Learning the basic characteristics of communicative language development - the process which requires the analysis of qualities of mental development of the individual. The characteristics of cognitive-linguistic signs of preschool child’s speech.
Diagnosing tendon and ligament injuries. Functional anatomy of the Equine Foreleg and Hind Leg. How and why Injuries Occur. Acute injuries, and directed therapy. Surgical therapies, support wraps, boots and bandages. Preventing tendon and ligament injury.
The provide the analysis of the verb tense and aspects in the texts of informed consent templates for dental treatment from functional perspective. Verbs are in the focus of the study because of their semantic, grammar, and syntactic complexity.
- 124. Tensions on the topic of history in Polish-Ukrainian relations as a result of information warfare
Deals with today's ethnic-cultural tensions and how connect with the history of Poland and Ukraine and diplomatic relations. Overviews problematic development of the current nationalist movement in Poland and relationship with "Center-Right" government.
- 125. Tensions on the topic of history in Polish-Ukrainian relations as a result of information warfare
Study of modern ethnocultural conflicts in connection with the history of Poland, Ukraine and current diplomatic relations. The problems of the development of the nationalist movement in Poland and its connection with the "center-right" government.
- 126. Tensions on the topic of history in Polish-Ukrainian relations as a result of information warfare
Problem of development of the current nationalist movement in Poland and its relationship with the "Center-Right" government, which was formed after the election of the President of Poland A. Duda. The causes, parties and goals of the conflict.
Infinitesimal transformations, Maxwell tensor and electromagnetic forces. The Maxwell field tensor. Integral curves associated with the equations of motion and the end of the Lorentz transformation. Electromagnetic force and geometry of space-time.
Peculiarities of adaptation, functioning and use as a motivational base for term formation of computer verb terms of the non-equivalent type translated into Ukrainian. Consideration of verb terms in computer terminology as self-sufficient lexical units.
Description of modern translation practices in the field of philosophy and identification of the reasons for the uniqueness of these practices in philosophical discourse. Using elements of the House model in assessing the quality of translation.
Consideration of the tasks of cognitive terminology as a new direction of linguistic research. The importance of methods of cognitive analysis and the construction of specific cognitive models for the processes of formation, functioning of term systems.
The interdependence of market mechanisms with the effectiveness of the institutional environment. The directions of forming a homogeneous institutional environment. The analysis of the transaction costs of telecommunications market public sector entities.
Study of problems the sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions of linear nonhomogeneous impulsive boundary value problems with small perturbations when generating boundary value problem of impulsive has solutions for arbitrary right-hand side.
Общая характеристика наиболее актуальных проблем литературной компаративистики. Б. Чемберлен как профессор японского языка в Токийском университете, один из первых "наивных" компаративистов, сопоставивших японский жанр хайку с европейской эпиграммой.
- 134. Terracotta Army
Research and artistic description of the famous Chinese Terracotta Army, the story of its creation in 221-210 BC as a part of a Grand funeral complex of the Emperor Qin Shi Huang and its sensational discovering, clearing and restoring in 1974.
Ukrainian Carpathians as mountainous areas susceptible to the modern climate changes manifested mainly in accelerated warming. Several main mechanisms of the orographic effects on temperature distribution. Important factors of temperature distribution.
Analyze the basic methodological principles that are used in the Ukrainian practice of territorial branding and its impact on socioeconomic development of the regions. Increasing the role of brands in the progress of the region in the globalization space.
The right of operational management - a structure that appeared during the Soviet era and was a sign of socialist law. Features of applying the provisions on liability of territorial communities when considering bankruptcy cases of legal entities.
Features of the zonal specialization of beef cattle in the West Kazakhstan region. Territorial structure of agriculture: the northern, central and southern zones. The structure and geography of land, which affects the specialization of beef cattle.
Standard English as the official language of Great Britain taught at schools and universities, used by the press, the radio and the television and spoken by educated people. Familiarity with the major groups of dialects are used in Ukrainian language.
It was revealed that construction industry uses lot of wood, fittings, glass, faience. Analysis of the territorial organization of the building materials industry and an assessment of the level of development from an economic geographical point of view.
Functional stilistics and dialectolodgy. The specific fiatures and dialects. General notions of British dialects. Local varieties on the British isles. Social variation. Territorial varieties of the english pronunciation. Welsh english. Scottish english.
- 142. Terrorism and panic
Global processes of contemporaneity, influencing on distribution of international terrorism. Motivational bases of modern terrorism: tender aspect. Influence of negative consequences of terrorism and state of panic on quality of life of population.
Some of the most spectacular terrorist attacks from the 21st century and their impact on tourism market. A characteristics feature of criminal terrorism. Impact assessment of terrorist threats on the development of the tourist industry in the world.
The nature of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. The territory of Ukraine in the geopolitical doctrine of Dugin and his supporters. E. Messner's "rebel war" as an element of the Russian information warfare on the example of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
Визначення основ зіставлення при порівнянні неспоріднених мов. Аналіз основних структурних рівнів української і корейської писемностей. Розробка комплексного підходу до вивчення неспоріднених писемностей у контексті компаративної графіки і орфографії.
Linguistic analysis the testimonial as a rapidly growing persuasive trend in media. Distinguishing testimonial from senders and receivers with reference to authority and proof of social justice, which function in both groups, but with different strengths.
Research entities of the software defined networking which is currently one of the most promising technologies in mobile backhaul networks based on the open flow protocol. Characteristic apply Mininet software to verify the open flow protocol messages.
Analysis of test assessment technology as a special type of communicative interaction that takes place in the process of professional training of future Foreign Language teachers. Types of tests used in the practice of training Foreign Language teachers.
The problematic stocks in the five-factor model is the small stock with negative exposures. The average returns of the small firms that invest a lot despite low profitability. The intercept of the big stocks which invest a lot despite low profitability.
An study on the ambiguities and the risk on the Russian stock market. Portfolio theory, linear relationship between risk and return and the known probabilities of outcomes. The relationship between risk and return of uncertainty intraday observations.