Peculiarities of interactive methods of future journalists training in us universities
The interactive methods of training journalists: the case study method, the project, "field training" and "brainstorming". Their use for the formation of critical thinking skills, collective cooperation and a creative approach to problem solving.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 14,9 K |
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Peculiarities of interactive methods of future journalists training in us universities
Martsikhiv K.R., PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Foreign Languages Department Lviv Polytechnic National University
The article examines interactive methods of training journalists in the USA higher educational institutions, in particular, the case study method, the project method, the "field training" method, and the "brainstorming" method.
It has been analyzed that the case study method is used for in-depth study of real journalistic cases, where students analyze, discuss and solve problems arising in the field of mass media, developing critical thinking skills and solving difficult situations.
The project method involves students in creating their own journalistic projects, where they use a variety of multimedia tools to reveal current topics, which allows them to develop their creative and organizational abilities.
The method of "field training" provides students with the opportunity to work in real journalistic conditions, going to the scene of events and collecting primary sources, which develops their skills in collecting and analyzing information in real time.
The method of "brainstorming" stimulates the creative potential of students, where they actively generate ideas and solve problems, interacting in a group environment, which helps to develop their capacity for innovative thinking.
It has been studied how teachers implement these methods in teaching practice, promoting the active involvement of students in the educational process.
The effectiveness of the use of interactive methods has been proven, which contribute to the development of students' key skills, which are necessary for a successful journalistic career, the creation of a workforce prepared and adapted to modern requirements, ready to work effectively in the field of media, ensure an increase in the involvement of students in the educational process, the expansion of their cognitive capabilities, and form a critical attitude to information.
The importance of the use of interactive methods for the formation of critical thinking skills, problem analysis, collective cooperation and a creative approach to problem solving has been analyzed. As a result of the implementation of these methods, there is an increase in the quality of education and students' readiness for the challenges of modern journalism.
Key words: journalists, USA, interactive learning methods, professional training, professional skills.
Особливості інтерактивних методів навчання майбутніх журналістів в університетах США
У статті розглянуто інтерактивні методи навчання журналістів у вищих навчальних закладах США, зокрема метод кейс-стаді, метод проєктів, метод «польового навчання» та «мозковий штурм». Проаналізовано, що метод кейс-стаді застосовується для поглибленого вивчення реальних журналістських випадків, де студенти аналізують, обговорюють та розв'язують проблеми, що виникають у сфері засобів масової інформації, розвиваючи навички критичного мислення та вирішення складних ситуацій.
Метод проєктів передбачає залучення студентів до створення власних журналістських проектів, де вони використовують різноманітні мультимедійні засоби для розкриття актуальних тем, що дозволяє розвивати їхні творчі та організаційні здібності. Метод «польового навчання» надає студентам можливість працювати в справжніх журналістських умовах, виїжджаючи на місце подій та збираючи першоджерела, що розвиває їхні вміння збирати та аналізувати інформацію в реальному часі.
Метод «мозкового штурму» стимулює творчий потенціал студентів, де вони активно генерують ідеї та розв'язують проблеми, взаємодіючи в груповому середовищі, що допомагає розвивати їхню здатність до інноваційного мислення.
Досліджено, як викладачі впроваджують ці методи в практику навчання, сприяючи активному залученню студентів у навчальний процес.
Доведено ефективність застосування інтерактивних методів, які сприяють розвитку ключових навичок студентів, які є необхідними для успішної журналістської кар'єри, створенню підготовленого та адаптованого до сучасних вимог робочого контингенту, готового ефективно працювати в галузі медіа, забезпечують підвищення залученості студентів до навчального процесу, розширення їхніх пізнавальних можливостей та формують критичне ставлення до інформації.
Проаналізовано важливість застосування інтерактивних методів для формування навичок критичного мислення, проблемного аналізу, колективної співпраці та творчого підходу до вирішення завдань. Як результат впровадження цих методів стає підвищення якості навчання та готовності студентів до викликів сучасної журналістики.
Ключові слова: журналісти, США, інтерактивні методи навчання, професійна підготовка, професійні навички.
Problem statement
In today's world, where the media industry is developing rapidly, journalism is becoming a key profession that shapes public opinion, provides access to information and contributes to the democratic process. Changes in technology and media platforms have changed the traditional approach to journalism, and therefore, US universities are actively adapting to teaching new interactive methods for journalism students.
One of the most important advantages of interactive learning is the creation of a more active and engaged learning environment. Instead of traditional lectures, where students passively listen to the teacher, interactive methods allow students to actively participate in the learning process. This may include discussions, group projects, role plays, simulations, and other forms of active interaction. This approach promotes deeper learning of the material, develops critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Another advantage of interactive learning is increasing students' confidence in their professional skills. They learn to adapt to new technologies and means of communication, which is critical in today's media space, where new tools appear at the speed of light.
In addition, interactive learning promotes the development of students' interpersonal skills. Communication, cooperation, leadership and the ability to work in a team are an integral part of the journalistic profession. Thanks to interactive methods, students learn to work in groups, discuss ideas, argue their positions and learn to reach consensus. These social skills help them become more effective communicators and professional journalists.
In general, teaching interactive methods in US universities is an integral part of high-quality journalism education. It provides students with the necessary knowledge, skills and experience essential to becoming successful media professionals. Interactive methods of preparing students for the modern media reality.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Researchers working in the field of journalism and interactive learning methods can be found in various universities, research institutes, foundations and organizations that specialize in media studies. These researchers actively study and research various aspects of journalism, and develop and test innovative teaching methods for students preparing for careers in the media industry. Here are some of the prominent researchers in this area: Jane Singer is well-known for her research in journalism and media education. She actively investigates the impact of interactive teaching methods on journalists' professional development and develops new approaches to instruction. Roberto Gallardo specializes in researching effective teaching methods for journalists and implementing innovations in the educational process. Katharine K. Quandt focuses on research in online journalism and interactive communication methods. She studies the influence of social media and new media platforms on journalistic practices and education.
Mark Deuze specializes in media pedagogy and the development of new approaches to journalism education. He actively investigates the use of interactive technologies in media education and employs project-based teaching. Taylor Mirich explores the impact of interactive teaching methods on the students' development of media literacy. She focuses on how students can better understand and utilize media technologies in their professional careers. These researchers and many other scientists are working on the implementation of interactive methods of teaching journalism in higher education institutions in the United States. Their research and initiatives contribute to the improvement of the quality of education and training of future media professionals.
The aim of research is to study peculiarities of interactive methods of studying in the process of professional journalists' training in the US universities.
Results and discussion
The information and communication revolution, distance learning and online courses have made changes in the methods and forms of training future journalists, put forward new requirements for journalistic personnel and the quality of their products.
During the stationary training of journalism students at the US Higher Education Institution, teachers use modern multimedia teaching methods. Media education of future specialists in this field is important, because they create a media product and influence society [1]. The role of media educational technologies in the training of journalists is divided into general educational and specific. General education consists in fulfilling the tasks set by the educational and professional program, using traditional means of education: manuals, textbooks and reference books. From the above, it can be concluded that media educational technologies help future specialists in the field of journalism to choose the right social position and find their place in the system of social relations; influence the formation and development of personality; provide the necessary skills and knowledge; form a worldview and develop creative abilities. The specific role of media educational technologies in journalism is based on the creation of a television or radio product. Scientists claim that Ш'media-educational technologies in journalism are teaching practice in practice" [1 p. 29]. Teachers are able to create interactive online courses, seminars, conferences, and journalist students, in turn, with the help of journalism education technologies, can determine their own orientations in various situations, learn to correctly perceive, understand, analyze information and have an idea of the consequences of its influence on viewers, readers and listeners [1].
The use of such training methods contributes to the formation of media competence, which is based on the acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities and experience necessary for journalists for professional activity in the conditions of the modern media space.
Having analyzed the system of professional training of future specialists in the field of journalism in the USA, it can be stated that teachers use traditional and innovative teaching methods. As it has been noted by American researchers, modern students with different life experiences, learning goals, and views on the world show distrust in non-traditional learning methods [2].
It is important to note that one of the example of a creative approach in the training of journalists is the innovative program 'Creative selection of equipment" (Creativity Kit) offered at Emerson College, which provides students with the opportunity to gain experience in the use of mobile technologies from the basics of background, written and multimedia news transmission. Creativity Kit and iOS device (allows easy download of newscasts such as photos, audio and video interviews, video effects) [4].
Having studied the educational and professional programs in journalism at Emerson College, Arthur Carter Institute of Journalism, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Arizona State University, Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin, University of Southern California, Southwestern School of Communication, Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland, Boston University, School of Journalism at the University of Missouri, etc., the following active learning methods as "capstone project method", "field learningШ'method, case study method, experiential learning and service learning, etc.
The capstone project method involves the completion of a thesis by journalist students. Teachers act as capstone advisors and assist students in completing the project. In the process of writing a paper, students develop knowledge, skills and abilities of critical thinking, detailed analysis and creative problem solving. For example, at the National University at the Department of Professional Studies, student journalists work on a diploma project, which is based on: writing news; collecting material for reporting, video recording of programs that highlight public issues; conducting interviews; meeting with publishers, program authors, etc. As a result of this project, students improve writing skills, the ability to effectively communicate with community members, use media principles, demonstrate the ability to work independently, gather information quickly, adapt to the news environment, showing flexibility and patience [4].
It should be noted that in addition to individual research projects, teachers of journalism faculties encourage students to work in research labs.
The methods that require journalistic students to have knowledge, skills and abilities to independently solve problems in accordance with situations belong to case study methods, which are used in higher education institutions of the USA: at the University of Pennsylvania when studying the discipline "Media Ethics", at Emerson College, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the National University, the University of South Florida, etc. The professional activity of a journalist is related to the search for information, conduct of independent journalistic investigations and experiments. Journalist students learn not only to make independent decisions in difficult situations, but also acquire abilities and skills with the help of examples from professional activities. These methods are aimed at the development of a journalist's creative thinking and cognitive activity, teach future specialists to be aware of and solve a problem, put forward a hypothesis and draw conclusions. The main purpose of the case method is to put a journalist student in a situation in which he must find an answer to a given problem. This method contributes to the improvement of the knowledge, abilities and skills of future journalists in working with information sources, namely the skills of correctly formulating questions and answers, analyzing and synthesizing arguments, listening and understanding others, which is an integral component of the information competence of future journalism professionals.
For the successful use of the case method, it is necessary to choose material that would reflect the problem that the journalist may face in his professional activity. Another necessary condition for the use of this method should be a situation that contains several solution options, which will show the complexity of professional activity and should be adapted to the knowledge that needs to be activated by students. The method of solving business problems can be used both in the classroom and for the student's independent research work. Thus, in the process of solving the proposed task, journalists learn to collect, process and evaluate information [5].
Fleming, Christians, Lambeth and Seow for many years analyzed the peculiarities of studying the "Media Ethics" course at the University of Pennsylvania and came to the conclusion that the basis of successful learning of this course is the use of the "case study" method. Initially, in practice, student journalists were offered to analyze problematic situations that were described by famous journalists. Due to the lack of practice and professional skills, students faced difficulties in finding a solution to the problem, that is why the teachers decided to change the "case study" strategy, giving students the opportunity to write their own "code of ethics", which is based on the analysis of the code of several ethical norms. The researchers also noted that when studying "Media Ethics", teachers prefer practice, using the 'case method' during classes, which develops the critical thinking of journalists [6].
An innovative method of training future journalists in US universities is the method of "research education", which is used during capstone experience: students join groups of 3 to 10 people and perform tasks during the academic year. Students prepare the results of the project in writing, taking into account practical recommendations. Practice is the main criterion for evaluating the practical abilities and skills of students by specialty, as well as the effectiveness of the educational and professional program. It is important to note that a student journalist who is undergoing an internship is taken very seriously. Managers of enterprises entrust student journalists with interesting research, help them in their work, give advice, realizing that in the future a highly qualified specialist will come to work for them. Thus, an internship is a culminating course that synthesizes the values, knowledge, skills, and abilities of a student journalist [7].
A necessary condition for modern education in the USA is the search for new methods of organizing learning, which create comfortable conditions for learning and encourage students to be active. This requires the use of interactive learning and technologies.
'Brainstorming' is an interactive learning method, usually involving a small group of students who must focus on a topic, freely express their thoughts, and find solutions to various problems. The opinions expressed by students are accepted without criticism or any impartial judgment.
This method contributes to the improvement of communication skills, the formation of critical thinking, develops social, cultural and communicative competence, creativity, skills and cooperation skills. By voicing ideas and listening to what others have to say, journalism students adjust their prior knowledge, absorb new information, and increase their level of awareness. The main objectives of brainstorming are: to focus students' attention on a certain topic, to generate a number of ideas, to teach acceptance and respect of individual differences, to encourage students to take risks by sharing their ideas and opinions, to show students that their knowledge and language skills are valued and accepted, to enable students to share ideas and expand their existing knowledge by building on each other's achievements [8].
Summarizing, it is appropriate to emphasize that 'brainstorming' in the training of journalists stimulates the creative activity of students, combines theoretical and practical knowledge, activates educational and cognitive activities, teaches to work in a team and respect the opinions of others.
It has been researched that the professional training of future journalists in US universities involves active participation in working with the community. This goal is realized through the use of innovative methods: service learning and experiential learning. The method of community service is usually implemented during the work of journalism students in public communities. Working in communities, students improve their knowledge, skills and communication skills with the public, help solve problems and achieve community goals. For example, teachers at Temple University, University of California and New York University involve student journalists in creating "hyper-local" reporting. As for the practical training courses, they are considered to be an integral part of the professional training of future journalists at US universities. The basis of these courses is the participation of journalist students in conferences, seminars and trainings. A large-scale project during which journalists demonstrated their knowledge, abilities and skills in practice was the project 'America 2012. Elective system" [9]. Journalist students of the prestigious higher education institutions of the USA were actively involved in this project, showing mastery of practical abilities and skills in performing tasks, namely: conducting a quick survey of the public about the presidential candidate, writing a report, conducting a video recording, creating news, writing articles, etc.
interactive case study brainstorming training
Conclusions and perspectives
It is concluded that in the last three decades, many experiments related to changing the forms and methods of training journalists have been conducted in higher education in the United States. The advent of computers and access to numerous sources led to the fact that the use of traditional lectures as the dominant form of education ceased to suit both students and teachers. In this regard, the nature and direction of both classroom and extracurricular classes has changed significantly.
The future of interactive teaching methods for journalism in US universities holds great promise. As the media landscape continues to evolve rapidly, integrating interactive approaches into journalism education becomes essential to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
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