Обзор Web-технологий, основные модели организаций сайта: линейная, решетка, иерархия, модель паутины. Основы разметки HTML. Объекты клиента, браузера, history, frame и др. Функция соединения с сервером баз данных, функция обработки результатов запроса.
Анализ влияния web-среды на профессиональные компетенции библиотекаря и журналиста, особенности восприятия читателями сетевого текста. Значение, необходимость обучения библиотекарей основам журналистики и непрерывного повышения уровня медиаграмотности.
Shannon’s entropy and Weighted entropy. Weighted entropy and it’s applications. Ranking chemicals in quantitative High Throughput Screening. The studies of weighted entropy. Weighted entropy in Bayesian problem, as a measure of an investment risk.
Search for effective means of developing strength, speed and endurance of athletes. Using the experimental method of weight and plyometric training of volleyball players. Development of creative training programs for athletes, control of results.
The District of Kanash is a part of the Chuvash Republic. We invite you to our District of Kanash! In any season you can enjoy beautiful and fascinating landscapes here. You can visit different museums, meet many interesting people. About sources Kanash.
Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey. River Thames. The Queen of Great Britain. The Houses of Parliament is The most famous building in the world. Imperial State Crown. Madame Tussauds Waxmuseum. Big Ben is the symbol of London.
Ancient Greece and Olympics marathon. Differences Paralympics from other games. The winners of the Beijing Olympic Games. Football, tennis, swimming’s international game are international game. The extreme sports. Discipline of equestrian, gymnastics.
The international code developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards. ASME is the trademark of the American society of mechanical engineers. The code provides an opportunity for public input from industry.
Wales is the only Celtic nation with a completely unbroken tradition of harp music, where the music, technique, and style have been passed down orally from harper to harper over the centuries. Research of distinctive features of a folk music in Wales.
A study of different interpretations of the role of supranational regional structures in the resolution of regional conflicts during the Liberian civil war. Assessing the prospects for collective security institutions in unstable regions of the world.
Consideration of the corpus of Western European seal matrices. Collection of Academician N.P. Likhachev (1862-1936). Study of the coincidence of three matrices with the exhibits of the sphragistic collection of the museum in Bassano del grappa (Italy).
Western Europe in the Eyes of the Students: the Region as a Whole. Main architectural, anthropological, social, economic images of Western Europe. Western Europe in the Eyes of the Students: Individual Countries. "Clear-cutting” visual impressions.
According to the western historians, the Russian empire used to position itself as a homogeneous nation state rather than as a multi-ethnic empire. Problem of Russian-imperial and racist approaches to disclosing the history of Crimea and Crimean Tatars.
Analysis of the Ukrainian-Russian crisis and military aggression of Russia against Ukraine from the points of view of Western scholars and experts. Theories about apologists, geopolitics, the construction of the Russian Empire and national identity.
War of 1812 as the American gap with England. Extension of slavery. Latin America and the Monroe Doctrine. Factionalism and political parties. Nullification crisis, the bank fight. Whigs, Democrats, Know-Nothings. Stirrings of reform and women’s rights.
The five major personality traits are openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. Their basis is content, role and meaning. Agreeableness is your friendliness, ability to show compassion and willingness to help others.
Analysis and reveals the problem of professional online tutor preparation and the opportunities for implementation of online education. Highlights teacher's skills in English language teaching, peculiarities and opportunities for virtual education.
The language of the previous centuries. The wealth of English language, ambiguity of its vocabulary and the most common rules of slang usage in Britain. Analysis of the different points of view on slang, its history and the types and language features.
Key factors that influence viewers’ preference. The survey of digital piracy factors in the field of series. The factors impacting the aspiration to watch series whether through streaming services, or illegal sources of pirated content in Russia.
Phraseology is a branch of linguistics which deals with all kinds of formulaic language and phrasal collocations. Paremiology deals with collecting and classifying proverbs and tracing the origin of proverbs. Some definitions and usage of proverbs.
The concept of tolerance as respect and tolerance for religion, age, sex, opinion and ideology of other people and groups. Assessment of the role and importance of quality in today's society, the need for its development in itself. Stages of the process.
- 82. What is energy
Concept and general characteristics of energy, as well as the main parameters used for evaluation. Analysis of the need to find new sources of energy to meet the growing needs of mankind. Alternative means to obtain it, the prospects for development.
Franchising - arrangement where one party grants another party the right to use its trademark or trade-name as well as business systems and processes, to produce and market a good or service according to specifications. Its regulation and significance.
Description of subjects, approaches and relationships of jobs in order to meet the technological and organizational needs. Extension related duties without additional responsibility and accountability. The need for a certain social status in society.
The problem of weeds resistance to herbicides and potential solutions. Alternatives to chemical methods of weed control. the mechanisms of herbicide induced pathogenesis, and data on the involvement of programmed cell death in this process are discussed.
Geographical location and attractions of Northern Ireland. Study of the Celtic traditions of the indigenous people of the island, celebrating St. Patrick's Day. The history of the creation of the Belfast Titanic. Fight for the independence of Ulster.
- 87. What is sexism?
The word became widely known during the women's liberation movement of 1960. At that time, feminist theorists explained that the oppression of women was widespread in nearly all society, and they began to speak of sexism instead of male chauvinism.
The disputes about modernity and post-modernity in philosophy, the differences among Gadamer, Habermas and Rorty Focusing on praxis of the themes practical discourse. The cleavages and irreconcilable differences turn out to be differences of emphasis.
Factors that influence the language priorities of the respondents and the actual use of languages in their daily life. Study of the relationship between language use and such factors using the example of Ukrainians who have lived in Japan for a long time.
Empirical modeling of the impacts of various sizes of shopping centers on the values of surrounding properties. Using a finite mixture model of heterogeneous households to delineate housing submarkets. Finding the problem of spatial autocorrelation.