Англійська мова. Виконання практичних занять

Відбір мовного матеріалу в плані його типовості для стиля науково-технічної прози. Підбір текстів з оригінальної загальнонаукової та суспільно-політичної літератури. Система граматичних і лексичних вправ, що має на меті закріплення навчального матеріалу.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид методичка
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 16.07.2017
Размер файла 409,2 K

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public transport of the future, one thing is certain, the time is coming, from home to office, a modern vehicle, in common use, to get into a car, how far one can drive, get out of a car, get the best fuel, an electronic instrument panel, red light and sound signal, a car of a new generation.

Exercise 10. State the function of the Participle 1 in the sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian.

1. When combining hydrogen and oxygen in the proportion of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen we produce water. 2. Elements are characterized by some properties distinguishing them from other substances. 3. Analyzing their properties one should consider their color, odor, hardness, solubility in water, ability to conduct electricity and others. 4. For example, when speaking about oxygen it is necessary to say that it is a colorless, odorless gas, having density at standard pressure and temperature of about one seven-hundredth that of water. 5. It is soluble in water becoming liquid at about 1800 C. 6. While burning different substances combine with oxygen. 7. The boiling solution had neither color nor odor. 8. A molecule is a compound consisting of two or more atoms. 9. While heating a substance we cause a more rapid motion of its molecules. 10. Having a high melting point tungsten is widely used for the production of electric lamps. 11. Iron, cobalt and nickel are the only metals possessing considerable magnetism at room temperature. 12. While determining the quality of the alloy the engineer took into account all the factors influencing its properties.

Exercise 11. Translate these sentences paying attention to the active vocabulary of the text.

1. Studying Newton's work “Principia”, a young physicist discovered a mistake in the calculations. 2. Having designed a car radar, the engineers started complex tests. 3. While driving a car one should be very attentive. 4. A new electronic instrument will calculate how far one car drive on the fuel left in the tank. 5. Scientists are experimenting with a system allowing drivers to see better after dark. 6. The system being tested will increase the safety and fuel efficiency of a car. 7. Having been tested, the computer system was installed at a plant. 8. Having been heated, the substance changed its properties. 9. Being provided with batteries an electric car develops a speed of 50 miles an hour.

Exercise 12. Make up sentences from two parts.

For example, a small electric car can solve

goes out into the street, finds an empty car, gets into it, drives to his destination, gets out and leaves the car for the next passenger.

There are already some modern vehicles

which may become a usual means of transport in the future.

A passenger

increasingly wide use of modern microelectronics in cars.

With an automatic guidance system for cars, it will be possible

many problems of public transport.

All these innovations will become possible because of

an important part in current car design.

Computers, electronic instrument panels, radars, adjusting devices, etc. are playing

to switch over to automatic driving, as we do in ships and aircrafts today.

Exercise 13. Translate into Ukrainian the following sentences consulting the dictionary. Remember the meanings of the underlined words.

1) The Reading Room of the Library of Congress houses a great collection of reference books. The Houses of Parliament are situated in the centre of London on the banks of the Thames. The fuselage of a new cargo aircraft can house large-size equipment.

2) Solar power can be used as a source of heat. When we heat water, it turns into steam. Heat energy may be of a kinetic form.

3) A new computerized system monitors the production processes of this plant. This plant is equipped with video and television monitors. Our laboratory is developing an electronic monitoring system for cars.

4) In new cars instrument panels will have a means to display different objects on the road. Liquid-crystal display was used in the first colour television set.

5) A special electronic device signals the engine to stop. Now it is possible to send signals over long distances.

Exercise 14. Insert the words only and the only. Translate the following sentences.

The Earth is … planet having liquid water. 2. It is useful to remember that the industrial revolution began … at the end of the 18th century. 3. … way to achieve good results is to apply one's knowledge to practical work. 4. The revolution in science and technology affects not … economically developed countries, but also developing countries. 5. Multi-cylinder engines came into use … after World War II. 6. The motor car has not … brought mobility to millions of people, but also has polluted the atmosphere. 7. Weightlessness can be created on the Earth, but … for a few seconds. 8. … requirement for plastic steel is that it must be rich in carbon. 9. The Library of Congress serves not … to Members of the Congress, but also to libraries throughout the US and the world.

Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Remember the meanings of the words future and further.

1. In the future it will be possible to use more channels on every TV set via satellite and cable TV. 2. Scientists throughout the world were quick to realize the importance of the radio and contributed much to its further development. 3. The subjects that the students study in the first and the second years are very important for their future speciality. 4. The use of computers in cars is a further step in improving safety on the road. 5. I'll give you further instructions tomorrow.

Exercise 16. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to different meanings of the word since.

1. Since 1770 there were many brilliant inventions in the automobile industry. 2. The production of motor cars in Great Britain was stopped since there were severe speed limits. 3. In early days many of the cars broke since transmissions were still unreliable and often went out of operation. 4. Since conventional headlights are not very effective, a new system has to be developed. 5. Since the French engineer Gugnot invented the first self-propelled vehicle in 1770, the automobile industry developed very rapidly. 6. The number of chemical elements known to science has grown considerably since Mendeleev created his Periodic table in 1871.

Task Ш. Read and translate the text.

Text 11B

How It Works.

Fuel warning light. Many cars have a fuel warning light. The level of fuel (petrol) in the tank being very low, this light switches on and the driver can see that he needs more petrol. How does this fuel warning light work?

The level of the fuel falling, the float moves downwards. When this happens, the arm also moves downwards and makes the level touch an electrical contact, thus switching on the fuel light in the car.

Seeing the fuel warning light, the driver puts more petrol into the tank. This makes the fuel level rise and pushes the float upwards. When risen, the float makes the arm move upwards and this causes the level to move upwards also. The fuel warning light then switches off.

A car cooling system. Most car engines are cooled by water. The water flows around the engine and then passes through the radiator. It then passes through the water pump and around the engine again.

Thus, there are several stages in this cycle:

Water flows around the engine. The engine is cooled and water is heated.

When heated, the hot water enters the radiator through the top hose.

Flowing down through the radiator, the hot water is cooled by air. The air is drawn through the radiator by a fan. This fan is turned by a belt, which is driven by the engine. The cool water leaves the radiator through the bottom hose. The water is pumped around the engine again.

Finding a fault in a car. If your car doesn't start in the morning, you should check three things first: the battery, the fuel level and the spark plugs. It is easy to repair these faults. If the battery is flat, you should recharge it. If this doesn't work, you should replace it. If the petrol tank is empty, fill it up. If the spark plugs are dirty, clean them, and if the gap in a spark plug is too narrow or too wide, adjust it to the correct width.

If your car still doesn't start, the petrol pump may be broken, or the fuel pipe may be blocked. If the pump is broken, it must be repaired or replaced. If the fuel pipe is blocked, take it off and unblock it.

If there is a loud click when you turn the key, the starter motor may be jammed (заклинювати). If it is, you can try to release it by pushing the car forwards and backwards (in 2nd gear). If the car still doesn't start, the starter motor should be repaired or replaced.

Notes to the text

warning light - попереджувальна світлова сигналізація

float - поплавок

arm - коромисло

hose - шланг

fan - вентилятор

spark plug - свічка запалення

flat battery - розряджений акумулятор

Exercise 17. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian consulting the dictionary. Define what part of speech the word in bold type is.

1. supply

1. They used boats to carry supplies of food to the island. 2. I took with me a good supply of books. 3. The expedition was supplied with all the necessary equipment.

2. cross

1. Before crossing a street look first to the left, then to the right. 2. Pull a cross on the map to show where we are. 3. We can cross the river at the next village.

3. fuel

1. What kind of fuel is used in these motor cars? 2. We had to stop to fuel the car. 3. This passenger car needs fueling every 300 miles.

4. flow

1. This device controls the air flow. 2. The river flows between the high banks. 3. What is the speed of the water flow under the bridge?

5. travel

1. Light travels at the speed of 300,000 km. per second. 2. His travels in Central Africa were followed with great interest in many parts of the world. 3. The travel bureau organized trip to various countries of Europe.

6. spark

1. His words left me a spark of hope. 2. Sparks were coming out of the chimney. 3. Electricity is used to spark fuel in the cylinder.

7. power

1. How much power does this plant consume? 2. It was not in his power to help us. 3. A four-stroke engine powers most of the modern automobiles.

8. exhaust

1. Exhaust gases of the automobiles are a source of atmosphere pollution. 2. Automobiles exhaust gases into atmosphere there by polluting it. 3. I'll have to get an exhaust pipe for my automobile.

9. cool

1. Stop the engine and let it cool. 2. It gets very cool in the mountains in the evening. 3. Air cools faster than water.

10. volume

1. The National Library in Kyiv is known to possess million of volumes of books. 2. The volume of traffic is anticipated to grow. 3. The volume of engine cylinders is an important characteristic.

Exercise18. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.

Flat; be repaired; click; recharge; faults; battery; clean; tank; empty; replace; fuel; wide; spark plugs; cooling; backwards; narrow; forwards

In a car the flat battery, the empty fuel tank and the dirty spark plugs are the … that can be easily eliminated. 2. If your car doesn't start, check the … and the fuel … 3. If the battery is flat, try to … or … it. 4. If the … tank is …, fill it with petrol. 5. If the … … are dirty, … them. 6. Adjust the gap in a spark plug if it is too … or too … 7. If the petrol pump is broken, it must … … 8. If the tyres are …, you should pump them up. 9. If you hear a loud …, while turning the key, the starter motor may be jammed. 10. If it is jammed, try to move the car … or … 11. If the engine becomes too hot, there is a fault in the … system.

Task 1V. Speak about:

1. Public transport of the future.

The latest innovations in car design.

Main systems of a car.


Task V. Learn the following words and word-combinations.

castle замок

impressive вражаючий

tower башта

social and communal service соціальні та комунальні послуги

cardboard and soft roofing

materials factory картонно-рубероїдний завод

bearing plant підшипниковий завод

synthetic leather factory завод синтетичних шкір

silk combine завод шовкових тканин

technical school технікум

art school художня школа

puppet show ляльковий театр

to be proud пишатися

attractive привабливий

One cannot help. Не можна не.

tidy охайний

cosy затишний

lush соковитий, буйний

rightly справедливо

Task VI. Read and translate the topic.


Lutsk is an administrative, economic and cultural center of Volyn Region with a population above 220 000 people. It lies on both banks of the river Styr, and its territory equals nearly four thousand hectares.

As every town Lutsk has its own history. Today it is difficult to say who founded the town and when. We only know that this area was already inhabited nine thousand years ago. Lutsk was first mentioned in the chronicles in 1085, and that year is now considered to be the year of its foundation. Lutsk is more than 900 years old.

One of the most interesting features of Lutsk is its castle. Known as Lubart's castle after the Lithuanian prince who built it in the 14th century, it is the centerpiece of the town. It's 13 meters high with three impressive towers. Inside it you can see the remains of the 12th century church of St. John Divine. Nowadays there is an art museum inside it as well.

Now Lutsk is a modern growing town with high buildings, tree-lined streets, parks and gardens. And it becomes more beautiful with every passing day. New housing construction is characteristic feature of Lutsk today. Every residential district is provided with all sorts of social and communal services.

Lutsk is an industrial town. Over fifty industrial enterprises are functioning here. Among them are car works, cardboard and soft roofing materials factory, synthetic leather factory, silk combine, plastics factory, bearing plant and others.

Today Lutsk is a town of students. There are two universities here: Volyn National University and Lutsk National Technical University. The town has a number of technical secondary and specialized schools, twenty six secondary, two music and one art schools.

Lutsk cultural centers include the Musical Drama Theater named after Taras Shevchenko, a puppet-show, Philharmonic Society, palaces of culture and clubs, cinemas and libraries. The State Ukrainian Folk Chorus and Svityas Ensemble are well known far beyond their home town.

The residents of Lutsk are proud of the fact that many outstanding people lived here. In the 18th century Peter I stayed in Lutsk. In 1846 T. G. Shev-chenko visited the town. A prominent Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka spent her youth in Lutsk. Lutsk was the native town of Y. V. Kondratyuk, one of the prominent scientists in astronautics.

Parks and public gardens, unusual fountains and picturesque flowerbeds make the town especially attractive. The Lesya Ukrainka Park is of particular interest. One cannot help admiring the beautiful town of Lutsk with its tidy streets, cozy squares and lush greenery. Its people are rightly proud of their home town.

Exercise 19. Answer the following questions:

1. Is Lutsk an administrative, economic and cultural centre of Volyn region? 2. Where is Lutsk situated? 3. How old is the town of Lutsk? 4. What can you say about the Lubart's Castle? 5. What industries are developed in Lutsk? 6. What cultural centers are there in Lutsk? 7. Do you like the town? Why?

Exercise 20. Translate into Ukrainian:

economic and cultural center; both banks of the river; the most interesting features; growing town; social and communal services; to equal; to found; to be inhabited; to mention; medieval castle; tree-lined; cozy square; lush greenery

Exercise 21. Translate into English the following sentences.

1. Луцьк розташований на обох берегах річки Стир. 2. Луцьк був вперше згаданий в літописі в 1085 р. 3. Замок Любарта - архітектурна пам'ятка 14 століття. 4. В Луцьку розвинена приладобудівна, машинобудівна, хімічна, текстильна та інші галузі промисловості. 5. Музично-драматичний театр імені Т Г. Шевченка розташований на Театральній площі. 6. Неможливо не захоплюватись таким красивим містом як Луцьк.

Task V1I Reproduce the topic in your own words.

Key dates in science

1877 The first sound recording was made in the U. S. A. by Thomas Edison on his prototype pho-nograph machine.

1877 A German-American scientist, Emile Berliner, invented the microphone.

1878 Thomas Edison invented the first successful light bulb.

1881 The first power station was built in Surrey, England.

1884 The first artificial fibres, made from cellulose, were exhibited in London, England.

1885 The petrol-driven car was invented by the German Karl Benz.

Lesson 12

Grammar. Дієприкметник минулого часу. (Participle II)

Text 12A. Time Travel and New Universes.

Text 12B. The Role of Gravity.

Topic. Volyn Region.

Утворення форми дієприкметника минулого часу


Основа стандартного дієслова + ed



III форма нестандартних дієслів


Exercise 1. Form Participle II from the following verbs and translate them into Ukrainian:

to return, to write, to divide, to measure, to install, to change, to add, to throw, to consider, to burn, to maintain, to decide, to leave, to achieve, to develop, to equip, to give, to do, to receive, to speak.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following word-combinations paying attention to the Participle II.

the measured distance; the achieved results; the information obtained recently; the boy saved by his dog; the lecture delivered by a well-known professor; the research made in the laboratory; the letter sent to the firm; the force exerted upon a body; the vibration detected by the ear; the distance traveled by the body; the law predicted by this scientist; the electrons radiated from the atom.

Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian the following sentences paying attention to the Past Participle (PII).

1. He doesn't like boiled milk. 2. A broken cup lay on the floor. 3. I remember well his words told at the meeting. 4. Asked about that event, he replied nothing. 5. I don't like the book bought last week. 6. The stolen things were returned to the owner. 7. We are interested in the goods produced by this factory. 8. The letter written by him was very long. 9. She didn't understand the words said by him. 10. He didn't see the things kept in her box. 11. I received some illustrated magazines. 12. She put a plate of fried fish in front of me. 13. The coat bought last year is too small for me now. 14. We stopped before a shut door. 15. A line seen through this crystal looks double. 16. You can find the books taken from the library on the table.

Exercise 4. Choose the correct form of the Participle.

1. Who is the girl (doing, done) her task on the blackboard? 2. The book (writing, written) by him is not very interesting. 3. The translation (doing, done) by me was very easy. 4. The (losing, lost) keys were not found. 5. The (losing, lost) team will not get the prize. 6. I don't like the video (buying, bought) yesterday. 7. Do you know the boy (coming, come) towards us? 8. We like the songs (singing, sung) by this singer. 9. The woman (singing, sung) is his wife. 10. The question (discussing, discussed) at the meeting was very important. 11. (translating, translated) by a good specialist, the story preserved all the sparkling humour of the original. 12. (approving, approved) by the critics, the young author's story was accepted by a magazine.

Exercise 5. Translate into English using Participle I or Participle II.

1. Це доповідь, яку обговорювали під час останніх зборів. 2. Вчора я був на вечірці, організованій моїми друзями. 3. Гра, яку виграла наша команда, була останньою грою чемпіонату. 4. Ось телеграма, отримана мною. 5. Отримуючи телеграму, він забув поставити підпис. 6. Цей вірш схожий на всі інші, які пишуть підлітки. 7. Коли жінку запитали про той нещасний випадок, вона нічого не могла розповісти. 8. Хлопчик узяв книжку, що лежала на столі. 9. Статті, написані сучасними журналістами, відрізняються від тих статей, які були написані багато років тому. 10. Вона дивилась на стару жінку, яка сиділа біля каміну. 11. Ось нові журнали, надіслані для нашого офісу. 12. Вона показала їй сукню, куплену в Парижі. 13. Вони згадували чудові дні, які провели на узбережжі Чорного моря.


Task I. Read and memorize the following words.

1. to compress - стискувати. Solids greatly resist compression.

2. to consider - вважати, розглядати. 1) They consider themselves very important. 2) Please, consider my suggestion.

3. to distort - спотворювати; перекручувати. 1) I saw her face dis-torted by pain. 2) Newspaper accounts of international affairs are sometimes distorted.

4. flexible - гнучкий; поступливий. We use flexible insulated cord for electric current.

5. instant - мить; миттєвий. 1) Come here this instant. 2) It was an instant success.

6. outer space - відкритий космос. Outer space is the area where the stars and other heavenly bodies are.

7. shortcut - найкоротший шлях. Take a shortcut across the field.

8. to shorten - вкорочувати; скорочуватися. 1) Can you shorten my dress? 2) The days are beginning to shorten in autumn.

9. to squeeze - стиснути, прищипнути; проштовхуватися. 1) I squeezed my fingers in the door. 2) He squeezed his way into a crowded bus.

10. to sum - додавати, підсумовувати. The judge summed up the evidence.

Task II. Read and translate the text.

Text 12A

Time Travel and New Universes

It is known that for a long time well before Albert Einstein scientists were studying the ideas that seemed strange. Consider a few of such ideas now accepted by the scientific community: clocks that tick slower than when they are on rockets in outer space, black holes with the mass of a million stars compressed into a volume smaller than that of atom and subatomic particles whose behaviour depends on whether they are being watched.

But of all strange ideas in physics, perhaps, the strangest one is the hole in the structure of space and time, a tunnel to a distant part of the universe. American researchers have determined that it will apparently be possible in principle for mankind to create an entirely new universe by using the idea of wormhole connection. Such a universe will automatically create its own wormhole, squeeze through it, and then close the hole after it.

Although to many people such an idea may seem useless and fantastic, it can help scientists to develop their imagination and explore how flexible the laws of physics are. It is such an idea that could give answers to some of the fundamental questions of cosmology: how the universe began, how it works and how it will end.

The idea of wormhole comes directly from the accepted concepts of general relativity. In that theory A. Einstein proved that very massive and dense objects distort space and time around them. One possible distortion is in the form of a tube that can lead anywhere in the universe - even to a place billions of light years away. The name “wormhole" comes about by analogy: imagine a fly on an apple. The only way the fly can reach the apple's other side is the long way over the fruit's surface. But worm could make a tunnel through the apple and thus shorten the way considerably. A wormhole in space is the same kind of tunnel; it is a shortcut from one part of the universe to another that reduces the travel time to about zero.

In fact, instantaneous travel leads to the idea of wormhole as time machine. If it were possible to move one end of a wormhole at nearly the speed of light, then, according to general relativity, time at that end would slow down and that part of the tunnel would be younger than the other end. Anything moving from the faster-aging end of the wormhole to the slower one would essentially go backward on time. The type of travel, however, could be nothing like the mechanical time machine described by H. Wells. It is difficult to imagine how a human being could move through a wormhole, since it would theoretically be narrower than an atom and it would tend to disappear the instant it formed.

Notes to the Text

warmhole - хід, проритий червя'ком; червоточина

cosmology - космологія

general relativity - загальна теорія відносності

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions on the text.

1. What ideas are now accepted by the scientific community? 2. What is the strangest idea in physics? 3. How do American researchers want to create an entirely new universe? 4. Is such an idea so useless and fantastic? 5. What do you know about the concepts of general relativity? 6. How does the name “wormhole" come about? 7. How would this time machine work? 8. What would theoretically be the size of the wormhole?

Exercise 7. Translate into Ukrainian.

scientific community, black holes, subatomic particles, entirely new universe, to develop imagination, fundamental question of cosmology, general relativity, dense objects, to distort space and time, billions of light years, to shorten the way, instantaneous travel, time machine, the speed of light.

Exercise 8. Define the functions of the Participle II and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. The anti-electron, called positron, was discovered in 1932. 2 At a press conference cosmonauts were asked whether they carried out everything programmed by scientists. 3. Engineers found that the applica-tion of synthetic materials had greatly improved the quality of the product made. 4. The heat generated by the friction of the match on the box agitated the molecules in the tip of the match. 5. The temperature used depended upon the substances entering the reaction. 6. The experiments referred to in our article demonstrate the action of catalysts in chemical reactions. 7. The substance acted upon by heat changed its composition. 8. The molecules of a substance affected by a catalyst are changed more easily.

Exercise 9. Find Participles in the text and define their functions.

Exercise 10. Translate the words, define the part of speech they belong to and suffixes they formed by.

scientific, compressed, researcher, entirely, wormhole, connection, automatically, useless, imagination, cosmology, accepted, relativity, distortion, analogy, considerably, nearly, essentially, mechanical, described, theoretically.

Exercise 11. Translate into English, using the active vocabulary of the text.

1. Відомо, що задовго до Ейнштейна вчені працювали над ідеями, які здавалися дивними. 2. Американські дослідники визначили, що людство може створити абсолютно новий всесвіт. 3. Для багатьох людей така ідея може здаватися непотрібною і фантастичною. 4. Однак ця ідея може допомогти вченим розвивати їхню уяву і дослідити, наскільки гнучкими є закони фізики. 5. Саме ця ідея може дати відповіді на фундаментальні закони космології: як утворився всесвіт, як він розвивається і яким буде його кінець. 6. Ідея тунелю походить безпосередньо від прийнятих положень теорії відносності. 7. Червоточина в космосі є різновидом тунелю: це найкоротший шлях від однієї частини Всесвіту до іншої, що скорочує час подорожі приблизно до нуля. 8. Далекі подорожі приводять до ідеї тунелю як машини часу. 9. Цей тип тунелю був би нічим іншим, як механічною машиною часу, описаною Уелсом. 10. Важко уявити, як людство зможе рухатися вздовж тунелю, якщо, теоретично, він буде вужчим, ніж атом і зникне через секунду після того, як утворився.

Task III. Read and translate the text.

Text 12B.

The Role of Gravity

Among the fundamental forces of nature, gravity is of special interest for several reasons. It is, first of all, the only truly universal force. It acts on every material thing from electron to galaxy, and, as we have learned in this century, it even acts on the particles like protons and neutrinos or energy in any form. Second, gravity has played a uniquely important role in the development and growth of mechanics. Newton, in his definite formulation of mechanics, drew upon studies of motion near the earth, influenced by local gravity, and of planetary motion far from the Earth, influenced by the sun's gravity.

Since Newton's time, motion governed by gravitational force has provided the strictest tests of mechanics, has served as stimulus for much of the mathematical elaboration of the theory of mechanics, has led to the discovery of distant new planets, and, in our own era of artificial satellites, and has revealed new details of the shape and structure of the earth; though the study of the orbit of Mercury became the first hint of an imperfection of Newtonian mechanics. Mercury's refusal to follow precisely the laws of classical mechanics stands as one of the experimental supports of the new mechanics of Einstein's general relativity.

Finally, gravity has a special place in mechanics because of its essential link with motion. Most forces on Earth can be measured with a spring balance or other device that involves no motion. The same is obviously not true of the forces acting on the planets. These can be determined only if we study the motion of the planets. The motion determines the force, but at the same time the force determines the motion. Planetary mechanics must be a self-consistent theory in which the law of motion (Newton's second law) and the law of gravitational force are intertwined.

Gravity affects everything. From our bodies to the mechanism we use to build cars and buildings, to the flames we use to heat our homes, our world is controlled by gravity. Even flames burn differently without gravity. Reduced gravity reduces convection currents, the currents that cause warm air or fluid to rise and cool air or fluid to descend on Earth. This absence of convection changes the flame shape in orbit and allows studies of the combustion process that are impossible on Earth. The absence of convection allows molten metals or other materials to be mixed more thoroughly in orbit than on Earth, opening the way to a whole new world of composite materials. Scientists plan to study this field, to create better metal alloys and more perfect materials for applications such as computer chips. Investigations that use lasers to cool atoms to near absolute zero may help us understand gravity itself.

While investigating our surrounding, we have been limited, until recently, to accepting gravity as a given factor in all our studies. History shows that changing what once was constant can lead to revolutionary discoveries.

Notes to the text

to draw upon - наблизитися, підійти;

spring balance - пружинна вага;

self-consistent theory - послідовна теорія;

intertwined - взаємопов'язаний;

convection current - конвекційний струмінь;

composite materials - композиційні матеріали;

chip - мікросхема

Exercise 12. Find English equivalents in the text.

гравітація, універсальна сила, електрон, галактика, частка, протон, нейтрон, енергія, механіка, рух, стимул, відкриття, орбіта, натяк, зв'язок, вимірювати, прилад, впливати на, визначати, закон, взаємопозв'язаний.

Exercise 13. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations.

fundamental forces, local gravity, planetary motion, the sun's gravity, theory of mechanics, distant planets, artificial satellites, shape and structure of the Earth, an imperfection of Newtonian mechanics, the laws of classical mechanics, experimental support, the new mechanics of Einstein's general relativity, a spring balance, planetary mechanics, the law of motion, the law of gravitational force.

Exercise 14. Answer the questions on the text.

1. Why is gravity of special interest? 2. How does it act? 3. Has it played an important role in mechanics? 4. What has motion governed gravity led to? 5. Why does gravity have a special place in mechanics? 6. What is planetary mechanics?


Task IV. Learn and memorize the following words and word-combinations

picturesque мальовничий

to date back брати початок

personality особистість

chronicle літопис

chronology хронологія

to border on межувати

to determine визначати

temperate belt помірна зона (пояс)

in accordance with відповідно до.

moderate помірний

excessive надмірний

humidity вологість

precipitation опади

crop сільськогосподарська культура

timber industry лісова промисловість

foodstuff industry харчова промисловість

long fibred flax льон-довгунець

output продукція, випуск

beef and dairy animal husbandry м'ясо-молочне господарство

peat торф

lime вапно

to burn out випалювати

brick-tiled raw materials сировина для виготовлення

цегли та черепиці

pottery clay гончарна глина

gas deposit газове родовище

grainy зернистий

ertilizer добриво

to be in demand користуватися попитом

to prevail переважати, бути поширеним

silk fabric шовкова тканина

centrifugal pump відцентровий насос

film плівка

canned консервований

trade routes торговельні маршрути

prerequisit передумова

inseparable невіддільний

Task V. Read and translate the topic.


Volyn is a picturesque land of thick forests, blue lakes, rivers and bright meadows. It has a long and rich history which dates back to the earliest centuries. Its history is full of bright personalities, important events and what not. The heart of this land is Lutsk. It is an administrative, economic and cultural center of Volyn. On the pages of Russian chronicles Lutsk is first mentioned in 1085 and chronology of the town begins with that date.

The area of the Volyn region is 20. 2 thousand square kilometers. Its population is over one million inhabitants.

The Volyn region is situated in the North-West of Ukraine. It borders on the Brest region of Bilorus in the North, on the Rivne region of Ukraine in the East and on the Lviv region of Ukraine in the South, Helm and Zamost Voyevodstvos of Poland in the West.

The climate of Volyn is determined by its geographical location. The Volyn region lies in the temperate belt. In accordance with natural conditions Volyn is divided into 3 zones: the Northern Polissia, Southern Polissia and Forest Steppe.

The climate of the region is moderate-continental with mild winters and not very hot summers; with sufficient, but in the northern districts in some places, with excessive humidity. The climatic conditions in the region in general are favourable for the development of agriculture. Considerable quantity of precipitations and water resources in the ground is quite enough for growing agricultural crops.

The economy of Volyn is characterized by the industrial-agrarian type. In the country's division of labour the region occupies a considerable place in the development of timber industry and industrial complex including foodstuff industry, long fibred flax production, the output of sugar beets and potatoes, beef and dairy animal husbandry.

The region's potential of raw and mineral resources includes 10 kinds of minerals (coal, peat, gas, fresh water, carbonates, copper, lead). Raw materials for burning out lime, cement, brick-tiled raw materials, building and ballast sands, pottery clays are known here. Mastering of the Locachi gas deposits will solve the problem of supplying the population and enterprises with the gas during next ten years. It will also make it possible to reduce import of this raw material.

The northern part of the region is the territory rich in the deposits of the yellow and grainy phosphates. They can be used as non-standard potassium-phosphate-lime fertilizer. This production is in great demand both at the internal and external markets.

Industry prevails in the general economic structure. At the present moment there are 12 branches in the structure of industrial complex. The enterprises of these branches produce soft roofing materials, bearings, card board, silk fabrics, automobiles, devices and means of automation, centrifugal pumps, polymeric films, furniture, canned fruit and vegetables, animal butter, sugar, meat and other products.

The region takes a favourable geographical position due to its location on the cross-roads of the European trade routes. The shortest ways connecting Kyiv, Warsaw and Berlin go through Volyn. This creates necessary prerequisites for cooperation and acceleration of the development of foreign economic relations.

The region maintains trade and economic relations with more than 50 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The goods are exported to 40 countries and imported from 34 countries.

Today Volyn is a window on Europe in the North-West of Ukraine, an inseparable constituent of the independent Ukraine.

Exercise 15. Translate into English the following words and word-com-binations.

Мальовничий край, сільськогосподарські культури, густі ліси, промислово-аграрний тип економіки,розподіл праці, важлива подія, яскрава особистість, займати значне місце, лісова промисловість, сторінки літопису, харчова промисловість, хронологія міста, вирощування льону-довгунця, житель, м'ясо-молочне господарство, межувати з., цукровий буряк, клімат визначається, прісна вода, географічне положення, торф, мідь і свинець, відповідно до природних умов, випалювання вапна, лісостеп, гончарна глина, помірно-континентальний клімат, газове родовище, м'яка зима, зернистий фосфат, достатня вологість, добрива, надмірна вологість, користуватися попитом, кліматичні умови, внутрішній ринок, кількість опадів, зовнішній ринок, м'який покрівельний матеріа, тваринне масло; підшипник, сприятливе географічне положення, відцентровий насос, необхідні передумови, тонкий картон, шовкова тканина, прискорення розвитку, підтримувати зв'язки, консервовані фрукти та овочі, невіддільна складова, незалежна Україна

Exercise 16. Answer the following questions on the text.

1. Where is Volyn region situated? 2. What is its area? 3. What is the population of Volyn region? 4. What is the largest city of Volyn? 5. What countries (regions) does it border on? 6. What is the climate of Volyn region determined by? 7. What kind of climate is it? 8. What zones in accordance with natural conditions is the region divided into? 9. What are the peculiarities of Volyn's climate as compared with other parts of Ukraine? 10. What type of economy does Volyn have? 11. What place does the region occupy in the republican division of labour? 12. What mineral resources are found in the region? 13. What is the northern part of the region rich in? 14. What do the enterprises of the region produce? 15. How many countries take part in export-import operations in the Volyn region? 16. Will you prove that the region takes a favourable geographical position for the contacts with foreign countries?

Task VI. Reproduce the topic in your own words.

Key dates in science

1888 Heinrich Hertz, a German physicist, demonstrated the existence of radio waves.

1895 Moving pictures were first shown in public in France.

1895 X-rays were discovered by the German physicist Wilhelm Rontgen, and the first X-ray photograph was taken.

1895 The Italian physicist Guglielmo Marconi developed and demonstrated radio transmission.

1896 Antoine Becquerel, a French physicist, discovered radioactivity.

Lesson 13

Grammar. Інфінітив, його форми та функції.

Text 13A. Lasers.

Text 13B. Optical Technology.

Topic. Developing of Telecommunications.

Форми інфінітиву




to write

to be written


to be writing



to have written

to have been written

Perfect Continuous

to have been writing


Exercise 1. Define the following forms of the infinitive.

to be asking, to have said, to come, to have been staying, to be told, to be speaking, to have been ordered, to have done, to have been listening, to be written, to have been known, to read

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences where different forms of the infinitive are used.

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