• The word-formation complexity of educational texts as a system of measurements showing the variety of word-formation methods at different levels, from simple to advanced. The relationship between complexity and the mistakes that make in word formation.

    статья (256,6 K)
  • Studying word, word-formation, inflection and derivation. Identifying morphemes and establishing word-formation rules Possible and actual words, complex words in the lexicon, measuring productivity. The phonology-morphology interaction: lexical phonology.

    книга (679,8 K)
  • Definition and features of word-formation, productivity. Types of word-formation: affixation, conversion, shortening, composition, secondary ways. Justification their value and effectiveness. Main results of practical research, analysis and value.

    курсовая работа (71,5 K)
  • Пример описания значений WordNet (электронного тезауруса). Анализ толкований для выявления отношений. Верхние уровни иерархии существительных. Психолингвистические предположения. Типы отношений часть-целое. Описание качественных прилагательных: heavy.

    презентация (49,2 K)
  • Проблемы использования в автоматической обработке. Многозначность в WordNet. Лексическая многозначность: полисемия и омонимия, диффузность значений. Исследование зависимости возможности группирования смыслов от частотности совместной встречаемости.

    презентация (48,6 K)
  • Research is to disclose linguistic peculiarities of the wordplay used as a tool of humour creation by the politicians in their wartime crisis communication on Twitter. Twitter as a crisis communication tool encourages interaction between multiple parties.

    статья (6,1 M)
  • Alienation as the systemic result of living in a socially stratified society. An endless sequence of discrete, repetitive, motions that offer the worker little psychological satisfaction for "a job well done" in the Capitalist Mode of Production.

    контрольная работа (16,8 K)
  • Excerpts from the play "Dangerous Corner" of contemporary dramatist John Boynton Priestley. Exercising to the text. Translate Russian and English sentences, the use of word combinations and indirect speech. Answers to questions. Work with vocabulary.

    контрольная работа (30,8 K)
  • Study the coding and interpretation of disclosed human resources information in the annual reports of bank companies. The relationship between the types of labor organization systems and preferences in the choice of human resource management practices.

    статья (221,7 K)
  • The computer graphics is one of the popular directions of use of the personal computer. Benefits of the program Corel Draw. Importing files of different formats. Standard window interface. Tools for drawing lines. Change the shape and color of objects.

    презентация (527,2 K)
  • Investigation of a person's ability to work with information. Study of the neural executive mechanisms of the brain. Creation of a multicomponent model of short-term memory of Russian students, the development of their creative and intellectual abilities.

    статья (471,7 K)
  • In 1935, the party conducted a poll to determine the cultural and political maturity of young people. The survey is aimed at young people who have attended top schools, and worked in advanced factories to promote the success of Soviet education.

    статья (61,3 K)
  • The concept, nature and importance of humor in the workplace. The use of humour by managers as a device to exchange information. The place and role of laughter in a possible increase of competitive advantages of the organization, unification team.

    реферат (16,9 K)
  • Ostracism as a deliberate disregard or avoidance of the face by other people is one of the negative results of communication. A review of private schools from the secondary education sector to identify the type of corporate culture and level of ostracism.

    дипломная работа (1,2 M)
  • Дослідження теоретичних та практичних аспектів використання workshop в процесі професійної підготовки. Ознайомлення з досвідом застосування workshop для розробки Регіональної програми розвитку підприємництва. Вивчення теоретичних праць фахівців.

    статья (34,1 K)
  • Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the functioning of the world corn market. Analysis of the prospects for corn processing in Ukraine, taking into account the constraining development factors. The essence of the concept of "economic efficiency".

    статья (1,0 M)
  • The international financial markets open to enterprises and the macro-economic factors affecting those markets. The employment relationship versus the mutual investment approach: implications for human resource management. The development of new markets.

    статья (23,3 K)
  • Analysis of world experience on the problems of realizing the practice of physical culture lessons online. Use live broadcasts and recorded videos for classes with students. Studying the forms of organization of distance learning in China, Italy, USA.

    статья (25,1 K)
  • Analyzing of the characteristics of the formation and development of the currency operations of the bank activity of EU, USA and Asian region. The role of the banking system as an organ of currency control, as an intermediary of currency transactions.

    статья (44,4 K)
  • The role of development institutions in the modernization of industry. Strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation until 2020. Human capacity building in science, education, technology and innovation as a key task of the strategy.

    статья (20,8 K)
  • International experience of companies, which using consultancy services to work effectively under conditions of uncertainty of the economic environment. Analyze global trends in the market of consulting services to support and develop business.

    статья (38,2 K)
  • The British Museum (Great Britain). The Louvre (France). The National Gallery of art (USA). The Vasa Museum (Sweden). The Hunterian Museum (Scotland). The Archaeological museum at Olympia (Greece). Museo Del Prado (Spain). The National Palace Museum.

    реферат (22,6 K)
  • Линейки вертикальной и горизонтальной прокрутки. WORLD WIDE WEB. Способы доступа к WEB. Ссылки для поиска с интернет. Запускание Internet Explorer или Netscape Navigator и графического браузера. Поиски страницы в интернете и популярные поисковые системы.

    лекция (16,7 K)
  • История развития Web-технологий и их современное состояние. Просмотр страниц WWW и развитие сети. Распределенная информационная система и гипертекст. Истоки World Wide Web. и публикация информации. Технологии Всемирной паутины и перспективы ее развития.

    контрольная работа (33,1 K)
  • Коротка історія Світової Інформаційної Павутини. Структура Internet-документу, синтаксису Uniform Resource Locator - комбінації протоколу, адреси сервера, номеру порту, імені директорії та імені файлу. Основи програмування на мові розмітки гіпертексту.

    реферат (303,6 K)
  • Provides socio-philosophical analysis of the worldview problems of modern Ukrainian society. Detect particularly significant philosophical aspects that affect the formation of future for state within the framework of ideological and political strategies.

    статья (34,3 K)
  • Distinguishing the concepts of "ritual" and "religious rite". Peculiarities of everyday life of believers. Determination of points of intersection of secular and clerical discourses in the ethno-confessional field through the study of religious practices.

    статья (25,0 K)
  • Formation of students' value-motivational attitude to pedagogical activities in conditions of joint education of children with typical and impaired development. Development of a system of special knowledge for the implementation of inclusive education.

    статья (26,9 K)
  • Ability to communicate in writing in a foreign language. Results of exams aimed at assessing the writing skills of Ukrainian schoolchildren and students of higher educational institutions. Determination of the level of foreign language proficiency.

    статья (23,9 K)
  • Explanation of all the steps in the process of writing a thesis: table of contents title page, writing a term paper. A comparison of term papers and dissertations. Metaphors for Dissertation Writing. The Stages in Writing аnd Defending Dissertation.

    книга (1,2 M)