• Characteristics of the main causalities of the dominant economic and political system that the left likes to style as "neo-liberalism". The new populism like a reaction to the excesses of the new world order which formed after the Second World War.

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  • The design of mass spectrometer on charge detection. The determination of mass distribution of various macromolecules and nanoparticles. Access to intrinsic features such as fragmentation patterns and unimolecular dissociation activation energy.

    статья (2,3 M)
  • Devoted and characterized to the phenomenon of the conflict of interpretations in the perception of the text by a foreign recipient. The study explores main reasons for the difficulty of understanding unrealistic works in the Chinese readership.

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  • Problems, opportunities and methods related to whistleblowing in Albania. Legal framework of Law No. 60/2016, overview of legal initiatives in light of the protection provided to whistleblowers before administrative investigation and criminal prosecution.

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  • The special accent and unusual rhyming slang of the residents of London's East End. Acquaintance with a secret language that allowed "initiates" to confuse and deceive strangers, policemen and other lovers of eavesdropping on other people's conversations.

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  • Indicators to measure the impact of terrorism: the number of terrorist incidents, the number of deaths, the number of casualties and the level of property damage. Impact of a terrorist attack on a society in terms of the subsequent security response.

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  • Henry Ford is a man who transformed the world. The essence of the legendary invention of Henry Ford "Model T". The economic policy of Henry Ford. The Ford's competitors. The system of the organization of mass-line production. The car he built.

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  • Location Trafalgar Square, the statue of national hero Admiral Nelson. The value of the houses of Parliament to the UK government. Feature big Ben, the creation of a bridge over the Thames. Description of the tower of London and Greenwich Observatory.

    презентация (539,7 K)
  • The main problems for the operators of minibuses are the danger of revising the ownership rights of the route owners. The difference between cities with fixed-route taxis and cities without fixed-route taxis in terms of retention of property rights.

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  • The reasons why some East countries of Africa are not developed, so they live in poverty. Lagging behind European countries. Earnings and unemployment rates by educational attainment. The lack of skills will affect the lives of these young people forever.

    контрольная работа (106,8 K)
  • The journalist is a researcher of what is happening in the world, who can competently explain the course of events. The history of journalism and its development. The profession of journalism has both pluses and minuses or advantages and disadvantages.

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  • Jamaica is the third most populous anglophone country in the Americas, after the United States and Canada. Culture of Jamaica. Reggae music and dancing is an integral part of everyday Jamaican life. Recreational activities. National park of Jamaica.

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  • Principles of the linguistic turn in its analytical interpretation provided by Rorty. The commonality and difference of Frege’s and Husserl’s positions regarding key issues of their concepts. Connection of the philosophers ideas with the linguistic turn.

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  • The need to rethink approaches to assessing the impact of military operations on the economy. Impact on the economic behavior of international corporations, which are forced to leave the Russian market due to sanctions and to preserve their image.

    статья (358,8 K)
  • The issues Safety and security in Europe. Construction of European Union for providing of economic and public solidarity. History steps in construction of European Economic Community. Integration in overcoming of age-old enmity between European countries.

    контрольная работа (117,9 K)
  • Restoring international contacts: delegations and specialists’ trips. 1955 trip to the US and Canada: western corn. Import of western agricultural technology. Rising resistance: funding cuts. Purchase of agricultural machinery from the comecon countries.

    статья (69,2 K)
  • The Structure Of The British humor. Nonsense verse is a form of poetry, normally composed for humorous effect. The nursery rhymes are a part of nonsense poetry and sometimes they are nonsense. A limerick is a short, often humorous and ribald poem.

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  • Общая характеристика беспроводных сетевых технологий. Архитектура и компоненты сети. Сравнение стандартов беспроводной передачи данных. Изучение рынка Wi-Fi технологий, безопасность функционирования сетей на основе протокола 802.11 и его аналогов.

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  • Огляд основних понять фразеологічних порівнянь німецької мови, проблеми їх перекладу. Порівняльний аналіз компаративних фразеологічних одиниць в німецькій та в українській мовах. Структура фразеологічних порівнянь, семантичне наповнення їхніх компонентів.

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  • Biography of Orville and Wilbur Wright, two American brothers, inventors and pioneers of aviation. The history of the invention and the creation of the world's first successful airplane. Modern use of Wright aircraft as the basis for all aircraft.

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  • Причини, напрями та етапи формування охорони дикої природи в Європейському Союзі. Дослідження передового досвіду, який може бути впроваджений в Україні в процесі євроінтеграції. Впровадження законодавства щодо створення і охорони територій дикої природи.

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  • Biography of life and activity is Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt — the german doctor, physiologist of ai psychologist, known as a founder of experimental psychologists. The theoretical framework of experimental psychology. Wundt's "individual psychology".

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  • The 2015 Paris climate accord (Paris Agreement), controlling our planet’s rising temperature to limit climate change. Determining optimal abatement policy. Correcting the negative climate externality. The baseline, no carbon tax transition path.

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  • An identification of concepts self and other in William Hague’s political online discourse concerning the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. Materials of the Hague’s online Facebook and Twitter discourse about Ukraine.

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  • Although the amount of factual knowledge available about Shakespeare is surprisingly large for one of his station in life. Early life in Stratford. Career in the theatre. Private life. Early posthumous documentation. Chronology of Shakespeare’s plays.

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  • Shakespeare the man, his early life in Stratford and career in the theatre. Early posthumous documentation, chronology of Shakespeare's plays and publications. Poetic and dramatic powers. Romeo and Juliet as a most famous play by William Shakespeare.

    реферат (24,6 K)
  • The description of the biography of the greatest English writer William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s reputation was established in London by 1592; in that year another dramatist, Robert Greene, was envious of his success and called him ‘an upstart crow’.

    реферат (5,6 K)
  • The description of the biography of the greatest English writer William Shakespeare. The reason for the decision of Shakespeare to be an actor, describtion the most important and dramatic events life in his plays. The most famous plays of writer.

    презентация (1,9 M)
  • Развитие телекоммуникационных технологий, разрабатываемых с целью беспроводного покрытия больших территорий для широкого спектра устройств. Структура сетей WiMAX. Характеристика фиксированного и мобильного вариантов. Принцип работы, сравнение с Wi-Fi.

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  • Transformation of approaches to the use of energy sources and transition to renewable energy sources. Description of wind power potential in the water area of the Sivash Bay of the Kherson region, assessment of the environmental impact of the structure.

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