activity.
All five considered principles of intensive teaching of foreign languages provide a clear relationship between the subject and learning activities and thus contribute to the effective implementation of learning goals.
The activity method was considered possible to use in the upper grades of a general education school, excluding the lower grades, since the first methodological principle of this technique can be formulated as follows:
The principle of the necessity of logical thinking. The activity method is focused on the conceptual, logical thinking of students, but allows the possibility of using it at school from that age, the formed logical thinking becomes obvious. The use of the activity methodology would make it possible to systematize and generalize the language and speech experience that schoolchildren have.
The principle of activity. With the activity method, the student's activity is obvious. The need for this lies in its very name. This technique provides for great activity in the preliminary mastery of language means and subsequent mastery of communication based on existing knowledge, teachings, and skills in using language means in speech.
The principle of primary mastery of language means. This principle arose from the fact that the creators of the activity methodology consider it wrong to learn language means in the process of working with the content of the message. They believe that this makes it almost impossible to fully master the language means.
The principle of using speech communication units. The creators of the activity methodology identified a new speech- communicative language unit, which led to the need to rethink the problem of the language content of education, primarily the principles of selecting grammatical knowledge.
And yet, despite the large number of similarities, it is impossible not to notice the differentiation of methods, techniques, content of teaching a foreign language, depending on the goals and planned levels of proficiency in it, on the characteristics of the contingent of students and learning conditions. This is where the specific features of foreign language teaching methods come from.
The development of speech involves the assimilation of the necessary language, and in particular, grammatical means. The goal is for students to be able to use these tools in the process of speaking automatically. The automated use of grammatical means in speech (oral and written) involves the mastery of a certain number of skills.
The most important condition for creating an active grammatical skill is the presence of a sufficient amount of lexical material on which a skill can be formed. A grammatical action is performed only within certain vocabulary boundaries, on a certain vocabulary material. If a student can quickly and correctly grammatically formulate a phrase in an appropriate situation, then he already has some grammatical skill. The grammatical skill of speaking is understood as a consistently correct and automated, communicatively- motivated use of grammatical phenomena in oral speech. The main qualities of the grammatical skill of speaking are automation and integrity in the performance of grammatical operations, the unity of form and meaning, situational and communicative conditionality of its functioning.
Speech morphological skills are grammatical skills that ensure the correct and automated formation and use of words in oral speech. These include skills for the correct use of case endings of nouns in oral speech, etc.
Syntactic speech skills. Speech grammatical skills that provide a consistently correct and automated arrangement of words (word order) in all types of sentences in analytical (English) and inflectional-analytical languages (German, French) in oral speech, in accordance with language directions.T. e. skills in mastering the basic syntactic patterns (stereotypes) of sentences.
A functional approach to learning requires adherence to the following principles:
1. Speech orientation.
Teaching foreign languages through communication. This means the practical orientation of the lesson. Only lessons in language are legitimate, not about language. You can learn to speak only by speaking, listening-listening, reading-reading. First of all, it concerns exercises: the more the exercise is similar to real communication, the more effective it is. In speech exercises, there is a smooth, dosed and at the same time rapid accumulation of a large amount of vocabulary and grammar with immediate implementation; not a single phrase is allowed that could not be used in real communication.
2. Functionality.
Speech activity has three sides: lexical, grammatical, phonetic. They are inextricably linked in the process of speaking. It follows from this that words cannot be assimilated in isolation from their forms of existence (use). It is necessary to strive to master speech units in most exercises. Functionality implies that both words and grammatical forms are assimilated immediately in activity: the student performs some kind of speech task - confirms the thought, doubts what he heard, asks about something, encourages the interlocutor to act and in the process learns the necessary words or grammatical forms.
3. Situational, role-based organization of the educational process.
Of fundamental importance is the selection and organization of material based on situations and communication problems that interest students of each age. The need to teach on the basis of situations is recognized by everyone, they understand this, but in different ways. The description of situations ("At the cash desk", "At the station", etc.) is not a situation, it is not able to fulfill the functions of motivating statements, to develop the quality of speech skills. Only real situations (a system of relationships between people as exponents of certain roles) are capable of this. To learn a language, you need not to study the language, but the world around you with its help. The desire to speak appears in the student only in a real or recreated situation that affects the speakers.
a) Grammatical skills are components of different types of speech activity and differ from each other as much as these types of speech communication differ from each other.
b) The functional approach to teaching grammar teaches us to see the real picture of the language system, the connection and interaction (relationship) of units of different levels of the language, and most importantly, the coordinated life of language units in speech, their joint functioning in the text. Promotes the development of logical and associative thinking of schoolchildren: teaches them to see the same, similar meanings and functions in externally (formally) different language means. Develops linguistic and speech flair, makes more conscious work on the choice of language means, in the formation of an utterance; allows you to master a complex of means expressing close meanings; raises questions about differences, selection rules, functionality. Stimulates the development of both receptive and productive speech actions. Develops interest in the language when working with text and creating their own speech units: demonstrates the ability to operate with units of different levels, to search for and find connections and interactions of language units. Meets modern requirements for learning a foreign language: practical knowledge of the language, the formation of communicative competence.
c) In the functional approach, exercises with a predominant orientation to meaning are used, which can be divided into three subgroups, which in general are situational exercises. The use of situational exercises is consistent with the principles of learning content in a functional approach. This is, first of all, functionality, speech orientation and situationality. The constant change of speech situations gives a foreign language lesson novelty, and the nature of the exercises (dialogical communication, group work) ensures collective interaction. In the process of forming a grammatical skill, such types of training exercises as imitative and substitutional exercises play an important role, namely, they are a "bridge" between the formation of the formal and functional side of a grammatical skill.
d) The use of visualization does not exclude, but presupposes active mental activity of students, which is based on the unity of analytical and synthetic forms of thinking. This kind of symbolic visualization helps the child quickly recall memorized phrases and small sentences, contribute to the formation of all types of skills, as well as grammatical ones and use them in speech.
Conclusions and prospects of the research
All the considered methods have a common goal of teaching - to teach students to communicate in English, as well as to participate in the formation and development of students' personalities. The basic principle of all these techniques is the principle of active communication, which is based on situations of a different nature (from social to problematic). These situations are implemented through work in groups (teamwork), but at the same time, all these principles are at the same time personality-oriented, and are most effectively implemented in a positive psychological atmosphere, when everyone feels comfortable and is in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and active interaction, they share not only information, but also emotions. Another significant point of the described methods is the creation of additional motivation, which ensures increased interest of students in the learning process. It should also be mentioned that in modern methods an important role is played by independent cognitive activity of students. The submission of ready-made material to students is not welcome, they should show more independence, because this contributes to memorization. The main idea of these techniques is the same: the best way to learn is through communication.
And yet, regardless of such a large number of similarities, each of the methods has its own specific features. It is thanks to them that these methods differ from each other and become separate, independent phenomena in methodology. Specific features give each technique its own look, they also determine the positive and negative qualities that are inherent in each of them.
After analyzing the positive and negative features, we can conclude that the most effective, successful and harmonious is the communicative method of teaching a foreign culture. It should be noted that when choosing a teaching method, one should take into account not only one's own preferences, but, first of all, one should focus on the age, abilities, interests and psychological characteristics of the trainees.
Most modern methods are communication-oriented. One of their main features is the creativity of students. It is creative tasks, as can be seen from this work, that are today a sign of modernity. They allow you to build work in a new way not only on oral utterance, but also in other types of activity. As for the practical application of methods, I think that it is not at all necessary to use one method. It would be best to integrate several methods, combining their best aspects, in relation to students.
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18. Coyle D. Content and Language Integrated Learning Motivating Learners and Teachers. 2015. URL: clilpractiques1/files/2008/11/slrcoyle.pdf.
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