The problem of harmonization of linguistic terminology. Prepositional equivalents of the word. Correlation between the terms in languages used by various scholars. Harmonizing terminology by referring items as "prepositional equivalents of the word".
XGBoost 2.0 features, applications and benefits in climate analytics. Analyze complex climate data and gain a deeper understanding of climate dynamics with Multi-Target Trees with vector sheet output, improved scalability and computational efficiency.
Advancement in analytical tools available for climate science research. The key features of XGBoost 2.0 and elucidations of its potential applications and benefits in the domain of climate science analytics. Multi-target trees with vector-leaf outputs.
Виведення гіпотетико-дедуктивної теорії уможливлення апробації emoji в лінгвокриміналістичних експертизах судових справ України з апеляцією до вже апробованих судових експертиз emoji у світовому контексті. Іконографічні або піктографічні види мови emoji.
Geopolitical, military and economic significance of the Arctic. Reasons for increasing the presence of the Russia, ensuring the country's energy security. Opening of new trade and routes. Search for ways to resolve territorial conflicts in the Arctic.
Огляд практики використання дітей у радянській партизанській війні в якості розвідників, учасників бойових дій, катів, виконавців диверсій, терактів. Вбивства партизанами дітей ворога і дітей лояльного мирного населення, дітей партизанів-соратників.
Typical noun phrase patterns in The Guardian editorials and headlines. Specific grammar, figurative language, persuasive strategies, structural and semantic features of headlines. Selection of nouns in prepositions to avoid semantic ambiguity of phrases.
Discussion of aspects related to the cultural and social contexts of health and disease, in identifying the features that affect the social perceptions of health and disease in the inhabitants of Russia. Formation of social ideas about health and disease.
Study of the image of the last Romanian witch in Transcarpathia, on the line of the Ukrainian border of the river Tisza, which was inhabited by Romanians. The magical activity of the Romanian witch from Ukraine in terms of ethnographic research.
Justification of the Covid-19 pandemic as a global problem of all mankind, the relationship of health care with other global problems. Analysis of the possibility of self-organization of social and economic life in the context of the coronavirus.
Analysis of the practice of humanity's struggle for its biological survival against the global Covid-19. The problem of health and its place among the modern global problems of mankind. The self-organization of public life in the context of coronavirus.
The Covid-19 is a natural pathogen, a combination of reasons for an existing way of life split, a response and revenge to mankind for its predatory environmental management strategy. Analysis self-organization of public life in the context of coronavirus.
Features of the health care system in the United States. General characteristics of the structure of the health system, familiarity with the features. Analysis of public health programs and financing system. Analysis of major government programs.
- 44. Health care technologies in creating optimal working conditions in higher education institutions
Study of clinical and instrumental aspects of neck-shoulder syndrome for the development of a preventive program and rehabilitation tactics. Manifestation of reflex syndromes of cervical osteochondrosis. Drugs that reduce irritative-paroxysmal phenomena.
Reviewed epidemiological, environmental state of the population. Analyzed data on provide of food and water, the level of diseases. Recommendations for vaccination, holding chemoprophylaxis of malaria, and rules of conduct, that reduce the risk to health.
As a result of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the main components of health-preserving training of kindergarten teachers were considered. The relevance of problem in the preschool education system of Ukraine is substantiated.
The attention and pedagogical staff of a education institution to the problem of their awareness of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle. The importance of taking into account in this process the constant changes in the system of training specialists.
Role of diseases of the circulatory system in the structure of diseases and rank significance, overall mortality in war veterans. Limitation of their communicative functions due to natural involutionary processes – the hearing loss and vision loss.
Consideration of the negative impact of stress on the human body. Basic rules of taking care of their physical and mental health. The importance of exercise, healthy diet, lack of bad habits, avoiding anxiety routine. The need to protect the environment.
Interpretations of notions "health", "healthy way of life", "culture of health", their research. The healthy way of life as a cultural tradition of society, which is widely spread in many countries of the West and the East, their cultivation in Ukraine.
The use of heat pumps for home heating. Employ of safe freezing fluid as a coolant in the soil and water systems. The property of the installation of the air exchanger near the house or on the roof. The main disadvantages of heat pumping installations.
Heat transfer of phonons with a generalized model of Landauer-Datta-Lundstrom. A quantitative description of the transport processes for any size resistors in ballistic, quasi-ballistic and diffuse linear modes. The crystal lattice thermal conductivity.
Improving matching techniques constructional and technological parameters of the installation with the modes of its work taking into account the features of the resonator. The changes in the dielectric parameters of raw material during the heat treatment.
Heavy metal fans as a "subculture of alienation" with its own standards for achieving authenticity within the group. The musical subcultures of heavy metal and punk. A following of the heavy metal music in the countries beyond the United Kingdom.
Why do companies hedge the different proportion of their production. Significant variation of companies' behavior means. The factors that determine hedging activities. The financial distress costs reduction and optimizing of investment financing.
Philosophical reflections on the art of Heidegger: changing aesthetic paradigms of art to an event, or performance. Art artifact as a component of a comprehensive experience of art, engaging, and combinatorial activity of the perceiving subject.
Heidegger writes that metaphysics is in decline and is approaching its end, as the earth informed by metaphysics has become desolate, as is evident from the events of the last century. This decline marks the oblivion of Being as the truth of metaphysics.
Results of phenological observations of the growth and development of Jerusalem artichoke in soil and climatic conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Potential possibilities of culture. Jerusalem artichoke as a valuable fodder, food, medicinal culture.
Підхід до хірургічного лікування пацієнтів з виразковою хворобою шлунка і ДПК з огляду на присутність і тривалу персистенцію інфекції Нр в шлунку і можливість виникнення та прогресування дисрегенераторних змін в слизовій оболонці шлунка у хворих.
Связь течения H. Pylori-негативной язвенной болезни с более высокой кумулятивной частотой рецидивов и осложнений, длительными сроками рубцевания язв, рефрактерностью к проводимой терапии. Факторы риска, идентифицированные для H. pylori-негативной язвы.