Consideration of the essence analysis model of monetary policy. Familiarization with the econometric Inference. Example solutions of the canonical LRE Model. The essence of the a priori distribution. Features of propagation of shocks; robustness analysis.
The main goal is to determine the efficacy of individualisation in the teaching of the subject of Macedonian Language by an application of educational slips of paper and tasks in three levels of difficulty. Mastering the "Language Advices" program.
Theoretical bases of testing. The history of testing and the meaning of testing methods. Types of tests. Testing as a method of motivation of pupils in teaching English language. Сlassification of tests and description their advantages and disadvantages.
The characteristic of models of interruption and technique for testing for nondeterministic final automatic machines. Algorithm for carrying out of tests of a condition of a way of the final automatic machine and a parity in case of way default.
Schematic outline of text analysis and some general recommendations. Glossary of literary and stylistic terms. Some phrases which may be helpful while preparing the analysis. Adjectives applied to literary characters and sample text for analysis.
- 156. Text and discursive categories of modern Ukrainian internet-media in the paradigm of postmodernism
The identification of the basic text and discursive categories of Ukrainian online media-discourse. Of postmodernism as a cultural paradigm and artistic trend were characterized, the correlation between text and discursive categories of media-discourse.
The paper is dedicated to John Milton’s poem @Samson Agonistes@ (published in 1671) and its two translations: the Ukrainian translation was done by Ivan Franko (1912; published in 1913), and the Slovak translation was rendered by Marian Andricik.
The article discusses advantages of applying cognitive approach research practices to the study of peculiarities of representation of knowledge formats in the narrative. The author analyzes the regularities of objectivization of structured knowledge.
Проблеми лінгвістичного аналізу тексту мовної особистості в аспекті загальної теорії комп’ютерної лінгвістики. Специфіка створення лексикографічної системи за допомогою інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, алгоритм створення програми TextAnalizator.
Ratio analysis of mentors for the pochatkovo school in Poland and Ukraine. Informative, developmental, communicative, and the spiritual functions of the assistant. Formation of logical and critical thought of the students of the New Ukrainian School.
Epistolary text as a conceptually, informationally and pragmatically significant written speech work. Its categorical features are: polythematicity, standard structure, special role of presupposition and extralinguistic factor - the sender's involvement.
Methodological and theoretical problems of speech influence. The category of personality different roles of the addresser depending on his communicative aim as a means of the suggestive influence employed in the texts of the analysed channelings.
A feature that reflects the complexity and variability of James Joyce's perception. Using paradigmatic analysis of text information. Analysis of text paradigms in the context of their way of expressing, relevance, configuration and relationships.
The quantitative ratio of general literary vocabulary and literary terminology in professional texts of Japanese literary studies. The percentage of supra-disciplinary, disciplinary and inter-disciplinary literary terminology. The stylistic means.
Analysis of the JOURNEY concept in the space of P. Modiano's pseudo-autobiographical prose, which is characterized by pronounced psychological introspection. The pseudo-autobiographical genre as a postmodern form of defining the narrator's problems.
Сущность основных проблем изучения новейшей литературы в школе, пространственно-временная организация темы дороги. Идейно-художественное своеобразие цикла "Любовь в 7 вагоне". Исследование диапазона смыслов темы пути в железнодорожных рассказах.
Composition and quantitative characteristics of storm emissions created by wave activity of varying intensity. The relationship between bottom biocenoses of mollusks and thanatocenoses of the coastal zone. Dominance of bivalve shells in emissions.
- 168. Thanksgiving Day
Almost in every culture in the world there is a celebration of thanks for rich harvest. The American Thanksgiving began as a feast of thanksgiving almost four hundred years ago. The traditional foods and dishes: roast turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie.
- 169. Thanksgiving Day
Description of Pilgrims sailing to America from Plymouth, England, in 1620. Analyze their first winter in the New World and the first Thanksgiving Day. Studying symbols and traditional menu of Thanksgiving dinner, the recipes of Native Americans dishes.
The arbitrability of disputes in Russia. Development of substantive law. Sectors of civil turnover regulation. The decisions of a Supreme Court of the Russian on the arbitrability of procurement disputes for the needs of certain types of legal entities.
Features of the phenomenon of European social integration. General characteristics of the activities of the institutes of the European Union within the framework of social policy. Characteristics of the process of convergence of national legislation.
Formation of foreign language communicative competence necessary for successful socialization as a tool of intercultural communication in the modern multicultural world. Application of blended learning in the process of learning a foreign language.
Uzbekistan possesses enormous tourist potential аnd recreational resources, here lay the Great silk way, played significant role in integrations of the Orient and West. Our Government actively assists the development international and national tourism.
Етапи розвитку історичної пам’яті в Україні, пов’язаного зі змінами у державному керівництві, політики пам’яті, регіональними особливостями. Обґрунтування застосування при інтерпретації минулого у посткомуністичному суспільстві постколоніальних рис.
The role and value of immigrants and their children in creating American jobs and driving economy of the country. Ways of perfection of the immigration system for keeping the highly skilled workers from around and stopping the loss of foreign students.
The paper analyses the evolution of the post-communist Europe, in particular its main features, its regional diversification (Central Europe, South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe), as well its future in the context of the relations with the EU.
Description of experiment on determination of the revolved moment of the charged elementary particles at a conclusion them from a spacehold. Change the rate of earthly movement through "Ether" with an inactive result and description of general paradox.
- 178. The absurd
Most people feel on occasion that life is absurd. Yet the reasons usually offered in defense of this conviction are patently inadequate: they could not really explain why life is absurd. Why then they provide a natural expression for the sense that it is?
Evaluating the acceptability of the developed Integrated Development Environment, namely C-SOLVIS, a web-based application designed to facilitate the teaching and learning process of the basics of C programming in Malaysian higher education institutions.
Review of new methods of navigation accuracy adjustment. Explanation of the terms accuracy, reliability in terms of calculating the coordinates. A comparative analysis of the methods of calculating the coordinates, convergence estimates of their results.