Status and factors that influenced the food supply of frontline cities of Volyn province in 1914-1917. Price fluctuations at the level of frontline cities. Study of the process of pricing of food products. Losses from the effects of the First World War.
- 212. Foods in Uzbekistan
Uzbek cuisine and features its main dishes. Culture prepare national dishes of Uzbek cuisine and their main ingredients. Technology of preparation of kabob, plov, manti, chuchvara, shurpa and naryn. Differences Uzbek cuisine from Asian cuisine.
- 213. Foods of the Irish
Geographic setting and environment of Ireland. The history of food customs of this country. Traditional Irish Stew, Soda Bread, Corned Beef with Cabbage. Food for religious and holiday celebrations. Mealtime customs. Politics, economics and nutrition.
- 214. Football
Football is played in accordance with a set of rules known as the Laws of the Game. Games revolving around the kicking of a ball have been played in many countries throughout history. The laws of the game are currently determined the International Foot.
- 215. For and Against
Topics on various topics to help improve their reading and speaking in English: "Harm television", "Camping - the perfect way to spend a vacation", "The role of advertising to the public", "The ban on cruel sports", "Gaps educating today's children".
Connect your iPad to your PC via data cable, then open iTunes. Download and open the document in your email application. After it loads, tap the "Share" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen, and select WPS to open it. Word Document Editing.
The origin of the Cossacks and the time of its origin. The community of free cossacks, the basic principles of their internal organization. The study of the theory of the unity of the cossacks and circassians. Subnationality of Great Russian nationality.
Adorno’s position on popular culture, presented in the context of the polemical exchanges with Walter Benjamin. Criticism of film and mechanical reproduction music (as the destruction of the "aura" of the musical event through gramophonic reproduction).
Biefeld-Brown effect. Preliminary experiments at Army Research Laboratory. Previously proposed explanations for the Biefeld-Brown force. Ionic wind and the ion drift picture: scaling theory of force. Thermodynamic analysis of the Biefeld-Brown force.
A method for treating tooth eruption forced close to the alveolar ridge. Modification techniques. Description of practical experience in the application. The aesthetic effect of the crown, established by the innovative method. Discussion of results.
Explanation is how the changing demographics of the North American population impact the demand for hospitality services. The key supply factors those are important to entertainment organizations. Expected future impact of baby boomers on the demand.
- 222. Forecasting crashes of the stock markets model-based log-periodic law and machine learning methods
The main parameters for the evaluation of machine learning methods, their classification. A study of the influence of these parameters on the probability of collapse of stock markets, the possibility of their use as input for machine learning methods.
Introduction of updated plant protection technologies in Ukraine. Application of pheromone traps for diagnostics of phytosanitary condition of agrocenoses. Elaboration of computer programs for predicting the development of pests of agricultural crops.
The development of information technology ensures the emergence of new concepts in the energy sector which will make it possible in the future to reduce the costs of production, consumption and redistribution of energy resources between economic agents.
Use of registration of mortgage rights to settle the loan. The use of collateral collection as a way to solve the problem of bad loans. The ratio of the amount of non-performing loans and restructured effective loans to the total amount of the loan.
Foreign language online platform resources for undergraduate students’ language competence development. Communication effectively in international contexts: challenges and good practices. Understanding English as a lingua. English as a lingua franca.
Foreign experience in creating biographical dictionaries of teachers. Characteristics of eight dictionaries published in Australia, Great Britain, Italy and the USA in 1978-2021. Analysis of the content of each of them according to a number of parameters.
Influence of inflow of foreign capital on GDP per capita in the country during 2005-2010. According to the data of 15 countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Cross-border loans, direct foreign investment, portfolio investment and earnings transfers.
- 229. Foreign currency
The monetary unit of the country, which lies at the heart of the financial and credit system of the state. Seven US major currencies. Dollar, euro, Swiss franc, British pound, Japanese yen, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar. Keeping international trade.
The modernization of the system for the prevention of crime and the protection of the rights of underaged persons in criminal proceedings. Giving priority to educational and social measures over punitive measures with forced isolation from society.
The goal is to generalize the practice of legislative regulation of "green" public procurement in the countries of the European Union for the possibility its application in the legal environment of Russia. Normative-legal regulation of "green" purchases.
Common and distinctive features of the training of border guards. Provision of basic and specialized secondary education as the first stage of training. The term and the scope of studies at bachelor's and master's degrees in educational institutions.
Methods for effective investment management in the agricultural sector of the USA and Canada. Providing the most favorable conditions for farmers. Increasing labor productivity in agriculture. Allocation of soft loans and government subsidies to farmers.
The of this article is to conduct a legal analysis of the legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland in the field of land consolidation with the aim of highlighting positive experience for other countries of the world.
Foreign experience in organizing state financial monitoring based on the best practices of countries. Analysis and comparison of approaches taken by different countries, highlighting the key institutions, regulations, and achievements in their systems.
The article highlights the aspects of training future foreign language teachers and the formation of their foreign language communicative competence using interactive technologies in higher educational institutions of different countries of the world.
The influence of language contact on the development of the modern English language. The language contact has been a constant phenomenon throughout the history of language and that no language remains indifferent to external influences over time.
Mechanisms of foreign interference in electoral processes in North America and Europe. Development of effective measures to counter attempts to undermine democratic processes and improve them in accordance with the challenges of the digital media era.
The essence and features of artificial intelligence, its importance for increasing the effectiveness of English language learning, improving students' communicative and professional competence. Facilitating education in teaching a foreign language.
Analysis of the process of a foreign language acquisition within the framework of the communicative and cognitive approach. Developing learners’ communicative and cognitive competence is identified as a current target of learning a foreign language.