Lexical and semantic peculiarities of use the aphorisms in political discourse to the English language as the means of influence on the audience

The theoretical material on how to understand the "aphorism" and "political discourse", its particularities, the necessary set of criteria, which are necessary for distant living. Analysis of the purpose of "political discourse" and its peculiarities.

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Дата добавления 20.07.2023
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Donbas State Pedagogical University


Ryzhkova S.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate

Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages

Radzievska O.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate

Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages


political discourse aphorism distant

The article deals with the theoretical material on how to understand the "aphorism" and "political discourse", its particularities, the necessary set of criteria, which are necessary for distant living.

As a result of the analysis of aphorisms in political discourse, it was determined that the aphorism is based on its relevance to one author, logical conclusion and accuracy of interpretation.

The authors revealed the main semantic features of the aphorism: "true", generalization, generalized character, style, building up to an independent basis, aesthetically meaningful form.

The authors pointed out that the aphorism is a moving loneliness, that it does not have a mass (spontaneous), but “recognized” creativity. The current nature of aphorism is confirmed and yet, that aphorisms in political discourse do not have a syntactic paradigm, although models, for some kind of aphorisms, are repeated in the absolute majority of vipadkiv models of strong, changing words.

Comprehensive analysis of the purpose of "political discourse" and its peculiarities allows us to talk about those who are closely intertwined with linguistic methods of expressiveness and using such powerful methods to spit on the mass, like: prihovani vyslovlyuvannya, which are served at the sight of food; ascertaining tazakliki child; interpretation of the description of the problems to face the suspilstvo; calls to accept that other decision and propositions help too much.

Political discourse is a more foldable linguistic phenomenon, as it can read the genre structure, which is created in both written and written forms and is characterized by the presence of a large number of specific signs (thematic determinism, reading the role structure (addressee, addressee-supporter, directness), communicative activity on the stagnation or the loss of political power) and victorious functions in the service: informative, argumentative, persuasive, controlling, etc.

On the butts of aphorisms, which were celebrated by worldly politicians, the authors identified the most coexisting concepts of political discourse, such concepts are: "power", "power", "curry", "politics", "value", "economy".

Key words: political discourse, aphorism, lexeme, political fiend, concept.


Рижкова С. В., Радзієвська О. В. Лексико-семантичні особливості використання афоризмів у політичному дискурсі англійської мови як засобу впливу на аудиторію

У статті розглянуто теоретичний матеріал щодо визначення понять «афоризм» та «політичний дискурс», їх особливості, необхідні набори та критерії, які потрібні для їх вдалого вживання.

У результаті проведеного аналізу афоризмів у політичному дискурсі, було визначено, що афоризм відрізняється своєю належністю одному автору, логічною закінченістю та точністю висловлювання.

Авторами виявлені основні семантичні ознаки афоризму: «істинність», узагальненість, генералізований характер, стислість, здатність до самостійного існування, естетично значуща форма.

Автори відзначили, що афоризм є мовленнєвою одиницею, що має не масову (спонтанну), а «усвідомлену» відтворюваність. Мовна природа афоризму підтверджується і тим, що афоризми у політичному дискурсі не мають синтаксичної парадигми, хоча моделі, за якими побудовані афоризми, повторюють у абсолютній більшості випадків моделі вільних, змінних об'єднань слів.

Комплексний аналіз визначення «політичний дискурс» та його особливостей дозволяє говорити про те, що він тісно взаємопов'язаний з лінгвістичними прийомами експресивності та такими мовними методами впливу на маси, як: приховані висловлювання, що подаються у вигляді питань; констатації тазаклики діяти; трактування та описи проблем, що стоять перед суспільством; заклики сприяти тому чи іншому рішенню та пропозиції допомоги тощо.

Політичний дискурс - це складне лінгвістичне явище, яке має чітку жанрову структуру, що відтворюється в усній і письмовій формах та характеризується наявністю в ній великої кількості специфічних ознак (тематична детермінованість, чітка рольова структура (адресант, адресат-опонент, адресат-спостерігач), спрямованість комунікативної діяльності на захоплення або утримання політичної влади) і виконує певні функції у суспільстві: інформативну, аргументативну, персуазивну, контролюючу і т.д.

На прикладах афоризмів, що використовувалися світовими політиками, авторами визначені найбільш уживані концепти політичного дискурсу, такими концептами є: «держава», «влада», «керівництво», «політика», «цінність», «економіка».

Ключові слова: політичний дискурс, афоризм, лексема, політичний діяч, концепт.

The main text

Studying the characteristics of political discourse, we come to the conclusion that the aphorism exists in the unity of two parts - the material side (events and phenomena directly related to the sphere of politics) and the abstract-philosophical aspect, which indicates the reality of human activity. On the one hand, political aphorisms, similar to those of other groups, characterize shared important cultural concepts; form a positive attitude towards the spiritual values of the world. On the other hand, political aphorisms reflect the peculiarity of perception of the reality of political discourse.

Formulation of the problem. The analysis of the vocabulary of political aphorisms allows us to draw conclusions about the peculiarities of the worldview of the participants of the political discourse, as well as about their system of values and the ways of their implementation. So, the problem of the article is to consider the relationship between aphorisms used by politicians and their worldview systems or value systems.

The aim of the article is to reveal the content and principles of using a political aphorism as an element of political discourse.

The subject of the article is political discourse, as an important part of lexicology.

The object of the article is a political aphorism, as an important element of political discourse.

The relevance of the article lies in the importance of the existence of political discourse. People have always tried to find ways to influence and manipulate a large number of people, so the appearance of political aphorisms is the result of such a search process, and this issue has been studied by many scientists, lexicologists, politicians, etc.

Analysis of research works

Many domestic and foreign scientists have studied aspects of political discourse. The following scientists studied the theories of political discourse: Yu. Sheygal, Parshin, T. Van Duck, A. Chudinov, S. V Vynogradova.

Theories of speech influence and the principles of linguistic pragmatics were studied by I. Susov, O. Eizers, M. Makarova and others.

Main material

The perception of the world of politics is realized in the system of concepts in the minds of the participants of the political discourse. "The central concepts that form the basis of social institutions have a great generative power, because they focus a large sensory field. A special dictionary should be compiled to describe this sensory field" [1, p. 6].

According to the vocabulary, terms, expressions, the concept corresponds to the presentation of the meaning that is guided by a person during the thinking process, and also reflects the content of experience and knowledge, the content of the results of all human activity and processes of world knowledge in the form of a certain "quantum" knowledge. Concepts reduce the variety of real and imaginary phenomena to a single unit. They help a person retain knowledge about the world. They are also used as "building blocks" or conceptual systems that facilitate the process of processing experience by summarizing information according to certain developed categories and classes. "Concept" means a set of words and phrases that create a thematic cycle, which is closely related to the meaning of the "semantic field" [2, p. 430].

It should be noted that in the minds of native speakers, reality is divided into two interconnected sides: the material (real) world and the world of abstract concepts and phenomena. These are very important components for many categories of people, and especially for politicians who try to understand and define the limits of reality in their various relationships with people.

Each category in the lexical composition of the aphorism is presented in a special lexical and grammatical set. In particular, a significant number of lexical units make up the property category "politics" and categories that include lexical units denoting such concepts as "state", "nation", "ideology", "law", "society", "power", " economy", "democracy", "health", "elections", "crime", "corruption", "war", etc.

The concept of "politics" is considered in the system of political aphorism in several aspects: a) the activity of state power, which reflects the social order; b) direction of state activity (domestic and foreign policy); c) type of activity, strategy:

"Politics depends on our ability to persuade each other of common aims based on common reality" [3, p. 140].

"The first rule of politics: there are no rules. You make your own luck" [4].

Foreign policy in the aphorism system is noted as

a) non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries:

"In the end, no amount of American forces can solve

the political differences that lie in the heart of somebody else's civil war" [3, p. 133].

b) Relations with other states:

"When our neighbors suffer, all of the Americas suffer" [3, p. 121].

c) The level of development of the state, compared to others:

"It's time for the United States to reclaim and renew its historic

role as a leader in the hemisphere, and the example of hope for all who seek opportunity in the Americas" [3, p. 80].

d) The process of foreign policy implementation:

"Diplomacy is measured by patience and effort" [3, p. 73].

e) Cooperation with other countries:

"Interdependence is an accepted fact. It is giving rise to a great yearning for a sense of global purpose, underpinned by global values, to overcome challenges, global in nature" [5].

e) Globality:

"Globalization is good, but it will only work to create a world of peace and plenty if the world also acts decisively to give its values a set of convictions and beliefs, as well as accepting what it brings by its own strength" [6].

Domestic policy is considered in the aphorism system in several aspects:

a) development ofthe country,improvement ofthe qualityoflife;

b) orientation to the future, achievement of goals; c) cooperation, assistance, public relations; d) real life in the country, for example:

"If we stand together, we rise together [3, p. 121].

"The danger for us today is not reversion to the politics of the 1980s. It is retreat to the sideliners" [5].

It should be noted that the lexeme "internal policy" functions as a unifying unit. Its set includes a whole series of meanings and words that combine political aphorisms related to the concepts of: economy, elections, party, corruption, crime, democracy, etc.

The concept of "economy" in the system of political aphorism is represented by the following aspects:

a) economy as a concept; b) economy as an activity;

c) corruption; d) internal economy; e) economic development;

f) stability.

The specificity of the political aphorism system indicates the vocabulary that forms the semantic field of "power". Power is understood in political science as a special type of influence, the ability to achieve certain goals, the possibility of using certain political mechanisms, and also as a special relationship between power and people. [7, p. 98].

E.I. Sheigal divides political aphorisms into two groups:

1) aphorisms that include the essence of power, its philosophical and psychological aspects;

2) aphorisms of the strategic type, which include effective principles of the struggle for power. [7, p. 106].

The aphorisms of the first group are considered as a desire for power, as a natural human trait, and also reveal a deep psychological motivation to obtain power; emphasize the negative moral and ethical consequences of power. Strategic aphorisms are based on the principles of power distribution; updating the revolutionary strategy; state support, armed forces; and also emphasize the incompatibility of absolute power and freedom.

Different groups of political aphorisms are presented in the following examples:

1) Political dominance: "Sometimes the only way you conquer the pull of power is to set it down" [5].

2) Authorities and government bodies: "In an opportunity society, as opposed to the old welfare state, government does not dictate; it empowers" [5].

3) Rights and opportunities:

"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will [3, p. 96].

"Power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few" [6].

The lexeme "election" also refers to the semantic field and represents political aphorisms of such words as company, campaign, voter, party, guarantee, promise, etc.:

"The core vote of this party today is not the heartlands, the inner city, not any sectional interest or lobby. Our core vote is the country" [6].

A large group among political aphorisms consists of a formula containing such lexemes as government official, government, administration, which together form part of the semantic field "administration", for example:

"Leaders lead but in the end it's the people who deliver" [5].

This group includes aphorisms related to both abstract statements and specific situations or individuals, for example:

"The reason they don't believe government has a role in solving national problems is because they think government is a problem" [3, p. 87].

Authors of political aphorisms consider not only the activities of the government, but also strategies for the future. Therefore, the content of the aphorism includes vocabulary that determines the factors of the formation of a personality capable of being an effective administrator, as indicated in the following example:

"And there are the easy bits and hard bits of leadership. There is no doubt which is preferable. But true leadership means doing both" [6].

Analyzing the vocabulary with a more specific meaning, we conclude that special attention is paid to the characteristics of the character of a politician who is a member of the ruling party or a politician who holds a ruling position in the country. The lexical content of such aphorisms includes vocabulary that defines:

a) moral essence: gratitude, courage, integrity, honesty, responsibility, for example:

"Power without responsibility being the prerogative of the harlot through the ages" [6].

b) the ability of a politician to fulfill promises and achieve goals:

"Promise made is a promise kept" [3, p. 80].

c) the attitude of the politician towards the entire people and towards himself: violence, confidence, benevolence, etc.:

"We need leadership that sees government not as a tool to enrich well-connected friends and high-priced lobbyists, but as the defender of fairness and opportunity for every American" [3, p. 92];

d) strong-willed qualities ofa politician: courage, independence, strong will:

"Religious leadership need not accept such wisdom in counseling their flocks, but they should recognize this wisdom in their politics" [3, p. 97].

Political aphorisms clearly fulfill the idea of activity, which is reflected in the structure of their subdivisions. It indicates not only general activities, but also private general concepts such as: practice, business, work, service, etc., for example:

"Now let's get out and do it" [4].

The nation is represented in the political aphorism as an ethnic community of people, as well as a synonym of the main wordconcept of the state:

"America is great because Americans are good" [3, p. 7].


We came to the conclusion that aphorisms help us to determine which concepts attract the attention of different politicians as the authors of the aphorism. The analysis showed us that the most common concepts of aphorism are such concepts as politics, statehood, value, administration, power and economy. Aphorisms are the result of a great cultural experience of any nation. The intensity of use of some concepts indicates the peculiarities of the worldview of some politicians. A more in-depth study of other aspects of political discourse may be a perspective for further investigations.


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