The problem of identifying the psychological impact of extremist materials on the youth audience, the causes of influence, the channels for its implementation. Analysis of the dynamics of the emotional state, attitudes and aggression in the interaction.
Analyzing of the international investment, the definition of international conventions, multilateral international treaties, bilateral international agreements, particularly the promotion of investment activities, protection of international investments.
Analysis of the pension system of workers and employees of the Ukrainian SSR. The desire of the occupation authorities to convince the lumpenized strata of the authorities ' care for them. Research of state budget opportunities in a market economy.
In Arab states status of a president indissoluble linked with the form of government. The constitutions of the Arab republics provide for four types of republican government, in which the presidents have different status and different scope of powers.
The article is devoted to the research of the features of the nondiscrimination principle in international trade and economic law. This principle promotes international cooperation despite any differences in political, economic, and social systems.
Identification of the characteristics of parent-child relationships in complete and incomplete families. Analysis of the methods of diagnosing parental relationships and of identifying the characteristics of a child's acceptance of a parental position.
Study of the issue of the guilt of business entities - taxpayers. Official legalization of the institution of guilt as a mandatory element of certain tax offenses. Risks of choosing an unscrupulous counterparty. Mandatory elements of a tax offense.
Ideological component of World War II. Features of social special propaganda in the first period of the German-Soviet military struggle on the Ukrainian territory (June 1941 - November 1942). Confrontation with Hitler's Germany and the Soviet Union.
The uniqueness of the Canadian circus "Cirque du Soleil" in the context of circological research in today's conditions. Specific features of production work, theatrical and circus performances, the uniqueness of this company among other circus structures.
Identify the features of the representations of a complex partner regarding various subjects of communication. The main indicators of difficulties in communicating with various complex partners (belonging to extremist groups) and their portraits.
Determination of the main factors on which the sustainable development of any democracy depends. Highlighting the peculiarities of the study of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of ensuring the right of any person to health care.
Possibilities of applying knowledge about artificial intelligence in training students - future teachers. The role of artificial intelligence technologies in preparing them for future work. Study of aspects of using artificial intelligence in education.
The basic principles of the innovative economy have been studied. It was determined that in the conditions of technological development, the approach to personnel management has fundamentally changed, standard methods are already outdated and ineffective.
Minimizing, eliminating, overcoming undesirable behaviors for society - one of the most important tasks of state power. Punishment and prevention - the methods of the social control system over crime. Directions of modern criminal policy of Ukraine.
The tourism sector as the most globalized branch of the world economy. Analysis of forms and directions of integration of tourism and other companies operating in the tourism market, in the context of systematic integration of tourism enterprises.
Examine the advantages of the America - Cameroon relations to the Cameroon in leadership competition in the African region. Analysis of criticism by the United States of human rights policy in Cameroon, insufficiently high rates of economic development.
Study of the characteristics of coping strategies depending on the level of professional experience. Development of targeted programs aimed at preserving and activating compensatory, protective, regulatory mechanisms that provide resistance to stress.
Psychological aspects of illegal car theft as a situation of loss of a significant object and a factor in victimization of а participant in the crime. The relationship between general and social intelligence and cognitive-emotional behavioral strategies.
The influence of globalization processes, phenomena on the world economy. The basic problem areas of activities concerning the creation and operation of integrated communities. Positive factors of integration, the expected effect of forming integration.
The history of the Federal government of the USA since 1789. The United States Congress as the legislative branch of the federal government and it’s powers. Executive and Judicial branches, President. Relationships between state and federal courts.
The Central Asian region consists of the former USSR republics; thus, these states are near abroad countries for Russia. The study in hand also draws on general approaches to the "soft power" implementation in the region of advantages of Arkhangelsk.
Анализ санитарно-гигиенических, юридических и гуманитарных аспектов фелинологии, требующих ветеринарного сопровождения. Значение кошки, как культурологического объекта, биологического средства в психологических и социально-педагогических методиках.
Researching of the original version of the genre of opera of "Zaporozheian beyond the Danube" in contrast to the formed concept of "Italian imitation". Influensing the creativity of the creator of opera on the "spirit of the times" and the ideas.
The concept of female leadership and leadership style features. Estimation of the share of women on the boards of directors of Russian public companies. The main qualities of the entrepreneur. Combating discrimination in the business environment.
"Roses behind thorns. A confession about a women's prison" as a conceptually new artistic receptive model of the prison experience. Analysis of the traumatic experience of lack of freedom, which is directly or indirectly marked by human corporeality.
The formation of ripples or laser induced periodic surface structures on the semiconductor material and metals. Peculiarities of radiation generator. Using field emission scanning electron microscopy. Analysis of forming of polymeric nanoparticles.
Scientific substantiation of the most rational ways of fermenting meat raw materials, establishing requirements for raw materials for the production of fermented meat. A positive effect of fermentation for 18 days on the consumer characteristics of meat.
The deterministic spherical motion of the ferromagnetic fine particle with frozen magnetic moment is considered. Using the equations of motion and the mode of torsional oscillation. The influence of the static field on the magnitude of the power loss.
Anatomy of the Mare’s Reproductive Tract. Endocrinology of the Oestrous Cycle and Puberty. Clinical Examination of the Mare’s Reproductive Tract. Manipulation of Cyclical Activity. The Optimum Time for Breeding and the Mating Procedure. Normal Pregnancy.
The sociological evaluation of contemporary theater festival. The social orientation of the functional management of leisure activities. The organization of visits to theater events. The modern kinds of individual and collective forms of relaxation.