Англійська мова. Виконання практичних занять

Відбір мовного матеріалу в плані його типовості для стиля науково-технічної прози. Підбір текстів з оригінальної загальнонаукової та суспільно-політичної літератури. Система граматичних і лексичних вправ, що має на меті закріплення навчального матеріалу.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид методичка
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 16.07.2017
Размер файла 409,2 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

1. May I switch on the radio? 2. You might not know what is on his mind. 3. Where is Roger? May he be in the main campus? What do you think? 4. May I take part in the presentation? - Yes, certainly. 5. He is allowed to be present at the lesson. 6. Will he be allowed to leave the office half an hour earlier today? 7. I was allowed to sleep late every Sunday when I went to school. 8. We were not allowed to go to school on frosty days. 9. Somebody is knocking at the door. It might be David. 10. Where are the children? - They might be playing with other children. 11. They may be making an experiment. 12. She may have lost the game. 13. He may have written the letter, but the signature is certainly not his. 14. The teacher said that we might translate the text the next day. 15. He said that I might visit him any day I liked. 16. He might have helped us. 17. She might have warned us of the meeting. 18. You might have given them a chance. 19. They might have spoken to him about it.

Exercise 7. Substitute the synonymous expressions for the modal verb may.

1. May they stay here? 2. May he join you? 3. He may smoke here. 4. You may not enter the room. 5. You may take the book; I don't need it. 6. May I ask you a question? 7. May we leave now? 8. You may stay in my house if you want. 9. May I let them in? 10. May we tell what we think?

Exercise 8. Translate into English the following sentences.

1. Можеш телефонувати мені в будь-який час. 2. Можна я відкрию вікно? - Ні, не можна. На дворі дуже холодно. 3. Можна я відповім на це запитання? - Ні, ви можете відповісти на наступне. 4. Взагалі мені не дозволяли робити багатьох речей, але на мій день народження, коли мені виповнилося десять років, я міг робити що завгодно. 5. В Англії вам дозволять водити машину, якщо вам 17 років. 6. Я думаю, що мені не дозволять поїхати з тобою за місто. 7. Викладач сказав, що ми можемо перекласти цей текст завтра. 8. Він сказав, що я можу провідати його в будь-який час. 9. Вона сказала, що він може йти додому. 10. Можливо, він захворів. 11. Ви такі необережні. Ви могли розбити вазу. 12. Південний клімат, можливо, відновив його здоров'я. 13. Він сказав, що вона, можливо, все їм розповіла.

Exercise 9. Translate into Ukrainian the following sentences.

1. You must know about it. 2. We must be very careful. 3. We must all keep together. 4. I must ask you about it. 5. Must we let him know about it? 6. You must not inform them about it. 7. Must we break the news to Ann? - I am afraid, you must. You have no right to keep from her. 8. Must I help them? - I think, you must. They count on your help. 9. He said he had to hurry as it was already late. 10. It was raining and she had to take an umbrella. 11. The secretary said that the group was to be in the hall at 2 sharp. 12. You'll have to inform them of the meeting. 13. They must have lived in Kyiv. 14. Mother must have been out shopping. 15. He must have read a lot aloud for his pronunciation is rather good. 16. The group must be waiting for her. 17. Oh, Jane, think how she must be suffering!

Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with to have to or to be to.

1. As we agreed before, we … to meet at 2 o'clock. 2. The meeting … to begin at 5 o'clock. Don't be late. 3. It was raining hard and we … to wait until it stopped raining. 4. If I don't ring up before six o'clock, then you … to go to the concert hall alone and wait for me at the entrance. Is that clear? 5. They … to gather their cotton at once, as they had been warned that heavy rains were expected. 6. She … to send a telegram because it was late to send a letter. 7. You … to learn all the new words for the next lesson. 8. Who … to go to the library to get the new books? - I was, but I couldn't because I … to finish some work at the phonetics laboratory.

Exercise 11. Make the following sentences:

A) interrogative.

1. He had to learn all the new words from the text. 2. She had to spend summer in the village. 3. I had to speak to him. 4. They had to visit him. 5. He will have to send them a telegram. 6. He will have to stay after classes to catch up with the group.

B) negative.

1. He had to go somewhere. 2. They had to keep her in the dark. 3. We had to break the news to Eliza. 4. Somebody has to help you with your work. 5. They were to go to the concert the next day. 6. We had to speak louder to hear each other.

Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я повинен їх зустріти в аеропорту. 2. Ви не повинні хвилюватись. 3. Ви не повинні розмовляти на заняттях. 4. Їм потрібно приходити сюди завтра? 5. Вони мають повернутися до вечора. 6. Я повинен зробити це сам? 7. Йшов дощ. Я був змушений взяти парасольку. 8. Вони будуть змушені запросити її. 9. Він повинен був замовити номер в готелі, але не замовив. 10. Ми повинні були зустрітись після роботи, але не зустрілись. 11. Я був змушений відмінити зустріч. 12. Ми знали, що він вимушений допомагати своїй сестрі. 13. Він, певно, не зрозумів мене. 14. Ніхто, певно, не купив цієї книги. 15. Певно, йде дощ.


Task I. Read and memorize the following words. Translate the sentenses.

distant - віддалений, далекий. We had a distant view of the Alps.

alloy - сплав. Non-ferrous metals are mixed in various proportions to form different alloys.

substance - речовина. A substance resisting all ordinary or chemical efforts to decompose it into simpler substances is an element.

numerous - численний. There are numerous ways of doing it.

to carry out - виконувати. The research has been carried out by the engineers of the factory.

condition - умова. The astronauts soon got used to the conditions of weightlessness.

to differ from - відрізнятися від. Nylon differs from silk in origin and cost.

to obtain - одержувати, здобувати. By this metod you'll obtain a good result.

due to - завдяки, внаслідок. 1) It was due to him that I was able to carry out that work. 2) The accident was due to fog.

immediately - негайно. I'll go there immediately.

density - густина. The density of the lower layers of the atmosphere is greater.

to possess - мати, володіти. Iron, cobalt and nickel possess considerable magnetism at room temperature.

to deal with - мати справу, розглядати (питання). He is a difficult man to deal with.

to aim at - прагнути. He aimed at becoming a doctor.

advantage - перевага, вигода, користь. 1) He had the advantage over other boys of being born into a rich family. 2) Is there any advantage in getting early?

on board - на борту. She enjoys life on board ship.

acceleration - прискорення. The acceleration must be reduced to the minimum.

suitable - що відповідає, придатний. This machine is suitable for loading and unloading earth materials.

to approach - наближатися. We approached the camp.

specimen - зразок. The doctor will need a specimen of your blood.

valuable - цінний. He gave us valuable information.

according to - відповідно до. We will be paid according to the amount of work we do.

estimate - оцінка. I don't know enough about him to form a true estimate of his abilities.

Task II. Read and translate the text.

Text 10A.

Made in Space

This label “Made in Space" for industrial materials will probably surprise no one in the not so distant future. They may include superconductors, new kinds of alloys, substances with peculiar magnetic properties, supertransparent laser glass, polymers, plastics, and so on. Numerous experiments carried out at the Russian orbital space stations have paved the way to the development of methods and means of industrial production of new materials of better quality on board a spacecraft. Experts estimate that within a few coming years industrial production of various materials will be started in space.

Conditions on board a space vehicle orbiting earth greatly differ from those on its surface. However, all these conditions can be simulated on Earth, except for one - prolonged weightlessness. Weightlessness can be created on earth, but only for a few seconds. A space flight is another matter: a satellite orbiting Earth is in a dynamic zero-gravity state.

What can weightlessness be used for? Many well-known processes go on differently due to the absence of weight. Stable-state liquid mixtures can be obtained, the components of which would immediately separate on earth because of different density. In case of melts of metals, glasses or semiconductors, they can be cooled down to the solidification point even in space and then brought back to earth. Such materials will possess quite unusual qualities.

In space there is no gravitational convection, when movements of gases or liquids are caused by difference of temperatures. It is well-known that various defects in semiconductors occur because of convection. Biochemists also have to deal with the worst aspects of convection, for example, in the production of superpure biologically active substances. Convection makes it very difficult on Earth.

Following the launch of the first orbital stations the specialists started experiments aimed at proving the advantages of the zero-gravity state for the production of certain materials. Since 1976 over 600 technological experiments have been carried out on board manned and unmanned space vehicles. It has been established that it is necessary to develop a new science - physics of the weightless state - which forms the theoretical basis for space industry and space materials study. This science has basically been developed. The methods of mathematical modeling of the hydromechanical process under the zero-gravity condition have been created with the help of computers.

Special space vehicles will also be needed for industrial production of new-generation materials. Research has shown that the acceleration rate on board these vehicles must be reduced to the minimum. It was found that space platforms in independent flight carrying the equipment were most suitable for producing materials. These vehicles will have to use their own propulsion systems to approach their base orbital station after a certain period of time. The cosmonauts on board the station can replace the specimens. Many new and very interesting projects are planned for orbital stations. Here is one of them. Convection does not allow to grow large protein crystals on Earth. But it is possible to grow such crystals under the zero-gravity condition and study their structure. The data obtained during the experiments can be useful for the work of laboratories on Earth in using the methods of gene engineering. Thus, it may be possible to make new materials in space and also to obtain valuable scientific data for new highly efficient technologies on Earth.

Preparatory work for industrial production in space at a larger scale is being carried out in Russia, the USA, Western Europe and Japan. It should be said that according to the estimates of American experts production of materials in space is to bring 60 billion dollars in the future.

Notes to the text

1. superconductor - надпровідник

2. supertranparent laser glass - надпрозоре лазерне скло

3. to simulate - моделювати, імітувати

4. prolonged weightlessness - тривала невагомість

5. to cancel out - знищити, урівноважити

6. stable-state - стійкий стан

7. solidification point - температура тверднення

8. gravitational convection - перенесення тепла під дією сили тяжіння

9. space vehicle - космічний апарат

10. propulsion system - силова установка

11. gene engineering - генна інженерія

Exercise 13. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the text about? 2. Have you seen the label “Made in Space" anywhere? 3. Why can't certain materials be produced on Earth? 4. Can all the conditions on board a space vehicle be simulated on Earth? 5. When will it be possible to start industrial production of materials in space? Can we start such production now? 6. Why can we obtain materials of better quality in space? 7. What equipment is needed for producing materials in space? 8. How will this equipment operate?

Exercise 14. Find English equivalents for the following Ukrainian word-combinations.

У великому масштабі, пілотовані та непілотовані космічні апарати, проводити експеримент, на борту космічного корабля, переваги стану невагомості, умови невагомості, матеріали нового покоління, отримати корисні і цінні дані.

Carry out experiments, zero-gravity conditions, at a larger scale, zero-gravity state, advantages, on board a spacecraft, manned and unmanned space vehicles, obtain useful and valuable data, new generation materials.

Exercise 15. Make up statements choosing the right answer according to the text.

Many well-known processes go on differently in space due to:

a) different density

b) the presence of weight

c) the absence of weight

2. The components of stable-state liquid mixtures would separate on Earth because of:

a) high temperature

b) different density

c) different conditions

3. It is well-known that various defects in semiconductors occur because of:

a) weightlessness

b) solidification

c) convection

Exercise 16. Translate the sentences paying attention to modal verbs.

1. Everyone should know a foreign language. 2. To make super - computers, we need highly developed electronics and new materials. 3. One should do one's work in time. 4. The students ought to know the history of their institute. 5. The development of new materials does not mean that old materials should lose their significance. 6. Marie Curie needed a laboratory and equipment for her research. 7. Every institute ought to be proud of their famous graduates. 8. One should know that “roentgen" is a unit of radiation. 9. His suggestion may be of little value, but you should discuss it all the same. 10. Where can I have my suit pressed? 11. He must not forget that his younger brother follows him in everything. 12. He won't be present at the meeting tomorrow. He is to take his examination in English. 13. I had to explain the rule twice to make it perfectly clear. 14. Can he run as fast as she? - Not yet, but he will be able by the end of the year.

Exercise 17. Translate the sentences.

1. Він може читати і писати англійською. 2. Вона повинна зробити цю роботу в кінці місяця. 3. Тепер студенти можуть увійти в аудиторію. 4. Вона може займатись тут. 5. Він повинен прочитати цю статтю. 6. Можна мені взяти ваш підручник? 7. Я повинен піти в бібліотеку і взяти книги. 8. Можна мені поїхати з вами? 9. Ця дитина вміє ходити? 10. Ви повинні повернути книгу завтра. 11. Можна нам приєднатись до вас в цій подорожі? 12. Єдине, що вам потрібно зробити - це прийняти рішення. 13. Ви можете мені повірити, я вас не обманюю. 14. Йому довелось припинити сперечатися з нею. 15. Вам немає потреби брати таксі. Вокзал недалеко звідси.

Exercise 18. Read English proverbs and pay attention to the usage and functions of modal verbs. Give Ukrainian analogues.

Friends may meet, but mountains never.

He who can, does, he who cannot, teaches.

A fool may ask more questions than a wise man can answer.

What can't be cured must be endured.

What's done cannot be undone.

If we can't do as we would, we must do as we can.

You may lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

Bad seed must produce bad corn.

You can't tell a book by its cover.

As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

If you can't ride two horses at once, you shouldn't be in the circus.

You can't please everyone.

The leopard cannot change his spots.

A man can die but once.

Exercise 19. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. Replace modal verbs with Ukrainian equivalents: повинен, повинні, довелось, доведеться, прийнято, намагаємося, слід:

If we are to fly to other planets we shall have to design a gigantic spacecraft. The conditions there must be as close to those of the Earth as possible so that we will not have to worry about all the usual hardships of space travel.

The capability of man as a space researcher should be the subject of close examination. The problem of overload is to come first. Depending on its direction it is to be classified as longitudinal, transverse, or perpendicular. Next, the problem of weightlessness is to be considered.

Each spaceman must know the design of his own craft, and he must be able to maintain the systems during the flight. If some unforeseen situation develops, he should know where to look for the breakdown, and should be able to remove its cause if the crew is to feel confident during the flight and experiments.

Exercise 20. Choose the right modal verb.

1. Do you live far? (Can, must) we meet here at 7o'clock? - We certainly (may, can). - I'll see you later this evening, then. 2. Bill, would you help me? Sure, I'd be glad to help you. What (may, can) I do for you? 3. (Can, may) I take your pen? I've broken mine. 4. Do you know when Bob comes back from the University? I'm afraid he (can, may) be very late. He has an examination tomorrow. He (can, must) study for the examination. 5. Do you have a stamp? - No, I'm afraid I don't. You (may, must) go to the post office for this. 6. I'm very much interested in environment problems. I think we (must, may) learn to live in harmony with nature. 7. We (can, may, must) not carry the bookcase upstairs ourselves: the workers will come and do it. 8. When (can, may, must) you come to see us? - I (can, may, must) come only on Sunday. 9. (Can, may, must) you cut something without a knife? 10. He (can, may, must) not drink alcohol when he drives.

Exercise 21. Point out the sentences with modal verbs that express necessity.

1. As telegraph wires couldn't be hung over the ocean, cables had to be laid on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. 2. In the next few years engineers are to develop computers of more than 2 billion operations a second. 3. A new kind of telephone may be called a video-phone. 4. One must know that we shall need a lot of specialists that will be able to work and live in space for a long time. 5. To see distant objects clearly, one should change the focus. 6. Within a few coming years a quantity production of various materials is to begin in space. 7. Some liquid mixture components would immediately separate on Earth because of different density. 8. It should be said that special space vehicles are necessary for industrial production of space materials. 9. Our group will be allowed to use new laboratory equipment next term. 10. One can see that there is no principal difference between iron and copper as conductors.

Task III. Read and translate the text.

Text B

Ancient Steel-Making Secret

When two metallurgists at Stanford University were trying to produce a “superplastic" metal they became interested in the secret of Damascus steel, the legendary material used by numerous warriors of the past, including Crusaders. Its formula had been lost for generations.

Analyses of a new steel revealed properties almost identical to those they found in Damascus steel, although their own plastic steel had been produced by present-day methods.

The remarkable characteristics of Damascus steel became known to Europe when the Crusaders reached the Middle East in the 11th century. They discovered that swords of the metal could split a feather in air and at the same time retain their edge sharp through many battles.

The secrets of Damascus steel were known in many parts of the ancient world, especially in Persia, where some of the finest specimens were produced. For eight centuries the Arab sword makers kept the secret about their techniques and methods. And with the invention of firearms, the secret was lost and it was never fully rediscovered.

The two metallurgists carried out a lot of researches. When they realized that they might be close to the discovery of a new material, a sword fancier, at one of their demonstrations, pointed out that Damascus steel, like their own product, was very rich in carbon. This led them to conduct a comparative analysis of their steel and those of the ancient weapons. As a result, it was found that a basic requirement was a high carbon content. The two metallurgists believed it had to be from 1 per cent to 2 per cent, compared to only a part of 1 per cent in ordinary steel. Their research showed how to make steel of even greater hardness than Damascus steel.

Vocabulary notes

1. Damascus steel - багатошарова сталь

2. warrior - воїн

3. Crusader - хрестоносець

4. Middle East - Близький Схід

5. firearms - вогнепальна зброя

6. fancier - знавець, любитель

7. high carbon content - високий вміст вуглецю

Exercise 22. Translate into English.

Чисельні воїни, втратити для поколінь, виявляти властивості, сучасні методи, визначні властивості, розрізати пір'їну, гостре лезо, найкращі зразки, виробники мечів, зберігати таємницю, таємниця була втрачена, виконувати, зрозуміти, вказувати, провести порівняльний аналіз, давня зброя, основна вимога, звичайна сталь, більша твердість

Exercise 23. Match the words (1-6) with their definition (a-f).

1. to reveal a. rifle, gun, pistol or revolver

2. remarkable b. to get to, go as far as

3. to reach c. normal, usual, average

4. specimen d. to make known

5. firearms e. worth speaking of, out of the ordinary

6. ordinary f. a single typical thing or example

Exercise 24. Give comprehensive answers to these questions.

1. What are the remarkable features of Damascus steel?

2. What did the two metallurgists reveal?


Task IV. Learn the following words and word-combinations.

сurrent сучасний

coal вугілля

Subcarpathian Прикарпатський

extraction видобуток

power енергія

nuclear power plant атомна електростанція

ferrous (metal) чорний (метал)

non-ferrous (metal) кольоровий (метал)

scattered розкиданий

cinecamera кінокамера

supplier постачальник

steam boiler паровий котел

sea-going vessel судно далекого плавання

to spring up виникати, з'являтися

motor vehicle автомобіль

vehicle engine works завод по виробництву двигунів

to turn out випускати (вироби)

soil cultivating обробіток грунту

sowing machine сіялка

harvesting machine збиральна машина

combine harvester комбайн

acid кислота

fertilizer добриво

dye барвник

detergent миючий засіб

pharmaceuticals лікарські засоби

canning консервування

vine виноград

linen полотно

Task V. Read and translate the topic.

Ukraine's Economy

Industry is the most important area of Ukraine's economy. In the current structure of Ukraine's industry a great proportion is occupied by heavy industry, especially the steel, machine building and coal industries. The coal industry is concentrated in two basins: Donetsk and Lviv-Volyn. The oil and gas industries are located in the Subcarpathian and Left-Bank regions, but the extraction of oil and natural gas is insufficient to satisfy the country's needs.

Ukraine has a strong power generation industry. Large thermal and hydroelectric stations have been built. There are 10 nuclear power plants in Ukraine.

The metallurgical industry includes the ferrous and non-ferrous industries. Metallurgical plants are spread through three regions - the Donbas, Dnieper and Azov Coast regions.

The machine-building industry is presently the largest branch of industry. Instrument-making is one of the most scattered branches. A plant in Sumy produces such diverse instruments as electron microscopes and cinecameras. An important place is occupied by heavy machine-building, which provides equipment for metallurgy, power stations and cement plants. A large plant is located in Kramatorsk and is a leading supplier of metallurgical equipment and powerful excavators. Powerful turbines, generators and steam boilers are also produced.

Ship-building is an important branch of industry. Seagoing vessels are built at shipyards located in Mykolaiv, Kherson and Kyiv.

The motor vehicle industry sprung up after the Second World War. Buses are produced in Lviv, passenger cars in Zaporizhia, lorries in Kremenchuk, and both passenger and transport vehicles in Lutsk. Kharkiv has a specialized vehicle engine works. Aeroplanes are built in Kyiv and Kharkiv.

Farm machinery plants turn out nearly all types of soil cultivating, sowing and harvesting machines. The manufacture of tractors and combine harvesters is concentrated in large plants such as Kharkiv tractor works.

The chemical industry includes the production of acids, salts, fertilizers, dyes, detergents, plastics, synthetic fibres, pharmaceuticals and other goods.

The manufacture of building materials is well developed in all of Ukraine's provinces.

Ukraine's food industry is located mostly in the Forest-Steppe (sugar), the Steppe (vegetable oils), the South (fruit canning, vine).

There are many textile enterprises in Ukraine: cotton (Kherson, Ternopil), linen (Rivne, Zhytomyr), wool (Chernihiv, Luhansk), silk (Kyiv, Cherkasy). Garment and footwear industries are located in large population centres. China and pottery enterprises have developed in Kharkiv, Sloviansk, in the area of Novohrad-Volynsky.

Exercise 24. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the most important industries in Ukraine's economy? 2. Where is coal industry concentrated? 3. What kinds of power stations are there in Ukraine? 4. What industries does the metallurgical industry include?

5. Where are electron microscopes produced? 6. Is Ukraine a leading shipbuilder? 7. Where is the motor vehicle industry located? 8. What do you know about Ukrainian aeroplane making? 9. What kinds of machines do farm machinery plants turn out? 10. What are the products of chemical industry?

Exercise 25. Translate into English the following sentences.

1. Україна - розвинена промислова країна. 2. Вугільна про-мисловість - традиційна, промисловість для сходу України. 3. Багато електроенергії виробляється на українських електростанціях. 4. Чорна та кольорова металургія зосереджені на південному сході. 5. Важке машинобудування - це обладнання для металургійних заводів та електростанцій. 6. Україна відома своїм суднобудуванням. 7. Найбільші літаки в світі випускаються на українських авіаційних заводах. 8. Завод по виробництву сільськогосподарських машин знаходиться у Ковелі. 9. Виробництво будівельних матеріалів в Україні постійно збільшується. 10. В нашому регіоні розміщено багато відомих підприємств харчової промисловості.

Key dates in science

1852 The first airship, powered by steam and filled with hydrogen, made its maiden flight in France.

1859 Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, published “On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection”. It contained his theories of evolution.

1862 The first celluloid plastic was exhibited in London, England.

1869 The Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleyev developed the first periodic table of the elements.

1876 The first telephone message was transmitted by Alexander Graham Bell in Boston, USA.

Lesson 11

Grammar. Дієприкметник теперішнього часу (Participle I)

Незалежний дієприкметниковий зворот.

Text 11A. Transport for Tomorrow

Text 11B. How It Works

Topic. Lutsk

Форми дієприкметника теперішнього часу






having written

being written

having been written

Exercise 1. Form Participle 1 (Indefinite Active) from these verbs and translate them into Ukrainian.

To develop, to measure, to involve, to build, to grow, to bring, to follow, to move, to obtain, to contain, to produce, to exert, to include, to use, to offer, to happen, to carry out, to tell, to keep, to divide, to lie, to die, to tie

Exercise 2. Read and translate into Ukrainian these word-combinations.

A. the engineer carrying out the research; the young man entering the University; the student studying foreign languages; the plan containing many details; the student attending all the lectures; the workers building a new house; the student measuring this quantity; the engineer using a new method; the car developing a great speed; the plant producing machinery; the growing population of the country

B. using new methods; constructing new machines; achieving good results; dividing the apple into three parts; discovering new lands; using new equipment; receiving important information, moving at high speed, leaving the town, graduating from the University.

C. having entered the University; having calculated the distance; having developed the speed of 120 km/h; having introduced new methods of work; having decided to leave the city; having installed a new equipment; having obtained the necessary information; having found the new way; having changed his behaviour; having offered her his help; having passed all examinations; having returned home

Exercise 3. Translate these sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to the Participle 1.

1. In the room we saw a boy writing a letter. 2. This firm producing computers is well known all over the world. 3. At last I have bought an automatic washing machine. 4. All objects surrounding us in nature are composed of different substances. 5. Being a good conductor, copper is widely used in industry. 6. A molecule is a compound consisting of two or more atoms. 7. Discussing chemical reactions we ought first to make clear what a chemical reaction is. 8. Raising the temperature we increase the agitation of the molecules. 9. Decreasing the temperature we slow down the reaction. 10. Efforts being made in the development of chemical industry meet with great success. 11. Driving a car a man tries to keep steady speed and watch the car in front of him. 12. Having stated the laws of gravity, Newton was able to explain the structure of the Universe. 13. Being more efficient than human being, computers are used more and more extensively. 14. Having graduated from Cambridge, Newton worked there as a tutor. 15. Having been published in 1687, Newton laws of motion are still the basis of research. 16. Being invented the digital technology solved the old problems of noise in signal transmission. 17. Having published his book about space exploration in 1895, Tsiolkovsky became known all over the world.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian, having in mind that the suffix - ing can be used for the formation of both the P I and the noun.

A person beginning some experiment should be very careful and attentive. The engineer was allowed to do the research himself from the beginning to the end.

I don't understand the meaning of some words in the text. The word “physics” comes from the Greek word meaning “nature”.

The reading of the device is wrong as it is out of order. The man reading some book at the table by the window is reading for his examination.

Building the house they paid special attention to the strength of its foundation. The building houses only technical equipment.

Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian, paying attention to the Absolute Participial Construction.

A. 1. There being little time left, they hired a cab to get to the theatre in time. 2. It being pretty late, they decided to postpone their visit. 3. The weather being cold, he put on his overcoat. 4. Dinner being over, they assembled in the drawing room. 5. The members of the committee argued, their views on the problem being different. 6. There being no bread, I had to go and buy some. 7. The bus being overcrowded, he had to stay. 8. The road being bad, we drove carefully. 9. There are several cities in Ukraine with the population over one million, Kyiv being the largest one.

B. 1. The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit was very low. 2. This material being a dialectric, no current can flow through it. 3. The electrons move with varying velocities, their velocity depending on the temperature and nature of the material. 4. Any moving object can do work, the quantity of kinetic energy depending on its mass and velocity. 5. Raio was invented in Russia, its inventor being the Russian scientist A. S. Popov.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. Читаючи книгу, він, як правило, робить помітки. 2. Прочитавши текст, ми обговорили його. 3. Відповідаючи на питання, студент зробив декілька помилок. 4. Відповівши на запитання, ми почали перекладати новий текст. 5. Оскільки мідь є хорошим провідником електрики, вона широко використовується у виробництві. 6. Побачивши зелене світло, ми перейшли дорогу. 7. Купуючи газету, він загубив гроші. 8. Проводячи дослід, ми підняли температуру до 980. 9. Вивчивши властивості деяких матеріалів, інженер вибрав ті, що потрібні для роботи. 10. Розробляючи нові матеріали, інженери повинні враховувати багато різних факторів.


Task I. Read and memorize the following words. Translate the sentences.

1. to ignite - запалювати. The liquid ignited when somebody dropped a match in it.

2. to mount - монтувати, встановлювати. A new telescope was mounted in the observatory.

3. angle - кут. They have measured the angles between horizontal line and the top of the mountain.

4. to indicate - вказувати, означати. The sudden wind indicated a change in the weather.

5. to apply - застосовувати. New and more reliable methods of computation are being applied in rocket engineering.

6. to exceed - перевищувати. Don't exceed the speed limit.

7. exhaust - вихлоп, випуск. Automobiles exhaust gases into atmosphere thereby polluting it.

8. valve - клапан, вентиль. Valves are needed to let the air into the cylinder and also to let out the burned gases.

9. to withstand - витримувати, протистояти. Even small rivers there need not just ordinary bridges but such that are capable to withstand all whims of the nature in all seasons.

10. to adjust - регулювати, встановлювати. I must adjust my watch, it's slow.

11. axis - вісь, осьова лінія. The car's four-wheel control system will ensure movement diagonally and even sideways, like a crab, at right angles to the longitudinal axis.

12. avoid - уникати, обходити. Radar may control the brakes to avoid collisions, and a display screen may show the car's position on the road.

13. available - доступний, який є в наявності. Is timber available in this region?

14. to warn - попереджувати. Drivers have been warned to avoid the roads through the city center.

15. destination - місце призначення. The parcel was sent to the wrong destination.

Task П. Read and translate the text

Text 11A.

Transport for Tomorrow.

One thing is certain about the public transport of the future: it must be more efficient than it is today. The time is coming when it will be quicker to fly across the Atlantic to New York than to travel from home to office. The two main problems are: what vehicle will we use and how can we plan our use of it?

There are already some modern vehicles which are not yet in common use, but which may become a usual means of transport in the future. One of these is the small electric car: we go out into the street, find an empty car, get into it, drive to our destination, get out and leave the car for the next person who comes along. In fact, there may be no need to drive these cars. With an automatic guidance system for cars being developed, it will be possible for us to select our destination just as today we select a telephone number, and our car will move automatically to the address we want.

For long journeys in private cars one can also use an automatic guidance system. Arriving at the motorway, a driver will select the lane he wishes to use, switch over to automatic driving, and then relax - dream, read the newspaper, have a meal, flirt with his passenger - while the car does the work for him. Unbelievable? It is already possible. Just as in many ships and aircraft today we are piloted automatically for the greater part of the journey, so in the future we can also have this luxury in our own cars.

A decade ago, the only thing electronic on most automobiles was the radio. But at present sophisticated electronics is playing a big part in current automotive research. For example, in every gasoline-powered car that General Motors Corporation makes there is a small computer continuously monitoring the exhaust. The device, about the size of a pack of cigarettes, adjusts the vehicle carburetor fuel intake to get the best fuel economy. Ford cars are equipped with an electronic instrument panel that, among other things, will calculate how far one can drive on the fuel left in the tank. It will also estimate the time of arrival at destination and tell the driver what speed he has averaged since turning on the ignition.

According to specialists these features made possible by microelectronics are only the beginning. Radar may control the brakes to avoid collisions, and a display screen may show the car's position on the road. Recently a radar to be mounted on lorries and cars has been designed in the USA. The radar aerial looks like a third headlight placed directly above the bumper. Having summed up the information about the speed and distance of various objects ahead, the computer detects all possible dangers and their nature. A third component in the system is a monitor on the instrument panel. The radar only observes objects ahead of the vehicle. It is automatically turned on when the speed exceeds ten miles an hour. The green light on the panel indicates that the system is on. The yellow light warns of stationary objects ahead, or something moving slower than the car. The red light and buzzer warn that the speed should go down. Another red light and sound signal make the driver apply the brakes.

A Japanese company is designing a car of a new generation. When completed, the new model will have a lot of unusual characteristics. The car's four-wheel control system will ensure movement diagonally and even sideways, like a crab, at right angles to the longitudinal axis. This is especially important when leaving the car in parking places. To help the driver get information while concentrating on the road, the most important data will be projected on the wind screen. A tourist traveling in such a car will not lose his way even in Sahara with its impassable roads: a navigation Earth satellite will indicate the route.

A new ceramic engine has been developed in Japan. Many important parts as pistons, pressure rings, valves and some others have been made of various ceramic materials, piston rings made of silicon materials being in many respects better than those of steel. They withstand temperatures up to 1,0000C. Therefore, the engine does not need a cooling system.

Notes to the Text

lane - ряд

gasoline-powered - з бензиновим двигуном

fuel intake - впорскування палива

among other things - крім всього іншого

what speed he has averaged - яка була його середня швидкість

pressure ring - ущільнювальне кільце

piston ring - поршневе кільце

valve - клапан

guidance system - система наведення

Exercise 7. Answer the questions.

1. What is the text about? 2. What kind of a car may be in common use in the near future? 3. How will a public electric car operate? 4. How will it operate on a motorway? 5. What electronic devices are there in a modern car? 6. What electronic devices does General Motors Corporation offer for a car? 7. What electronic devices are Ford cars equipped with? 8. Can a radar be used in a car? 9. What will its functions be? 10. What functions will a Japanese car of a new generation have? 11. What materials do the Japanese offer to use for car motors?

Exercise 8. Say whether the statements are true or false. If they are false, correct them.

1. An automatic guidance system was developed for the electric car. 2. Small electric cars are in common use. 3. Many ships and aircrafts are piloted automatically for the greater part of the journey. 4. Usually having arrived at a motorway, a driver switches over to automatic control and relaxes. 5. A decade ago there were many electronic things in the cars. 6. There is no future for microelectronics in automobiles. 7. Recently a radar to be mounted on lorries and cars has been designed in the USA. 8. A new ceramic engine has been developed in France.

Exercise 9. Translate the following word-combinations.

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