Lexico-semantic differentiation of English emotive and emotional discourses

Emotional discourse is created by the purposeful efforts of the speaker in order to evoke the necessary emotions in the listener/listeners, is prepared in advance and is based on conscious secondary (socially determined), completely controlled emotions.

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Haieva Polina Oleksandrivna,

Lecturer at the Department of Humanities National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

It is noted in the article that emotional and emotional discourses are different types of speech activity that have a clear non-linguistic conditioning. Emotional discourse is spontaneous, unprepared speech that is grounded on the unconscious basic (primary physiological and mental), poorly controlled emotions that prevail in the speaker at the moment of communication. Emotional discourse is created by the purposeful efforts of the speaker in order to evoke the necessary emotions in the listener/listeners, is prepared in advance and is based on conscious secondary (socially determined), completely controlled emotions. In the English-language emotional discourse, the main linguistic indicators of the tension of the speech situation are the vocabulary of a reduced style and a limited repertoire of stylistic devices. English-language emotive discourse is characterized by a careful selection of high-style vocabulary and various stylistic means aimed at creating a positive emotional tonality of communication and achieving the desired perlocutionary effect.

A comparative analysis of expressive syntactic means used in English-language emotional and emotive discourses indicates the presence of opposite tendencies in their syntactic plane.

In emotional discourse, there is a regular use of all types of communicative sentences and, at the same time, their syntactic simplification. Emotive discourse is formed mainly by narrative sentences, on the basis of which a syntactic complication is formed - the spread and unfolding of the discourse. Interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences in emotional discourse act as additional expressive and marked means of emotional influence to the addressee of the message.

Excellent extra-lingual conditioning of English-speaking emotional and emotional discourses affects their structural and compositional differences. Emotional discourse is incoherent, logically inconsistent, split, rhema-thematic. Emotive discourse is compositionally coherent, logically consistent with the thematic presentation. Three phases of its development are distinguished in emotional discourse: introductory, main and final. Each of these phases is characterized by specific tactics that are the implementation of the communicative strategy of solidarity.

Key words: emotional and emotional discourses, lexical level, vocabulary, emotional component, nominations.


Гаєва Поліна Олександрівна, викладач кафедри гуманітарного спрямування Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»,

В лінгвістиці існує два терміни, які використовуються для позначення передачі людських почуттів і емоцій, а саме «емоційність» і «емоційність». Проте, незважаючи на те, що їх вивчення посідає одне з центральних місць у сучасній лінгвістичній науці, взаємозв'язок між ними досі не встановлено. У працях деяких лінгвістів поняття емоційність і емоційність ототожнюються, вживаючись як синоніми.

В статті представлені розмежування понять емоційний та емотивний дискурси. Відмічено, що емоційний дискурс є спонтанним, непідготовленим мовленням, що ґрунтується на несвідомих базових, слабо контрольованих емоціях, які превалюють у мовця в момент комунікації. В той час як, емотивний дискурс створюється цілеспрямованими зусиллями мовця з метою викликати необхідні емоції у слухачів, є завчасно підготовленим, крім того він базується на свідомих вторинних, цілком контрольованих емоціях.

Нами був представлений ґрунтовний аналіз англомовний емотивний дискурс, котрий відзначається ретельним підбором лексики високого стилю та різнопланових стилістичних засобів, спрямованих на створення позитивної емоційної тональності спілкування. Зіставний аналіз експресивних синтаксичних засобів, що використовуються в англомовних емоційному й емотивному дискурсах, свідчить про наявність протилежних тенденцій у їх синтаксичній площині. В емоційному дискурсі має місце регулярне вживання всіх типів комунікативних речень та, одночасно, їхня синтаксична спрощеність. Емотивний дискурс формується переважно розповідними реченнями, на базі яких утворюється синтаксичне ускладнення - поширення та розгортання дискурсу.

Порівняльний аналіз експресивних синтаксичних засобів, що використовуються в англомовному емоційному та емоційному дискурсах, свідчить про наявність протилежних тенденцій у їхній синтаксичній площині. Обумовленість англомовних емоційних і емоційних дискурсів позначається на їх структурно-композиційних відмінностях. Емоційний дискурс незв'язний, непослідовний, роздвоєний. Емотивний дискурс композиційно цілісний, логічно узгоджується з тематичним викладом. В емоційному дискурсі виділяють три фази її розвитку: вступну, основну та заключну.

Ключові слова: емотивний та емоційний дискурси, лексичний рівень, словниковий запас, емоційний компонент, номінації.

emotional discourse controlled emotions

Introduction. At the lexical level, the problem of emotionality of a word collides with the problem of meaning. The ability of words to express not only thoughts, but also emotional states of the speaker determines the duality of the referential correlation of language signs that act as carriers of emotional meaning. Hence the division of meaning into cognitive (denotative, referential, subject- logical, intellectual) and pragmatic (connotative, emotional-evaluative, expressive-stylistic) components (Nikitin,1996).

The question of whether or not an emotional component is included in the meaning of a word has not been finally resolved, since the concept of connotation still remains diffuse and undefined. The reason for this is the diversity of approaches to its study. Thus, among the existing theories about connotation, the stylistic one is the most common (Morokhovskiy; Vorob'eva; Likhosherst; Timoshenko, 1991) and semantic (Myagkova, 1990). Their supporters, as a rule, give it the status of semantic nuances, additionality, secondaryness in relation to denotation.

1. Theoretical principles. The emotionality of a word is created due to the fact that in it the connotative (emotional) component of the meaning prevails over the denotative one. At the same time, the logical-conceptual part of the lexical meaning is reduced, and the emotional part is expanded. Theoretically, any word under certain circumstances and depending on the speech or situational context can become a carrier of emotionality (Kornijko, 1997).

The lexical properties of English-language emotional and emotive discourses, in particular, in terms of the vocabulary of which stylistic class is used to create an emotional impact on the addressee, are one of the main differential criteria of the studied discourses.

Emotional speech has a low degree of lexical diversity, since about half of its volume is occupied by the most frequent speech units, including pronouns, verbs and service words, mostly simple in their morpheme structure. This is a result of the fact that emotional communication takes place under conditions of high tension and often acute time deficit, being realized in spontaneous and instinctive speech manifestations and in the weakening of control over the content of the utterance, which leads to a decrease in lexical selectivity. As a result, the choice of the most appropriate language unit in each specific situation is based on the principle of what is most beneficial in terms of speed and ease of search. Such a selection of language means takes place automatically, subconsciously due to the freer use of existing forms instead of creating new ones (Duduchava, 1966).

Decreased control of consciousness over speech leads to increased use of emotionally colored lexical units. They reflect the emotional state of the speakers, so the more of them in the discourse, the higher the degree of its emotional tension. This indicates that the expressiveness of emotional discourse is created mainly at the expense of emotional vocabulary.

It has been proven that the emotional naming of an object is not related to the object being named, but to the speaker's emotions, which are experienced by him at that moment. At the same time, the name expresses the general state of the speaker and is outwardly devoid of objective meaning (Shakhovskiy, 1983).

Let's consider what vocabulary is considered emotional. In the literature, the existing classifications of emotional vocabulary are based on various criteria, which can be reduced to such as the expression of emotionality through the denotative or connotative components of the meaning of the word, the presence of special affixes in the morphological composition of the word, the expression of the attitude towards objects and phenomena of the surrounding world by the word, the presence in the word estimated value (Bycenko, 2004).

We proceed from the fact that assessment and emotion form an inseparable unity (Bycenko, 2004), so any emotionally colored lexical unit is evaluative. In the analysis of emotional discourse, we are based on the criterion of completeness/ incompleteness of emotional-evaluative lexical units, by which we understand the presence/ absence of a denotative component of meaning in a word. Let's first stop at the group of fullvalued units.

2. Practical approaches. Full-valued emotional-evaluative lexemes have a denotative and a connotative meaning, but the latter prevails, conveying the emotional attitude of the speaker to the signified and naming the emotion that is experienced. The names of emotions, according to some scientists (see, for example: (Krasavskyj,1995)), do not belong to the emotional vocabulary, since they do not represent a direct experience, but only a logical opinion about it . We support the view of other researchers, who believe that such descriptive vocabulary can evoke the appropriate emotions, it indicates the speaker's emotional experience at the time of the conversation (Bycenko, 2004). We attribute such nominations to emotional and evaluative vocabulary.

A group of full-value emotional and evaluative lexemes in emotional discourse is represented by the following units for naming people:

lexemes with positive semantics such as genius, charm, beauty/beautiful, fantastic and lexemes with negative semantics such as obscene, abusive, vulgar dull, moron, horrible, fool(ish), rotten, hysterical, brute, cursed, drat, scoundrel, beggar , damn(ed), tart, hoodlums, whore, devil, bastard, slut, trash, lousy, snotty, etc., the main place among which is occupied by qualitative adjectives of general and frequency assessment;

— affectionate vocabulary: honey, darling, dear, love, etc.;

— slang, slang vocabulary: bo, bobber, sap, slime, tramps, muck, to kvetch, kooky, napper, roach, wack, etc.;

— word-formative derivatives with diminutive affixes of subjective evaluation, such as girlie, Pusey, machree, kiddies, etc. and emotional vocabulary formed by compounding, such as warm-hearted, pig-headed, kid-beating, lunkhead, goat-bearded, etc.;

— vocabulary that expresses the speaker's attitude to what is communicated or addressee, such as to hate, to despise, to exasperate, to irritate, to kiss, to weep, to hurt, to fascinate, to adore, etc.

metaphorical units of mostly offensive meaning, where emotionality is created by transferring the features of persons, animals, objects or phenomena selected by the speaker to the person in question, such as phlegm, tornado, mischief. These include emotional variants of proper names based on the phenomenon of antonomasia (Judas, Napoleon Bonaparte), nicknames (the Lady Pusillanimous, Mr. Pluperfection, the Queen of Grime/Muck/ Feculence/Ordure), zoonyms (over-large rabbit, a sacred cow, dirty pigs, ass, ape, sacrificial goat, the ram in the bushes, wild boar, dumb mule, wallowing hippopotamus, a filthy beast), phytonyms (cornstalk, son of a cauliflower, turnip, Pie-plant), ethnonominals like Welsh Ruffian, like all the Irish, my old dutch, to talk like a Dutch uncle, etc.;

— metonymic words that name a person through an object (log, red hat, door-nail, sweetie pie).

To the incomplete emotional-evaluative lexemes in emotional discourse, we include such units that lose their denotative meaning, because it is almost completely or partially displaced by the emotional component of the meaning of the word, which is strongly emphasized in this situation. They are ambiguous with a wide emotional range, express disappointment, despair, pain, delight, irritation, surprise, joy, etc. (Krasavskyj, 1995). Their feature is that they convey emotional content in an undissociated form, are idiomatic, stereotypical units. On this basis, we include among them:

exclamations (oh, ah, no, well, why, hey, yeah, why-why, alas, gee, shucks), which also include a) curses and other units of a reduced style like by eternal thunders/Ginger, man ' thunder , God damn their souls, (to) hell, damn you, dammit, dickens take it all; b) appeal to God, worship (by God, (Good) Lord, my Goodness/God, for heaven's/God's/Goodness sake, bless God, God of heaven avi earth!, Good God Almighty, Oh my God, Dear (Good) God, Goodness/God Gracious, God in heaven/in trouble, God save us, Gracious heaven/mercy/ powers, for Chrissake);

— stereotypical address words, which, in addition to the emotionally neutral contact- establishing phatic function, emotionally evaluate the addressee (Duduchava, 1966). The assessment can be negative or positive, which is expressed in affectionate (sonny, my boy, daddy), familiar or abusive words/expressions (serpent, stupid, old girl). The construction you+N, which is formed according to the principle of syntactic tautology, is especially emotional. It is mainly offensive in nature, which is confirmed by the lexical filling of the noun position of the you slob type (low-down skunk, pig-headed devil, nasty thing, old hoss/sonofabitch, poop, damned fool, lunkhead, slut, etc.);

-- lexical intensifiers of emotionality, the functions of which are mainly used adverbs (really, too, very, terribly, perfectly, damned, extraordinarily), particles (well, indeed, still, yet, never) or their combinations (very nearly/ almost, so bloody).

The planning of emotional discourse is manifested, first of all, in carefully selected lexical means and a high style of speech, aimed, on the one hand, at a clear expression of thought, and on the other - at creating an elevated mood of the addressee. A high style of speech consists of a sophisticated and perfect organization of "impressive" words (Romanova; Filippov, 2001), that is, those that are able to attract the listener's attention and stir his emotions. For this, eloquent (celestial, eternal, admiration, imperishable, pious, tempestuous, vicissitude), often not the most used, rare units (abjective, aboil, lociferous) are selected, which are mainly represented:

a) book vocabulary (abnegation, dread, eudemon, itinerant, narcissism, rodomontade, sightlessness, tidings, wonderment);

b) poetic vocabulary (anadem, cedarn, ceil, erelong, ethereal, heaven, to lout, the naked, offtime, rubious, wailful);

c) archaisms (austere, to bob, to coact, lenient, to knoll, to ostend, teen);

d) neologisms (megafortunes, gangsterdom, nativist, mind-survival, unbesieged).

The specified lexical units denote abstract concepts. They do not belong to the class of emotive vocabulary, however, in order to perform an expressive function, the speaker in emotive discourse resorts to combining these lexical units, which is confirmed by the wide use of verbose emotionally marked phrases in this discourse, namely: substantive (our late member, a message of great interest and importance, an outstanding speaker talk), adjectives (thoroughly enjoyable, infinitely more proud, fortunate indeed), verbs (to hold smb. in high esteem, to display respect for smb., to anticipate smth. of particular interest to smb., to handle a most pressing problem more efficiently) and phraseological (the better half, the helping hand of, to slip out of one's grasp, to represent one's last shot at smb., to wear a yoke around one's neck).

In contrast to emotional, emotional discourse is characterized by a high degree of lexical diversity, created due to a large number of synonyms (often represented by derivative words) that form synonymous series united by a common denotative meaning such as celebration, festivity, social event, party, gathering, fкte , carnival, festival, fiesta, gala, commemoration; moral, ethical, good, right, honest, decent, proper, honorable, praiseworthy, respectable, just; murderous, fatal, terminal, lethal, mortal, deadly, noxious, poisonous. The use of synonyms is aimed at creating an effect due to shades of meanings and coloring of words, for example: Mr. Chairman, Fellow Club Members and Our Guests: I should like, first of all, to express to our guests of the evening our sincere thanks for the kind tribute so eloquently tendered to us by our young friend George Smith. (Wright, 64-65).

This passage represents the gratitude of the parents for the beautiful words of their sons. The lexical diversity of the passage is ensured by the use of synonyms, on the basis of which you can build a synonym series according to the criterion of belonging to the male gender: Mr., man, father, Dad, Son, boys, Fellow, friend, to which, depending on the context, you can also include Sr., younger generation , as these words refer to fathers and sons, emphasizing their age difference. The use of synonyms emphasizes different shades of meaning and, accordingly, different colors. So, along with the neutral Mr., man, the marked Dad, younger generation, friend stand out.

3. Conclusions. Thus, lexical means are the main indicators of emotional discourse, since they convey the speaker's immediate emotions through emotionally-evaluative units of a reduced style. Along with this, emotional discourse is lexically diverse and is represented by the most frequently used words, which is explained by the spontaneity of speech and the automatic choice of words. The eloquence of emotional discourse is created by vocabulary of a high style and involves the use of a significant number of synonyms, which indicates its great lexical diversity.


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