Teaching oral skills to non-philology students majoring in humanities
Characteristics of the main types of dialogic and monologic speech. A study of the main system of exercises that will contribute to a more successful mastery of oral communication by students, necessary for learning and professional communication.
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V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Assistant Professor V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Kharkiv
Teaching oral skills to non-philology students majoring in humanities
Titarenko Olena, PhD in Philology
Kopylova Olena, Assistant Professor
The article is devoted to the topical issue of teaching oral speech to non philology students majoring in humanities. An overview of types of dialogical and monological speech is presented. Particular attention is paid to the practical side of the issue: the authors propose a system of exercises that will promote more successful mastering by students of oral speech, which is necessary for learning and professional communication.
It is noted that the source for working with students at the final stage of their study can be specialized articles, sections of qualification papers, newspaper and magazine materials on relevant topics for students. The result of the analysis of the structure and main theses of the texts should be a discussion, during which the skills of expressing one's own opinion, arguing one's own point of view, opponency will be improved. The productivity of composing professional monologues, constructing reports is emphasized. The thesis about the need to combine the development of oral and written speech to achieve the best results is substantiated.
The article offers recommendation exercises of a practical nature, which will be relevant for teaching students to compose a reflective monologue and to discuss on professional topics.
Key words: oral speech, speech activity, communicative situation, monologue, discussion.
The language training of foreign non-philology students at the main stage involves the formation of students' communicative professional competence - the totality of “knowledge in the field of specialty from the national positions and from the positions of the country of the language being studied, and the ability to master the appropriate metalanguage and speech register necessary for conducting professional oral and written communication” (Mitrofanova, 2003: 173). The study of the language by foreign nonphilologists in majoring in humanities has a practical orientation; it should provide various forms of communication in the target language both during the period of study at a higher educational institution and after graduation. One of the most important conditions for language proficiency is that the level of the student's language competence should commensurate with the nature of the speech activity of such student.
The goal of teaching this particular group of students at the final stage is fluency in Ukrainian. The problem of managing the development of oral speech remains one of the most important in the methodology of teaching USI. Currently, it is of relevance due to the status of the Ukrainian language as a second specialty for these students, the complexity and methodological underdevelopment of the final stage of education, the insufficient number of textbooks on the development of oral speech of foreign non-philologists in the humanities.
The purpose of this article is to consider the features of the organization of educational material for the development of productive oral speech of non-philology students majoring in humanities at the final stage of education.
The analysis of the scientific and methodological literature shows that the problem we have identified has been studied fragmentarily in the modern methodology. T. A. Vishnyakova, O. D. Mitrofanova, N. A. Mets, T. B. Odintsova and others consider the issue of development of speaking skills in foreign citizens, foreign non-philology and philology students studying the Russian language (Vishnyakova, 1982; Mets, 1981; Skalkin, 1981; Formanovskaya, 2002]. In particular, E. P. Shubin, J. M. Berman, V. A. Bukhbinder, V. L. Skalkin, G. A. Rubinshtein, E. M. Rosenbaum, A. A. Leontiev devoted their works to the issue of dialogical speech, V. A. Artemov, Yu. I. Passov, D. Bern and others. Ukrainian researchers M. A. Kurushina, I. N. Litvinova analyze the main methodological methods of improving the linguistic and communicative competence of foreign students majoring in social science and humanities (Kurushyna, 2016).
S.V. Onisenko, D. A. Polyakov and others offer various types of tasks that can be effectively applied in an integrated approach when teaching foreign students of various specialties to speak (Kurushyna, 2019; Onysenko, 2019). P. E. Drachuk writes about the use of interactive methods in preparing students who are future economists for professional communication in a foreign language (Drachuk, 2018). A. Aleksyuk, V. Bespalko, A. Verbitsky, L. Davydov, A. Treschev, A. Kovalenko, E. Mashbits, A. Pehota, S. Sysoeva and others pay attention to the search for effective learning technologies in their studies.
However, the process of developing oral speaking skills in non-philology students majoring in humanities at final stage has not been developed in the methodology, and therefore, in our opinion, requires further understanding, generalization and methodological justification.
Results of the research
Sharing the opinion of researchers that speech is determined by non-linguistic factors, in particular, the communicative situation (the sphere of communication), and the real process of oral communication is a chain of interdependent categories, we present one of the possible options for the direction of learning in the form of a scheme
The implementation of this approach is reflected in the program of oral language skills, which is a clearly defined circle of typical communicative situations of a particular area of communication in accordance with the communicative position of the future specialist and the conditions of study at the faculty at the university, supplemented by a list of topics (subtopics, motives, semantic milestones, keywords) for specific speech acts. The program also defines the structural-lexical and situational-thematic content of the course.
Based on this, we believe that all spheres of communication (educational- professional, socio-political and socio-cultural) should be included in the content of training at this stage, and within each area attention should be paid to teaching varieties of speech. dialogic monologic speech communication
As many years of experience shows, it is advisable to use real situations in teaching. Moreover, finding problem situations, and especially in the professional sphere, at the final stage is greatly facilitated, since the topics of bachelor's theses, articles in the specialty, newspaper and magazine articles of a popular science nature are of professional interest and can become a source of speech situations. A number of individual tasks for independent work, such as prepare for a discussion on an actual problematic topic and for a “rehearsal” of an exam or defense of a term paper, etc., is also effective.
In the educational and professional field, it is necessary to teach the synthesis of various forms of speech. Students must produce monologues and dialogues of a mixed type, the components of which are all previously studied types: description, explanation, narration, reasoning (monologic speech); questions, conversations, discussion, dispute, persuasion (dialogical speech). According to I. Renchk, we are talking about diamonological competence - “understanding a coherent text, the ability to answer questions and handle questions, maintain and start a conversation, conduct a dialogue, compose a story” (Renchka, 2014: 173).
The main varieties of written speech - annotations, summaries, abstracts, reports and essays on a given or selected topic are also a certain basis for the development of oral speech.
It is during this period that special attention should be paid to conducting discussions on professional topics, since already at this stage students need to defend their point of view, their view on a particular problem in their specialty.
In the socio-political sphere, which, in our opinion, may be dominant at this stage, the speaking skills of students make it possible to use more and more linguistically complex genres of the book-literary style of speech. The content of the training includes materials from social and political journals (review articles, essays), which is especially important for future international economists. A large importance in this field belongs to the production of one's own statements in the form of reports. Topics for messages-discussions are such as “International economic cooperation”, “Global problems of mankind”, “Prospects for professional activity”, etc., where the life experience of students, previously accumulated information is used.
When speaking on social and political topics, the structure of the text causes the greatest difficulties, therefore, during this period, it is recommended to start studying newspaper and magazine materials by analyzing their structure and components, working out the language ways of expressing each of them. Only after this it is expedient to move on to the synthesis of the components of the statement, and then to free discussing on the topic.
It is very important to show students the possible options for constructing problematic, polemical articles of a socio-political nature, since operating with various options for constructing such articles forms students' ability to build their own statement - reasoning monologues on socio-political topics. Articles of an analytical and problematic nature contribute to the development of the ability to argue and counter-argue, give examples and quotes to prove one's own point of view. Drawing up an abstract-summary on newspaper and magazine articles is the result of such work, when special attention is paid to the choice of essential provisions of the source, the consistency and correctness of the presentation, as well as to the evaluation part, since the abstract-summary is subjective, i.e. conclusions and evaluations must be made by students.
The ability to operate with all types and varieties of monological speech is the desired result of teaching oral speaking skills, to which the system of exercises should lead on the fourth year of studing.
Here are just some exemplary speaking exercises that can be recommended when teaching a reasoning monologue:
The thesis is given. Give the antithesis. Give arguments.
For the given arguments, select the facts that confirm them.
Support the arguments with references to literary sources, provide quotes.
Draw a conclusion from these premises.
Prove the inaccuracy or baselessness of the backgrounds on which basis the wrong conclusion is made, the falseness of the preconditions, their insufficiency.
Prove the correctness of the conclusion (incorrectness).
Build a reasoning based on the thesis or on the presented topic.
Make a report on a specific topic, using the given beginning, concluding or main part; strengthen the final part of the report by making specific suggestions and recommendations (using known facts for this).
Make an introduction to the report, which would emphasize the topicality of the problem considered in the main part; make an introduction to the report, which would focus on continuity in the consideration of the problem (on the insufficiency of previous studies, etc.).
Prepare a report (abstract) on a given topic, using one or more of the recommended sources.
Among the types of dialogical speech in this period of learning, the predominant is the dialogue-discussion, the choice of which is dictated by its proximity to the reasoning monologue, since the textual material of a problematic nature, rich in its ideological content or is distinguished by its relevance, provides ground for discussions.
When teaching a discussion, preparatory exercises are done to analyze the dialogues. These exercises contribute to the development of skills in the use of the necessary language tools.
It is advisable to include the following in the system of speaking exercises.
Prove the correctness (incorrectness, inaccuracy) of the statement (argument, thesis, etc.).
Join this point of view, arguing your point of view.
Give up this point of view, justify your refusal.
Provide specific facts to support your point of view.
Refute the facts given by the opponent.
Speak in the discussion as an opponent (as the leader of the discussion, as the main participant in the discussion, defending one's own point of view), etc.
And, finally, a characteristic feature of this stage is not only its problematic nature, but also the systematic nature of the organization of the indicative basis of certain speech actions.
Thus, the generalizing nature of the rules, presenting them in the form of systematizing tables, diagrams, etc., allow students to exercise self-control of speech activity more effectively, give them reason to believe that they really complete the teaching of the Ukrainian language within the assigned tasks.
In our opinion, the solution to the problem posed is possible only with a close connection between teaching oral and written forms of speech, the right choice of the direction of selection and organization of teaching aids, as well as with optimal joint efforts of the teacher and a student.
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8. Onysenko, 2019 - Onysenko S. V. (2019). Osoblyvosti formuvannia komunikatyvnykh navychok v inozemnykh studentiv: ihrovyi aspect [Features of the formation of communication skills in foreign students: the game aspect]. Aktualni problemy vykladannia ukrainskoi movy yak inozemnoi [Current issues of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on April 19J. Bila Tserkva NAU, pp. 49-50 [in Ukrainian].
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