Health-saving educational technologies in the education of students: the need to ensure
The attention and pedagogical staff of a education institution to the problem of their awareness of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle. The importance of taking into account in this process the constant changes in the system of training specialists.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 23,2 K |
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Health-saving educational technologies in the education of students: the need to ensure
Alla Marushkevich, DSc (Ped.), Prof.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Background. The article draws the attention of scientific and pedagogical staff of a higher education institution to the problem of their awareness of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle and its promotion among higher education students. The importance of taking into account in this process the constant changes in the system of training specialists, rapid informatisation, and technologicalisation of society is emphasised, and it is proved that the basis of such activities is a certain system of interaction between teachers and students. The authors of studies on the problem of students' health protection and the directions of their developments are named. Teachers are directed to the formation of life values in young people, which result in the ability to "manage" their health, to remember the components of personal health: physical, mental, spiritual and social health. It is proved that health-saving technologies contain in their content the concepts of "health protection", "health promotion", "health preservation".
Purpose and objectives. The tasks and main positions of the content of health-preserving pedagogy are revealed. To substantiate the need to study the problem of social health of student youth.
Results. The need to study the problem of students' social health is noted. It is emphasised that health-saving educational technologies are based on groups of methods: specific and general pedagogical, and in the structure of the methods themselves, certain techniques are distinguished as their components and individual stages of implementation. It is specified that the basis of the health-saving educational process is the competence approach as a systemic factor in the development of students' personal qualities. Attention is paid to ensuring the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions of the internal environment of a higher education institution, in particular: greening of premises, control over artificial lighting and cleanliness of classrooms, quality of student nutrition. It is pointed out that the priority form of preserving and improving students' health is physical education and recreation. The importance of the psychological service of a higher education institution is proved, the main tasks of which are: preservation of students' mental health, psychological diagnosis and counselling, selection and application of correction methods, organisation of self-education, educational and preventive activities. It is emphasised that the mental and spiritual world of students and teachers, their desire to improve themselves also depends on how the management of a higher education institution is organised.
Conclusions . Prospects for further scientific research in solving this problem are determined. higher education institution student
Keywords: Higher education institution, students, teachers, health-saving technologies, competence-based approach, methods, techniques.
Алла МАРУШКЕВИЧ, д-р пед. наук, проф.
Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна
Вступ . Звертається увага науково-педагогічних працівників закладу вищої освіти на проблему усвідомлення ними необхідності ведення здорового способу життя та його популяризації серед студентів вищої освіти. Підкреслено важливість урахування в цьому процесі постійних змін у системі підготовки фахівців, стрімкої інформатизації та технологізації суспільства й доведено, що основою такої діяльності є певна система взаємодії між викладачами та студентами. Названо авторів досліджень із проблеми охорони здоров'я студентів і напрями їхніх розробок. Педагоги спрямовані на формування в молоді життєвих цінностей, результатом яких є вміння "керувати" своїм здоров'ям, пам'ятати про складові здоров'я особистості: фізичне, психічне, духовне та соціальне здоров'я. Доведено, що здоров'язбережувальні технології містять у своєму змісті поняття "охорона здоров'я", "зміцнення здоров'я", "здоров'язбереження".
Мета і завдання. Розкрито завдання й основні положення змісту здоров'язбережувальної педагогіки. Обґрунтувати необхідність дослідження проблеми соціального здоров'я студентської молоді.
Результати . Відзначається необхідність дослідження проблеми соціального здоров'я студентів. Наголошується, що основою здоров'язбережувальних освітніх технологій є групи методів: специфічні й загальнопедагогічні, а в структурі самих методів виділяють певні прийоми як їхні компоненти та окремі етапи реалізації Уточнено, що основою здоров'язбережувального освітнього процесу є компетентнісний підхід як системний чинник розвитку особистісних якостей студентів. Приділяється увага забезпеченню необхідних санітарно-гігієнічних умов внутрішнього середовища закладу вищої освіти, зокрема: озелененню приміщень, контролю за штучним освітленням і чистотою аудиторій, якістю харчування студентів. Зазначається, що пріоритетною формою збереження та зміцнення здоров'я студентів є фізичне виховання й оздоровлення. Доведено важливість психологічної служби вищого навчального закладу, основними завданнями якої є: збереження психічного здоров'я студентів, психологічна діагностика й консультування, вибір і застосування корекційних методів, організація самоосвіти, просвітницька та профілактична діяльність. Наголошується, що від того, як організовано управління закладом вищої освіти, залежить також душевний і духовний світ студентів і викладачів, їхнє бажання самовдосконалюватися.
Висновки . Визначено перспективи подальших наукових досліджень у розв'язанні цієї проблеми.
Youth, as the most energetic component of the nation, is a strategic resource of the state. The last decade has been a period of testing for them, in which civil society is being formed, sectoral reforms in education and healthcare are being implemented, and the digitalisation of the state is being ensured. Due to Russia's undeclared war against Ukraine, the relevance of issues related to the health of young people and the possibility of their involvement in military service has increased.
Today, an important aspect of educating the younger generation is the development of sustainable guidelines for understanding the need to lead a healthy lifestyle. The deterioration in the health of young people is due to their low awareness of the importance of healthy behaviour and a healthy lifestyle, reduced access to quality medical services, and poor nutrition. Equally important factors affecting the general human condition are constant changes in the system of training specialists in any field, rapid informatisation, and the technologicalisation of society. These processes create unnatural conditions for the functioning of the human body, which is under constant stress, leading to fatigue, loss of immunity, and exhaustion.
A person's self-assessment of their health has a significant impact on their well-being. With age, its level decreases due to the natural aging of the body and, accordingly, the desire to solve their problems at the expense of their own resources decreases. Realising that health depends largely on the person, his or her consciousness, teachers should pay considerable attention to developing a positive attitude towards their own health in students. The basis for such activities is a certain system of interaction between teachers and students: organising educational work, involving them in various types of health activities, and fostering a natural attitude to self-improvement.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The analysis of scientific literature shows that this problem has been studied by: G. Selevko. O. Ovcharuk, Z. Harris and others. Certain aspects of the formation of healthsaving competence were studied by O. Antonova, I. Anokhina, L. Hrytsiuk, D. Voronin. N. Tamarska, V. Sergienko, etc. (Vorobiev, 2021). The works of domestic and foreign researchers have studied the theoretical foundations of health-saving technologies (N. Beseda, L. Horyana, O. Dubohai, L. Popova); factors of formation of a health-saving educational environment in a general education institution and a higher education institution (Bokshyts, 2020, p. 47).
The rapid development of society affects the development of health-saving competence of higher education students in the direction of substantiating new ideas and accumulating the necessary information. Modern higher education institutions face challenges in implementing such technologies in the educational process.
Teaching health promotion to university students includes not only the process of mastering subject knowledge and vital competencies, but also the formation of relevant life values, which result in their ability to independently "manage" their health, conduct diagnostic, preventive, and, if necessary, rehabilitation and correctional measures. Designing the process of healthsaving education of young people requires the development of special methods and technologies for use in higher education institutions (Health-saving technologies in the educational environment: a collective monograph, 2019, pp. 8-14).
The purpose of the article is to reveal the need to ensure health-saving educational technologies in the education of students.
The task is to prove to the scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions the importance of using health-saving educational technologies in the education of students.
Presentation of the main material
The priority of preserving the health of participants in the educational process and the introduction of health-saving technologies in the study of professional disciplines in the system of training future teachers is facilitated by the modernisation of education, regular medical examinations (they are of a general medical nature and are aimed at detecting diseases, not at their prevention). The deterioration in the health of young people is indicative of the low quality of preventive examinations. It is important that prevention of unhealthy behaviour among young people is given priority.
The organisation of a healthy lifestyle refers to the following components of personal health: physical, mental, spiritual and social health. The main areas of activity of state executive authorities include the implementation of practical approaches within the framework of state programmes for health promotion and healthy lifestyles; engaging socially responsible businesses in cooperation with the state and representatives of civil society. Today, there is a significant lack of public initiatives aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles among students. Several ministries are responsible for this area of work, including the key ones: The Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. They regulate and coordinate information and education work with young people, the development and implementation of leisure and prevention programmes, the implementation of innovative projects of the national model for promoting healthy lifestyles in the country, etc.
The main activity of the Ministry of Youth and Sports is aimed at conducting information and educational activities aimed at promoting and shaping a healthy lifestyle for children and youth. The structural units of the Ministry that implement the youth policy carry out preventive and explanatory work to promote healthy lifestyles, distribute information and educational materials (leaflets, booklets, posters), and local media systematically publish information on ways of infection, measures and means of disease prevention.
Information and awareness-raising activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle are not systematic. Further implementation of this area requires the development of a systematic approach and an appropriate level of systemic support. Another important area of state policy aimed at promoting and preserving the health of young people is the development of mass sports in the places of residence and in places of mass recreation.
Analysing the state of health of young people, we pay attention to the introduction of health-saving technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions, which is interdisciplinary in nature. These technologies are most often interpreted as a set of means, methods, forms, techniques for organising, conducting, managing the educational and upbringing process aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of youth health protection. The most important components of health-saving educational technologies are those aimed at taking into account fluctuations in human performance during educational cycles, involving them in physical activity, the health-promoting effects of art and work, etc.
Health-saving technologies include the concepts of "health protection", "health promotion", "health preservation". The content of health-saving technologies is determined by the main health-saving components of the educational environment: content (the content of academic disciplines should include the study of health-saving elements); axiological (formation of value orientations towards health as the highest life value); epistemological (formation of a system of scientific knowledge about the basics of health, practical skills and abilities to lead a healthy lifestyle, safe behaviour in society); ecological (awareness of the unity of man and nature, dependence of human health on the ecological state of the environment, formation of a person's value attitude to nature); emotional and volitional (formation of stable emotional behaviour, such personality qualities as organisation, responsibility, duty, honour, dignity); physical culture and health (formation of physical qualities and high adaptive capabilities of the body through a system of physical exercises and sports training, increase of motor activity and hardening of the body); activity (adherence to the diet, proper alternation of work and rest, prevention of bad habits, functional disorders and diseases) (Rybalko, 2017, p. 118-121).
Health-promoting technologies, methods and techniques have found their place in the content of healthpromoting pedagogy, or health pedagogy, which is interpreted as "a branch of science that studies the state and development of theory and practice health education and health education at different stages of human life" (Yazlovetska, 2014, p. 235). Thus, the task of healthpreserving pedagogy, on the one hand, is to form special knowledge, skills, abilities to preserve and strengthen one's own health, and on the other hand, to provide timely foresight in innovative pedagogical technologies of the possibilities of making independent attempts to improve oneself, one's body, psyche, emotions, developing one's communication skills, taking into account a humane attitude to the world, to the environment, to oneself. In health-preserving pedagogy, we note positions that have the following wording: "1) a healthy personality is seen not only as an ideal model, but also as a practically achievable norm of development; 2) a healthy person is a holistic bodily and spiritual organism; 3) health improvement is interpreted not as a set of therapeutic and preventive measures, but as a form of development, expansion of psychophysiological capabilities of a person; 4) the key pedagogical means of health improvement and development work is a personal and activity approach" (Kostenko, 2020, p. 162-163).
The heads of higher education institutions and specialists in the provision of educational services face a number of tasks that may affect the further formation of a healthy nation. This includes creating a healthy educational environment for the full development of the individual, including in the curricula and work programmes of academic disciplines for the training of higher education students components with topics on the prevention of tobacco use, alcohol and drug use, awareness of the role of proper nutrition as an important physiological need of the body, etc.
Today, the problem of students' social health requires in-depth study. Its implementation is carried out through valeological education in higher education institutions, creation of environmentally oriented living space, optimisation of the educational process, integration of the content of academic disciplines, development of skills to make health decisions, providing psychological support to everyone in need, educational work, development of healthy lifestyle skills based on their own example, etc. A prerequisite for successful professional activity of a teacher is his or her own health as a way to self-realisation, creative career growth, ensuring a high level of professionalism, social and psychological well-being and a level of "resilience". In the professional activity of a manager of any level of a higher education institution, it is necessary to practice focusing on the positive: positive assessment of work results; favourable psychological climate in the team; support of colleagues; moral and material incentives, etc.
It is known that health-saving educational technologies are divided into the following groups: organisational and pedagogical (determine the structure of the educational process); psychological and pedagogical (related to the direct work of the teacher in the classroom); educational and upbringing (programmes for the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, prevention of bad habits, diseases).
Health-saving educational technologies use groups of methods: specific (inherent only in the process of pedagogy) and general pedagogical (used in all cases of education and upbringing). Specific methods based on existing pedagogical practice include the following: lecture, illustration, demonstration, exercises, video method, practical, situational, game, etc. In the structure of each method, there are techniques as its components. Techniques can be classified as follows: preventive and protective, compensatory and neutralising, stimulating, informational and educational. The use of methods and techniques depends on the professional abilities of the teacher, his/her personal interest in the proper result of his/her activity, consideration of regional and local conditions, and the realisation that only by combining all approaches into a single whole can a health-improving educational space be created where the ideas of health-promoting pedagogy will be implemented.
The health promotion activities of Ukrainian higher education institutions include the following components: various forms of organising the educational process, taking into account their psychological and physiological impact on students; monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards of the educational process; rationing the workload and preventing student fatigue; medical, psychological and pedagogical monitoring of the state of health, physical and mental development of students; activities of the psychological assistance service in overcoming stress and anxiety; promotion of humane attitude to each student; formation of friendly relations among the university community; measures to preserve and strengthen the health of teachers and students, creating conditions for their harmonious development.
The basis of the health-saving process of teaching and upbringing of students is the competence approach as a systemic factor in the development of their personal qualities and the formation of a positive attitude to health. The concept of "competence" is interpreted differently in the theories of modern scientists. It is complex and multilevel and is mostly defined as a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, values, ways of doing things that contribute to personal success and improve the quality of the educational process.
The practice of educational and upbringing activities shows that a large number of students in the learning process are in a state of chronic fatigue, which is the basis of neuropsychological exhaustion. It has been proven that pedagogical mistakes or incorrectly applied pedagogical technologies have a negative impact on the psyche of higher education students in the form of neurotic disorders, which causes them to have a low level of cognitive activity, motivation for learning, instability of the emotional sphere; high levels of anxiety, loss of interest in learning. The risk factors include those that have a negative impact on students' health (stressful pedagogical tactics; intensification of the educational process; inconsistency of teaching methods and technologies with the age and psychological characteristics of young people; failure to meet basic physiological and hygienic requirements for the organisation of the educational process; shortcomings in the existing system of physical education; lack of systematic work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle and perception of health as a value, etc.
The priority form of preserving and improving the health of students is physical education and recreation. Given that a significant decrease in their physical activity leads to a deterioration in health, a decrease in the body's adaptive capacity, special attention in higher education institutions should be paid to the use of various means and forms, areas of physical education of students. The system of measures to improve the level of physical health of students includes: additional and independent physical exercise classes (competitions, games, tournaments, hiking, contests, health days) that satisfy the biological need for movement. One of the most important activities of a higher education institution is to ensure the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions of the internal environment, in particular: greening of premises, control over artificial lighting and cleanliness of classrooms, workplaces, etc. Particular attention should be paid to monitoring the quality of student nutrition.
The concept of health promotion is not limited to the notion of strengthening only the physical health of students. Important importance is attached to the preservation of mental, spiritual and social health. This requires the creation of a special comfortable atmosphere in a higher education institution that would open up space for personal growth in the intellectual, spiritual and social spheres for each student. The efforts of the administration of the higher education institution, research and teaching staff, medical and psychological services - that is, all participants in the educational process - should be directed towards achieving this goal.
In this aspect, the activities of the psychological service of each higher education institution are extremely important, the priority tasks of which are: preservation of students' mental health in the process of educational and other activities; psychological diagnostics, selection and application of correction methods; psychological counselling, organisation of self-education of students and teachers; educational and preventive activities among them.
Discussion and conclusions
The implementation of the necessary health-saving technologies for a conscious attitude to health is based on students' acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities of physical, mental, spiritual and social health. One of the main components of success in preserving and strengthening it is a positive psychological and emotional attitude, which is largely related to well-being in the process of acquiring knowledge in a higher education institution. The mental and spiritual world of students and teachers, their desire to improve themselves and lead a healthy lifestyle also depends on how the management of a higher education institution is organised.
In the pedagogical aspect, personal health is a process of education and upbringing that does not cause direct or indirect harm to the health of higher education students, creates safe and comfortable conditions for their stay in higher education institutions, provides an individual learning trajectory, prevents stress, and helps to maintain and improve health.
Determining the prospects for further research in this area, we agree with scientists who see the need to identify priority forms of preserving and improving students' health, to develop recommendations for the heads of higher education institutions on the use of health-saving technologies in the management of the educational process (Pylypyshyn, 2015, p. 151).
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реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.
презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011