Analysis of the Faraday effect and magnetic susceptibility TbAlO3. Development of assumptions about the role of the Van Vleck mechanism in the formation the magneto-optical properties of Tb3+ ion in the compound YAlO3. The study of linear magnetic effect.
The reconstruction of gender sciences after the transgression of feminism - one of the specific features of the strategy of "complementarity". Flexible, multiple, intersecting, diverging, converging - the signs of a postmodern chiasmatic strategy.
Study of the struggle for survival in African countries. Causes, consequences and resolution of conflict between farmers and shepherds in Nigeria. Encouraging a reorientation of values and the restoration of old interactive connections among Nigerians.
The role of farming in the economic system and the development of the agricultural sector. The problem of reducing small agricultural enterprises. Development of methods to support farmers in Ukraine through the introduction of international experience.
Регистрация фасциолёза у животных. Изучение эффективности триклабендазола на яйцепродукцию Fasciola hepatica с использованием метода морфометрического анализа яиц гельминта. Оценка проницаемости скорлуповой оболочки. Изменения размеров содержимого яиц.
Fashion with all its symbolism and attributes form an outstanding base for personal and cultural identification. Identity is a necessary process of a healthy personality Communication through fashion. Impact on outer perception. Men, women and fashion.
A study of the collections of young Moldovan designers, graduates of the KSPU. I. Kryanga. Conceptual trends in the contemporary art of design and fashion in the country, based on the creative interpretation of artistic images by young designers.
Вивчення вмісту Fas-ліганду та активності каспази-3 у сироватці крові щурів при експериментальному хронічному гастроентероколіті, який розвився при вживанні карагенану протягом декількох тижнів. Активація апоптозу при запаленні шлунково-кишкового тракту.
Файловая система как информация на диске в виде совокупности файлов. Понятие кластера. Основные функции файловой системы, принцип ее организации. Особенности систем FAT16 и FAT32. Удаление и перемещение файла. Преимущества и недостатки системы FAT.
Law is as a set of rules prohibiting infliction of damage. Fault is a precondition of tort liability specifically because freedom is a precondition of the very law’s operation. Redistribution of the costs of accidents with a help tort law allows.
The essence of using a functionally complete tolerant elements. Comparison of the exponential reliability functional performance. Rating and characteristic tree of the transmitting transistors. Description of redundancy of the transmitting transistors.
The peculiarity of the study of metacercariae of trematodes, among which there are species that are potentially dangerous epizootologically and epidemiologically. Bivalves and gastropods are widespread. Conducting research to establish interim hosts.
Конструктивне представлення розв'язків абстрактних задач для диференціальних рівнянь гіперболічного типу першого та другого порядків в гільбертовому просторі. Побудова і обґрунтування чисельно-аналітичних алгоритмів, знайдення апріорної оцінки точності.
Devoted to the study of storytelling as an efficient instrument at the English classes, its types, functions and results of implementation. With the help of digital storytelling, it is possible to make students of the higher education interested.
Linguocultural study of the translation aspect of allusion. Stylistic and translational transformations that help to convey the meaning of the allusion without distorting the original text. Features and functioning of allusion units in the English media.
The study and analyze the personnel management system of a commercial enterprise, problems of its development. The recommendations for its improvement through the introduction of innovative technologies and modernization of personnel development.
The the features of adaptation of Ukrainian refugees in the EU, Great Britain, USA, and Canada, the socio-psychological state of refugees during the adaptation period, to compare the concepts of "refugee" and "person in need of temporary protection".
The problem of integration in general and integrated learning in particular. The peculiarities of forms of integrated lessons. The conditions for qualitative semantic analysis and objective evaluation of the work by students of modern vocational schools.
The study of the specific features of recognition of ownership ofnewly created real estate is conditioned by its purpose, which is to determine the grounds for application of remedy upon recognising ownership of newly created construction object.
Determination of regularities of changes in soil processes and crop formation due to the use of microbial products and by-products of agricultural crops in crop rotation, various tillage systems. methods. Description of the destruction of plant remains.
Analysis of the selection of preventive measures for a person suffering from a mental disorder based on the materials of the generalization of law enforcement practice in criminal proceedings. Assessment of the legality of such a legislative approach.
Peculiarities of lending in the construction industry and to detail the available creditworthiness assessment methods, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of the construction organization and the characteristics of construction projects.
Research analysis of aviation-related content in Ukrainian online media during the period of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022 and 2023. The peculiarity of covering the problem of drones and their use by mass media for data collection.
Study of complications during childbirth. The risk of occurrence of fusion of bone fragments in newborns. Diagnosis and treatment of birth hip fracture. Rehabilitation of children after alignment of angular deformations and displacement of fragments.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of electronic test during verification of the direction and power of electric switches connecting or disconnecting the circuit when certain conditions are met. The study of the performance of Electromechanical relays.
Development of the optimal structure of the ratio of types of training orientation at the pre-competition stage of training in modern pentathlon. The value of a set of individual special athletic exercises for an effective training process of athletes.
Insurance companies - the leading financial intermediaries that meet the requirements of modernity and go beyond the core business. Taking into account the features of each participant - the task of the project manager of the financial supermarket.
Using databases of geospatial data. The space-disseminated information for determine the location of moving objects. Methods for creating base map data in dynamical systems, taking into account the properties of digital maps and geodetic precision.
Cultural differences in negotiation. Analyzes the features of conduct of business in the US and China. Main points of view on the role of national styles in the negotiating process. National and international components of the negotiation process.
Assessment of the work of the conductor of passenger cars. Building an assessment system of professionally important qualities. The study of factors that affect the quality and efficiency of the conductor. The peculiarity of the organized training.