A study of the first planned cities in Europe: the Greek city-states and Ancient Rome. Analysis of new market places and urban symbols. Revival and creation of a new urban planning system. The rise of colonial settlements and European urban planning.
The treatment of words in lexicology. The importance of the connection between lexicology and phonetics. Definition of the word. Segmentation into denotative and connotative meaning. Method of revealing connotations the analysis of synonymic groups.
Investigation of the structure of the Lisogorsko-Yaroshevskaya zone based on the results of studying and analyzing the maps of deposition capacities of 25 complexes. The history of the formation of the zone under the influence of natural processes.
The living Tower of London. Meet The Ravens. Beefeaters - guards in the palace of French kings, they protected the king's food. Gunpowder plot, November 5, 1605. Guy Fawkes’ Night. The Gunpowder Plot Conspirators. Traditional rhymes of Great Britain.
Kazakhstan is a multi cultural country, which is situated in the heart of the Eurasia continent. The main stages of formation and development of statehood in the territory, the first settlements. Outstanding representatives and their activities.
- 156. History of Kazakstan
Social-economic and political life of Kazakhstan in 1970s and 80s. Personnel policy of the Communist Party in 1960. Creation in Kazakhstan German autonomy in the spring of 1979. The development of the coal and oil industry in Kazakhstan in 1970.
- 157. History of Laptops
The laptop as a portable personal computer, in the case of which combined typical PC components, including display, keyboard, and the device instructions and the battery. Active matrix display technology and color screens. Wireless: Enabler for Mobility.
Abel Janszoon Tasman as the first European explorer who discovered New Zealand. Social organization with families, sub-tribes and tribes. The influence on New Zealand American, Australian and other European cultures. The traditional crafts of carving.
Ensuring the sovereignty of Kazakhstan after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Finding ways to overcome territorial disputes between countries. Objectives of establishing a national council for cooperation and confidence-building measures in Asia.
The partnerships of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the regions, districts, border areas. History of regional relations. The partnership in foreign policy allows the realization of relations, especially in the economic and social spheres.
- 161. History of Scotland
The main stages of the history of Scotland, the establishment in the territory of statehood and the first nations. Activities prominent public and political figures of the country, its current social situation and evaluation of further prospects.
- 162. History of Suffolk
History of education of the County of Suffolk, its geographical location. The characteristics and formation of a land division, creation of administrative districts. Suffolk and the Ice age, the base of the Ipswich, a description of East and West Suffolk.
Smolensk is the key city of the diamond capital of Russia, the necklace of the Russian state, the city of Russian glory, with a huge number of attractions located on seven hills. The mention of the city in the Russian chronicles; date of its foundation.
A West Germanic language that originated from the Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain by Germanic invaders. Information for the culture of the Germanic peoples. The history of influence of foreign elements to the English language. Foreign words.
Part of Beowulf, a poem written in Old English. Indo-European language and people. Characteristics of the Old English. The Germanic tribes. The infinitive of verbs. Dialects in the United States. The most famous writers from the Middle English period.
Lecture course in English. A selection of texts, including samples of old English, middle English and new England periods, with questions and tasks to them, as well as a common vocabulary to texts and a brief guide to their analysis and interpretation.
The basic features and characteristic features of the English literature as its chronological development. The best representatives of prose and poetry, dramatic art of different epoch and directions. Subjects of products of modern English authors.
History, corporate governance and recent company developments of the Ford Motor Company. Brands and marques, global markets, environmental record. Small cars, alternative fuel and electric vehicles, auto racing, trucks. Detractors point to Henry Ford's.
Description, history of becoming and development of Poltava National Pedagogical University. Modern state of this educational establishment, prospects of his development in the future. Specialities which are prepared by Pedagogical National University.
History of the first mascara ancient egyptians. The invention is first packaged mascara from a mixture of coal and petroleum jelly. Development by Helena Rubinstein water resistant mascara based turpentine. Varieties of modern mascara: waterproof, color.
- 171. Hitchhiking
Hitchhiking is a great way to travel that allows you to really get to know the locals. It is important to choose a good spot to hitchhike. A lot of hitchers debate whether to use signs or not. Ride sharing agencies are a good alternative to hitchhiking.
Acquaintance with the morphological markers of the causative, which are attested in the Hittite language. A characteristic of the coexistence of parallel stems, which may be partly due to the fact that the mother tongue of most scribes was Luvian.
Analysis of the factors the fuelling the spread of HIV/AIDS in Cameroon (level of education, age, occupation and environmental characteristics). Pandemic effect on agricultural production by gender of household head, marital status and place of residence.
Частота гена DRB1, гаплотипа DRB1-DQA-DQB1 в популяционных группах России. Характеристика HLA DRB1 маркеров чувствительности, устойчивости к развитию заболевания сахарным диабетом. Аутоиммунные заболевания как возможный механизм действия отбора на HLA II.
Study of the peculiarities of the festive culture of Ukrainians in the second half of the XX - XXI century, taking into account the globalization trends taking place in the world. History of appeal to the national calendar, respect for public holidays.
Holidays China: the Feast Of The Dragon, Chinese New Year, the lantern festival, the feast of purity and clarity. Holidays Japan: Setsubun, "Day of green space", the sea festival, Age Day. Holidays Vietnam: Day Wandering souls, Buddha's birthday.
In the United States Americans honor their mothers and grandmothers, on the second Sunday in May. Memorial Day called Decoration Day, is a day to remember those who have died in our nation's service. Holydays in Great Britain. Holidays in Ukraine.
- 178. Holidays in the USA
New Year's Day. Washington's Birthday and Easter. Confederate Memorial Day. Independence Day and Labor Day. Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Public life, background, observance, symbols of holiday. Unique or historical celebrations.
Many parents today are looking to alternative schools that offer different philosophies of education than mainstream schools. The diversity of alternative schools sets them apart from mainline education. Education for Meaning and Social Justice.
- 180. Hollywood
The history of creation of Hollywood. Filmmaking in the greater Los Angeles area. The establishing of the first studio in Hollywood. Hollywood neighborhoods and communities, the annual Hollywood Christmas parade, classic film festival and exposition.