Сущность права (современное нормативное правопонимание на грани двух веков)
Понятие и признаки права, подходы к правопониманию в советской и современной российской науке. Определение терминов "гипотеза", "диспозиция" и "санкция", их значение и виды. Законность и правопорядок. Либертарно-юридическая теория права и государства.
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | книга |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 15.05.2014 |
Размер файла | 536,3 K |
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Право -- это не только нормы, но и другие правовые явления. «Социологический подход». Концепция жесткого различения права и закона. Либертарно-юридическая теория права и государства. Противопоставление естественного и позитивного права. Идея «высшего права», стоящего над законодательством, включая Конституцию. Коммуникативная концепция права. Отсутствие «работающих» определений права. О совместимости разных направлений правопонимания и путях поиска общего понятия права. Краткие выводы из сравнительного анализа нормативного и широкого понимания права
Глава 5. Принципы и функции права.
Глава 6. Право и правовая система: вопросы соотношения
Постановка и разработка проблемы правовой системы. Понятие правовой системы. Структура правовой системы. Теория права и теория правовой системы. Вопрос о системообразующем элементе правовой системы. Норма права и правоотношение в структуре правовой системы. Право -- связующее звено между политической властью, государством и правовой системой общества, всеми ее составными звеньями. Норма права -- генерализующий фактор правовой системы
Глава 7. Учение о юридической норме. Понятие и признаки правовой нормы. Специфические признаки, отличающие нормы права от других социальных норм. Определение нормы права.Соотношение нормы права и правоотношения.Структура (внутренняя организация) юридической нормы. Вопрос о структуре исходных норм права, не являющихся правилами поведени. Структура правовых норм-правил поведения. Гипотеза: понятие и виды. Диспозиция: понятие и виды. Санкция: понятие и виды.
Соотношение нормы права и статьи нормативного акта. Способы изложения правовых норм в статьях нормативных актов. Классификация правовых норм. По функциональной роли в механизме правового регулирования.
Глава 8. Система права как его внутреннее строение
К истории обсуждения проблемы. Понятие, основания и составные элементы системы права. Отрасль права. Институт права. Предмет и метод правового регулирования.
Соотношение системы права и системы законодательства, отрасли права и отрасли законодательства. Об основных отраслях современного российского права.
Глава 9. Законность и правопорядок
Законность. Идея законности и основные аспекты ее понятия. Наиболее существенные черты законности и ее определение. Гарантии законности и их классификация. Общие виды гарантий законности. Социально-экономические гарантии. Политические гарантии. Духовные гарантии (354). Общественные гарантии. Специально-юридические или собственно юридические гарантии законности и их система. Законы и подзаконные нормативные акты как нормативно-правовая основа законности и их совершенствование. Внутриведомственный и междуведомственный контроль за законностью. Государственные органы, непосредственно стоящие на страже законности и правопорядка, и совершенствование их деятельности. Иные специально-юридические гарантии законности. Правопорядок. Понятие, признаки, определение. Критика трактовки правового порядка и «правовой» законности, предлагаемой с позиции концепции «различения» права и закона. Соотношение демократии, законности и правопорядка.
Глава 10. Правовое государство: проблемы теории и практики. Понятие и признаки государства. К развитию идеи правового государства. Две стороны понятия правового государства, его определение. Основные принципы правового государства. Легитимность государственной власти. Взаимная ответственность государства и личности при приоритете в их взаимоотношениях прав и свобод человека и гражданина. Разделение властей. Новый, более высокий уровень законности. Формирование правового государства.
Слово об авторе
The contents
Foreword to the second edition
Chapter 1. Basic legal doctrines
The natural-legal theory of law. Historical school of law. Realistic school of law. The psychological theory of law. Normative (abstract-normative) theory. The theory of solidarism and social functions. The sociological theory of law. Marxist theory of law.
Chapter 2. Basic approaches to understanding of the law In Soviet
and modern Russian legal theory
Development of understanding of law in the Soviet past and present-day Russia. A brief critical analysis of the points of view on the problem. Two basic directions in understanding law in the Russian theory of law: the normative and the broad ones. The importance of precise clarification of their contents and differences in the interpretation of the notion of law.
Chapter 3. Modern normative understanding of law: the notion, main characteristic feature, the definition The state volitional character of the law as an expression of its universal general social) and class essence. Normative character of the law. Correlation of the essence, contents and form of the law. Legal norm and the law as the contents and the form of the law, their unity and integrity. Theoretic criteria of conformity of separate norms expressed in various legal sources with the law as a state will of a society (63). Volitional and regulatory character of the law. Law as a state regulator of public relations. All-round character of connection and interaction of state and law, their unity and uniformity. Law as a highly effective tool of realization in life of state policy, a specific form of organization and maintenance of its versatile activity, realization of its tasks and functions. Specificity of legal regulation, its legal consequences. The law legal relations. The law as a sole official determinant and criterion of the lawful and wrongful, lawful and unlawful behavior -- the measure of legal freedom of the people. General definition of the notion of the law.
Chapter 4. The critical analysis of a broad understanding of the law. General characteristic features, distinguishing it from the normative understanding
The law is not only norms, but also other legal phenomena. «The Sociological approach". The concept of rigid distinction of the law and the statute. The libertarian legal theory of the law and state. Opposition of the natural and positive law. The idea «of the supreme law» which stands above the legislation, including the Constitution. The communicative concept of the law. The absence of "working" definitions of the law. About compatibility of different directions in understanding of the and ways of looking for general concept of the right. Brief conclusions from the comparative analysis of normative and broad understanding of the law.
Chapter 5. Principles and functions of the law
Principles of the law. The notion of principles of the law and their classification into general (general legal), inter-branch and branch. Division general legal principles into moral or ethical moral and organizational. Moral principles of the modern Russian law -- the natural laws as non-alienable and natural rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Equality of everybody before the law and court as a principle of a formal equality. Organizational principles of the Russian law. The principle of federalism. The principle of legality. The principle of persuasion and compulsion. The principle of the combination of stimulation and restriction. Inter-branch and branch principles of the law.
Functions of the law. The notion of functions of the law and their classification. Two-fold criteria of allocation of basic and other general functions of the law: the character and the purpose of influence of the law on public relations. Correlation of notions «legal regulation" and «legal influence". General basic functions of the law. Regulative static function. Regulative dynamic function. Regulative law safeguarding function. Educational function of the law. The sphere of public relations selectively falling under legal regulation, as one more criterion of classification of functions of the law. Functions of the law derivative from basic general and private(individual) functions. Functions of branches, legal institutes and norms of the law.
Chapter 6. The law and the legal system:
Problems of correlation Statement and development of the problem of the legal system. The concept of the legal system. The structure of the legal system. The theory of the law and theory of legal system. The question about the system forming element of the legal system. The norm of the law and legal relation in the structure of the legal system. The law as a link between political authority, state and legal system of a society, all its compound parts. Norm of the law as a generalizing factor of the legal system (200).
Chapter 7. The doctrine on legal norm
The notion and features of the legal norm. Specific features distinguishing norms of the law from other social norms. Definition of the norm of the law.
Correlation of the norm of the law and understanding of the law.
The structure of the legal norm. The question on the structure of initial norms of the law, which are not rules of behavior. The structure of the rules of law, which are rules of behavior. The hypothesis: the notion and types. The disposition: the notion and types. The sanction: the notion and types.
Correlation of a norm of the law and an article of the normative act. Ways of a wording of the rules of law in articles of the normative acts.
Classification of the norms of the law. According to their functional role in the mechanism of legal regulation. According to the subject of legal regulation. According to the method of legal regulation. On the basis of the combination of specific features of the subject and method of legal regulation. Depending on the form (a legal source) of the law. According to their legal force. According to the sphere of application. Depending on the features of structural elements. According to the character of a target orientation.
Chapter 8. The system of the law as its internal structure
To the history of discussion of the problem. The notion, the bases and components of the system of the law. The branch of the law. The institute of the law. The subject and method of legal regulation.
Correlation of the system of the law and the system of legislation, branches of the law and branches of the legislation. About the basic branches of the present-day Russian law.
Chapter 9. Legality, law and order
Legality. The idea of legality and basic aspects of its notion (338). The most essential features of legality and its definition. Guarantees of legality and their classification. General types of guarantees of legality. Socio economic guarantees. Political guarantees. Spiritual guarantees. Public guarantees. Special legal or legal guarantees of legality proper and their system. The laws and by-laws as a normative and legal basis of legality and their perfection. Inter-institutional and inter-departmental control over the legality. State bodies which are in charge of legality and law and order, and the perfection of their activity. Other special legal guarantees of legality.
Law and order. The notion, attributes, and definition. Criticism of treatment of the legal order and "legal" legality offered from the position of the concept of "distinction" between the law and the statute. Correlation of democracy, legality, law and order.
Chapter 10. The rule of law state: The problems of the theory
and practice
The notion and attributes of the state.
To development of the idea of a the rule of law state.
Two sides of the concept of the rule of law state, its definition.
The basic principles of the rule of law state. Legitimate character of state power. Mutual responsibility of the state and person under the conditions of priority of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in their mutual relation (465). Separation of powers. The new, higher level of legality. Unity of the natural and positive law and rapprochement of the legal and moral beginnings in the activity of the state connected with this unity.
Formation of the rule of law state.
About the author
In the monograph "The Essence of the Law (modern normative understanding of the norms on the verge of two centuries)" that is devoted to one of the most complex, important and fundamental problems of the general theory of state and law, the theoretical and practical jurisprudence as a whole the author M.I. Baitin considers schools that historically evolved and were widely recognized and the main directions of law understanding in the Soviet and modern Russian theory of law. The notion, basic characteristic features and the definition of the law, correlation between the essence, the content and the form of the law, principles and functions of the law, correlation between the law and the legal system, doctrine of the legal norm, correlation between the norm of the law and legal relation, the system of the law as its inner structure, law and legality, the rule of law state are considered and analyzed from the point of view of interaction between state and law, understanding of the unity of natural and positive law.
The normative approach is combined with the analysis of the wide understanding of the law, including the "differentiation" between right and law, interpretation of legality and law and order from this point of view of this concept.
The author pays much attention to the most important and acute disputable questions that now attract attention of the Russian jurisprudence. For example, as compared to the normative approach the book contains critical analysis of the understanding of the law, including its types, such as "sociological approach", libertine legal theory of "differentiation" between the law and the statute, interpretation of legality, law and order from this point of view, opposition of the natural and positive law, communication theory, etc. of
Many of the conclusions the author arrived at about modern understanding of the law directly relate to the fornulation of the legal doctrine in XXI century Russia.
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