Features of socialization of junior schoolchildren in the conditions of the new Ukrainian school

Ensuring the intellectual, spiritual and social development of children of primary school age. The main forms of psychological and pedagogical support of schoolchildren in the New Ukrainian School. Means of adaptation and socialization of pupils to study.

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Дата добавления 27.07.2022
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Pedagogy and Social Work Department

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Features of socialization of junior schoolchildren in the conditions of the new Ukrainian school

Baldyniuk O.D., PhD in Pedagogics,

Associate Professor at the Social

Roienko S.O., PhD in Pedagogics,

Associate Professor at the Social


The article reveals the features of socialization of junior students. It is emphasized that human development is a rather difficult, long and controversial process. Changes in the human body occur throughout his life, but especially intense changes in physical data and the spiritual world of man with his arrival at school. It is in the early school years that the process of socialization is most successful.

During this period, the child learns the rules of behavior in society, aware of their capabilities; it develops such qualities as respect for elders, responsibility. Note that for each age the process of entering society involves certain difficulties.

Thus, in the early school years the most important stage of socialization will be social adaptation - the process and result of coordination of the younger student with the world, adaptation to the new environment, new living conditions at school, the structure of relations in the classroom and school in general, establishing compliance with the norms and rules adopted at school.

A number of pedagogical conditions are outlined, taking into account which the process of socialization of children of primary school age will be successful. It is determined that the indicators of successful adaptation are the child's satisfaction with the school environment. Therefore, learning to interact with others is the main task of the development of younger students in the initial period of study.

Forms of psychological and pedagogical support of junior schoolchildren in the New Ukrainian School are described, which include: active methods of group work aimed at self-knowledge and self-disclosure of personality; individual work with children with difficulties in self-knowledge and self-analysis; individual work with parents. Modern educators face challenges that require the search for new pedagogical tools to ensure the intellectual and social development of primary school children.

Thus, the new school should work on the basis of «partnership pedagogy», which is based on communication, interaction and cooperation between teacher, student and parents. The use of collaborative teaching methods will be effective. Students will be involved in joint activities that will contribute to their socialization and successful adoption of social experience.

Key words: socialization, primary school age, New ukrainian school, conditions of socialization of primary school children, specifics of socialization of primary school students, psychological and pedagogical support of primary school students.


Особливості соціалізації молодших школярів в умовах нової української школи

У статті розкрито особливості соціалізації' учнів молодших класів. Наголошується на тому, що розвиток людини - досить важкий, довгий і суперечливий процес. Зміни в організмі людини відбуваються протягом усього її життя, але особливо інтенсивно змінюються фізичні дані і духовний світ людини з її приходом в школу. Саме в молодшому шкільному віці процес соціалізації відбувається найбільш успішно. В цей період дитина освоює норми поведінки в суспільстві, усвідомлює свої можливості; у неї формуються такі якості, як повага до старших, відповідальність. Зауважимо, що для кожного віку процес входження в соціум передбачає певні труднощі. Так, в молодшому шкільному віці найбільш значущим етапом соціалізації буде соціальна адаптація - процес і результат узгодження молодшого школяра з навколишнім світом, пристосування до нового середовища, нових умов життєдіяльності в школі, до структури відносин в класі і в школі в цілому, встановлення відповідності поведінки прийнятим у школі нормам і правилам.

Окреслено низку педагогічних умов, при врахуванні яких процес соціалізації дітей молодшого шкільного віку буде успішним. Визначено, що показниками успішної адаптації є задоволеність дитини шкільним середовищем. Тому навчитися взаємодіяти з оточуючими є основним завданням розвитку молодших школярів на початковому періоді навчання.

Охарактеризовано форми психолого-педа- гогічного супроводу молодших школярів у Новій українській школі, до яких можна віднести: активні методи групової роботи, спрямовані на самопізнання і саморозкриття особистості; індивідуальна робота з дітьми, що зазнають труднощі в самопізнанні і самоаналізі; індивідуальна робота з батьками. Перед сучасними педагогами постають завдання, які вимагають пошук нових педагогічних засобів, щоб забезпечувати інтелектуальний і соціальний розвиток дітей молодшого шкільного віку.

Отже, нова школа має працювати на засадах «педагогіки партнерства», в основі якої - спілкування, взаємодія та співпраця між учителем, учнем і батьками. Ефективним буде застосування методів викладання, заснованих на співпраці. Учні залучатимуться до спільної діяльності, що сприятиме їхній соціалізації та успішному перейманню суспільного досвіду.

Ключові слова: соціалізація, молодший шкільний вік, Нова українська школа, умови соціалізації дітей молодшого шкільного віку, специфіка соціалізації молодших школярів, психолого-педагогічний супровід учнів початкової школи.


Statement of the problem. One of the main tasks of education today is to form a person with an active life position, ready to take full responsibility for their actions. The civic position of the child, his socialization are not manifested by themselves, they can and should be consistently formed. Society entrusts this task primarily to the school.

Entering a new social environment through the mastery of its values, knowledge, skills that allow it to function successfully in society - is an integral part of the socialization of first-graders in the Concept of the New Ukrainian School (hereinafter - NUS) [7].

The task of the New Ukrainian School is, first of all, to make teachers aware of the main social tasks and aims to find forms, educational approaches, methods, development of author's programs, diversification of lessons.

The purpose of the New Ukrainian School is the comprehensive development of the child, his inclinations, abilities, competencies and cross-cutting skills in accordance with age. According to the tasks, the updated curriculum, all pedagogical methods, experience, practice should be aimed at the development and improvement of all the essential forces of the student's personality [6].

The peculiarity of the student's adaptation to new conditions of educational activity depends not only on his age and individual traits, but also on the support of his mental and cognitive processes, creative and intellectual potential, attention to his values and interests. It can be assumed that the focus on the needs of the student in the educational process, the principle of child-centeredness, modern educational environment will contribute to better adaptation of the first-grader to educational activities. primary school pedagogical socialization

Analysis of recent publications. Human social development is a process of assimilation and intensive reproduction by an individual of social experience, a system of social relationships [5, p. 102]. Socialization occurs in the process of learning, education and self-education, when a person sets goals and achieves them, when, cultivating a sense of selfworth, he is convinced of his own position in society.

Currently, the problem of socialization is analyzed from different points of view, where sociologists consider socialization as a process of human development in its interaction with the outside world; philosophers consider the essence of the process of social development (K. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, S. Rubinstein, D. Feldshein); psychologists and educators in terms of improving the effectiveness of socialization mechanisms through the educational process (A. Mudryk, D. Feldstein, A. Rean, R. Berne).

Zvereva, A. Kapska, L. Mishchyk, S. Kharchenko, S. Khlebik studied the problems of socialization of students of different age groups.

Issues of psychological adaptation of first-graders in the Concept of NUS are covered in the works of L. Berezovskaya, O. Chebykin. Thus, according to O. Chebykin, the social adaptation of first-graders is the assimilation of means of independent learning, which depends on the level of mastery of the child's learning process [3].

The formation of critical thinking, as one of the conditions for successful socialization of modern personality, is revealed in the studies of S. Savchenko and V. Kurilo.

According to L. Orban-Lembrik, socialization is «the process of entering the individual into society, active assimilation of social experience, social roles, norms, values necessary for successful life in a particular society» [9, p. 90].

Ukrainian researcher I. Zvereva considers socialization as «the process of a person's entry into society together with his social ties and integration into different types of social communities, as a result of which a social individual is formed. In the process of socialization, social qualities, values, knowledge, and human skills are formed.

In addition, there is a transformation of innate, natural traits, as well as human assimilation of elements of culture, social norms and values that exist in society» [4].

Highlighting previously unresolved parts of the overall problem. The organization of conditions for socialization of the student's personality in educational activities requires understanding the importance of socialization in the life of junior high school, knowledge of the essence of socialization, level and degree of its manifestation in behavior and activities, depth of awareness of social and personal significance of socialization.

Therefore, purposeful work to create conditions for socialization of the junior student begins with the diagnosis of needs and readiness, which is insufficiently substantiated guidelines for teachers to study the degree and levels of socialization, which negatively affects the effectiveness of learning.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of socialization of junior schoolchildren in the New Ukrainian school.

The main part of the research

The result of socialization is the formation of effective continuously changing circumstances of personal and social qualities, attitudes, ways of social interaction and is a necessary condition for active self-awareness, selfimprovement, achieving the desired level of development and status without harm to health. The individual learns about the environment and society, improves his own ego; their worldview is formed.

Of particular interest in our study is the primary school age, which covers the period of a child's life from 6-7 to 10-11 years. The limits of this age are variable and depend on many factors: the age at which education begins, the child's readiness for school, the implementation of education at the appropriate age, and so on.

The following mechanisms of socialization of junior schoolchildren can be distinguished:

1. Traditional (influence through family or immediate environment);

2. Institutional (influence on the process of socialization through institutions);

3. Reflexive (through individual awareness and experience).

Upon entering school, children become involved in new activities and systems of interpersonal relationships. For the younger student, the leading activity is educational activities, from the moment of entering school, the game gradually loses its leading role in his life, although it continues to occupy an important place.

For the first time in his life, the child is engaged in an activity that is important, significant for society, the success of the student in his activities receive a social assessment. In addition, when a child comes to school, there is no learning activity as such, it must be formed in the form of learning skills, which is a specific task of primary school age. Educational activity becomes the activity that returns the child to himself, requires reflection, assessment of «who I was» and «who I became» [12, p. 180].

The beginning of school life, the beginning of special educational activities requires from the child not only significant mental stress, but also great physical endurance. At this age there are significant changes in all organs and tissues of the body. All curves of the spine are formed: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, but ossification is not over. This causes great flexibility and mobility of the skeleton, which on the one hand is a resource for physical development of the child, and on the other hand - under the wrong conditions of development - can lead to various posture disorders that will affect throughout life. That is why when working with children of primary school age, it is so important to match the furniture, the correct placement of the child at the table or desk [2].

J. Piaget, characterizing the period of development of a child from 7 to 11 years, calls it the stage of specific operations. In intellectual development, this age in its psychological content is a turning point, in this period of thinking of the child is increasingly becoming similar to the thinking of an adult. The development of the emotional sphere of a student of primary school age is directly related to the change of his way of life and the expansion of the circle of communication, specifically - the beginning of school. Usually, a healthy child 7-10 years old is dominated by positive emotions, happy, cheerful, active mood. Much in the surrounding reality is of interest to the younger student, a joyful feeling, often reaching an enthusiastic state, sometimes even for a relatively minor reason. At the same time, the strength of feelings is associated with great instability of feelings in younger students.

After experiencing resentment or failure, a young student may be very upset, but his or her grief passes as quickly and easily as it does, usually without leaving a trace in the child's memory. We can say that the emotions of a child of primary school age are characterized on the one hand by the strength and brightness of the experience, and on the other hand - short-lived.

Characteristic of the younger student is also a lack of ability to manage their experiences, to restrain or not to show them, all the feelings of a child of this age are usually clearly expressed in speech, facial expressions, crying or laughing.

At the age of six, a child's social situation changes: the influence of the family weakens and the influence of teachers and classmates increases. Every child reacts differently and adapts to new conditions and new situations. Of paramount importance are the individual characteristics of the individual. In addition, at this age the child is actively developing social emotions, such as selfishness, a sense of responsibility, a sense of trust in people and the child's ability to empathize.

Younger students are sensitive not only to educational activities, but also to extracurricular activities in which they can show their new abilities. Serious changes are taking place in children's relationships with teachers and peers. The student's desire to get involved in group activities and in communication with his peers is quite clear. During this period, the activities and communication of six-year-olds are regulated by the teacher. It is under the guidance of the teacher that students gain skills of teamwork that have a social focus.

Let's consider in more detail what personal qualities are necessary for successful socialization. The successful socialization of primary school children can be evidenced by the presence of such qualities in children as independence, responsibility, diligence, initiative. Already at the primary school age, such a quality as self-regulation of behavior appears. On the basis of the received knowledge, the mastered rules of behavior also there is an ability to manage itself, the behavior, the emotions. Younger students try to restrain their desires, which very often do not coincide with generally accepted rules, norms and requirements.

A characteristic feature of primary school students is a pronounced emotional perception. At younger schoolchildren it differs in instability and disorganization, but at the same time sharpness and freshness, curiosity. The credulity of younger students, their propensity to imitate, the great authority enjoyed by the teacher, is the starting point for successful socialization of the individual. The foundations of moral behavior are laid in primary school, its role in the socialization of the individual is huge. Therefore, the primary school should include its students in a reasonably organized, feasible for them productive work, the importance of which in the formation of social qualities of the individual can not be compared with anything [10].

Based on the research of L. Oliferenko, T. Shulga and I. Dementieva, it is possible to establish the specifics of socialization of junior schoolchildren:

- in contrast to adults, who change their behavior more often than attitudes, children adjust their basic value orientations;

- adults are able to assess social phenomena and norms, to be critical of them, and children learn them as proposed regulators of behavior;

- adults manage their own socialization, children's socialization is under the influence of adults;

- orientation of adults is focused on mastering social skills (operational and technical sphere), in younger students the leading role belongs to the motivation of behavior [8].

Thus, the socialization of primary school students is influenced by different types of adaptations, activities of the child, motives, mechanisms. All these criteria determine the level of socialization of junior high school students and allow to predict the social development of junior high school students.

Based on the Concept of the «New Ukrainian School» - «the mission of primary school is the diverse development of the child's personality in accordance with its age and individual psychophysiological characteristics, the formation of general cultural and moral and ethical values, key and subject competencies, necessary life and social skills to continue their education in primary school, life in a democratic society.

The most valuable result of primary education in the personal dimension is a healthy child, motivated by successful learning, research attitude to life; these are students who know how to learn from different sources and critically evaluate information, treat themselves and other people responsibly, realize themselves as a citizen of Ukraine» [7, p. 18]. If the children's team has a positive atmosphere and a comfortable psychological climate, students do not feel fear and inconvenience when it comes to asking questions to the teacher, they are not afraid to make mistakes, show emotions when needed, seek help from teachers and peers.

A necessary condition for successful socialization is the interaction of school and family. Maximum convergence of interests of parents and teachers in the formation of a developed personality is central to the formation of a single educational space.

The interaction of school and family is effective when the systematic work of the school enhances the pedagogical culture of parents, mutual acceptance in the choice of forms and methods of pedagogical culture.

Effective forms of interaction between family and school in the socialization of primary school children include: parent meetings, open lessons, family visits, conversations with parents, joint activities of children's and creative teams, pedagogical conferences, etc.

Of course, the teacher-family-student relationship can be built according to the requirements of pedagogical ethics with the leading role of the school and the active participation of parents.

Such a relationship is based on mutual trust and friendliness, if in joint activities with each family, the teacher draws on all the positive things that are in the child, and is able to show ways of its development; if the teacher deeply believes in the success of the community with parents and conducts constant work aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

The mission of the New Ukrainian School is to help discover and develop the abilities, talents and abilities of each child through a partnership between teacher, student and parents. Thus, the new school should work on the basis of «partnership pedagogy», which is based on communication, interaction and cooperation between teacher, student and parents. The use of collaborative teaching methods will be effective. Students will be involved in joint activities that will contribute to their socialization and successful adoption of social experience [6].

It can be concluded that the fundamental conditions for the interaction of family and school to ensure the effective socialization of primary school children are:

- organization and implementation of planned methodological activities for interaction with parents, which includes webinars, workshops, consultations, etc.;

- creating conditions for ensuring the openness of the school system for joint work with family members of students;

- carrying out various activities on the terms of interaction of parents, teachers and children, as a result of which children will be able to realize themselves as effectively as possible while functioning in the system of school relations;

- creation of a «bank» of information, which will focus a set of methodological materials to support parents who are willing to help their children in terms of successful and productive socialization;

- development of a program of methodological support for the successful socialization of young students.

Another feature of socialization is the impact of culture on the child. Influence on the social development of the child is provided by creative activities, interaction with museums, organization of excursions, holding various cultural events, which are carried out both at school and in extracurricular activities aimed at developing students' horizons. The desire for culture is nurtured in the lessons of fine arts, music, literary reading, etc. An important role in this process is played by trips to cinemas, theaters, visits to art exhibitions [1, p. 316-320].

It should be noted that the process of socialization of primary school children will be successful given a number of pedagogical conditions:

- taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children of primary school age;

- the formation of positive contacts, friendly relationships that create a sense of value of the child's personality;

- recognition of the child's success as a significant adult, which provides adequate self-esteem, activity, initiative;

- ensuring the realization of the child's needs in cognition, which stimulates his intellectual activity;

- realization of the need for meaningful and diverse communication in the social environment;

- organization of various activities that promote self-affirmation, self-realization, self-confidence.

The main forms of psychological and pedagogical support of junior schoolchildren in the New Ukrainian School include: active methods of group work aimed at self-knowledge and self-disclosure of personality; individual work with children with difficulties in selfknowledge and self-analysis; individual work with parents.

Psychological and pedagogical support of junior high school students is associated with the development of children's ability to use verbal and nonverbal means of communication, determine the personality traits of their communication partner, determine their behavior, be accepted in communication and achieve success.

Based on the essence of psychological and pedagogical support, we can identify the following areas of its implementation:

- psychological and pedagogical diagnostics aimed at identifying individual characteristics of students' social development;

- developing psychological and pedagogical work, which is carried out regularly throughout the year and has a targeted (individual) content;

- psycho-correctional work focused on providing assistance to students who have difficulties in individual development;

- consultative work with parents;

- methodical work of teachers aimed at mastering and improving the mechanisms of organization of the educational process in terms of psychological and pedagogical support [13].


Thus, we can conclude that the socialization of junior high school students is a process of gaining experience in social relations and the development of new social roles, which takes place in the fields of activity. Therefore, when organizing the pedagogical process in primary school, the teacher's focus on the criteria and indicators of social development of primary school students, a competent selection of typical tasks for their study can be obtained as a result of support for socialization of primary school students:

- positive attitude of the child and the stability of his inner world;

- skills of effective interpersonal communication with peers;

- positive attitude towards the teacher;

- positive identity with significant others.

The teacher must take into account all the accompanying circumstances for the child's development to proceed normally: his ability in the initial stages to build relationships in the classroom and with others, his character, mental state and other criteria. It is also important that children are able to properly assess themselves, their capabilities, be able to adequately assess their actions and correct the negative things that are in them.


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  • Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.

    курсовая работа [39,4 K], добавлен 26.05.2015

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