• Introduction to the modern principles of crowd control. Essence of the concept study of the crowd, her species - spontaneous, organized and led by the leader. Consideration of the characteristics of mass behavior. Features of human behavior in the crowd.

    эссе (28,6 K)
  • Study of the concept of a contract, analysis of types of economic contractual relations affecting the development of the economy of Ukraine. Classification of business contracts as the main legal instruments of business regulation in market conditions.

    статья (18,6 K)
  • Классификация и сущность экономической системы, характеристика практического и рискового финансирования без участия инвестора в осуществлении проекта. Особенности рыночной, смешанной, плановой и традиционной экономики. Анализ современной экономики РФ.

    контрольная работа (36,0 K)
  • Enterprise as an entity. Consideration types of enterprises according to ownership, type of activity, number of employees. Association in cooperatives. Industry classification and company profile determined the products produced or services provided.

    эссе (18,4 K)
  • Consideration of the aspect of the concept of Theodor Shanin. Key conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the essence of socio-economic development on a global scale and a broad historical perspective. Study of Russian intellectual history.

    статья (83,7 K)
  • Study of the features of international electronic contracts and their areas of application. Characterization and analysis of some of the main features of international and electronic contracts. Special procedures for concluding an electronic contract.

    статья (20,9 K)
  • Awareness by the Ukrainian people of their rights and responsibilities, law-making powers, which will contribute to the real possibility of people's participation in the management of state affairs. People's legislative initiative, referendum initiative.

    статья (28,7 K)
  • The article is devoted to a detailed description of the possible translation (crosslanguage) transformations that occur in inter-Slavic translations, the specificity of which is based on deep genetic relationship between source and target languages.

    статья (25,4 K)
  • A Trojan as a hidden threat, much like the famed Trojan horse left by Odysseus on the shores of Troy. Targeting, distribution and activation mechanisms of the worms. Drive-by-Downloads, email, network intrusion, social engineering, business models.

    лекция (66,9 K)
  • Music - the one of the most versatile branches of human self-expression. Main directions and modern forms of musical art. The most popular types of music: blues, classical, country, jazz, electronic, metal, punk, rock-n-roll, rock, rap and techno.

    контрольная работа (12,8 K)
  • Compounding as the most productive way of word formation in Danish. Creating a typology of composites created in violation of generally accepted word-formation models. Attempt to present the most common types of occasional compound words in Danish.

    статья (43,8 K)
  • The paper focuses on the research of lexical and grammatical means of politeness as one of the universals in language usage, which expresses the concern of the speaker for interlocutors in particular social contexts. It considers four types of politeness.

    статья (20,0 K)
  • The definition of financial risks, their classification and description of species. Criteria for the qualitative and quantitative assessments of the probability of occurrence of financial losses. Control mechanisms and eliminate the threat of risk.

    реферат (23,0 K)
  • The theoretical and practical value of english lexicology. The connection of lexicology with phonetics, stylistics, grammar. Substantivization of adjectives, criteria of semantic derivation. Syntactical classification of phraseological units, antonyms.

    курсовая работа (90,5 K)
  • Test type problem used in English language, which is the important aspect of the process of English language learning and teaching. It considers different types of tests used in English language. The role of tests in language learning improve it.

    статья (158,7 K)
  • In this article types of thinking – mythological, totemic, formal, logical, associative, figurative, and abstract – are theoretically analyzed regarding their possible contributions to ecological attitudes. The potential for all types of thinking.

    статья (33,9 K)
  • Historical aspects of translation. Significance, usage and advantage of the translator, machine and audiovisual translation. Types of computer-aided translation. Translating for legal equivalence. Literary and specialized translation or interpretation.

    презентация (132,3 K)
  • Listening, speaking, reading and writing vocabulary. Vocabulary instruction as a complex area. Categorization as one of the most effective ways to work with words and meanings. This semantic feature analysis. Main special types of vocabulary terms.

    курсовая работа (38,9 K)
  • The article describes the peculiarities of children’s and teenager’s speech, deviations from literary speech. It also touches upon the problem of mispronunciation of words and grammatical mistakes in Huckleberry Finn’s speech in Mark Twain’s novel.

    статья (16,4 K)
  • Target Server Memory Pool. A pool of memory on the target reserved for use by the Tornado tools. The target server manages the pool, keeping overhead such as block lists on the host. Additional memory is allocated from the system memory pool if needed.

    презентация (49,1 K)
  • Research of distinctive features of speech from written language. Definition of insert words. Comparison of inserted cases in opposing languages. Vocal expression of emotions, prosodic, intonation and acoustic features of face-to-face communication.

    реферат (27,4 K)
  • Justification in theoretical and experimental terms of the typology of communicative activity of preschool children with mental retardation. Theoretical development and practical implementation of a typology of communicative activity in preschool age.

    статья (178,6 K)
  • The article describes the terminological thesaurus in the context of the methodology of professional art education and value-normative, and scientifically managed types of continuity of paradigms of visual training of specialists in art specialties.

    статья (24,8 K)
  • The typology of female psycholinguistic archetypes in English-language mass culture films of the 21st century. The study investigates 27 interconnected films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise. The typology is based on Jung’s idea of an archetype.

    статья (21,0 K)
  • The functionality in the syntax with the definition of its main qualifying and classification features and differentiation the structural, determinacy or indeterminacy, positional, linear functions. The realization of the categorical sentence semantics.

    статья (565,5 K)
  • Acquaintance with the peculiarities of typology of infrastructural support of agricultural systems. Consideration of the main ways to identify priority areas for the development of infrastructure support for the agricultural sector of the economy.

    статья (430,5 K)
  • Description of the causes of the formation of grammatical and morphological changes as the basis for innovative processes in modern English. Classification of intralinguistic causes of morphological (verbal) changes of an innovative type in English.

    статья (596,4 K)