Objectification of the Siberia concept in English - the language of intercultural communication. Linguistic culture contact as another language variant in the World Englishes family. Choosing an adequate means of nominating Siberia as a linguistic sign.
Micali-Reyzin computational model. Target circuit and block cipher. Analysis of single point leakages. Towards the analysis of real constructions. Definition of security against side-channel attacks. The initialize a PRNG securely with a public seed.
Siding - an external covering or a skin of the house, intended for water discharge and protection from influence of weather conditions. Siding is a key element in the aesthetic beauty of the facade structure. Types of siding: wooden, vinyl, metal, brick.
New Zealand is an island country in the Pacific. The main tourist attractions of New Zealand. The village of Hobbiton near Matamata. The Fjord Milford Sound - is one of the most beautiful places on our planet. Waitomo Caves is masterpiece of nature.
Main tourist sights of England. Westminster Abbey is a living church, the traditional place of coronation and burial site for monarchs. Pictures of greatest artists is in Buckingham Palace. The London Eye and the Tower of London are tourist attractions.
- 186. Sights of London
The studying of geographical position a largest city of the United Kingdom - London. The main attractions and places in West End. Review of the Queen's Residence, Trafalgar Square of London. The Tower as a symbol of the norman conquest of England.
The basic principles of the Cours: les deux principes generaux and Suassure labeled. An enormous role in the area of derivations and of word families, where similarity between. The issue of sound symbolism. The second principle in Saussure’s Course.
Mathematical approach to problems in signal interpretation with using the methods for texture identification, segmentation, template matching, pattern recognition. Fundamental basics about analog and discrete signals, linear systems, Fourier transforms.
The identification and analysis of the significance and multiple values of the rhombus in the Romanian art, considering from its frequent perpetuation in the traditional art. Presence of the rhombus in the various pieces of interior textiles Romanian.
Economic violence is a form of domestic violence that includes intentional deprivation of housing, food, clothing, other property, funds or documents or the ability to use them, leaving without care or concern, preventing access to necessary treatment.
Profound n- and p-type silicon monocrystals. Effect of hole and electronic conductivity in semiconductors on the of anodic etching. Correlation between the microstructure of silicon, the dislocation density and the lifetime of minority carriers.
Сильвічні рукописи як елемент культури сарматизму. Політична риторика в обороні православ'я. Між публічним і приватним: "література" на службі соціуму. Повсякденний побут шляхти та козацької еліти. Опис збірника І. Груші "Silva Rerum", його аналіз.
Quantitative evaluation of the antimicrobial ability of silver nanoparticles in comparison with silver ions, evaluation of the antimicrobial effectiveness of silver nanoparticles when introduced into water-soluble paints, cotton fabrics, fibrous sorbents.
Types of entry strategies used by automobile producers into Chinese markets. Entry strategy of automobile producers into Russian and Chinese markets. Similarities and differences of entry strategies of automobile producers into Russia and China.
The Renaissance is the era in the history of European culture, had come on the changing culture of the Middle ages. The General trends in art. The rupture with the previous historic experience of artistic creativity, the desire to approve a new.
Money in the succession of purposes. Nervous to the fingertips of the almost frightening sensibility of the neurasthenic, Simel as one of the ingenious interpreters of psychic emotions, incomparable in the gift to feel the subtle vibrations of the soul.
Determining the Apparent Secular Acceleration. Deducing errors of The Lunar elements from Observation of eclipses and the Occultation. Apparent place of the Moon and of the Sun. Distance of Centers of the Two Bodies. the Equations of Correction.
- 198. Simple relational database text format for developing, describing and exchanging over a network
The article considers an example that contains the main features of a relational database - tabular representation, primary key, foreign key. It is shown that this database is completely described by the new format. A comma-separated values (CSV) files.
Analysis of problems with the procedure for consideration of cases by commercial courts. Familiarity with the peculiarities of the application of simplified proceedings in commercial litigation. Ways to cancel any stages of the economic process.
Presentation process modelling of gas turbine combustion chamber as one of the efficient energy technologies. Description of the development of green technologies reduce the emissions of combustion products of different fuel compositions in gas turbine.
The theoretical and methodological foundations with the help of simulation the anti-crisis financial strategy in the conditions of financial crises and military aggression. General problems in the practical application of financial strategy simulation.
Describing of physical modeling of wind instruments provides digital sound synthesis based on a set of parameters that have a direct physical interpretation. Propagation of pressure waves in cylindrical and predominantly conical sections of saxophone.
The calculating of the elements of a picture of thermosphere circulation, direction of thermosphere wind over Kharkiv. The calculations of constituent part of vertical component of ionospheric plasma velocity caused by horizontal neutral winds were made.
Analysis of the phenomenon of the postmodern simulation of the laughter against the background of the constant transformation of reality into hyperreality. Features of carrying out of historical reconstruction of the process of simulation of the laughter.
Territorial disparities of health and socio-demographic status of the regions of Ukraine. The lack of medical resources, clinical and staff potential and disparities in financial support in areas. demographic expectations and ecological status country.
Describing space-time evolution of electric charge induced in dielectric layer of simulated metalinsulator-semiconductor structures due to irradiation with X-rays. The system of equations used as a basis of the simulation model is solved iteratively.
Application of mathematical methods - important condition in the analysis, work optimization of industrial structures. Use of the device of imitating modeling for research of production systems. The program table parameters for collecting statistics.
Estimation of energy release in mills of various types to understand the thermodynamic aspect of processes during mechanoactivation treatment. Modeling the motion of the balls of a mill and evaluating the generation of energy in the ball system.
The process of helicopter pilots training by simulator. Analyzed the aviation accidents due to human factor. The way of estimation of pilots training by simulators. The formalization of the educational process with the control of training information.
Общие сведения о программе Simulink, её интерфейс, назначение и преимущества. Создание модели в программе, основные приёмы подготовки и редактирования. Установка параметров расчёта и его выполнение. Использование редактора дифференциальных уравнений.