Team building as a management tool for building a professional team

Request for the formation of operational teams to work in a limited time. The need to rally top managers in order to more effectively exchange information. Strengthening creativity and uniting efforts to achieve the goals of the enterprise as a whole.

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Тімбілдинг як управлінський інструмент для побудови професійної команди

Зленко А.М.

Ісайкіна О.Д.


Необхідність формування команди може виникати в різних ситуаціях розвитку організації. Швидкі зміни як в політиці, так і в бізнесі ставлять ряд завдань, пов'язаних з командоутворенням. Найбільш часто виникає запит на формування оперативних команд для роботи в умовах обмеженого часу; згуртування топ-менеджерів з метою більш результативного обміну інформацією, посилення креативності та об'єднання зусиль для досягнення цілей підприємства в цілому; згуртування співробітників усередині підрозділу (відділу) з метою підвищення ефективності управління підлеглими і підвищення працездатності підрозділу; згуртування менеджерів середньої ланки з метою прискорення проходження інформації, поліпшення психологічного клімату.

Один із найефективніших прийомів управління персоналом, який використовують не тільки комерційні компанії, а й громадські організації - це тімбілдинг. Адже успіх компанії залежить не тільки від професіоналізму працівників та грамотного управління ними, а і від згуртованого дружнього колективу. Основна мета тімбілдинга (командоутворення) - емоційне згуртування колективу, підвищення віддачі від спільної роботи. Суть «Team Building»: створення у співробітників організації необхідних умов для формування навичок ефективної роботи в команді і у себе особисто, вміння працювати в команді та виявлення лідерів, згуртування колективу і створення атмосфери неформального спілкування. Тренінги з командоутворення (тімбілдинг), бізнес-тренінги, активний відпочинок співробітників - ефективний інструмент формування професійної команди. Фахівці помітили: побудові системи ефективно працюючої команди, об'єднаної і захопленої спільною метою, помітно сприяє моделювання ситуацій, коли співробітники виявляються залученими до нового, незвичного для них процесу.

Предметом дослідження є командоутворення (тімбілдинг), як ефективний інструмент формування професійної команди.

Мета написання статті полягає у дослідженні теоретичних аспектів застосування тімбілдингу, визначення переваг, недоліків та доцільності його використання в практичній управлінській діяльності.

Результати роботи можуть знайти своє практичне застосування в менеджменті сучасних вітчизняних підприємств та організацій.

Отже, тімбілдинг - це спосіб з окремих професіоналів створити команду, яка орієнтована на досягнення спільних цілей, важлива інвестиція в майбутнє будь-якої компанії. Такі заходи допомагають співробітникам краще пізнати один одного і налагодити зв'язок, формують корпоративну культуру, сприяють підвищенню ефективності роботи.

Ключові слова: командоутворення, тімбілдинг, управління, персонал, згуртування колективу, командний дух, корпоративний менеджмент, вітчизняні компанії, підприємства та організації.

Тимбилдинг как управленческий инструмент для построения профессиональной команды

Зленко А.Н., Исайкина Е.Д.


team manager creativity

Необходимость формирования команды может возникать в различных ситуациях развития организации. Быстрые изменения как в политике, так и в бизнесе ставят ряд задач, связанных с командообразованием. Наиболее часто возникает запрос о формировании оперативных команд для работы в условиях ограниченного времени; сплочения топ-менеджеров с целью более результативного обмена информацией, усиление креативности и объединения усилий для достижения целей предприятия в целом; сплочения сотрудников внутри подразделения (отдела) с целью повышения эффективности управления подчиненными и повышения работоспособности подразделения; сплочения менеджеров среднего звена с целью ускорения прохождения информации, улучшение психологического климата.

Один из самых эффективных приемов управления персоналом, используют не только коммерческие компании, но и общественные организации - это тимбилдинг. Ведь успех компании зависит не только от профессионализма работников и грамотного управления ими, а и от сплоченного дружного коллектива. Основная цель тимбилдинга (командообразование) - эмоциональное сплочение коллектива, повышение отдачи от совместной работы. Суть «Team Building»: создание у сотрудников организации необходимых условий для формирования навыков эффективной работы в команде и у себя лично, умение работать в команде и выявления лидеров, сплочение коллектива и создание атмосферы неформального общения. Тренинги по командообразованию (тимбилдинг), бизнес-тренинги, активный отдых сотрудников - эффективный инструмент формирования профессиональной команды. Специалисты заметили: построению системы эффективно работающей команды, объединенной и захваченной общей целью, заметно способствует моделирование ситуаций, когда сотрудники оказываются вовлеченными в что-то новое, необычный для них процесс.

Предметом исследования является командообразование (тимбилдинг), как эффективный инструмент формирования профессиональной команды.

Цель написания статьи заключается в исследовании теоретических аспектов применения тимбилдинга, определение преимуществ, недостатков и целесообразности его использования в практической управленческой деятельности.

Результаты работы могут найти свое практическое применение в менеджменте современных отечественных предприятий и организаций.

Итак, тимбилдинг - это способ из отдельных профессионалов создать команду, которая ориентирована на достижение общих целей, важная инвестиция в будущее любой компании. Такие мероприятия помогают сотрудникам лучше узнать друг друга и наладить связь, формируют корпоративную культуру, способствуют повышению эффективности работы.

Ключевые слова: командообразование, тимбилдинг, управление, персонал, сплочение коллектива, командный дух, корпоративный менеджмент, отечественные компании, предприятия и организации.

Team building as a management tool for building a professional team

Zlenko Alla, Isaikina Elena


The need to form a team may arise in different situations of organization development. Rapid changes in both politics and business pose a number of challenges related to team building. Most often there is a request for the formation of operational teams to work in a limited time; uniting top managers in order to more effectively exchange information, increase creativity and join forces to achieve the goals of the enterprise as a whole; uniting employees within the unit (department) in order to increase the efficiency of management of subordinates and increase the efficiency of the unit; uniting middle managers in order to accelerate the flow of information, improve the psychological climate.

One of the most effective methods of personnel management, which is used not only by commercial companies, but also by public organizations, is team building. After all, the success of the company depends not only on the professionalism of employees and their competent management, but also on a close-knit friendly team. The main purpose of team building (team building) - emotional cohesion of the team, increasing the return on teamwork. The essence of «Team Building»: creating the necessary conditions for employees to develop skills to work effectively in a team and in person, the ability to work in a team and identify leaders, unite the team and create an atmosphere of informal communication. Team building trainings, business trainings, active recreation of employees - an effective tool for forming a professional team. Experts have noticed that building a system of an effective team, united and committed to a common goal, significantly contributes to the modeling of situations when employees are involved in a new, unusual for them process.

The subject of research is team building (team building) as an effective tool for forming a professional team.

The purpose of writing the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the use of team building, identify the advantages, disadvantages and feasibility of its use in practical management.

The results of the work can find their practical application in the management of modern domestic enterprises and organizations.

Thus, team building is a way for individual professionals to create a team that is focused on achieving common goals, an important investment in the future of any company. Such activities help employees to get to know each other better and establish communication, form a corporate culture, and increase work efficiency.

Keywords: team building, management, staff, team cohesion, team spirit, corporate management, domestic companies, enterprises and organizations.

The urgency of the problem

In the team and under its influence there is a formation of personality - its orientation, social activity, will are formed, conditions for self-regulation and development of abilities are created. The implementation of joint socially valuable and personally significant activities contributes to the definition and development of collectivist relations as a special quality of the individual, which shows its solidarity with the purpose and program of the team, the willingness to actively defend them. In a team with a friendly atmosphere, there are fewer problems and employees are more loyal and motivated. So it is not surprising that every leader tries to influence the cohesion of the team and improve the microclimate in the organization. One of the effective methods of improving team interaction is team building.

The degree of research of the problem

The question of the peculiarities of teamwork and the importance of team building was studied by such scientists as P.F. Drucker, T.Yu. Litvinenko, P.V. Zhuravliova, О.В. Frost. Much attention is also paid to the study of positive and negative aspects of team building, these issues are covered in the works of M. Komartsov, A. Saus, K. Komaford.

The subject of research is team building (team building) as an effective tool for forming a professional team.

The purpose of writing the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the use of teambuilding, identify the advantages, disadvantages and feasibility of its use in practical management.

Presenting main material

Teambuilding (English team - team, building - construction, creation) - is a set of activities designed to create team spirit among employees of the organization, team building. The main task is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of staff, improve interaction between them, which, ultimately, affects the improvement of business performance. Proper use of human resources is the most important element of effective company management. Therefore, team building is aimed at modeling life within the team and directing it to joint effective activities.

When deciding on the need to use team building tools, first of all, you should pay attention to the presence of certain problems in the company, the most common of which are: communication disorders; lack of trust in the team; lack of team interaction; downplaying the work of colleagues; «Shifting» responsibility for the result to another person. The presence of at least one of these «symptoms» is already an alarm bell for the team leader. If these shortcomings are detected in time, in many cases they can be overcome quickly and painlessly. Such problems are a kind of diseases that are inherent in teams. You do not need to ignore them. It is necessary to «dive» as deeply as possible into the team (independently or with the help of external evaluation) and understand: the problem is one or more of them [5].

Teambuilding is characterized by the fact that each program has certain techniques and mechanisms that contribute to achieving the goals. The main goals in team building are four:

Uniting the team, creating a sense of common goals.

Improving interaction between team members and increasing trust. Replacing competition with cooperation. Simply put, no one should be ashamed to ask a neighbor and on occasion be ready to respond to someone else's request.

Increasing staff loyalty to management. By participating in trainings on an equal footing with subordinates, the director is perceived by them as a person, not a position. The logic of his decisions becomes clearer to the team and causes less rejection.

Psychological relief for staff. This is especially true for units operating in a busy monotonous mode.

One of the important parts of a team-building event is the task of making a team decision.

Depending on the purpose of the team-building event, tools are chosen.

The first level of training involves a deeper acquaintance of team members, awareness of the difference between the concepts of «group» and «team», awareness of their own role in the team and determine the motivation of each participant.

The second, more practical level, involves a more detailed analysis of the team by diagnosing all members, determining the role of each and developing team decision-making skills.

The arsenal of team-building tools is: testing, diagnostics, team coaching, facilitation of team values and team decision-making, practical tasks and games. Today, a large number of tests are also available to diagnose the team. For example [2]:

FIRO test: allows you to determine how much group members want to work in a group and are inclined to work in a group, able to establish informal relationships with others, how they are controlled and want to be controlled, involved and willing to be involved.

The Belbin test helps to determine the role of a member in a team, indicates typical personality characteristics, acceptable shortcomings. Belbin is convinced that each of us plays one of eight roles at work. And only the presence of all roles in the team guarantees its success.

Yitzhak Adizesat's test of team roles, its analysis in the training process helps team members get to know each other better, make sure that all functions of Adizes' management are represented in the team, and create a matrix of styles. In Yitzhak Adizec's methodology, the main foundation for building any team is only two main components - respect and trust. The life cycle curve will help determine the stage at which the team is.

The test «Determining the role of a leader in a team» is effective only in the case of complete anonymity of its implementation and awareness of the need for its implementation by the leader. He helps the leader to see himself through the eyes of his subordinates, analyze the results and draw appropriate conclusions.

Test «Assessment of the team from the inside». What is the team you work for? Is it effective? Is the team a good psychological climate? Is there an atmosphere of mutual respect? This test provides answers to all these questions, and it is also desirable to take it anonymously.

To better understand each team member, on the eve of training, you can diagnose the personality using the method of Mayer - Brix or DISC [2].

One of the most effective tools often used in team building training is the facilitation of «Team member values» that help them in their work.

To begin, ask the group to answer the following questions:

What do you think are core values?

How are human values formed during life?

Do a person's values affect his work in a team and how?

Do you feel the difference in values of different generations?

Then ask each person to write down ten key values on a separate piece of paper. Divide the group members into teams and ask them to choose a total of ten values for each small team and write each value on a separate sheet. It is desirable to give each team sheets of different colors. After grouping the values on the facilitation board, by voting, you can choose the values that will be most important to everyone. Finally, I recommend comparing them with the company's values and see how they match [2].

To form a strong team, there is team management, which consists of three aspects:

team skills - formation and development of team work skills, which are the basis of the team management implementation system. These include the following skills: harmonization of a common goal with personal goals; taking responsibility for the team's result; situational leadership (leadership for the task) and flexible change of style in accordance with the characteristics of the task; constructive interaction and self-government; making a single team decision and coordinating it with team members.

team spirit - the formation of team spirit, ie a set of psychological phenomena that characterize the informal relationship of employees to colleagues and the organization. The development of team spirit, but in essence, is a set of measures aimed at: strengthening the sense of cohesion, the formation of a stable sense of «We»; development of trust between employees, understanding and acceptance of individual characteristics of each other; creating motivation for joint activities; creating experience of highly effective joint actions; increasing the informal authority of managers; development of loyalty of program participants in relation to the organization.

team building - team building, mechanical actions, selection, optimization of team structure and functionalrole distribution: effective use of the strengths of the team; distribution of roles in the team for optimal achievement of results; formation of a new structure in the merger, acquisition, restructuring of the enterprise; creating a working environment in the formation of project teams; establishing horizontal links within the team, regional units [1].

The basis of team management is team building. It provides an opportunity to: create an informal atmosphere in the team; create a team of like-minded people; identify leaders in the team; unite employees; to form skills of collective interaction. However, the achievement of all the above goals depends on the conditions in which team building is performed.

There are several situations in which team building is simply necessary.

Low motivation of employees. People go to work without wanting to improve their work. Mechanically perform their duties and wait for the end of the working day. If possible, avoid tasks. Accordingly, low productivity, the team plunges into quarrels and quarrels, to encourage employees to conquer some new heights is absolutely impossible.

Organizational changes in the company - mergers, acquisitions, divisions or mergers of departments and so on. Employees who find themselves in new conditions may feel alienated from the company, abandoned, unnecessary, inferior, lack attention. Teambuilding in these conditions allows you to integrate employees into a new corporate environment.

Conflicts within the team. This does not mean one-time quarrels between employees, but constant tense relationships between people (for example, for career reasons) that interfere with work. Team building activities make it possible to identify points of contact between even the most uncompromising rivals and turn competition into cooperation.

The company is just created, from the newly recruited employees you need to form a working team. Teambuilding is best for this.

Scientists distinguish four main types of team building.

Historical. Participants of events in one form or another «live» well-known historical events with new introductory. For example, one of the agencies is carrying out a historical reconstruction of the «Storm of Konigsberg»: the team determines the strategy of capturing the city and tactics, and directly participates in «battles» stylized for the real events of 1945, and hosts periodically complicate the quest, adding new obstacles, which during the Great Patriotic War, of course, did not exist. What matters here is not so much historical authenticity as mutual benefit within the team. There are also simplified measures when participants are immersed in stylized circumstances.

Sports. It occurs most often - it's all kinds of competitions (often on the street, sometimes in the halls), relay races, games. Despite the name, no special physical training is required: tasks are selected based on the age and physical condition of employees. For example, giant basketball, when the team's task is to throw a ball 4-5 meters in diameter into a huge basket standing in a pair of tens of meters. Without the effort of each player to throw the ball to the basket will not work, and the distance to the basket is selected taking into account the capabilities of the participants.

Psychological. Also often used type of team building - the use of training, tests, joint problem solving, finding a way out of difficult situations. Their meaning is that employees learn to better understand the logic of decision-making by other people, learn to «get used» to the team, find out the psychological roles and attitudes of their colleagues - this further helps in solving work problems. The simplest example of such teambuilding is «trust» exercises.

Creative. The most interesting type of team building, but also the most difficult to prepare. Here, participants stage plays, sing karaoke, paint pictures together, arrange dance battles, conduct costumed historical reconstructions and so on.

Exotic. Expensive types of activities carried out mainly in specific climatic conditions. These include river rafting, rafting, mountain climbing, joint trips to exotic countries and so on.

Team building activities are also divided into office teambuilding and outdoor teambuilding.

In the office. Within four walls, in a limited space, it is not possible to organize a large sports competition, but the office is quite suitable for training, intellectual competitions, quests and other forms of team building. The advantages of such teambuilding is that the events take place in a familiar environment, and after them the work premises are perceived completely differently, which introduces an element of additional motivation.

Outdoors. Here, on the contrary, the change of circumstances plays an important role. Outdoor team building can be organized in nature, at recreation centers, in country camps, stadiums and so on. The content of the events is not limited - it is both a competition and a quiet holiday together with trainings and competitions. Often the management of companies chooses the so-called «rope course» as the main one.

There are two ways to organize team building activities:

On their own. The employer plans and organizes activities. This method is convenient if the company is very small (teambuilding is done by the head, a creative person) or, conversely, large, and it has a specialist or a unit that organizes corporate events. Pros - cost savings (though not always), complete control over the process, confidentiality (and this is an important factor in team building).

With the involvement of third-party firms. There are many companies on the market that organize team building events - from seminars to elite competitions in exotic conditions. Such services cost a lot, but you do not need to worry about anything: prepare a script, rent a room or territory, organize a coffee break and so on, the team will only have to come and take part.

In order to build a strong team to be successful, you need to consider: location; time; phasing. A special role in the implementation of team building is played by the venue. It is best when the event takes place away from the office environment. Unusual conditions are manifested among employees of informal leaders.

Another important condition for success is time. It is best to conduct teambuilding training on weekdays. After all, employees usually want to spend the weekend at home, in nature or with family. Therefore, it is better to protect yourself from situations when one of the colleagues can not or does not want to participate in team building.

In addition, successful teambuilding takes place in the following sequence:

division into teams. In cases where the company has several departments, it is best to form mixed teams. In this way, employees will be able to communicate more closely or meet people with whom they have a common workplace, but there is no opportunity to communicate with each other;

choice of name, motto. At this stage, communication is established between the participants, and the common motto will encourage and raise team spirit during the competition;

exercises and games. Various team games that should finally unite the team and teach to cooperate;

summing up. Discussion of actions during different stages of training will allow to analyze the mistakes and achievements. This will be a good example for future problem situations.

In order to organize an effective corporate event aimed at achieving team building, it is necessary to take several important and consistent steps:

Define goals, objectives and budget. It is necessary to understand what the goal is: To resolve contradictions in the team? Form a single team from disparate groups? Relax together? Just introduce employees to each other? In what way? And how much money are you willing to spend on it?

Choose a format. Will it be a «rope» course, «woolen» team building or regular office training? Will you choose nature or rent the nearest sports complex? You will «make a movie» or give preference sports competition? Suggest several options to choose from. If the decision is joint, employees will participate in the event more actively and with interest.

Consult a teambuilding specialist. You can just talk to a specialist from a specialized firm. And you can hire a staff development coach to tell you how to conduct the event, and the team is morally prepared.

Develop a script. The easiest option is to download from the Internet and adapt for your team. You can try to prepare a script yourself, it makes sense if you already have experience with such events. The idea must meet the purpose of teambuilding and team composition. It is not quite right to organize endurance competitions if the majority of employees are elderly people.

Select the appropriate time. Ideally, team building games should be played during business hours. This is logical from all points of view: the team is needed primarily by the employer to achieve its goals. And employees will be much more interested in team building, which is not held on their weekend. Although much depends on the relationship in the team. If people themselves take the initiative to go to nature together on Saturday or Sunday, their desire must be encouraged.

Organize an event. For teambuilding to take place, you need to consider many household nuances. Arrange transport if necessary. Provide participants with hot meals or prepare coffee breaks. Take into account the possible deterioration of weather conditions. If the event is divided into blocks or sections, provide classes for those who have already finished or have not yet begun to participate in their block (entertainment, buffet, etc.). If team building is on-site, it is important to comply with all safety requirements for participants, especially when it comes to extreme measures - rafting on a mountain river, climbing mountain peaks and so on. Before the start, the participants are instructed.

If the organizers of team building will comply with all these conditions, then after its completion: the team will undoubtedly unite; old conflicts will be resolved; the tension will be relieved; employees will have shared memories.

At the same time, some companies also organize teambuilding for prevention - these are usually flexible entertainment programs aimed at uniting people, because the basis of a successful team is trust. Coordinated communication, friendly relations, support - all these are derived from it. Going to a bowling alley or organizing a joint picnic will not form a feeling of team closeness. Trust is formed on a psychological level, the level of unconscious emotions. Overcoming individual fears or complexes with the support of colleagues is an ideal time to establish deep emotional connections between team members. There are companies that organize happy hours for employees every month. This tradition has been borrowed from Western companies, which provide entertainment once or twice a month (usually on the last Friday). It takes a lot of time and money, but the benefits are questionable. This approach is more like meeting old friends or acquaintances who want to spend time together. It makes sense in such activities, but it is not a team formation [5].

Comparing teambuilding and happy hours events, it is worth noting three main features that characterize teambuilding training:

complexity of conducting. Organizing teambuilding is much harder than going to a coffee shop all together. To conduct team building it is necessary to identify the problems of the team, choose a team building program, conduct it, analyze the results, develop a plan of action. Happy hours does not provide for this and is purely entertaining;

methodological basis. Each team building program has its own methodology, because it contains special mechanics of interaction with participants, who need to know and understand how they work. It can be an effective HR- tool in the hands of a specialist, and may not bring any benefit, being at the disposal of a beginner;

result. Carrying out team building always gives results - certain changes in the team, which can be identified during the observation of the team. Establishing teamwork and the emergence of trust significantly affect the final results of joint work. These changes have a qualitative nature and long-term effect, which is so important for business [5].

In addition, self-organized activities often do not live up to the expectations of the employer and do not leave the best memory in the staff. It also happens that inexperienced hired specialists organize teambuilding, which leads to an unexpected result. Why is this happening?

Reason 1. Boring scenario. It is not necessary to say that the planned game turned into a boring lecture on the importance of cohesion. It may be different: the office quest turned out to be too complicated, and most employees simply did not want to think about the rules and fully immerse themselves in the game. The historical reconstruction was conceived on a very narrow topic, little known to the staff, because of which they could not use the logic of decision-making of historical figures and sat bored. Or maybe a new teambuilding specialist downloaded a script from the Internet that was already used last year.

Reason 2. The event is too busy. The organizer organized several energetic contests, trainings and competitions, and then an analysis for an hour and a half. The participants are so exhausted that they did not want to think about any team. Sometimes there are no normal conditions for rest at the outbuilding team building, people have to stand for an hour or two during the event, it also does not improve the perception of management ideas.

Reason 3. The participants were not fed. As prosaic as it sounds, it is for this reason that team building measures often fail. Workers who were accustomed to a comfortable meal had to push at the tables, some did not get something, others had to eat cold food. Worst of all, when the organizer says, «Now there's a half-hour break, there's a coffee shop two blocks away, you can go there for a snack». In this case, the team may be formed on the basis of outrage by the employer.

Reason 4. Poor organization of teambuilding. For example, a hundred participants of the outbound teambuilding arrived on three buses, unloaded together, approached the tables of the organizers, and there is a bunch of badges mixed. Confusion, cursing, half an hour of lost time. And there was everything - to properly organize the process and lay out the badges on the tables.

Reason 5. Compulsory participation. «If they don't go, we will deprive them of the prize», some executives do. Arrange events on weekends or holidays, force employees of pre-retirement age, despite their obvious reluctance, to climb the rope nets along with young people and so on.

Reason 6. Weather conditions are not taken into account. It is impossible to organize out-of-town teambuilding at uncomfortable temperature, during rain, wet snow or suffocating heat. It is not always possible to predict sharp changes in the weather, but you can adjust the program of the event. Otherwise, people will freeze, get wet, get a sunstroke, and they will not remember training, but unpleasant sensations.

Reason 7. Psychological discomfort of participants. This happens when management is removed from participation and remains an observer in general activities (employees feel experienced). Or requires special treatment in the competition. Even if the director simply does not stop attempts to please him by subordinates, it already turns team building into a formally pointless event.

If the event is unsuccessful, do not jump to conclusions that teambuilding is not for you. First of all, you need to understand the causes of errors. Problem in the script or in the organization? Not enough resources or just a bad choice of time? To find out the reason, the best option is to collect feedback: to conduct a survey in the team, orally or in the form of a questionnaire. Depending on the results of the survey, you will be able to adjust the organization of the process - for example, entrust it to a specialized firm, change the format, number and composition of participants, and so on.

The main driver of team building is the game. It relaxes and adjusts in an informal way. Among the games aimed at cohesion, there are several:

for acquaintance. For example, each participant calls his and the adjective to the first letter of the name, and each subsequent, before naming their data, repeats the previous ones.

to activate. For example, a fun game in which making the sound of a certain animal, you need to find a couple.

for team building. For example, problem situations from which they must find a common way out.

for reflection and summarizing. Participants discuss the training, indicate what they liked, did not like, express wishes.

There are many options for fun and effective team building for employees. Here are some ideas:

sports. Competitions of teams in sports games: football, paintball;

quest. The quest organizes situations that require the application of professional skills: joint decision-making, support for each other.

in nature.

board games. The game throws participants to unexpected problem situations that need to be solved collectively.

All managers know that the main result of work depends on the team. Conflicts, inability to interact and lack of common goal will nullify even the most successful business. Therefore, it is worth working hard on developing a model for forming a strong team. So, business analysts know that any serious business starts with team building.

You need to understand that even a successful event is just one episode in the life of the company, which can benefit the team, and can only remain a pleasant memory. Psychologists believe that to achieve the effect of team values must not only be declared, but also implemented in everyday activities. Teambuilding should not be based on positioning the company as a family, but on very specific measures: recognition of employee success, prospects for development in the profession, fair resolution of conflicts, support for initiative. Then the person will have enough motivation to continue working in the company, and to maintain team values.

There are several situations when teambuilding will only worsen the state of affairs in the organization:

if the leader professes a purely administrative style of management and believes that subordinates should take it for granted (teambuilding in this case becomes an attempt to adjust the team to the values of the leader, which very rarely works);

if the main value of the company is considered to be individual achievements, and the system of motivation is set to encourage them (programmers working in a remote mode on individual projects, it makes no sense to form a team);

high staff turnover, despite the fact that management does not see anything wrong with it;

management's fears of competition from lower employees;

the company does not have a clear system of motivation, management evaluates employees based on internal feelings (in these conditions it is difficult to formulate the direction of team building, because employees do not know what competencies they need to develop for career and professional growth);

the team already exists and works normally (the case when it is better - the enemy of good).

It would seem that why teambuilding in a time of pandemic, when most companies work remotely or try to avoid crowds of employees? This is a crisis, and the crisis must be survived, minimally spending money on various additional activities, including team building. Yes, this is a crisis, but the crisis will end, and a good cohesive team will not come from nowhere to work on it. The advantages of the remote form of team building are obvious:

Productivity growth. Even if your employees no longer sit in the same office, they continue to work together. Creative team building allows you to establish better communication, act effectively in a new situation and solve unexpected problems. A joint creative task unites and helps to organize teamwork, while adding a touch of entertainment and humor.

Growing loyalty. Savings, staff reductions, reduced salaries and bonuses, increased work for the same pay. Many companies have faced this over the last year. Many workers were overwhelmed with gloomy thoughts and fear of losing their jobs. Online team building in this case works as an anti-stress and confirmation that the company values its employees and confidently overcomes difficult times.

Emotional support. Despite the appearance of a huge number of articles on how to work remotely, this form of work is liked and not suitable for everyone. Sitting all day indoors is a test for an extrovert. And some are prevented from concentrating by other family members who are also «under house arrest». All this is very depressing and can affect the work. Online team building allows you to be distracted, reboot, gossip and joke with colleagues, comment on their creative process and create shared memories that will warm in the future.

Therefore, the therapeutic effect of online teambuilding should not be underestimated.


Teambuilding is a way for individual professionals to create a team that is focused on achieving common goals, an important investment in the future of any company. Such activities help employees to get to know each other better and establish communication, form a corporate culture, and increase work efficiency. Teambuilding allows you to teach team members to communicate informally, but still retain an element of the business component. Teambuilding allows you to best identify and consolidate an informal leader, which is especially important for a project manager. In addition, this method allows team members to develop the ability to take responsibility for the collective result, along with the ability to show their own individual qualities; learn the importance of clear subordination within the team and see the possibility of effective performance of the task using a jointly developed strategy and tactics to solve it. That is, team members have the opportunity, on the one hand, to understand the benefits of teamwork, and on the other - to realize the importance of their own contribution to the overall result.

Список використаних джерел

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4. Мороз О.В., Нікіфорова Л.О., Шиян А.А. Соціально-психологічні чинники мотивування працівників приладобудівних підприємств: монографія. Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2011. 252 с.

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6. Ярмолюк Д.І., Хлуп'янець Д.І., Яблонська І.В. Тімбілдинг як один із ефективних методів управління персоналом. Економіка та управління підприємствами. Випуск 3(20). 2020. С. 152-156.


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