Англійська мова. Виконання практичних занять

Відбір мовного матеріалу в плані його типовості для стиля науково-технічної прози. Підбір текстів з оригінальної загальнонаукової та суспільно-політичної літератури. Система граматичних і лексичних вправ, що має на меті закріплення навчального матеріалу.

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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 16.07.2017
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Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Файл не выбран

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

1796 In England, Edward Jenner performed the first vaccination.

1799 Alessandro Volta, an Italian physicist, built the first battery.

Lesson 9

Grammar: Узгодження часів.

Text 9A. Television.

Text 9B. Telegraph.

Topic. Mass Media.

Узгодження часів

Зміна часів в підрядних реченнях

(дієслово-присудок головного речення стоїть в минулому часі)

Present Indefinite

Present Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Indefinite

Past Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Дія в підрядному ре-ченні відбувається одночасно з дією головного речення

Present Perfect

Past Indefinite

Past Perfect

Дія в підрядному реченні передує дії головного речення

Future Indefinite

Future Continuous

Future Perfect

Future Perfect Continuous

Future Ind. in the Past

Future Cont. in the Past

Future Perf. in the Past

Future P. C. in the Past

Дія в підрядному реченні є майбутньою по відношенню до дії головного речення

Sequence of tenses

She lives in Kyiv.

I knew that she lived in Kyiv.

Одночасна дія

He is working.

I thought that he was working.

I have been writing a letter for an hour.

I said that I had been writing a letter for an hour.

He has left Kyiv.

I didn't know that he had left Kyiv.

Дія в підрядному реченні передує

She lost her keys.

I knew that she had lost her keys.

He will write a letter to his father.

He said that he would write a letter to his father.

He will be writing a letter at five o'clock.

He said that he would be writing a letter at five o'clock.

He will have written a letter by five o'clock.

He said that he would have written a letter by five o'clock.

Exercise 1. Say whether the action of the object clause precedes, follows or is simultaneous with the action of the principal clause in the following sentences:

1. He thought I was not looking and hid himself in a little house. 2. Remember, you were telling me what a wonderful instrument it was. 3. I replied that I should be very pleased to do so. 4. Ted telegraphed that he would be three days late. 5. They told her he had married one of the country girls. 6. I wondered if he had been there, if he had heard anything. 7. She felt they had become friends. 8. He asked me what work I was doing and whether I intended to go to the University. 9. She asked me where I had been all day. 10. He said that he had been to Geneva the year before and he would go there again the next year. 11. The girl said that she was waiting for the London bus, and they told it had already gone. 12. He said that he did not know where the boy was. 13. Then she asked me where I lived and who my parents were. 14. She said that she was watching the sunset. 15. When she returned she said to her brother that his bride was the liveliest girl she had ever seen. 16. He said that he did not even know his relatives, had never heard of them, and had never seen them before. 17. He asked me what I was thinking about.

Exercise 2. Make the actions in the following object clauses simultaneous with those of their principal clauses:

1. I was surprised you (to know) my name. 2. She could not imagine what he (to do) there 3. I forgot what he (to look) like. 4. He told his father that then he (to make) ten dollars a week less. 5. She said to everyone who phoned her that she (to be) unwell and (not to leave) home. 6. It was strange to me that her world (to seem) to contain no conflict. 7. When I knew him better he admitted that he (to feel) lonely in London. 8. I felt that I at last (to know) her well enough. 9. She felt that her farther (not to want) to disturb her. 10. He rang up to ask how Elisabeth (to feel), and whether she (can) go to a concert on Sunday morning.

Exercise 3. Make the actions in the following object clauses precede those of their principal clauses:

1. David said that he (to ask) permission from the director for me to watch the dress rehearsal. 2. I knew that for the past twenty-five years he (to buy) the same paper each morning. 3. It was not known where he (to spend) his early childhood. 4. Of course he wondered why you (to cry). 5. It was a pity that you (to miss) the concert. 6. Her mother once confessed that she (to want) to be an actress. 7. I knew that he (to come) early. 8. Have you heard that I (to be) given that job. 9. She had telephoned her husband to the office to say that her brother (to return) from abroad. 10. He rang up to ask if they (to have) a good time in Italy.

Exercise 4. Make the actions in the following object clauses follow those of their principal clauses:

1. He decided that he (to go) to Berlin as soon as possible. 2. I sent them a telegram this morning to say I (to go) to England and that I (to write). 3. They wondered if he (to come) back. 4. Before leaving the house in the morning, she had told her mother she (to work) in the hospital that afternoon. 5. He was young and hoped that hard work (to do) great things for him in the future. 6. She asked me if I (to drop) her on the way into town. 7. I always knew you (to be) a success in America. 8. They were sure that she (not to come) the next day because she was very busy. 9. Our neighbours promised that they (to help) us to repair the house.

Непряма мова

Зміна обставин часу при перетворенні прямої мови в непряму

Direct speech

Reported speech








last year

last month


the day after tomorrow

that day

the day before

the next day/ the following day

before/ previously



that night

the year before

the month before

the following

in two day's time

Reported commands

“Don't move! Stop! ”

He told them

He ordered them

not to move and stop.

Exercise 5. Change direct speech into indirect speech:

1. “Open your book at page ten,” said our teacher to us. 2. “Don't ask me such stupid questions!" said Susan to him. 3. “Don't make so much noise,” said mother to her children. 4. “Please, open the window," asked granny. 5. “Don't phone me so late," she asked me. 6. “Leave your keys on the table, please," mother told me. 7. “Have your tickets ready,” a man told us. 8. “Don't smoke in my room," she asked him. 9. “Stay back!" ordered the police. 10. “Give me a lift into the city, please," she asked me.

Exercise 6. Change direct speech into indirect speech:

1. My friend said to me: “I have not seen you for ages!" 2. He said: “There is nobody here to stop them." 3. Jane said: “I am all right. Nothing worries me." 4. “She is not here. She has just left the office," the secretary said to us. 5. “There is no one by that name here," they answered. 6. “We have tried to telephone to Odessa for him,” they said. 7. “I don't think I will have done this work by the evening”, she said. 8. “I was in London last year," she said to me. 9. Joan said to Mary: “I didn't feel very well yesterday." 10. “We were in this city two years ago,” he said. 11. He said: “I worked at this factory five years ago. ”

Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences. Explain why the rules of the sequence of tenses are not observed in the subordinate clauses of the bold type.

1. I didn't know, I must confess, that Mars revolves about the Sun at a distance of 140, 000, 000 miles. 2. Now I could fully realize that custom is a second nature. 3. The teacher of physics said that there is the force of gravity in the Universe. 4. The teacher of the Ukrainian literature said that Taras Shevchenko was born in 1814. 5 He told that Paris is the capital of France. 6. The doctor said he must give up smoking. 7. He decided we ought to celebrate the occasion. 7. He said nobody should touch the thing. 8. I assured him they needn't know more.

Reported questions (прямий порядок слів)

He asked (me)

He wanted to know

He did not know

He wondered

Are you happy? ”

Do you speak English? ”

Does she work at a plant? ”

Is he watching TV? ”

Have you done your work? ”

Did you borrow the dictionary? ”

Will she come tomorrow? ”



I was happy.

I spoke English.

she worked at a plant.

he was watching TV.

I had done my work.

I had borrowed the dictionary.

she would come the next day.

He asked (me)

He wanted to know

He did not know

He wondered

“Why are you late? ”

“Where does she live? ”

“What are they doing? ”

“What have you bought? ”

“When did you start learning English? ”

“Where will you go? ”

why I was late.

where she lived.

what they were doing.

what I had bought.

when I had started learning English.

where I would go.

Exercise 8. Change direct speech into indirect speech.

1. The passenger asked: “Where's the information desk? ” 2. They asked: ”How much are the tickets? ” 3. The man asked me: “Do you know what time the train gets to Odessa? ” 4. He asked his grandson: “Have you any idea where I put my glasses? ” 5. He asked Peter: “How long do you work every day? ” 6. Her friend asked her: “Why do you keep complaining all the time? ” 7. Mother asked: “Why haven't you had your breakfast yet? ” 8. Janet asked Helen: “How did your husband react to the news? ” 9. “Whom are you waiting for? ” he asked them. 10. “Why did you return home so late last night? ” my mother said to me. 11. “When did they leave the country? ” he asked. 12. “Do you believe him? ” said the old lady. 13. “Where were they last night? ” said Dan to them. 14. “Why do you think the exam will be easy? ” she asked me.

Exercise 9. Translate into English observing the rules of the sequence of tenses.

1. Він не взяв парасольку, оскільки був впевнений, що дощу не буде. 2. Я думав, що вона хворіє. 3. Ми сподівались, що він прийде вчасно. 4. Я не знав, що його сестра вивчає англійську мову. 5. Він впевнений, що закінчить роботу до вечора. 6. Вона сказала, що не хоче йти на прогулянку. 7. Мій друг каже, що вже прочитав цю статтю. 8. Я не знав, що він зайнятий і не може мені допомогти. 9. Вона сподівалася, що я не працюватиму весь день в неділю. 10. Я сказав, що він щойно повернувся з відрядження. 11. Вона пообіцяла, що надішле нам листівку. 12. Ми хотіли знати, де він і що робить в цей час. 13. Я не міг зрозуміти, чому він не прийшов. 14. Вона сказала, що ніколи не зустрічала цієї жінки раніше і нічого про неї не чула. 15. Він сподівався, що проведе наступне літо біля моря. 16. Всі розуміли, що він помиляється, але ніхто не наважувався сказати йому про це. 17. Він сказав, що щойно повернувся з відрядження. 18. Ми не помітили, як діти вийшли з кімнати. 19. Він не хотів вірити, що вона сказала йому неправду. 20. Всі знали, що вона поїде у відрядження, але не знали, коли вона повернеться. 21. Ми були дуже раді, що не заблукали і прийшли вчасно. 22. Всі думали, що лекція почнеться о десятій. 23. Я знав, що нічого особливого з ним не трапилось. 24. Тренер пояснив нам, що це небезпечний вид спорту. 25. Я хотів знати, які мови вони вивчають і чи розмовляють вони англійською мовою. 26. Вони сказали, що економічна ситуація в нашій країні гірша, ніж вони припускали. 27. Вона сказала, що буде рада побачити нас знову.


Task I. Translate the following sentences.

evidently - очевидно. He is evidently able to do this work himself.

tiny - крихітний. There was a tiny insect on the flower.

attention - увага. Old cars need a lot of attention.

to compare - порівнювати. If you compare both of our cars you'll find they're very much alike.

to transmit - передавати. This information was transmitted over the radio.

within - протягом. They will arrive within an hour.

to spread - поширювати. The news soon spread throughout the town.

invention - винахід. Telephone is a wonderful invention.

instead - замість того. She never studies. Instead, she plays tennis all day long.

to surprise - дивувати, вражати. They surprised us with a visit.

to disappear - зникати. The sun disappeared behind a cloud.

nowadays - тепер, у наш час. Nowadays experiments do not always need laboratories and equipment.

wire - провідник. In a conductor, such as metal wire, there are many electrons that are free to move about.

to appear - з'являтися. If I fail to appear by 7 o'clock, I will not be coming at all.

to announce - оголошувати. The government announced that they would pay their debts.

rapid - швидкий. The school promised rapid results.

similar - подібний. We have similar opinions.

to weigh - важити. She weighs less than she used to.

advance - успіх, прогрес. There have been great advances in medicine in the last 50 years.

occupied - зайнятий. My day is fully occupied.

to resemble - нагадувати, бути схожим на. She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character.

Task II. Read and translate the text.

Text 9A.


The television set is evidently the most important and popular electronic product of all time. All homes in developed countries have one or more TVsets and in many countries there are consider_ably more TVsets than telephones.

But in 1939 at the World's Fair in New York a tiny nine-by-twelve inch box was the centre of attention for hundreds of people. They were the first to see a television set in action.compared to today's TV shows of underwater and outer-space research, those first black-white pictures were not very good. The pictures were only transmitted from one side of the Fair territory to the other. But in 1939 they were of historical importance.

Within a few days the news of television spread throughout the world. A lot of people wanted to have a look1 at the new invention. Everyone was interested in it. But only few people owned television sets in the next few years. When World War II broke out2 electronic factories that began the TV production stopped making them and started making war materials instead. When the war was over, TV sets began coming off factory assembly lines. By 1958 there were millions of them.

In a surprisingly short time people watched fewer films and turned from newspapers and magazines to TV. In its short history television has had great influence on people's life and way of think_ing. Rocket-launching, concerts and football and tennis matches can be seen direct as they occur. The boundaries of time and space have disappeared.

At present TV communication is provided with the help of a system of artificial earth satellites so that people living in different parts of the country and all over the world and in different time zones are able to watch the central TV programs at the most conve_nient hours.

Nowadays many countries also have cable TV, a system using wires for the transmission of television programs (like telephone calls). Cable television first appeared in 1949 as a means of trans_mitting TV signals to rural and mountain areas far from big cities. Cable television's next big step forward was made by the mid-1980s. Scientists announced that many technical problems had been solved and in the future it would be possible via satellite and cable TV to use more channels on a TV set at every home in the world.

Then we saw how a new technical invention, colour television, was rapidly replacing black-and-white television. Recently it was reported that the first pocket-size3 colour television set had been developed. It was stated that a liquid-crystal display4 was used sim_ilar to those on calculators and watches and that it weighed less than a pound.

A few years ago it became evident that the next major advance for TV would be digital television. In a digital system the usual con_tinuous signal is replaced by a digital code containing detailed in_formation on brightness, colour, etc. A digital TV set hangs on the wall like a picture. Essentially, it is a minicomputer with a visual display. Once a week5 you put the programs you like into the memory, and the TV set will automatically switch on the desired channel at the right time. You can watch several programs simulta_neously on miniscreens and then produce one of them in full for_mat. Also, the TV set can automatically video-record the programs when you are absent or occupied.

By the end of 1980s television has moved to a new and the most important stage in its development since the appearance of colour television. Technically it is called high-definition television (HDTV) 6 or Hi-Vision. This is the much higher resolution tele_vision7 of the 21st century. This revolution was started by Japanese manufacturers when they developed a new video system with a pic_ture resembling a wide-screen film more than traditional television. The new system increases the screen's width-to-height ratio8 (16: 9). The result is a picture several times sharper than in the exist_ing TV sets. Besides, recent developments in plasma display panel technology9 make HDTV commercially practicable. The plasma display makes it possible to produce a large, bright, colour, flat TV screen so thin and light that it can also be hung on a wall like a framed picture. The engineering problem that has existed almost since the first days of television may be solved now.

Notes to the Text

1. to have a look - глянути, подивитися

2. to break out - початися, вибухнути

3. pocket-size - кишеньковий

4. liquid-crystal display - пристрій зображення на рідких кристалах

5. once a week - один раз в тиждень

6. high-definition television (HDTV) - телебачення з високою чіткістю зображення

7. high resolution television - телебачення з великою розрізнювальною здатністю

8. width-to-height ratio - відношення ширини до висоти

9. plasma display panel technology - виробництво плазмових панелей

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions on the text.

1. What invention was the center of attention at the World Fair in New York in 1939? 2. Were people interested in the new invention? 3. What stopped the TV production? 4. What is cable television? 5. What is digital television? 6. What is high-definition television? 7. What influence has had television on people's life and way of thinking? 8. What kinds of TV exist now? 9. What is the latest and the most im_portant stage in the development of television since the appearance of colour television? 10. What is the ad_vantage of high-definition television? 11. What technology makes HDTV commercially practicable now?

Exercise 11. Choose the correct translation of the following words.

surprisingly - подив, дивовижний, дивно;

evident - очевидно, очевидний, очевидність;

invention - винаходити, винахід;

communication - повідомляти, зв'язок, компанійський;

continuous - продовжувати, безперервний, безперервно;

essentially - істотний, по суті, суть;

brightness - яскравий, прояснятися, яскравість;

practicable - практичний, здійсненний, практика;

recorder - запис, записувати, реєструючий пристрій;

convenient - зручність, зручний, зручно;

attention - уважний, уважно, увага;

numerous - численний, кількість, число

Exercise 12. Read the following sentences and write T if the sentence is true; write F if it is false.

1. A lot of people owned television sets in the first years after its invention. 2. First television black-and-white pictures were excel_lent. 3. Only few people owned television sets in the next few years after their appearance. 4. Black-and-white television was rapidly replacing colour television. 5. First television black-and-white pic_tures were not very good. 6. Only a few years ago colour television was rapidly replacing black-and-white television. 7. When the war was over, TV sets stopped coming off factory assembly lines. 8. Af_ter World War II TV sets began coming off factory assembly lines.

Exercise 13. Search text 9A for the sentences where the rule of the Sequence of Tenses is used. Translate the sentences.

Exercise 14. Read the following sentences and point out the ways of connecting object clauses with the principal clause.

1. It was reported in 1939 that the first TV set was shown at the World Fair in New York. 2. The students wanted to know whether colour television sets were produced at that plant. 3. After the war when the mass production of TV sets began, people realized they wanted to have a TV set at home. 4. Experiments proved that elec_tricity could travel instantly over a long piece of wire. 5. Can you tell me whether satellites are used for telephone communication? 6. It became clear television had a great influence on people's life. 7.russian newspapers informed that about 2,000 satellites had been launched into the orbit. 8. We did not know whether the de_velopment of television had continued during the war. 9. We know he works at the problem of space communication.

Exercise 15. Read the sentences and find those ones where the rule of the Sequence of Tenses is used.

1. Some years ago India began its Satellite Instructional Televi_sion Experiment. This experiment showed (that) satellite television programs had been a success with schoolchildren, their knowledge level had increased considerably. It was found that children could remember and speak about programs which they had seen several weeks back. 2. Many experts could not decide whether so much TV was harmful to the individual's health and mental activity or not. 3. Specialists did not know if it was possible to continue modernizing the electronic equipment of this kind - the costs were too high. 4. There appeared some reports that we had technical means to use much more channels on a TV set and we should be able to see many sports and news programs from all parts of the world soon. 5. At first it was not clear whether new telephone and teletype communication with ships via six satellites was economical and re_liable or not. 6. It was announced that the cryogenic cable had been invented in Russia. 7. We know different transmitters are used in a television system - one for the sound channel and the other for the picture channel. 8. We learnt from the lecture that electricity was still considered the main source for new technological developments.

Exercise 16. Pick out: a) synonyms;


tiny - small, to disappear - to appear, a lot of - many, dif_ferent - various, next - following, short - long, to watch - to see, program - show, commonly - usually, less - more, possible - im_possible, true - untrue, small - large, nowadays - at present, large - tremendous, advance - progress, to start - to begin, major - main, to report - to announce, to occur - to take place, convenient - suitable

Exercise 17. Write the initial forms of the following words which can be found in a dictionary.

boxes, matches, beginning, tinier, owned, boundaries, possibly, replacing, less.

Exercise 18. Find in a dictionary the suitable meaning of the following words and word-combinations in bold type.

A. 1. The Japanese companies developed the first pocket-size colоur television set. 2. Man first set foot on the Moon in July, 1969. 3 Special telephone sets are used at plants in tropical sea climate. 4. A great Russian scientist A. N. Krylov took an active part in the work of the first Atomic Commission set up at the Optical Insti_tute. 5. It was Popov who constructed the first radio set. 6. One of the global tasks nowadays is to set up solar power plants on high orbits. 7. Ships are equipped with radar sets helping them to ori_ent at sea.

B. 1. New directions of research in robotics were discussed at the last conference. 2. There is no direct connection between those processes. 3. This program is directed toward the scientific study of various physico-chemical processes. 4. Our scientists must direct their attention to the development of new technologies. 5. Further human progress is directly connected with the scientific and tech_nological progress. 6. Our task is to develop technological pro_cesses without a direct participation of man. 7. The future of mankind depends on the direction in which scientific and techno_logical progress will be developing. 8. There is a direct communi_cation between spacecrafts and the Earth, and between spacecrafts as well.

Exercise 19. Read and translate the text without consulting the dictionary.

Recently it was reported in the press that the USA was trying to build bigger, better and much more expensive TV sets. Experts de_clared that it was the most important change in television since the invention of colour television. They informed that a new kind of television had images so clear that watching it was like looking through a window.

But it became known that Japanese specialists had started their work on HDTV when nobody else in the world was thinking how to improve TV. The inventors expected that their standard for high-definition television would be used throughout the world. However, the Europeans have announced that they would set their own standard. And now it is not clear whether the Japanese stan_dard will be used or not. Some people consider that a single high-definition TV standard will allow to exchange news and may bring nations together.

Task III. Read and translate the text.

Text 9B.


Benjamin Franklin, an American who is famous for his interesting and useful inventions, published his ideas about electricity in 1752. Scientists in many countries became interested in this wonderful form of energy. They wanted to find the answer to a very important question: could the electricity be used to develop a fast, efficient system of long-distance communication? Experiments proved that electricity could travel instantly over a very long piece of wire. How could electricity be used to send a message? A Danish scientist discovered that electricity could move a needle from left to right and that the needle could be pointed at letters on a piece of paper. Then a German government worker made up a code system that could be used with an electric needle. In 1837 two English scientists sent a message by electric telegraph for a distance of more than 1. 6 kilometers.

Samuel Morse, an American portrait painter, was experimenting with an electric telegraph too. At first he connected a pencil to an electric wire. When the electricity came through the wire the pencil made wavy lines. Then Morse invented a code that used dots and dashes for the letters of the alphabet. Finally, he discovered that telegraph messages was sent by telegraph for 64 kilometers.

Telegraph companies were formed in many cities. By 1861 telegraph wires stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific. In Europe too, Samuel Morse's system became popular.

But telegraph wires couldn't be hung over an ocean. Messages to and from Europe had to be sent by ship - a journey of two or three weeks. A new method was needed.

The Atlantic Telegraph Company which was organized in 1856 wanted to try to lay a cable on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. The 4,000-kilometer cable broke three times. Each time a new cable had to be made. Finally, on July 27, 1866, the first transatlantic message was sent from Newfoundland to Ireland.

Later cables were laid to Central and South America. After 1900 transpacific cables were laid to Asia and Australia. At last news and business information could be sent instantly to almost every country in the world.

Exercise 20. Find the English equivalents of the following in the text.

бути відомим своїми цікавими винаходами, форма енергії, знайти відповідь, система дальнього зв'язку, передаватися миттєво, посилати повідомлення, рухати стрілку, створити кодову систему, художник-портретист, електричний дріт, робити хвилясті лінії, крапки і тире, телеграфні компанії, телеграфний дріт, прокласти кабель, розриватися тричі

Exercise 21. Match the words (1-5) with their definition (a-e)

1. Telegraph a. A piece of thin metal like a thread used for carrying

electricity from one place to another.

2. Inventor b. A set of wires which carry electricity or telegraph

and telephone messages.

3. Message c. A method of sending messages along wire by electric


4. Wire d. A person who invents something new.

5. Cable e. A spoken or written piece of information passed from

one person to another.

Exercise 22. Answer the following questions on the text.

What biographical facts from the life of Benjamin Franklin are given in the text? 2. What other facts do you know about the inventor of the telephone in addition to those mentioned in the text? 3. What new information did you get to know from the text?


Task IV. Learn the following words and word-combinations.

1. mass media засоби масової інформації

2. viewer глядач

3. to relax розслабитися

4. to have a fun розважатися

5. satellite television супутникове телебачення

6. hardly навряд чи

7. to imagine уявити

8. to supply забезпечити, надавати

9. to carry містити

10. to cover охоплювати

11.rumours чутки

12. advertising рекламування, реклама; рекламний

13. fun story кумедна історія

14. coverage зведення

15. public affairs суспільні події

16. assortment вибір, асортимент

17. entertainment розвага

18. fashion мода

19. channel канал

20. huge величезний

21. Sci-Tech channel науково-технічний канал

22. to be keen захоплюватися

23. extinct зниклий

24. dozen дюжина

25. disaster нещастя, катастрофа

26. earthquake землетрус

27. negotiations переговори

28. pollution забруднення

29. to be lost губитися

30. radio broadcast радіопередача

31. to value цінити

32. to be fond of любити

33. show видовище

34. movies кіно

35. sports спортивні змагання

36. spreading поширення

37. to keep продовжувати робити щось

38. current events поточні події

39. to extend (тут) продовжувати поглиблювати

40. to follow слідкувати, подобатися

41. instructive освітній

42. entertaining розважальний

Task V. Read and translate the topic.

Mass Media

Mass Media has become an important part of our life. We all have already become listeners, readers, viewers long time ago. We get information we need while we are reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the news on the radio. If you want to relax, you can just switch on any FM station and enjoy music or you switch on your TV set, choose one of the music channels and have a fun. Now you can hardly imagine that just 15 years ago there was no FM radio in the state, no satellite television and internet at all.

Newspapers, with their different kinds of news, can supply any kind of information. They carry articles that cover the latest international and national events, all kinds of rumours, advertising, fun stories, biographies of well-known people, etc. You can buy newspapers also for the radio and TV programs, where a full coverage of commercial, financial and public affairs is given. There are newspapers and magazines for young people. They give a wide assortment of news, events and reports on education, sports, cultural life, entertainment, fashion, etc. There are many advertising programs now. If you like to know more about the World, you can watch Discovery channels that represent a huge massive of information on people lives, biographies (Discovery People channel), new discoveries in science (Discovery Science, Discovery Sci-Tech channels). If you are keen on travelling, ancient extinct civilizations, Discovery Civilization is your channel. There are about dozen of Discovery Channels, with the help of which we can choose everything we want. Our television provides so much information which can vary from social and economic crises, conflicts, wars, disasters, earthquakes, to diplomatic visits, negotiations; from terrorism to pollution problems, strikes, social movements that sometimes we are lost in this information ocean.

Radio broadcasts are valued mainly for their music programs.

Viewers are fond of watching different shows, movies, sports, plays, games, educational and cultural programs and so on.

It is impossible to imagine our life without newspapers, radio and TV. They are the quickest means of spreading news and information. They keep us informed about current events, extend education, allow us to follow the latest developments in science and politics and offer an endless number of programs which are both instructive and entertaining.

Exercise 23. Translate into English.

засоби масової інформації, важлива частина, отримувати інформацію, читати газети і журнали, дивитися телевізор, слухати новини по радіо, розслабитися, увімкнути будь-яку станцію FM, вибрати канал, розважатися, важко уявити, супутникове телебачення, різні новини, надати будь-яку інформацію, міжнародні і національні події, чутки і реклами, кумедні історії, газети з програмами радіо і телебачення; повне зведення комерційних, фінансових і суспільних подій; подавати широкий спектр подій, повідомлення відносно освіти, спортивне і культурне життя, рекламні програми, дізнатися більше про світ, канали Діскавері, величезна маса інформації, канал Діскавері про людей, відкриття в науці, канал Діскавері-наука, науково-технічний канал Діскавері, бути прихильником подорожей, стародавні зниклі цивілізації, канал Діскавері-цивілізація, соціально-економічні кризи, конфлікти і війни, катастрофи і землетруси, дипломатичні візити і переговори, проблеми забруднення, страйки і соціальні рухи, губитися в океані інформації, радіопередачі, цінитися за., музичні програми, різні фільми, спортивні змагання, освітні і культурні програми, найшвидший засіб поширення інформації, поточні події, підвищувати освітній рівень, пропонувати нескінченну кількість програм, освітні і розважальні програми

Exercise 24. Answer the following questions on the text.

1. How do we get information that we need? 2. What information can we find in newspapers? 3. What kind of programs do Discovery channels broadcast? 4. Why can one be lost in the information ocean of television? 5. What is the main value of radio broadcasts?

Key dates in science.

The English chemist John Dalton published A new system of Chemical Philosophy containing his theories of atomic structure.

1810 The first electric lamp was discovered in London, England.

1821 Michael Faraday, an English scientist, invented an electric motor.

1831 Michael Faraday invented the dynamo.

1833 English mathematicians Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace worked on the Analytical Engine, a forerunner (попередник) of the computer.

Lesson 10

Grammar. Модальні дієслова

Text 10A. Made in Space

Text 10B. Ancient Steel-making Secret

Topic. Ukraine's Economy

Форми модальних дієслів













Еквіваленти модальних дієслів




to be able

to be allowed

to have (to) - (бути

вимушеним в силу обставин)

to be (to) - (бути зобов'язаним в силу домовленності, пла-

ну, розкладу)

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. My brother can speak English. 2. She can do everything you do. 3. The travelers can see the house behind the trees. 4. You can reach the station in half an hour. 5. The teacher can show us how to do it. 6. We can get this book at the library. 7. Nobody can help me. 8. No one can translate this sentence. 9. Excuse me. Where can I find the manager? - Sorry, I can't help you. 10. That can't be true, can it? 11. Can you wait a moment, please? 12. Can you do me a favour? 13 We could take our exams ahead of schedule when we studied at the University. 14. The subject of yesterday's lecture was new to me but I could understand everything. 15. When in the exam, Peter could remember everything, and his answer was excellent. 16. At that time, Roger was the champion of the University. No one could play tennis as well as he did. 17. The computer virus was going to ruin all the files but we were able to prevent it. 18. He will be able to write to me. 19. We'll be able to see the performance to-night. 20. Which of your students will be able to take part in the concert?

Exercise 2. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. You can persuade him to give up smoking. 2. My brother can do sums better than his friend. 3. I can finish the work in time. 4. They could easily get to the University in half an hour. 5. We can use the indefinite article with this noun. 6. My brother could speak English. 7. She could play tennis in her youth. 8. I was able to help him. 9. He could repair his radio set himself. 10. They will be able to take part in the coming competitions. 11. They were able to fulfil the task without delay. 12. I am able to start working immediately.

Exercise 3. Refer the following sentences to the past and the future.

1. I can do it. 2. Can you see him? 3. He can't come to you tomorrow. 4. You cannot go there by bus. 5. Can they translate such texts? 6. He can learn everything with ease. 7. I can't accept your offer. 8. I cannot go away. 9. The government alone can initiate that.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я можу працювати в суботу, якщо це необхідно. 2. Вона говорить, що могла б посидіти з дітьми завтра ввечері. 3. Ти міг би допомогти нам? - Зараз я поспішаю, але завтра я зможу допомогти. 4. Наш викладач інколи може бути дуже суворим. 5. Він не може прийти о третій годині. В нього в цей час уроки. 6. Ми не можемо купити цю квартиру - вона дуже дорога. 7. Він зміг перекласти цю книгу лише за два місяці. 8. Ти зміг би перекласти цю статтю? 9. Агата Крісті вміла писати цікаві детективи. 10. Вона не зможе вчасно дістатися до аеропорту. 11. Чи зможеш ти відправити йому електронну пошту сьогодні ввечері? 12. Чи зможеш ти виконати цю роботу завтра? 13. Я не зможу допомогти тобі переїхати в новий будинок наступного тижня. Я буду зайнятим.

Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian the following sentences with different forms of the Infinitive after can and could.

1. Can it be true? 2. He can't have read this book in two days! 3. I can't have lost the ticket. I've put it into my pocket. 4. They can't have arrived. I received the telegram only yesterday. 5. Can she have deceived me? 6. Can she still be speaking to the dean? 7. My son can't be telling lies. 8. They can't have failed to speak to the dean. 9. She can't have left the letter unanswered. 10. She could have gone earlier but she didn't. 11. This student could have answered better, but he didn't. 12. He could have sent the telegram earlier, but he didn't. 13. He could have passed his exam in maths, but he failed.

Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences with may (might).

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