Бомбардировщик В-2 предназначен для ядерных ударов по мобильным стратегическим ракетам и командным пунктам. Может использоваться для карательных операций против стран третьего мира. Его корпус сделан из материалов на основе эпоксидного графита и керамики.
Характеристика центрических диатомей (Coscinodiscophyceae), изучение особенностей распространения и развития диатомовых водорослях малых водоемов г. Киева. Исследование центрических диатомей из 19 видов и 10 радов, обнаруженных в малых водоемах Киева.
Дослідження проблеми ідентичності в контексті історичного травматичного досвіду з боку тоталітарного дискурсу. Оцінка іманентної присутності тоталітаризму в історичному процесі, його травматичного характеру та неміметичного способу ідентичності.
Analysis of the low level of technical and technological base and qualification of the personnel of enterprises of alcohol industry. Characteristics of the research of the system of innovative orientation of the production activity of companies.
Succession of books and essays, a succession of ideas and polemical positions of Jullia Kristneva. The idea of progress and success implicit in figure that runs counter to the material of a vivid impression of an individual history of Walter Benjamin.
Goals and tasks of art and literature. Study of the process of spiritual evolution of a person in the literary works of the writer B. Vahabzadeh. Highlighting the inner world of the characters, behavior in various situations and emotional experiences.
Achieving a balance of competitive forces between real and potential domestic and foreign producers of industrial products in the internal market of Ukraine. The market reforms in Ukraine from the standpoint of balancing competitive conditions.
Analysis of market relations, policies aimed at balancing competitive conditions. Overview of market reforms in this area in Ukraine. Theoretical and methodological principles, practical recommendations regarding the balance of competitive conditions.
The features of pressure from policy networks on the safety and security governance of states and intergovernmental organizations. Policy networks and issue networks. The conceptual distinction between security and safety. Correlates of deliberate harm.
The research of attempts the attempts ofthe Balkan regional integration in the twentieth century and at the beginning of the XXIst century. The distinctive essence of the Balkan integration projects of the modern and postmodern era has been shown.
Обґрунтовано "bancassurance" як процес співпраці банків і страхових компаній. Досліджено ефект цієї кооперації - продаж страхового захисту разом з банківськими продуктами. Виділено переваги та недоліки bancassurance для обох суб’єктів такої співпраці.
Розкриття нових засобів і методів використання комп'ютерних технологій у сучасній музичній практиці на прикладі опису роботи та широких можливостей програми для аранжування секвенсера Band-in-a-Box. Практичні методи роботи в секвенсері Band-in-a-Box.
Метою статті є розкриття нових засобів і методів використання комп'ютерних технологій у сучасній музичній практиці на прикладі опису роботи та широких можливостей програми для аранжування секвенсера Band-in-a-Box. Використання секвенсера Band-in-a-Box.
The analysis of the Bangladesh economy and the prospects for its development in the modern world. The analysis of the financial and industrial sectors of the economy countries, industrial policy, the prospects for an innovative economy in Bangladesh.
The model of stimulating the crediting of fixed assets of the processing industry of Kazakhstan. The analysis of their impact on lending and key determinants of credit risk. Basic principles and elements of the model, the recommended interest rate.
- 16. Bank investment attractiveness and the methodology for its assessment at mergers and acquisitions
Analysis of investment attractiveness of the Bank when choosing a Bank-the purpose of the transaction of merge or absorption. Methods of evaluation of investment attractiveness of the Bank, accounting, investment attractiveness in assessing its value.
Challenges of building bank loyalty programs. E-travel companies as partners of bank loyalty reward programs. Descriptive analysis of Russian bank loyalty programs with travel rewards. Benefits from partnerships between banks and e-travel companies.
The study the significant factors of bank selection criteria in Malaysia: people influence, communication technology, convenience, personnel, easy process, variety, service quality and cost. Differences in banking conditions for demographic classes.
Analysis of the business cycle dynamics of commercial banking spreads and their components for Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the UK and the USA. Evaluation of the behavior of bank loans and the price of deposits during the business cycle.
- 20. Bank-specific, economic and legal determinants of profitability in the Republic of North Macedonia
The importance of the banking sector for the country and its intermediation. Individual factors related to the bank itself due to the results reflected in the financial statements. The reliability of the banking sector in less developed countries.
Сутність систем для надання платіжних і адміністративних послуг у мережі Internet, мета та досвід їх впровадження. Механізми роботи системи Bankid, переваги та недоліки її застосування порівняно з іншими найбільш розповсюдженими способами верифікації.
Active growth of digital operations. Demand for digital products and services in the financial sector. Accelerating the digital transformation of the banking business amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Development of criteria for the classification of banks.
Vectors of digitalization of banking processes in Ukraine: transition to a remote and online format of service for clients, reorganization of the network of branches of banks, reduction of personnel. System of classification features for grouping banks.
The review of banking sector of the United Kingdom (AAA/Stable/A-1+ unsolicited ratings) under updated Banking Industry Country Risk Assessment (BICRA) methodology. Peer BICRA scores. Analysis of government support of banking system in United Kingdom.
Banking reform development and the process of formation of the banking system in the Russian Empire in the second half of the nineteenth century is considered in assessments by historians and financiers. The stimulus for the banking reform in 1860.
The procedure of banking reform development and the process of formation of the banking system in the Russian Empire in the nineteenth century in assessments by historians and financiers. Historiographic analysis of the coverage of banking reform.
The role of the banking system in a modern market economy. Study banks’ essence, their place and role in the country's financial system. Examination of functions of the Central Bank of Russia. Principles of monetary policy in the Russian Federation.
The comparison of the European banking system and the current financial sector in Russia as it is regulated by laws and by government acts and decisions. Studying the activity of the "Incombank" in Chelyabinsk. Specific and nonspecific bank services.
Short history of formation and development of a modern banking system. The main objectives which carry out commercial banks, their essence and the characteristic. Duties and key functions of the Central banks. Role and value of banking in market economy.
Development and implementation of the concept of barrier-free teaching practice in Ukraine. Creating a favorable psychosocial environment for students to learn. Usage of methods of individualization and health preservation in educational institutions.