Foreign strategies for teaching English to elementary school students using the SEL methodology. Improvement of students' academic performance, development of emotional intelligence. Formation of a leadership position and social consciousness of students.
Research of the problem of education of children with special educational needs in ordinary classes of general secondary education institutions. Problems related to the peculiarities of the implementation of inclusive education in modern conditions.
The specifics of learning a foreign language by future sociocultural leaders. Realization of the didactic potential of the language as an effective means of professional and social orientation. Formation of students' creative abilities to solve problems.
Explores and characterizes the issue of stylistic grammar and the methodology of teaching it to University students - teacher-trainees. Analyze specifics of registers and styles of foreign language communication, specify their discriminative features.
Motivating learners to learn, role of motivation in terms of educational psychology. Difference between teaching grammar to young learners and adults. How to make material easier and more interesting, how to use punishments and rewards with learners.
- 66. Teaching the language of the mother drama from the lexical-semantic and morphological point of view
Husein Javid managed to bring the language of poetry to the stage in the verse drama "Mother". He is a master of strong artistic monologues. The playwright skillfully constructs monologues, inner peace of the hero, views of life, awe, excitement.
Analyse of modern tendencies in teaching translation for professional purposes during practical courses. Precedently, grammar-translation method in foreign language teaching as the main mean to apply, consolidate and test the lexis and grammar.
The explore the principles of teaching Turkish vocabulary to native Russian speakers by means of using modern visual and auditory aids and related materials. With the development of educational tools in teaching foreign languages the audio-visual methods.
Request for the formation of operational teams to work in a limited time. The need to rally top managers in order to more effectively exchange information. Strengthening creativity and uniting efforts to achieve the goals of the enterprise as a whole.
Формування іншомовної комунікативної компетенції українських студентів. Основні засади поняття "командна робота". Визначення форм і вокабулярів групової діяльності на заняттях з англійської граматики. Teamwork як засіб подолання психологічних бар’єрів.
Plain English, Simplified English, and Controlled Language are three terms used to describe attempts to produce English that is easily readable, accessible. Simplified English is the term used by the European Association of Aerospace Industries.
Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of households. Yield of the major crops in the study area. Analysis of the determinants of technical efficiency of smallholder malt barley producers. A possibility to increase the level of malt barley yield.
Assessment of dental status of pulp produced using thermal or electrical tests. The diagnosis of dental synthesis based on the state of the pulp stories, clinical examination, special tests, and radiological examination, an assessment of its reliability.
Consideration of methods of intercultural communication within the framework of linguistic and cultural theory. Research of the role of the cultural factor in process of technical translation. Establishment of effective interaction between specialists.
Study of the demand for foreign language proficiency by students of technical universities. Recognition of the need for effective modern teaching. Comparison of the beliefs of students of technical universities and teachers to learn a second language.
Peculiarities of self-regulation of students' of a technical university during online learning of professional English. Creating a favorable learning environment. Use of English (grammar and vocabulary) as a component of successful passing of exams.
- 77. Technique for studying motivation toward scientific activity: development and practical application
Characteristics of the standard stages of the development of questionnaire-like psychodiagnostic methods. Value motivation - one of the most specific feature that gives scientific activity a higher meaning, without which it can not be carried out.
The technique of organizing information obtained in the course of comparative historical and legal analysis. Methods of data systematization, in particular, include classification and typology. Algorithm of actions when performing cluster analysis.
Analysis of the means of speech expression in Arab diplomatic communication on the example of speeches by Arab representatives of the diplomatic corps and political figures at various UN venues. Тexts of speeches by permanent representatives of the Arab.
The article explores the notion of technique in teaching foreign languages. The realization of the teacher’s educational objective in class. Distinctions between exercises and tasks. Tasks characteristics (information structure, recycling, convergence).
Development and implementation of economic policy of Azerbaijan in new conditions. Search for ways to maintain macroeconomic stability in the country. Ensuring free competition. Restoration and reconstruction of the territories of Karabakh and Zangezur.
The description of the blended learning at different historical periods. The task of the blended learning education in the COVID-19 circumstances and its role in the implementation of the education challenges which face both teachers and students.
Study of mechanical-acoustic features and properties of the piano in a holistic relationship with the organization of the musical form and artistic means of performance formed in the process of musical practice. The specifics of piano intonation.
Studying the mechanical and acoustic features and properties of the piano in an integral relationship with the organization of the musical form and artistic means of performance. Research the specifics of piano intonation in the performing arts.
- 85. Technological determinism goes aloft: notes on the human - machine issue in outer space exploration
The relationship between man and machine in the framework of national space programs. The impact of technology on society. Analysis of autobiographical stories of Soviet and Russian cosmonauts. Opposition to alienation in space exploration in general.
Calculation of air cargo terminal technical parameters. Determination of warehouse overall dimensions. Technological process of transfer goods in ULD on IAL handling. Loading characteristics of the aircrafts. The data of the standard packaging (ULD).
Study of the concept and essence of technological skills (indicators) as an integral part of the musical and aesthetic competence of future primary school teachers. Development of levels and directions of formation of the designated competencies.
Empowering digital resources for language learning in inclusive education. Strengthening the processes of globalization and digitalization, the result of which is the need for additional knowledge of human rights in order to act as cultural agents.
The worldview of the teacher, his personal example as a person in the development of girls and boys at school, the desire to clarify the stereotype of the gender role and gender inequality. The aspects of ensuring gender equality between the sexes.
Application of computer technology in pedagogical practice. The use of cloud learning, mass online courses, gamification and distance forms of training. Formation of digital competence of students, their involvement in research and educational projects.