Transformation of the content and forms of Hellenic theology in the era of ancient classics. Conversion of the meanings of mythological gods in the abstract meanings of the Absolute. The role of the ancient theater in the cognitive embodiment of theology.
- 62. HELLP-синдром
HELLP-синдром как редкое осложнение в акушерстве, возникающее, в III триместре беременности, на сроке 35 или более недель. Содержание тромбоцитов в крови. Генетические дефекты ферментов печени. Основные этапы развития синдрома при тяжёлой форме гестоза.
Классификация HELLP-синдрома на основании лабораторных признаков. Аутоиммунное повреждение эндотелия, гиповолемия со сгущением крови и образование микротромбов с последующим фибринолизом как этапы развития HELLP-синдрома при тяжёлой форме гестоза.
Гемолиз, повышение уровня печеночных ферментов, уменьшение количества тромбоцитов. Осложнение гестоза и угроза жизни матери и плода. Перинатальная смертность при Hellp-синдроме. Возможные причины развития заболевания. Изменения в системе гемостаза.
Результаты изучения состояния региональной популяции Hemileccinum impolitum Sutara (ßoletus impolitus Fr.) на территории Белгородской области Российской Федерации, где выявлено 3 местообитания данного вида. Региональная популяция H. impolitum.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow one of the most popular of modern poets. He first sought the road to public honors by pursuing the beaten path, time out of mind the highway. Many of his juvenile poems were originally published in the United Literary Gazette.
- 67. Herbert Wells
Brief biography living of the famous English science fiction writer 20th century Herbert George Wells . The main topics concerned with his work as a journalist. Recognition of his work after his death. Analysis of his most famous work "The Invisible Man".
Learning the biography of Herman Melville, who after the publication of Moby Dick, was seeing positive reviews of his works in England and America, because readers captivated by his authentic story telling of exotic adventures and he wrote other works.
The essence of the pedagogical concept of G. Gmeiner, the founder of the first SOS-Children’s Village, is humanistically oriented. Implementation of the idea of family upbringing of children in practice, difficulties and finding ways to implement it.
Philosophical approach to phenomenology in work that centers around technology. The content of the eclectic school "experimental phenomenology" with bridges and hermeneutics pragmatism Instrument development of intermediary between man and the world.
The broader meaning of hermeneutics is presented, a meaning that cannot be reduced to the method of scientific research. It is assumed that the basis of hermeneutical rationality is the human way of life, which is characterized not by total self-control.
This analysis and comparing two analytical approaches actively advanced in the school of America hermeneutic psychology and clinical social psychology: "hermeneutics of love" and "hermeneutics of suspicion". The hermeneutics as a foundation for thinking.
The archetype of the hero and the villain in the context of delinquency. Characteristics of the hero. The values of heroes and thieves, which they carriers in their activities. Universal, European values of a just war of a modern Ukrainian hero.
The mechanism of mythologization of modern figures of heroes in the latest culture. Analysis of the competence of creators of such figures and their connection with the process of mythologization. The reasons for this phenomenon in contemporary culture.
Philosophical-anthropological analysis of hesychasm, its essence and meaning. The main criteria for hesychasm: rest; "Smarter doing", the catharsis of the mind and heart, and their combination, the contemplation of the light of Tabor from the Divine.
A philosophical-anthropological analysis of hesychasm reveals its essence and meaning. There are determined basic criteria of hesychasm: quietude; the practice of inner prayer, catharsis of mind and heart; bodily techniques, aiming at union with God.
- 77. Heteroepitaxial 96x128 Lead Chalcogenide on Silicon Infrared Focal Plane Array for Thermal Imaging
The realization of a 2-d narrow gap IR-FPA on a Si-substrate containing the active addressing electronics: A 96x128 array with 75 µm pitch for row-by row electronic scanning and parallel read-out of the line addressed. Photovoltaic sensors in the layers.
The heterologous expression of oxygenase and glycosyltransferase genes, changes in antibiotics production, resulting from post-PKS synthase tailoring gene expression in streptomycete strains. The potential of genes for generation of bioactive metabolite.
The development of heuristic thinking in students - a way to provide opportunities for self-acquisition of knowledge, their creative application in various conditions of practical activity. The main professional qualities of the environment designer.
Consideration of research theoretical aspects of future environment designers' heuristic thinking as a necessary condition for the success of their professional activity. Possibilities of implementation of basic forms and methods of heuristic learning.
Synthesis of hexafluorosilicates was performed by the ion exchange reaction between methanol solutions of the corresponding hydrochloride. Determination of nitrogen content which according to Kjeldahl and silicon content by the photocolorimetric method.
Research of the essence and manifestations of the influence of hi-hume technologies on the value orientations of society as a whole and transformation of the basis of the value paradigm at the present stage of development of modern social relations.
Concept and the magnetic ballast control system for High Intensity Discharge lamp using the technology of the ZigBee wireless network is introduced. Investigation of the electronic switch unit driven by ZigBee system of lighting network is presented.
Acquaintance with a story the "Hidden woman". Study of problem of comparison of freedom and marriage. Description of reasons Irene to put on a mask and go on an opera ball, to know, whether she can to be near with other man physically and morally.
Рак предстательной железы (РПЖ). Потенциал пьезоэлектрических материалов как источников ультразвука. Проведение радикальной простатэктомии. Результаты фокального лечения РПЖ с использованием HIFU. Эффективность HIFU в качестве первичной терапии при РПЖ.
The coatings based on (Ti-Al-Zr-Nb-Y)N and (Ti-Zr-Hf-V-Nb-Ta)N were obtained by means of vacuumarc deposition from the cathodes in the atmosphere of nitrogen. Their physical and mechanical properties, tribotechnical characteristics have been studied.
Achievements and scandals at the Olympics in Sochi. The biggest victory of Russia: the creation of a large infrastructure, organization of Games, won 33 medals in different sports. Russian champions: Alexander Zubkov, Tatyana Volosozhar, Maxim Trankov.
Modes of pasteurization of raw milk, which are used in the production of hard rennet cheeses, do not destroy all microflora. Even pasteurization, which corresponds to the upper limit of heat treatment of raw milk in the production of hard rennet cheeses.
The way to speed traffic of Ukrainian railways. The experience gained by TSIs – the working group of UIC and appropriateness of its use in research on high-speed railways of Ukrainian. Operational length tracks of high-speed railway traffic in the world.
The possibilities of Ukrainian higher education as an powerful instrument of peacebuilding. The experience of educational peacebuilding is an area at modern war and peace studies. The educational practices of Israeli education in the Ukrainian conflict.