Benefits of collaborative online learning (Ukrainian language as a foreign)

Active use of the latest information and communication technologies, as well as the World Wide Web. The problem of expediency of introducing pedagogical innovations, in particular a detailed analysis of educational applicants in the online format.

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Benefits of collaborative online learning (Ukrainian language as a foreign)

T. О. Leshchenko

Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor,

Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanitarian Training,

Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine


Ph.D. in Philology,

Lecture at the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanitarian Training,

Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine


Ph.D. in Pedagogy,

Associate Professor at the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanitarian Training, Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine

It was noted that over few decades much attention has been paid to the use of Advanced Information and Communication Technologies and essential role of Internet. There appears to be a strong argument for increased amount of the newest ways, methods and technologies improving of the approaches of the present-day educational system. The authors concentrate their attention on the Online Collaborative Learning. This paper focuses on the using of various information and communication technologies. The advantages of pedagogical innovation in comparison with traditional methods of presenting educational information have been pointed out. The authors focus their attention on the importance of using innovative forms, didactic methods, techniques and resources. Researchers gave us the definition of Online Collaborative Learning and proved that such activities can be easily used in the classrooms with much success. It noted the benefits presented by systematic recourse to Online Collaborative Learning, and the reasonable ways of their using as the assessment tools in the contest of language learning. The need, specificity and rationality of using of Online Collaborative Learning as an innovative approach to teaching and learning, which provides academics and students with the ability to communicate and collaborate with peers internationally through online for teaching Ukrainian language as foreign in higher medical educational institutions have been shown. One of the possible ways to provide collaboration work is through the using of computer-supported collaborative design structures or web-based tools and basic collaborative strategies have been presented as one of the possible and efficient ways to provide collaboration work. The paper concludes with an opinion that collaborative learning is now proved as one of the most modern method of learning. It is beneficial as a knowledgesharing tool that involves students teaching one another in a group setting, builds student performance and progression, helps student develop their communicative and social skills. At the same time it is especially helpful in motivating students in specific curriculum.

Key words: foreign students, Ukrainian Language as a Foreign, Advanced Information and Communication Technologies, Online Collaborative Learning.


кандидатка філологічних наук, доцентка,

завідувачка кафедри українознавства та гуманітарної підготовки,

Полтавський державний медичний університет, м. Полтава, Україна


кандидатка філологічних наук,

викладачка кафедри українознавства та гуманітарної підготовки,

Полтавський державний медичний університет, м. Полтава, Україна Електронна пошта:


кандидатка педагогічних наук,

доцентка кафедри українознавства та гуманітарної підготовки,

Полтавський державний медичний університет, м. Полтава, Україна Електронна пошта


У розвідці зауважено про активне використання новітніх інформаційних і комунікаційних технологій, а також всесвітньої мережі Інтернет. Така ситуація зумовила появу нових способів, методів і педагогічних технологій, здатних употужнити сучасну освітню парадигму. Указано на переваги педагогічної інноватики в порівнянні з традиційними методами подачі навчальної інформації. У полі зору авторок пропонованої статті - спільне онлайн- навчання здобувачів медичної освіти. Статтю присвячено проблемі доцільності впровадження педагогічної інно- ватики, зокрема детальному аналізу групової роботи здобувачів освіти у форматі онлайн, розвиткові навичок навчатися в команді під час вивчення української мови як іноземної іноземними здобувачами освіти, які опановують медичний фах. Було встановлено, що веборієнтовані освітні ресурси забезпечують безперешкодний обмін навчальною інформацією - повідомленнями, файлами, завданнями тощо. Авторами дефіновано термін спільне онлайн-навчання, аргументовано доцільність і результативність його використання під час вивчення української мови як іноземної. У праці проаналізовано специфіку впровадження й систематичного застосування спільного онлайн-навчання як інноваційного методу навчання мові іноземних здобувачів медичної освіти. Представлено й проаналізовано один із можливих і дієвих способів впровадження спільного навчання - комп'ютерні й вебін- струменти, сучасні стратегії спільного навчання. У статті спільне онлайн-навчання подано як ефективну альтернативу / доповнення традиційному авдиторному шляху здобуття знань, умінь і мовних навичок. Крім цього, авторками вирізнено й описано переваги спільного онлайн-навчання, зокрема зауважено про розвиток уміння працювати в команді, вибудовувати шкалу власних досягнень і розвитку, розвивати комунікативні й соціальні компетенції. Приділено увагу мотиваційній компоненті.

Ключові слова: іноземний здобувач освіти, українська мова як іноземна, новітні інформаційні й комунікаційні технології, спільне онлайн навчання. foreign applicant education ukrainian language

Statement of the problem

Taking into consideration the fact that we learn foreign languages with conscious processes there shouldn't be any doubt that it is significantly different and more difficult to understand. It is virtually impossible to motivate students during the whole lesson. In spite of this fact, teachers do everything possible to interest and enhance students and thereby increase the level of their knowledge, skills and abilities. Teachers try to choose the appropriate methods or approaches of teaching languages, in particular Ukrainian Language as a foreign language. This choice depends on the circumstances in the teaching environment, objectives, current situation in the classroom and basic needs of foreign students.

At the same time, the newest educational realities are characterized by a diversification of the pedagogical process. Increasingly, educators are banned total unification and standardization of teaching. More often academics give a preference to seeking innovation in the theory and practice of teaching. Modern teachers try to help students work independently and become more skillful, erudite, capable of being and keen to becoming lifelong learners. They want to change the attitude of the students to the learning process in general.

Language learning methods and teaching techniques have crucial values for language learners because they are tools for effectiveness and self-esteem improvement. Relevant types of work and tasks can help to achieve primary goals of foreign students who are willing to learn the Ukrainian Language and use it in everyday life as well as in professional sphere. «Foreign students seek to speak Ukrainian to study the educational material included in curricular and to adjust the realities of Ukrainian way of life» [Leshchenko: 164]. It is time to form a conscious intention to improve the level of proficiency in Ukrainian language.

On the basis of our current experience and the expressed needs of foreign students we give preference to interactive methods and innovative online pedagogies. We inclined to combine these methods with traditional forms of conversational interaction among students. From our point of view, teaching method is effective only if it is based on methods and techniques that can enhance and activate learners. It is aimed primarily at finding new ways to actualize the inner potential of each student, motivation for continuous work for self-development, developing skills of independent cognitive search, learning students' ability to organize and regulate speech activity, the development of the ability to systematically mastering communication skills, because effective communication is the most essential aspects of students relationship and personal life, and is the key to progressing in their future career.

It is important to note that total informatization of public life and frequent usage of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an integral part of current education. There is no doubt that modern students are in contact with ICT. Not surprisingly, that the selection, processing of storage, exchange of resources and any materials are implemented on the Internet. Nowadays, everyone who uses modern gadgets and an extensive global network has free access to information content. The number of Internet users is constantly growing. In the meantime, the online paradigm is becoming more functional, the system of personal data protection is gradually being improved. Furthermore, rational, systematic and methodically reasoned implementation of Online Collaborative Learning (OCL) provides significant advantages for learners. It is particularly noteworthy that collaboration is an interaction between two or more people, in some circumstances, some types of interaction occur that have a positive effect. In this context, we note that innovative educational programs and reforms are implemented mainly through the informatization of the traditional learning process. The newest content of education is being improved, computer-oriented teaching methods and new ways of monitoring knowledge are being actively introduced, and modern means of creating educational content and online tools for open education are being used. OCL is becoming relevant and more prevalent.

The purpose of the article

This article sets up benefits of online learning in collaboration style. In this research we concentrate on the process and impact of the implementation of the Collaborative Learning (CL) in language learning. We emphasize on the Internet using development, utilizing networking tools while studying Ukrainian language with foreign students in the contest of general medical education in our country.

Seeing the tops prospect of OCL, we have defined the aim of the research - to analyze the essence of OCL as one of the most modern method of language online learning. Taking into consideration practical necessity to examine urgent problems which are directly related to online collaboration tools, visible gaps in theoretical and methodological analysis, the motivation for this research, its aims and objectives, the following research questions were determined: 1) What is OCL?; 2) What are the main online collaboration tools and reasonable ways of their using as the assessment tools in the contest of language learning?; 3) What are the major benefits of OCL?


Therangetheoretical and experimental methods have been used in order to achieve the stated goals. To shed light on the first issue, detailed analysis of key achievements on the topic as well as the arrangement of colleagues' findings and ground-breaking scientific research have been utilized. The paper appeals to the generalization, systematization, classification, interpretation of linguistic scientific fact. The special linguistic methods and techniques, including discourse analysis, have been appealed.

Presenting main material

There is a great need for more research on the integration of Collaborative language learning, particularly online learning into Ukrainian educational space. A large number of scientists were engaged in theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of CL. The methodological bases of research on this topic enhance and diversify articles by foreign and Ukrainian didactics. Extrapolating and refining the basic ideas of the predecessors, modern scholars have tried to clarify the definition, outline the dominant and main features of the phenomenon under consideration (D. Bray, D. Desilus, M. Ivanova, R. Pauli, N. Rzhevskaya, Pyrozhenko, Ye. Polat, O. Pometun, T. Lewis, S.MacNeill, M. Marcillo-Gomez, C. Mohiyeddini, M.Moisyeyeva, F. Michie, R. O'Dowd, K. Squire, D. H. Sonnenwald, V Strelnikov, B. Street, C. Ulrich, M. Voron, etc.). Results of empirical research have demonstrated the positive relationship between collaborative learning and student benefits, achievements, effort, willingness to interactions, persistence, and motivation.

At the same time, the lots of questions are still unexplored and available theoretical basis need clarification and generalization. For instance, it is necessary to present and discuss the results of OCL during the study of specific disciplines in higher educational institutions. Basic and rational means of effective utilizing networking tools while studying languages still had not been analyzed and described in detail. Algorithm for their usage had not been shown.

We consider it important that previous scientific work concerning the issues of CL has been focused on real interaction and face-to- face communication, whereby collaboration in an online learning environment has not been described and analyzed. Therefore, in this research we concentrate on collaboration in an online learning environment and its advantages and disadvantages for foreign learners.

CL is now proved as one of the most meaningful method of learning and can involve large section of students and teachers. It is based upon working together on the same task in small groups. Notably, «Collaborative Learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that involves groups of learners working together to solve a problem, complete a task or create a product; instruction method in which learners at various performance levels work together in small groups toward a common goal» [Laal: 492].

Through interacting with each other learners exchange ideas and elaborate their knowledge. The grouping and pairing of learners for the purpose of achieving a learning goal, preparing, performing tasks and analyzing results has been widely researched and propagandize. Since online education has become an essential part of modern educational institutions, group work and different collaborative activities has been widely used in traditional online educational environment. This effective instructional method is based on the constructive perspectives of learning. It requires social and communicative skills and contributes to the realization of the ability to work in teams or to learn as part of a group without any face-to-face contacts.

Rational and systematic utilizing Internet- based tools and latest online pedagogies facilitate meaningful exchanges between tutors and students with peers in geographically distant territories and from different linguacultural backgrounds. The practice of virtual exchanges between countries and continents is known as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). This term is defined in the works of world and scientists: «Collaborative Online International Learning, is teaching and learning approach through use of Information and Communication Technology to create virtual learning environments to provide shared courses across educational institutions worldwide» [Belagra: 36]; «Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is an innovative approach to teaching and learning, which provides academics and students with the ability to communicate and collaborate with peers internationally through online» [Rubin: 61]; «The term «collaborative online international learning» combines the four essential dimensions of virtual mobility: it is a collaborative exercise of teachers and students; it makes use of online technology and interaction; it has potential international dimensions; and it is integrated into the learning process» [Rzhevskaya: 187].

«Collaborative learning is a method of teaching and learning in which students work together as a team to explore an important question or create a project. This can happen either in a classroom setting or in eLearning sessions using Google Hangouts or Skype, allowing students to converse freely on the subject» [Faroun: 8]; «In collaborative learning, students participate in small-group activities in which they share their knowledge and expertise. In these student-driven activities, the teacher usually acts as a facilitator» [Scager: 2]; «Collaborative learning in an online classroom can take the form of discussion among the whole class or team activities within smaller groups» (Brindley, 2009: 4); «Collaboration is similar to cooperation; however, in cooperative learning each learner is assigned a portion of the task. On the other hand, collaborative learning involves learners working in groups on the same task in order to search for understanding» [Nihat: 57].

We can define CL as working in small groups. It redefines the traditional student-teacher relationship as activities. It can include debates, joint problem solving, collaborative writing, study teams and group projects. OCL includes the use of collaborative tools or innovative web-based tools and pedagogies which allow individuals to do things together online like messaging, file sharing and assessment. OCL is commonly used in Ukrainian language learning. It is possible to say that collaborative language learning has some common characteristics with communicative language teaching in that they both underline interaction. Using OCL leads to the development of general communicative competence, enhance students' motivation and performance in better learning. And it thereby pushes to enhance the student body's language communicative competence.

Teaching practice and working with foreign students and experience gives us an opportunity to admit that OCL also involves students in the learning process; establishes a positive atmosphere for modeling and practicing cooperation in virtual space; leads to build variety understanding among students; develops learning communities; promotes critical thinking skills; enhance their cognitive skills; create shared learning experiences; instill team-building skills and encourage social interaction, etc. OCL builds more positive heterogeneous relationships and encourages diversity understanding. It is also crucial that it can reduce violence in any setting.

Notably, there are diversity of opportunities for effective organization of the online collaborative work and activities. «Online collaborative communication represents a practical method to transmit knowledge and experience from the teacher to students overcoming physical distance and isolation» [Jara: 127].

One of the possible ways to provide collaboration work is through the use of computer- supported collaborative design structures. First of all, it contains the utilization of collaborative tools or web-based tools, such as Skype, Zoom, Webex, Hangouts, BB Collaborate, Workplace by Facebook, Cliqtalk, Padlet, etc. Students can work asynchronously by using wikis, reflection blogs, and writing assignments. Students are also able to contact each other outside the group forum by personal telephones. Their collaboration can occur via private email messages. Both types of collaborative work are occurred with the use of such collaborative strategies as the Jigsaw method, Think-pair-share, Brainwriting, Breakout rooms, Peer Review, Scaffolding, Value Diversity, 3-2-1 Technique, Scaffolding, etc.

To assist in incorporating student collaboration techniques within the classroom global connection websites can be used (Google Docs,,, Google apps for education,, Collaborizeclassroom. com,,, etc.). By using these websites foreign students have a possibility to upload files, for instance prepared texts or videos, edit anytime from anywhere, choose who can access documents, share, and collaborate online. By using outlined above websites it is possible to create documents; join a fully synchronized document collaboration session; mark up, fill out, and collaborate on PDFs, Word documents, PowerPoint slides, and web pages. Both teachers and students can use different blogging platform to send notes, links, files, alerts, assignments, and events to each other. Either applying OCL or using innovative pedagogical methods and techniques in Ukrainian as a foreign language teaching is especially essential. The main reason for this is the increasing number of foreign students mastering medical profession in our country.

In view of the epidemiological situation in the world and epidemiological context in different countries, virtual language learning provides online access to some benefits and educational information without any physical contacts. Increased emphasis is placed on the building mutually affirming relationships, collaborations and strengthens constructive and meaningful dialogue among students by using virtual tools and technologies in the process of learning.

This requires detailed highlighting of the most important techniques and special features that affected implementation of web-based tools. The algorithm of using online modern web-based tools and collaborative strategies for effective online language learning, specifically Ukrainian, must be shown and described in details.

It appears that students are familiar with email and in some cases modern web-based tools and are more comfortable using it than face-to- face studying. Meantime, we consider that by means of collaborative tools teachers must help students learn Ukrainian in a very entertaining way. For instance, in this context Brainwriting can be used. Brainwriting is a collaborative way to generate a diversity of ideas in groups within a short period of time. Even though this technique can be successfully utilized in multiple educational projects or class work it can also provide a resource that can help to conduct different brainwriting exercises, whether it's virtually or in the same room online. So, brainwriting sessions can also be held online in virtual or distant meeting.

Brainwriting fosters the generation of knowledge within groups of peers. At the same time, knowledge is constructed by means of online interactions among learners. Such interacting with each other gives them an opportunity to achieve common goals and do tasks with a joint effort. This is an excellent way to exchange ideas concerning facts of common knowledge and important details. Brainwriting activity is used to get the students' ideas based on their prior knowledge about the topic. It can be used to generate new ideas, encourage creative problem-solving, and develop innovative solutions. Brainwriting motivate to write their ideas and conclusions down and share them anonymously.

By sharing ideas and working together, students discuss core information with other members of the group and they participate fully in the communication process. Also, experience has shown that one of the famous and frequently used strategies in brainwriting is 6-3-5 method. After sending everyone electronic copies of the brainwriting template students type their own ideas into the boxes provided for each round. Six students write down three ideas in five minutes and swap their brainwriting worksheets with them their possible responds to other students' notes or answers and add new ones. Finally, all the ideas on the worksheets are shared and discussed with the whole group.

Below is an example of how a brainwriting session can be used for taking lessons in the discipline «Ukrainian Language as a Foreign» (III course, speciality «Dentistry»). The topic of practical training is «Опис анамнезу життя».

The brainwriting worksheet shows that diversity of thought and a lot of different ideas can be generated in a very short period of time, and how ideas can be performed by different students during the one online session.

Computer-supported collaborative patterns include email, chat, and computer conferencing while most also include access to educational information. Specifically, the implementation of the Group Writing Activity method could be realized with the usage of Padlet. Virtual walls allow students to practice creative writing using narrative tenses or replies to the questions. Padlet would enable electronic submission of all responses to questions and the review of such responses by the teachers. This provides an opportunity to monitor and track students' progress. It is important that the administrator (teacher/creator) is able to add files, links, videos, photos, posts, and more to supplement and illustrate the contents of the lesson. Group Writing Activity allows students to practice creative writing. The product is typically a text / dialogue written by at least seven students or pairs of students from their homes. As a result of collective discussion, refinements and possible corrections, groups of students present ready-made projects.

Below we give an example of how a Group Writing Activity can be used for to providing online collaboration work in the discipline «Ukrainian Language as a Foreign» (IV course, speciality «Medecine»). We also add students' board. The topic of practical training is «Розпитування пацієнта з ознаками хвороб серцево-судинної системи».

Працюйте в группах і підготуйте інформацію про хвороби серцево-судиної системи. Готовий текст розмістіть на віртуальній дошці Padlet / Work in small groups. Prepaire information about cardio-vascular deseases. Present the text on a virtual board Padlet.

The ability to work together will ensure successful collaboration in the team in the future. By supporting each other, students will become effective participants and strengthen their experiences. The success of one learner helps other students to be successful.

Collaborative work fosters the generation of knowledge within groups of peers. At the same time, knowledge is constructed by means of interactions among learners. Online interacting with each other gives them an opportunity to achieve common goals and do tasks with a joint effort. This is an excellent way to exchange ideas concerning facts of common knowledge and important details. By sharing ideas and working from their homes, students discuss core information with other members of the group and they participate fully in the communication process.

Furthermore, learners exchange ideas and elaborate their language knowledge on the Ukrainian language. We find this is a good way to speak more freely and build their confidence. So, through OCL learners in a stress less learning environment stand a better chance of developing their language proficiency.

And in fact, if we compare individualistic learning to Collaborative Learning it becomes apparent that Collaborative Learning provides higher achievement level and progress for learners. A new understanding of the relationship between teacher and students is emerging. Teachers have placed at the core of these relations their students, as well as their objectives and goals. Collaborative language learning has considerable advantages in many aspects for the development of language skills. It is necessary to consider that collaboration is not cooperation. In contradistinction to cooperation, it involves language learners working in groups on the same task in order to search for understanding.

Special attention is paid to developing student's counseling skills and their ability to work in groups by using computer-supported collaborative patterns. What is more, the joint effort creates an understanding that offers differing priorities and views. Students can easily discuss important issues and seek to address the contentious issues through online dialogue. Nevertheless, utilizing collaborative work can cause certain difficulties at first. Quite often, students may not be familiar with some initial thought, some long-term vision, and some persistence. They cannot be skilled at working together even online. In spite of these challenges, students can come to enjoy and benefit from cooperation in the classroom and beyond. At the same time, it is especially helpful in motivating students in specific curriculum. It is also very important that the teachers are also benefited: large lectures can be personalized and collaborative teaching techniques utilize a variety of assessments. As students are actively involved in interacting with each other on and they are able to understand their differences and learn how to solve educational and even possible communication problem. It helps students to resolve differences in a friendly manner.


So, if students are immersed learning, they do their best and prefer learning and discovering new information through interaction and applications, particularly through active participation and peer or group work than through the passive acceptance of information presented by the teacher. Online Collaborative peer work helps student develop their communicative and social skills. It provides safe and structured space to interact with others. Collaborative work is a valuable way of building student performance and progression, it also allows each student to work to their strengths. This learning activity involves students teaching one another in a group setting.

Students keep ahead learning language in tandem and working towards a common goal. They try to understand and anticipate differences, recognize it in themselves and others, and use it to their advantage. They are accountable to one another. Students come to recognize, understand and respect differences in perspectives, approaches and results.

Perspectives of Further Research. Future studies are also recommended to examine the impact of group collaborative learning experiences in online learning of Ukrainian, the Ukrainian language as a Foreign language, mastering reading, listening, writing and speaking skills, basic competences in Ukrainian with the use of ITC.


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1. Belarga, O. (2019). Collaborative Online International Learning Practice as a Teaching Pedagogy in Higher Education: Japanese University Experience. University education. Vol. 6. P. 36-39 (in English).

2. Brindley, J. E. (2009). Creating Effective Collaborative Learning Groups in an Online Environment. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learnin. Vol. 10 (3). Pp. 1-18 (in English).

3. Jara, C. A. (2009). Real-time collaboration of virtual laboratories through the Internet. Computers & Education. Vol. 52 (1), Pp. 126-140. (in English).

4. Heradio, R. (2013). Providing collaborative support to virtual and remote laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. Vol. 6 (4). Рр. 312-323. doi: 10.1109/TLT.2013.20 (in English).

5. Laal, M. (2012). Collaborative learning: What is it? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 31. Pp. 491-495. (in English).

6. Leschenko, T. (2018). Health vs. illness in the context of verbal representation of the value picture of the world of the modern physician. Psycholinguistics. Vol. 24 (2), P. 163-180. doi: 10.31470/2309-1797-2018-24-2-163-180 (in English).

7. Nihat, S. (2020). Collaborative Learning: An Effective Approach to Promote Language Development. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies. Vol. 7 (2). Pp. 57-61 (in English).

8. Rzhevskaya, N. (2020). Networking Tools in Virtual Exchange for Cooperation at Universities in Bulgaria and Ukraine. Information Technologies and Learning Tools. Vol. 76 (2), no. 2. P. 187-197 (in Ukrainian).

9. Rubin, J. (2015). Collaborative online international learning: An emerging format for internationalizing curricula. format_for_internationalizing_curricula (in English).

10. Scager, K. (2019). Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: Evoking Positive Interdependence. CBE - Life Sciences Education. Vol. 15, No. 4. Pp. 1-9. (in English).

11. Faroun, I. K. (2016). (Collaborative Learning. Collaborative_Learning (in English).

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  • The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.

    курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015

  • Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.

    курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012

  • Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.

    статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014

  • The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [679,3 K], добавлен 21.01.2014

  • Intercultural Communication Competence: Language and Culture. The role Intercultural Communicative Competence in teaching foreign languages. Intercultural Competence in Foreign language teaching. Contexts for intercultural learning in the classroom.

    курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017

  • The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.

    курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016

  • Программа online обучения как программа, основанная на изучении материалов и взаимодействии студента с преподавателем посредством сети Интернет. Особенности процесса проектирования изделия. Виртуальный университет и виртуальное рабочее место одновременно.

    реферат [12,1 M], добавлен 26.03.2011

  • Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan. Motivation in the classroom. The role of games on language lessons. Examples of some games and activities which had approbated on English language lessons. Various factors of student motivation.

    курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013

  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

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