• История создания компанией "Microsoft" новой версии операционной системы. Рассмотрение системных требований для установки Windows 10. Повышение производительности персональных компьютеров. Внедрение в операционную систему голосового помощника Cortana.

    доклад (41,4 K)
  • Объектно-ориентированный подход при создании Windows 95. Объекты, их свойства и методы. Выбор показателей и параметров для оценки ОС Windows 95. История создания, особенности и отличия Windows 98. Основные ее характеристики, пользовательский интерфейс.

    реферат (36,6 K)
  • The desktop of the computer and installed default programs. Working with Windows 98: folders, files, drives. The control display with information in the right panel. The difference between cutting and deleting. Using the clipboard as the storage area.

    реферат (653,5 K)
  • Преимущества Windows Vista перед Windows XP. Варианты программного обеспечения операционной системы. Обеспечение совместимости с ранее написанными программами как ее основная задача. Версии Windows Vista для домашних пользователей и крупных организаций.

    реферат (15,9 K)
  • Вложенные командные оболочки в Cmd.exe. Использование команды set для создания, удаления, отображения переменных среды. Новые способы выполнения типичных задач Windows XP и новые средства командной строки. Использование пакетных файлов и команды Netsh.

    реферат (36,5 K)
  • Характеристика интегрированной программы Windows, которая представляет собой замкнутую рабочую среду. Paint как удобный графический редактор, который входит в состав стандартных программ, устанавливаемых с Windows. Текстовый редактор Word для Windows.

    отчет по практике (63,7 K)
  • Research of the current state and development trends of wine tourism in Ukraine, its resource provision and possibilities of genesis in the future. Use of winemaking traditions in tourism, participation in special thematic establishments and events.

    статья (66,0 K)
  • Study the history of hockey as a sport. Defining features of the first hockey game. Characteristics of the field markings and rules of the game. Establishing the time duration of the game. Evaluation uniforms players. Features of women's hockey.

    презентация (2,9 M)
  • Characteristics and development of the manufacturing process of ski equipment and the development of the mountain slopes. The reasons for the popularity and spread of interest vacation in the mountains. A study of ski holidays, as a way of life.

    статья (567,6 K)
  • Mobilisierung und organisatorische Mabnahmen der Behorden zur Suche und Entsendung der Bevolkerung zur Arbeit im Reich, ihre Lebensumstande. Die Rolle der landwirtschaftlichen und handwerklichen Kurse, die im Bezirk Kolomyia betrieben werden analysiert.

    статья (31,9 K)
  • The same time in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the processes of complex processing of oil-plant hydrocarbon gases and the oxidation and conversion of these gases with the participation of heterogeneous catalysts of various types have been relevant.

    статья (737,3 K)
  • Several writers have claimed that some of Nagarjuna's ideas are in agreement with those of the Wittgenstein and Nagarjuna's can be seen as taking a Wittgenstein position against opponents. The nature of philosophy which explain "Nagarjuna's Paradox".

    статья (1,3 M)
  • The influence of structuralists like Bartes and Derrida on American literary criticism and a wide variety of texts and literary themes. A theory of consciousness from idealist thought, which underlies the work of most influential literary theorists.

    статья (2,2 M)
  • The imaginative examples pointing out some "blind spot", surprisingly concrete reformulations of what appears at first to presuppose higher levels of abstraction, and striking, but easily verified phenomenological facts. Wittgenstein`s interest in them.

    статья (1,4 M)
  • Автоматизация работы складского хозяйства. Понятие, цели и задачи WMS-системы управления складом. Классификация и принцип работы. WMS-система как инструмент повышения эффективности складской логистики и средство оптимизации бизнес-процессов на складе.

    курсовая работа (68,6 K)
  • The scientific article analyzes the poems of M.A. Sabira Also, the article first analyzes Sabir's poem "Witch's Advice to Girls" and interprets satirical and poetic principles in a scientific context. Characteristic features of his work are shown.

    статья (25,3 K)
  • The history and current state of the status of women in Kalmyk and Buryat Buddhism in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. Participation of women in the activities of Buddhist communities and organizations, the study of Buddhist philosophy and medicinе.

    статья (35,2 K)
  • Representation of women in human rights media discourse during the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014-2019. Assessment of the discursive practice of using genres, interdiscursiveness, intertextuality. Ways to overcome discrimination against women.

    статья (40,6 K)
  • Biographies of female members from Switzerland, Russia, France, Monaco, Israel who joined the International Musicological Society from 1928 to 1963. Social possibilities afforded to women, the state of musicology and music libraries in their countries.

    статья (27,4 K)
  • Kollontai and the women's movement in early Soviet society. French women and pluralism of feminisms. Sexual morality in the USSR of the 1920s. The institute of marriage in the socialist sphere in the 19th century. Woman and the lines of sexual freedom.

    дипломная работа (701,7 K)
  • The practice of survival of collective farm women in the conditions of the reconstruction of the collective farm system and the famine. Strategies of peasants' behavior in the first years of post-war reconstruction and their gender-colored labeling.

    статья (46,0 K)
  • Analizes of factors influencing tobacco use among women. Health consequence of tobacco use among women. Smoking and reproductive outcomes, cigarette smoking among pregnant women. New European anti-smoking campaign and quitting smoke and attempts to quit.

    реферат (29,4 K)
  • The role of reproductive rights in the system of personal non-property rights, analysis of their legal regulation in India, Ukraine. Justification of the need to adopt a special legislative act in the field of reproductive rights and reproductive health.

    статья (32,8 K)
  • The politics of the Persians and Islamists, alliances with the Western world and the establishment of their power on the laws of Sharia. The revolution of 1979 and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a rejection of the Persian identity.

    статья (21,5 K)
  • Работа с графикой в MS Word. Импортирование графики в документ. Основные типы графики. Создание графических объектов, форматирование надписей, картинок и рисунков. Механизм встраивания и связывания объектов в среде Windows. Способы обновления связи.

    реферат (181,0 K)
  • Dynamics and factors of the formation of new words. The concept of word-formation, transformation and transmission as the main processes. Classification, types and basic methods of formation of new words. Characteristics of word-building models.

    контрольная работа (62,4 K)
  • Word-formation and other ways of nomination in modern English. Principles of morphemic analysis and its basic units. Derivational analysis and basic units of derivational system. Affixation: general concept, characteristic and specific classification.

    реферат (332,8 K)
  • Особенности феномена Word of Mouth (WOM), уровень доверия потребителей традиционной рекламе. Маркетинг "сарафанного радио". Описание содержательных блоков маркетинговых стратегий WOM. Интернет-пространство как основная площадка для реализации WOM.

    курсовая работа (1,9 M)
  • Segmentation of Words into Morphemes. Principles of Morphemic Analysis. Types of Word Segment ability. Historical Changeability of Word-Structure. Classification of Morphemes. Derivative Relations. Derivational Bases, Patterns and Affixes. Semi-Affixes.

    курсовая работа (115,7 K)
  • The language of each people is a system in which social processes are reflected. Sociectic measurement of a language consisting of linguistic sub-standards of varying degrees of codification, including slang. Study of productive means of word formation.

    статья (24,4 K)