Features of teaching foreign languages in pedagogical schools of Ukraine in the second half of the XXth century
Search and creation of new methods of teaching foreign languages. Establishing the features of teaching methods of foreign language 'training of students of pedagogical schools. Characteristics of students' acquisition of oral foreign language speech.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.09.2020 |
Размер файла | 22,4 K |
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Taras Shеvсhеnkо National Unrey ыf Kyw
Features of teaching foreign languages in pedagogical schools of ukraine in the second half of the XXTH century
Terletska, Ph. D. stud.
Kyw, Ukraine
The article deals with the features of teaching foreign languages in the pedagogical schools of Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century. It is proved that the studied historical period was rich in historical events that influenced the search and creation of new methods of foreign language training of young people, generalization and systematization of the existing achievements of scientists, teachers, methodologists and linguists. We described the features of methods for development of skills of foreign language activities in accordance with the selected stages of teaching foreign languages in secondary educational establishments in the second half of the twentieth century.
Keywords: pedagogical school, study, foreign language, foreign language activity, skills, purpose of language education.
Друга половина ХХ ст. була багата історичними подіями, які зумовлювали пошук і створення нових методик навчання іноземних мов, узагальнення та систематизацію вже наявних досягнень науковців, педагогів, методистів-філологів. На основі вивчення навчально-методичної та історичноїлітератури другої половини ХХ ст. щодо навчання іноземних мов у середніх педагогічних закладах освіти встановлено особливості навчальних методик іншомовної'підготовки слухачів педагогічних училищ у досліджуваний період. Зміни цілей навчання іноземної мови відбувались з урахуванням змін в освітній політиці держави другої' половини ХХ ст. Основною ціллю навчання іноземних мов у середніх закладах освіти було оволодіння усним іншомовним мовленням, однак слухачі педагогічних училищ володіли мовою на низькому рівні. Розподіл усного мовлення на діалогічне, монологічне та аудіювання ускладнив програми педагогічних училищ і став основою для розробки диференційованих вправ для кожного виду іншомовної' мовленнєвої' діяльності. Навчання читанню іншомовних текстів та вправи на розуміння текстів займали майже весь час на занятті, однак кількість слухачів педагогічних училищ, які не вміли читати, була значною. Позитивною особливістю текстів для читання була їхня різноплановість (починаючи з 70-х років ХХ ст.), тематика досить була широкою з урахуванням країнознавчих відомостей про країну, мова якої' вивчалась. Письмо на заняттях з іноземних мов у педагогічних училищах України виступало лише засобом навчання інших видів іншомовної мовленнєвої' діяльності, який дозволяв краще засвоювати іншомовний програмовий матеріал. Узагальнюючи результати історико-педагогічного пошуку, вивчення та аналізу низки публікацій українських та зарубіжних науковців, досліджень у педагогіці та методиці навчання іноземних мов виділено 5 етапів іншомовної'підготовки слухачів педагогічних училищ України в другій половині ХХ ст.: 1) 1950-1958 роки - навчання іноземних мов у період післявоєнної' відбудови закладів освіти; 2) 1958-1971 роки - етап переходу до практичної спрямованості та комплексного підходу до навчання іноземних мов; 3) 1972-1980-ті роки - посилення комунікативного методу в умовах реформування освітньої системи; 4) 1980-ті-1990 роки - модернізація іншомовної' освіти; 5) 1991-2000 роки - навчання іноземних мов у закладах освіти незалежної України. Виділені етапи дають чітке уявлення про зміну цільових установок іншомовної'підготовки другої'половини минулого століття.
Ключові слова: педагогічне училище, навчання, іноземна мова, іншомовна мовленнєва діяльність, навички, мета іншомовної освіти.
Formulation of Ше ргоЬІет. The teaching of foreign languages in the modern world is an integral part of the professional training of specialists.Foreign language training begins at the kindergarten and continues in other types of educational institutions. The level of foreign language which the student receives at school is decisive, because it con- tainsis skills of foreign language activities (listening, speaking, reading, writing).The effectiveness depends on the methodology of the teacher and his ability to use modern methods in the context of solving the educational tasks of foreign language training of young people.Today in Ukraine there are changes in the system of preparation of teachers of foreign languages, the improvement of the skills of teachers, the introduction of international standards for the assessment of foreign language knowledge, the implementation of new approaches and methods 5].
In Soviet times, learning foreign languages took place solely in accordance with the educational policy of public education establishments (children had to study one of the European languages, but not to possess it). After the proclamation of Ukraine's independence the Soviet methodology of teaching foreign languages continued to be used by teachers.The main drawbacks of it were: studying (learning) grammar without practical application in oral and written speech; reading and translation of texts as the main types of work in classes; the development of speaking skills was reduced to learning (and in most cases to learning by heart) of lexical themes without their understanding; the main function of the teacher (lecturer) was controlling, which consisted in correcting mistakes in grammar, pronunciation and reading [7].
The system of development of secondary pedagogical education and society are interdependent.The content of teaching foreign languages in secondary pedagogical schools in the second half of the twentieth century has changed according to: the reforming and development of the educational process in the Ukrainian Republic and in Ukraine (since 1991); changes in the content of secondary education; creation and practical implementation of achievements in Soviet and Ukrainian science, pedagogy, psychology and methodology. In accordance with the reform of the content of secondary education, a social order grew, which required a qualitative training of teachers. In addition, the accessibility and the opportunity to get secondary education by all segments of the population and representatives of nationalities and nations who inhabited the territory of Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century.The problem of teaching foreign language in educational establishments of that time should be considered through the prism of economic, political and educational processes that took place in the Soviet Union and in independent Ukraine.
ТИе purpыsе of Ше publtoatton: to analyzе and dеsсrіbе Ше features of teaching foreing languages in pedagogical schools of Ukraine in the second half of the XX century.
Aсhіеvе Ше оbjесtіvеs І"^е Ьєєп real^d fel^w^g tasks: to reveal the peculiarities of the methods of teaching foreign languages in the pedagogical schools of Ukraine; to distinguish the stages of foreign language training for students of Ukrainian pedagogical schools.
Analyste of reњnt rеsеarсhеs and publtoattons. The main educational task of the country is to train highly skilled professionals who know one or more foreign languages. Educational reforms contributed to the emergence of new teaching methods for the development of a fully developed and creative personality, the change of the authoritarian style of educational activity into a humanistic approach, taking into account the individual characteristics of young people. Foreign language today is a means of intercultural communication, the aim of which is not only at the development of communicative competence (linguistic, linguistic, socio-cultural, regional studies, linguistics), but also in getting education by means of a foreign language. The problem of teaching foreign languages in secondary educational establishments was described by V.M. Alexander, I.L. Bim, N.D. Galskova, I.O. Georgian, V.D. Arakin, A. Lyubarskaya, N.V. Borisova, O.O. Mirolyubov, A.V. Monighetti, O.I. Moskalskaya, Y.I. Passov, I.V. Rakhmanov, T.V. Litnova, V.S. Cetlin, N.I. Ten- nova, L.V. Scherba, R.P. Milrod, G.V. Rogova, I.M. Vereshchagina, A.V. Shtifurak, T.M. Shkvarina and others.
Study presentation. The Soviet method of teaching foreign languages in secondary and pedagogical schools of Ukraine developed under the conditions of the political approaches of government as for teaching of younger generation. It was enriched with the achievements of psychology, pedagogy, linguistics and other sciences of that historical period.
In the 1950s in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the Improvement of Teaching Foreign Languages in Secondary School" pupils began to study foreign languages beginning from the 3rd form or from the 5th grade. They studied German, English, French and Spanish. The development of the skills of speech activity for students of secondary and secondary educational institutions meant to teach them making up questions and answers. The main purpose of teaching foreign languages was to read unadapted artistic and socio-political literature, which included requirements for the speed of reading and translation and the number (in percentage) of unfamiliar words. In the second half of the 1950s the consciously comparative method of teaching foreign languages became popular, the characteristic feature of which was the distinction and specificity of receptive and reproductive methods of foreign language training.
Such methodologists of foreign languages as I.V. Rakhmanov, V.D. Arakin, A.V. Monigetti, V.S. Tsetlin, O.O. Mirolyubov continued to develop new methods and forms of teaching foreign languages in accordance with the conscious-comparative method, which were used in the textbooks of foreign languages for different types of educational establishments. The approach of scientists and methodologists to the types of foreign language activities were changed.The relationship between translated and transcendental forms of language activities was established, the importance of the development of different types of speech activity was emphasized, but there was no changes in practice (at lessons and classes in secondary schools and pedagogical schools of the Soviet Union). Textbooks for schools and secondary schools during this period were aimed to reading and translation of texts and the development of oral speech.
After the end of the Second World War the teaching of foreign languages in Ukraine (at that time it was Ukrainian Soviet republic) began to be considered. Sience 1958 secondary education lasted eight years, students could get their secondary education in secondary schools, schools of workers and rural youth (evening, variables), technical schools and other institutions of special vocational education. On December 24, 1958, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the law "On strengthening the connection of the school with life and the further development of the system of public education in the USSR". Its main purpose was to combine studying and socially useful work of students. As for metodology of foreign language the main aim was to read and translate texts using dictionary.Writing and speech activities weren't used.
The Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union of 1961 "On the Improvement of the Study of Foreign Languages in the Country" determined that the purpose of studying foreign languages at schools and othe educational establishments must be in line with the needs of society. The Ministry of public education offered to the Union republics (including the Ukrainian Republic) to do such things: teaching foreign language speech
to increase the number of higher education institutions for the training of teachers of foreign languages;
to divide classes (groups) of more than 25 students to two groups for effectiveness of teaching foreign language;
to increase the number of schools with teaching of some subjects in foreign language up to 700 in the country (the Soviet Union);
to reduce lexical and grammatical material;
to elaborate in detail the requirements for the development of the skills of speech activity etc [1].
An important achievement of the 60s in the teaching of foreign languages in secondary and secondary educational institutions of Ukraine (at that time the part of USSR) was the introduction of educational and methodological complexes (textbook, teacher's book, reading book, audiovisual means), but their number was insignificant. The main features of these complexes were: a lot of exercises for the development of speech, a reduction of the number of grammar rules, the texts were filled up with information about country, which language was studied. Using of audiovisual means at the lesson made it better to develop different types of foreign language activities (reading, speaking, writing, listening comprehensive).
In 1973 the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved the "Fundamentals of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Union Republics about the education of the people" which determined the direction of further improving of educational system of the country and upbringing of the younger generation. The basic principles of public education were:
equality of all citizens of the USSR in gaining education regardless of origin, social and property status, race and nationality, gender, language, attitude to religion, kind and nature of occupations, place of residence and other circumstances; 2) implementation of general compulsory secondary education of youth; 3) the state and public character of all educational establishments; 4) an opportunity to choose a language for teaching and studying: native language or language of another nation of the USSR; 5) free of charge for all types of education, maintenance of part of studying, full state support, free distribution of school textbooks, scholarship support for pupils and students, granting of privileges and other material assistance; 6) the unity of the system of public education and the continuity of all types of educational institutions that provided the possibility of transition from lower levels of education to higher; 7) the unity of education and communist education; cooperation between schools, families and the public in the education of children and young people; 8) the relationship of education and upbringing of the younger generation with life and tasks of communist construction; 9) the scientific nature of education, its continuous improvement on the basis of the latest achievements of science, technology, culture; 10) the humanistic and moral character of education and upbringing; 11) joint teaching of persons of both sexes; 12) secular character of education, which excluded the influence of religion [3].
The system of public education in the USSR included: pre-school education, general secondary education, out-ofschool education, vocational education, secondary specialized education and higher education. The general secondary school was the main form of general secondary education. Secondary special education was provided by secondary specialized schools, educational institutions, which trained specialists of secondary qualification for various branches of the national economy, as well as public administration, education, culture, health care etc. In the USSR and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Repablick (till 1991) young people could get secondary specialized education in technical schools, schools and special schools in full time departments or in evening and external form of education.
Those educational establishments could accep persons who had completed an eight-year or full-time secondary school and passed entrance exams; on day departments - persons under the age of 30 years, on evening and part-time - without age limitations. Graduates from secondary schools could receive secondary specialized education at pedagogical colleges. Foreign languages were studied through curricula and textbooks for secondary schools.
Since 1978 in accordance with the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 22, 1977 "On further improving the education and upbringing of students of secondary schools and their preparation for work" there have been changes in curricula and programs in foreign languages.
In the early 1990s with the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty and the Declaration of Ukraine's Independence the approaches of foreign languages have changed: the stydying of foreign languages began from the 1-st (or 2nd grade) of a secondary school (so-called early education) and continued in all types of educational establishments. The first textbooks for English, Spanish, German and French for secondary school students made by author groups led by leading scientists-methodists V.N. Plakhotnik, N P. Basay, V.G. Redcom, E.K. Timchenko and others appeared at that time.
In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Education" in 1991 pedagogical schools became establishments of higher education of the I-II level of accreditation, which carried out the training of specialists for the educational qualification levels of a junior specialist and a bachelor's degree. Since the mid-1990s a lot of authentic teaching materials and materials for using during lessons appeared Ukraine. The teaching of foreign languages at pedagogical colleges at the end of the last century was carried out by educational programs and methodical literature of the professional direction.
The basic principles of foreign language training for students of pedagogical schools (colleges) were: communicative orientation of teaching foreign languages; the unity and consistency of program requirements in foreign languages as to the level of proficiency in a foreign language; improvement of educational literature, curricula and programs in accordance with the state standards of a foreign language; development of all kinds of foreign language activities (listening, speaking, writing, reading).
Consequently, foreign language training of students (students) of Ukrainian pedagogical schools in the study period was carried out in accordance with educational reforms of the country. A characteristic feature of the second half of the twentieth century was the change in the goals of teaching foreign languages from practical (teaching reading and translation) in the 50's to teaching speech activities (in the 60's), the development of communicative skills in the 70's, the formation of communicative competence (language, speech, regional studies, linguistic and ethnographic) in conjunction with the development of all types of speech activity in the 80-2000th years.
The generalization of the views of scientists, foreign language teachers and linguists gave us an opportunity and theoretical basis for distinguishing of 5 periods of teaching foreign language for students of pedagogical schools of Ukraine in the second half of the XX-th century: 1) 19501958 - teaching foreign languages during post-war reconstruction of educational establishments; 2) 1958-1971 - the stage of transition to a practical orientation and an integrated approach; 3) 1972-1980-ies - strengthening of communicative method of teaching language; 4) 1980s-1990s - modernization of foreign language education. 5) 1991-2000 - teaching foreign languages in independent Ukraine. Each stage is characterized by the positive changes in the content and methods of teaching foreign language in secondary and secondary pedagogical educational establishments of Ukraine (until 1991 USSR). On the basis of analysis of archival data it can be asserted that the students of pedagogical schools of Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century had a low level of foreign language because of such reasons: the lack of curricula for teaching foreign languages for pedagogical schools, the reform of the system of educational institutions, the absence of qualified teachers of foreign languages, lack of textbooks and teaching materials on the foreign language training of the younger generation.
The analysis of vocational and pedagogical training of foreign language teachers at higher pedagogical educational institutions of Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century gave us the opportunity to identify positive changes in the process of teaching foreign language teachers at higher pedagogical educational institutions in the second half of the twentieth century: the development and implementation of state standards in foreign languages, improvement of material and technical and methodological provision of foreign language teaching, introduction of higher educational institutions in the educational process new courses in foreign languages with native speakers, improving teaching ecommendations on the teaching of oral communicative speech activity, improvement of organization and conducting of pedagogical practice of students in secondary and higher educational institutions of the I-II level of accreditation (colleges, technical schools of the pedagogical direction of students' training), formation of students of socio-cultural competence (country-study and linguistic-national component of foreign studies as), the improvement of the professional skills of the future teacher of foreign languages, the development of his creative activity. The future teacher of foreign languages had to be able to organize and plan the educational process in foreign languages, apply a communicative method of teaching foreign languages, predict and delay the emergence of foreign language difficulties for students (pupils) of secondary schools, to analyze and improve the level of their professional activity.
On the basis of the study of teaching-methodical and historical literature of the second half of the twentieth century concerning the teaching of foreign languages in secondary educational institutions, the peculiarities of teaching methods of foreign language training for teachers of pedagogical schools in the studied period were determined. Changes in the goals of teaching a foreign language took place taking into account changes in the educational policy of the state of the second half of the twentieth century. The main goal of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools was mastering oral speech in other languages, but students of pedagogical schools did not understand foreign language and did not know how to converse in a foreign language. The distribution of spoken speech into dialogical, monologue and listening comprehension complicated the programs of pedagogical schools and became the basis for the development of differentiated exercises for each type of foreign language activity.The teaching of reading foreign texts and exercises on understanding texts occupied almost all the time in classes from a foreign language, however, the number of pedagogical students schools that did not know how to read and did not know even the alphabet of foreign language was significant. A positive feature of the texts to read was their diversification (since the 70s of the twentieth century), the subject is rather broad, taking into account country-specific information about the country, the language of which is being studied. Writing as a type of foreign speech activity was used in pedagogical schools of Ukraine only as a means of better teaching other types of foreign language activity.
The characteristic features of the formation and development of secondary pedagogical education in Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century are singled out. Pedagogical schools were created on the basis of pedagogical technical schools, pedagogical classes and pedagogical schools, their number varied according to the number of other educational institutions and establishments of Ukraine (at that time it was the USSR). Structure the system of secondary teacher education depended on the quality of conducting vocational guidance work with secondary school students. Recruiting students to pedagogical schools was held on the basis of seven years or eight years secondary education. Changes in the structure of institutions of secondary education depended on the demand for teaching staff to meet the needs of educational or establishments institutions of different types. The emergence of new areas of pedagogical preparation for the younger generation was due to the development of the educational level of the people and the needs of teachers of a certain period.
Conclusions Consequently, the system of education in Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century changed under the influence of state reforms, the intercultural space significantly expanded, therefore, there was a need for the ability to communicate in a foreign language. In the methodology of teaching foreign languages in secondary and secondary educational establishments there were changes in the intensity of the foreign language training of the younger generation through the use of learning technologies, the search for new ones and the use of already well-known foreign methodology. Thus, it can be argued that the content of foreign language education during the research period was completely dependent on reforms in education and state policy as for the education of the younger generation.
Thus, the scientific novelty of the results obtained is that: the information as for teaching foreign languages at Ukrainian pedagogical schools in the second half of the twentieth century was first discovered and summarized, and the views of scholars about the methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary educational institutions were systematized.The stages of foreign language training of teachers of Ukrainian pedagogical schools in Ukraine were substantiated and an- alyzed.This information can be used by teachers of modern educational establishments
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Список використаних джерел
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7. Terletska L. Teaching foreign languages at pedagogical schools of Ukraine (the second half of XX century) / L. Terletska // Science and Education Studies. - Stanford University Press, 2015. - № 2(16), July-December. - Vol. III. - Р. 343-349.
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