• Changes in the system of Russian education - one of the processes which exercise a significant influence on the raise standards of the teachers personality. The main variants of the combination of levels of trust in self in the professional sphere.

    статья (14,1 K)
  • Role of the study of the truth conditions of sentences in attempt of language. The proper role of truth in explaining language-use by Michael Dummett. The usages of the concept "foresee". General characterization of truth-inducing sensual contexts.

    статья (1,2 M)
  • Basic philosophical traditions in law. Development of a procedural strategy with litigation. Establishing and clarifying the legal meanings of the facts that are relevant to the case. Assessment of the truth of evidence and judicial interpretation.

    статья (29,9 K)
  • Расположение и ассортимент услуг, предоставляемых клиентам Tulip Inn Sofrino Park Hotel. Возможности проведения различных конференций в отеле. Территория и ландшафт Tulip Inn. Обустройство общественной зоны в отеле. Архитектурная стилистика Tulip Inn.

    презентация (15,1 M)
  • Authors develop a technique laser recanalization of colon tumors, allowing in the conditions of intestinal obstruction to execute early antegrade decompression of digestive tracts with its fast restoration and early clinical-metabolic compensation.

    статья (480,6 K)
  • Noise is often defined as unwanted sound. Noise Influence on Health. Noise Measurement and Rules. Perceived noisiness as a function of frequency and sound pressure level. Noise Limits and Level Calculations. Aerodynamic characteristics of Tupolev 154M.

    реферат (1,0 M)
  • Effects of noise - a major problem of the turbojet-powered commercial aircrafts. Sleep disturbance and noise influence on health. Noise measurement and rules. Duct lining calculation. Tupolev 154M description and the methods for suppressing jet noise.

    курсовая работа (439,2 K)
  • The Turing Test is the most disputed topics in artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind and cognitive science. Behaviorism, consciousness and similar topics in philosophy of mind are discussed. Sociological, psychological aspects of the Turing Test.

    статья (253,8 K)
  • Turkestan — one of the tourist centers of South Kazakhstan, educational and cultural center, a center of domestic and foreign tourism. Place of interest: Hanaka (mausoleum), Yasawi, Railway Station. Turkestan a sacred city called "little Mecca".

    реферат (12,6 K)
  • This is a legal and political sociology essay with the objective of a geopolitical, legal and economic analysis of the pros and cons of potential entry as a member state of the European Union. The policies, more in detail on the side of politics making.

    статья (32,1 K)
  • The relations between Turkey and the USSR during Ozal’s period highlighting the theoretical and practical aspects using the liberal theory approach to the international relations. The Cold War system covering the period from 1945 to 1991 was a struggle.

    статья (47,2 K)
  • Analysis of the events of the genocide carried out by Armenians against the Turkic-Muslim population in 1918-1920, based on the works of modern Turkic historians. Creation of a state in the eastern provinces of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the XIX.

    статья (21,5 K)
  • Assessment of Turkish-African relations, determination of foreign aid flows and Turkey's position on Africa. Challenges to determinants of external assistance provided by Turkey. Characteristics of the impact of foreign aid, Turkey's approach in Africa.

    статья (30,2 K)
  • Technical characteristics of the new turning and milling machines, the CTX beta 2000 TC. Milling with up to 220 Nm of torque (CTX beta-TC max. 120 Nm). Innovative multi-channel programming with ShopTurn 3G. The main advantages of CTX beta 2000 TC.

    презентация (335,0 K)
  • Confrontation of civilization standards, on the one hand, and the values of national cultural and religious identity, on the other hand. Study of Tuvan traditional culture as a socio-historical phenomenon. Modernization of society, changing lifestyle.

    статья (45,3 K)
  • Basic Types of international marketing strategies. Marketing strategies used by online TV services. Peculiarities of Netflix and Amazon Prime Video marketing strategies in India and services comparison. Netflix and Amazon Prime performances in India.

    курсовая работа (976,1 K)
  • Study of the specifics of migration flows from the Global South, as one of the most pressing socio-political problems affecting the geopolitics. Analysis of migration problems in the European Union and Russia with an emphasis on illegal migration.

    статья (27,9 K)
  • Характеристики мікроблогінгу Twitter як частини загальної системи інтернет-маркетингу, його особливості, інструменти та методи. Стан проникнення Twitter у життя населення України та головні риси його функціонування. Принципи просування твіттер-каналу.

    статья (46,8 K)
  • Интернет как платформа многочисленных возможностей для продвижения компании, улучшения ее финансовых результатов. Социальные сети - каналы связи, которые помогают фирмам в достижении различных организационных целей в области маркетинга и рекламы.

    дипломная работа (125,1 K)
  • Особливості використання соціальної мережі Twitter у контексті реалізації класичної та громадської дипломатії та формування зовнішньополітичного іміджу держави. Необхідність використовувати можливості мережі Twitter для популяризації своєї країни.

    статья (31,7 K)
  • The importance of the distinction between justifying a practice and a particular action falling under it, the logical basis of this distinction. The subject of punishment in the sense of attaching legal penalties to the violation of legal rules.

    статья (2,7 M)
  • Monographic study, description and depiction of new species of rhinhonellids, which are found in the lower reaches of the Famennian deposits of the region. The first step towards the publication of the Atlas of Devonian Brachiopods of Volyn-Podillya.

    статья (2,1 M)
  • Argues that the lack of transparence of the Commission of the European Union during the process of adoption of implementing and delegated acts deepen the "democratic deficit" problem. Consideration of shortcomings of the system of quasi-legislative acts.

    статья (20,1 K)
  • An account of the history of Afghans in the tradition of Persian medieval historiography in the book Ni'matallah Haravi. The structure of the essay and the editorial remarks available in its text. Study of the editions of the book "Mahzan-i Afghani".

    статья (30,2 K)
  • Consideration of a set of statistical, lexical and grammatical features of two-component attributive constructions found in the text corpus of legal discourse. Identification of typical and most frequent representatives in judicial procedural documents.

    статья (22,4 K)
  • Obtaining the asymptotic solution of the weakly nonlinear scalar oscillator resulting amplitude equation. The regular perturbation method generally feature secular behavior. The renormalization group method proposed by Chen, Goldenfeld, and Oono.

    статья (417,2 K)
  • Doctrine - an element that plays an important role as sources of law in religious and traditional legal systems, law enforcement activities in the administration of justice. Analysis of the procedural rules which reflecting the dynamics of the court.

    статья (14,2 K)
  • Terminology of antonymy, analysis of its types. Antonymous relations in French and Ukrainian philosophical terminology. Antonyms based on logical relations: lexical-semantic and stylistic aspects. Contradictory, conversion, occasional and usual antonyms.

    статья (37,1 K)
  • A charter party is a document of contract by which a shipowner agrees to lease, and the charterer agrees to hire, a vessel or all the cargo space, on terms and conditions forth in the charter party. The main types of charter parties are Bareboat Charter.

    реферат (19,5 K)
  • Study matter and change and the types of systems. Studying the molecules of life by organic chemistry. Identification and quantification of materials in a mixture in analytical chemistry. Chemical principles underlying basic biological systems.

    эссе (65,0 K)