Why did I choose the theme "lawyer in sphere of trade". About what I want to talk in my academic research. Steps that I will undertake in order to become a lawyer. Trade lawyer his activities, where he can work Important qualities for trade lawyer.
Modуles syntaxiques des termes complexes a plusieurs composants et a deux en russe et en francais. Lheterogeneite des termes dans le discours homeopathique. identification des modeles dominants de termes et de phrases dans la terminologie etudiee.
Phenomene sociolinguistique associe a l'existence de la langue basque. Diverses theories de l'origine de la langue basque en termes diachroniques, se referant aux noms de lieux historiques et des etudes archeologiques de scientifiques francais et basque.
Symbole de la France. Les droits fondamentaux (la protection des droits et libertes, l'egalite, la fraternite). Le gouvernement, le Parlement, l'Assemblee Nationale. Les responsabilites du conseil constitutionnel. La politique de la France aujourd'hui.
Uncooled infrared imaging arrays in semiconductors and semimetals. Thermal imaging with PbSnSe-on-Si linear arrays. Growing the IR sensitive layers directly on silicon would lead to much simpler and less expensive monolithic hetero-epitaxial structures.
Negative impact of leadership disability on youth unemployment in Nigeria. Providing opportunities for unemployed people to be self-employed by the government. Examining the agricultural development scheme with the aim of creating working opportunities.
Leadership in public services as key to the implementation of national policies. The causes of problems in the implementation guidance of state planned policy in this sphere. Develop ways of overcoming problems in the implementation of this policy.
A study of the rhetoric of leadership on the example of the speeches of the President of Ukraine V. Zelenskyi. Construction of frames in the broadcast of the Ukrainian-Russian war on this basis, the mechanism of psychological expansion of perception.
Leadership as an interaction based on the combination of different sources of power and aimed at encouraging people. The influence of cultural factors on the personnel of an enterprise that functions in conditions of interaction of national cultures.
Fixing of the current state of the genotypic diversity of lianas and biological polymorphism of leaves to establish the connection of silvestris-silvesatis-sativa. Selling of screening of wild growing of grapes with simultaneous photographing of foliage.
Історія виникнення системи Lean production і застосування її на Україні. Технологія впровадження ощадливого виробництва: визначення і процес створення цінності, організація безперервного руху, впровадження принципу витягування, безперервне вдосконалення.
Основні принципи lean обліку. Порядок переходу на дану систему: оцінка поточного становища та очікуваних перспектив розвитку підприємства, розробка принципів впровадження, визначення виробничих параметрів і методологія побудови економічної моделі.
Розкриття змісту поняття "Learning Analytics", аналіз досвіду її впровадження у діяльність вищих навчальних закладів країн світу. Виявлення структури, зв'язків та асоціацій на основі аналізу цифрових слідів студентів у освітніх електронних середовищах.
An overview of the full range of current knowledge about learning and memory. Capture advances in the ever-changing fields of memory, neuroscience, and cognition. Autobiographical memory, collective memory, dejavu, schizophrenia and memory and more.
Motivation and creation of conditions for self-realization of students. Choosing a strategy for the autonomous educational activity of future specialists. Differentiation of learning tasks taking into account the individual characteristics of students.
Effectiveness of virtual reality game in foreign language vocabulary acquisition. An exploration of the use of mobile applications to support the learning of Chinese characters employed by students of as a foreign language. Language education in Europe.
The development of professionally significant skills is being developed by students at the university for an hour to take an English language, which is shown in multimedia classrooms. Expanded the main recommendations for ensuring maximum efficiency.
The methodology of teaching English. Methods of improving students' lexical and grammatical skills. The role of songs in learning English. The process of memorizing new lexical and grammatical constructions. Development of communicative competence.
Studying of english language in topics: the history of the english language, higher education in Russia, in Great Britain and in USA. Student’s life at Oxford, Cambridge and in Moscow state university. Exercises and questions for learning topics.
The key dimensions of the life trajectories of the immigrant artists living in the Lisbon metropolitan area. A sociological analysis of 20 biographical interviews with a heterogeneous set of individuals, including musicians, dancers and plastic artists.
Analysis of modern means of training specialists in foreign languages. Using digital technologies, artificial intelligence to improve proofreading and editing of foreign language texts. The principle of functioning of neural machine translation systems.
Determination of features and order of registration of the homogeneous-organized map (SOM) facilities of modern cartography. Description of function of maintainance of birth-certificate of locality on a map (VISOM). Multidimensional analysis of locality.
Determining the most common learning style profile of ESL students in a Bachelor's degree program in modern languages. Analysis of the coincidence of preferences of students with different learning styles. Meeting the needs of each student by teachers.
Definition and classification, types and forms of realization of pedagogical training. Tools and training styles used among teenagers, analysis and evaluation of their effectiveness. Features and principles of organization of lessons with teenagers.
A challenge that we cannot exempt ourselves. On the basis of contributions by some international organizations - in particular and the Council of Europe - the author focuses on the need to educate people to live together in the culture of human rights.
The main reasons for choosing reading materials from traditional literary texts that represent "higher" forms of culture. Newspaper articles, travel and tourism and websites as one of the ways of communicative competence of foreign language study.
The history of the development of constructivism and realism as philosophical positions included in the evolution of European philosophy. Changes in the views of V.A. Lektorsky – from dialectical materialism to the post-Marxist version of realism.
Describing the lexicological systems of English and Ukrainian languages. Distinguishing traits and phenomena in both terminological vocabularies. Methods of word-building. Systematic relations in lexicology. Typology of idiomatic and set expressions.
A computational complexity based theory of modern encryption. Generating pseudo-random bit or number sequences. Generic encryption with pseudorandom functions. Problems with deterministic encryption in general. Required properties for digital cash.
Populism in the modern global political landscape. A study of fine lines in the socio-political, economic and cultural movement of left-wing populism in Latin America and right-wing populism in Europe. Description of their influence on immigration policy.