Сутність та особливості соціального медіа маркетингу. Розробка пропозицій щодо застосування SMM як драйверу бізнесу у нових воєнних реаліях. Аналіз популярних в Україні соціальних медіа, напрямки трансформації ключових інструментів SMM в умовах війни.
Сущность, задачи и виды внутреннего туризма. Определение, задачи и стратегии продвижения маркетинга территории. Ростовская область как продукт маркетинга территории. Оценка имиджа Ростовской области жителями и гостями региона. Продвижение бренда региона.
Использование платформы профессионалами в социальных сетях, зависящее от типа коммерческой транзакции. Инструмент, позволяющий работать в социальных сетях - SMM и расшифровывается как - social media marketing. Очевидные преимущества использования SMM.
- 244. Smooth time variation spectra as a tool to study line profile variability in spectra of hot stars
An investigation of the line profile variations (LPV) in spectra of hot stars. The smooth Time Variation Spectra (smTVS) for detection of micro LPV of various nature. Results of using the telescopes of the Caucasus Special Astrophysical Observatory.
Особенности языка мобильных телефонов. Изучение системы коротких сообщений. Оценка положительных и отрицательных моментов использования мобильного общения посредством SMS. Оценка популярности SMS среди младшего подросткового возраста и юношества.
Various kinds of mathematical models of a snakelike robot motion depending on gait pattern. Simplified model of a snake. The motion sequence of three-mass system. The average velocity depending on number of masses. Determination of optimal masses number.
- 247. Sobornost’ and Humanism: cultural-philosophical analysis of V. Ivanov essay "Legion and sobornost’"
The philosophical and cultural significance of the concept of "sobornost’" in the cultural context of Silver Age and in the historical context of World War I. Clarification his own idea of collegiality and the ontological opposition of the title.
- 248. Soccer
This is Soccer. British Soccer History. The History of Soccer Shoes. Association Rules. Inetrnational Football. Development of Soccer Boots. Marketing, improvement of safety, work, materials. Nottingemshirsky County as the first professional command.
Analysis of the interaction of the labor market and the market of educational services in the conditions of transformation of society and European integration. Features of regulation and justification of the problem of structural imbalances in this area.
The author of the article proved that the implementation of the market model in the agricultural sector had led to the almost total destruction of production cooperatives. The causes of destruction of cooperative and state farms have been investigated.
At present, EU member states have a different level of social and economic development. These are countries advanced in development as well as economically backward. The social and economic development of Ukraine in comparison to other EU member states.
Ensuring the well-being of children in need in the UK and Ukraine. Responsibility of parents for raising a child. Causes, types of violence and abuse in the family. Social assistance and support for foster families. Prevention of orphanhood and neglect.
- 253. Social and political agendas of American society in the new millennium (Salman Rushdie's Quichotte)
Research of the artistic interpretation of social and political problems in Salman Rushdie's novel Quichotte. Identify and describe those social and political triggers that, on the one hand, define today's agenda of the American post-truth society.
The system of gender-power relations in the society. A symbolic power of the feminine. Gender communication in the context of gender power. Female strategies in gender power structure. Passional attachment as a psychologic basis of gender power.
Characteristic of the trends of humanization of the economic life and intellectualization of the society. Study of the role of socialization as a motivational policy factor. Analysis of the tasks of the enterprise social policy and motivational tools.
The study of the social basis of positive legal responsibility and its legal nature and practical significance. Its relationship with the concept of the rule of law and civil society. Rating of legally relevant behavior as responsible or irresponsible.
Consideration private-public partnership as a new form of relationship between the state and the public, public authorities and non-governmental organizations. Viewed of the social business and entrepreneurship as a form of private-public relations.
The essence of the development of social capital of local communities. The problems of strengthening the social capital of rural territorial communities in the context of administrative and territorial reform. The risks and directions for their solution.
Problems of strengthening the social capital of rural territorial communities in the context of administrative-territorial reform. Study of the prerequisites and directions for the mobilization and growth of internal resources for rural development.
- 260. Social communications in the aspects of sustainable development of modern social-economics reality
XXth century as the peak period of industrial society and the birth of post-industrial society. Transformational processes taking place in modern Ukrainian society. The state of society during qualitative changes in forms, development of social ties.
Defining a model of social competences, distinguishing similar concepts and identifying the main problems associated with the wide use of terms. Consideration of the application of social competencies. Bringing an overview of promising research tasks.
Theoretical, practical aspects of sociological research of the problems of the development of branch experts' competency in modern societies, oriented to professionalization and optimization of using labour resources. Water transport professional groups.
The concept, factors, methods of rating assessment of social development. The study of the principles of state regulation. Improving social sustainability of the economic sphere. Determining the structure of the social package and collective agreements.
Valuable specificity of modern prose of the Persian Gulf countries in the scientific works of European scientists. Analysis of the work of the Kuwaiti author Saud al-Sanusi, the novel "Bamboo Stem" and the Emirati writer Noura Al-Numan, the novel "Ajwan".
Collection and generalization of scientific works of European scientists, which are devoted to the analysis of the work of Arab writers. Study of aspects of modern Arabic literature in the context of social problems and the dimension of being in prose.
The concept and main characteristics of discrimination based on race, gender, religion, disability, language and social status. Reflection of this norms and principles of protection. Requirements for the social security of people with disabilities.
The diversity of organizations and working groups as a prerequisite for the formation of a special type of social identity, as professional, organizational or managerial. Principles of work motivation, association and differences in organizations.
Description and identification of the main problems of modern ideology of labor law. The value of this category for legal regulation of labor. The reflection of the relevant norms in the legislation of Ukraine, the ways and the pillars of its reform.
Theoretical foundations, structure and functions of the system of social institutions. Legal regulation of the market. Establishment and maintenance of political power, trade unions and associations. Identification of attitudes and behaviors in society.
The formation of non-canonical DNA structures as one of the most important elements of gene expression regulation. Characteristic specific features of the basic oligonucleotide sequences and thermal stabilities of the G-rich polynucleotide fragment.