- 211. Simultaneous determine of Doppler shift and group delay time using amplitude modulated chirp-signal
Differential Doppler shift between rays as one of the main parameter of radio channel. The method of calculation of the transmitter radiate continuous amplitude-modulated continuous wave. Analysis of the spectrums of differential signal elements.
Theory of Translation. Semantic dissimilarity of analogous structures. Current machine translation software, his significance, types and examples. The nature of translation and human language. Different interpreting schools all around the world.
Development of a single methodical information accounting system for the current provision of accountants and managers. Creation of a system of criteria, generalized features and advantages of use. Development of the system at the legislative level.
- 214. Sir Thomas More
Life of Sir Thomas More, venerated in the Catholic Church as Saint Thomas More. English lawyer, judge, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist. Scholarly and literary work. History of literature work, religious polemics.
Military activities in the context of our country conduct local military operations involving officers of the units. Studies on sytuatyvnoosobystisnyh orientation leader in the area of border Ukraine. Situationally and personal guidance officer manager.
Dynamics of the law enforcement system of Ukraine, rapid protection of the rights and freedoms of a citizen requires from the officer's personality trancification of the psychology readiness. Philosophical and psychological problem of modifications.
Liberation of Africa from European colonization as a symbol of the onset of a new era. The essence of the concept of "neocolonialism". Characteristics of external economic relations of African countries. Acquaintance with the causes of decolonization.
Analyzed a sample of countries including the EU member state and countries with similar development level. Specialization in exports of most components of food industry and agriculture is widespread among small and less developed economies outside the EU.
- 219. Skeleton
The number of the bones in the adult human skeleton. Main functions of the skeleton. Sex-based differences between the male and female human skeletons. Neurocranium and viscerocranium components of the human scull. Picture of the human skeleton.
Skepticism in literature as mode, in opinion Hume and Musil. Literature whichis without regard for truth, seeks to excite emotion. The essay is in search to make communication possible, that accomodates the motivation. "The second dimension of thought".
Block software and methodological support for the educational process within the discipline “Physical Culture and Sports”, including ski training, orienteering and general physical training. Conducting a pedagogical experiment in the educational process.
- 222. SKiiP модуль
Основные понятия, связанные с технологией Skiip, которая используется SEMIKRON и сочетается с различными клеммами питания и управления, подключенными к модулю. Описание электрических характеристик модулей SKiiP. Сферы применения современных модулей Skiip.
Overview of innovative approaches to teaching and learning; consideration of 21st century skills that will contribute to the future successful career of students in general and effective communication; analysis of students' educational activities.
- 224. Skin and muscle
Features of human skin. The concept of the epidermis, its role in protecting the body against aggressive environment. Features of occurrence scar tissue. The structure of the muscular system, the concept of fascia. The mechanism of muscle contraction.
- 225. Sking
The main types of skiing. Ski equipment and clothing: the nature and specificity of equipment. Description ski competitions. Birkenbeinerlauf. Biathion - from hunting to sporting competition. The history of skiing. Skiing as Britain's favorite sport.
Peculiarities of using slang during the period of young people’s social maturation. The use of slang vocabulary in specific type of communicative environment to conduct certain linguistic behaviour. Key factors to prefer specific language subcode.
The importance of teaching Slovak as a foreign language to overcome the problem of foreign students in the course of studying professional subjects. Directions for the development of an individual course of mixed learning material on the Moodle platform.
Potential of cultural sites of Slovakia. Register of monument zones. Effective marketing tools in modern tourism. The concept of cultural heritage characteristics. Cultural and social events as authentic picture of ancestors - living culture of Slovakia.
Scientific approaches to revealing the socio-economic potential of small towns in the conditions of decentralization. In the conditions, of administrative and territorial reform, small cities play an important role in socio-economic development.
Small business - part of the economic system, which implements the organization of the formation of new jobs, increasing the level of total income of all segments of the population. Features of state support of private business in the European Union.
- 231. Small intestine
Department gastrointestinal tract where undigested nutrients gastric contents subject to further intensive hydrolysis. Three human small intestine: duodenum, empty and ileum. Diseases of the small intestine of man: duodenal ulcer, duodenitis, enteritis.
Дослідження розвитку освіти в сучасному інформаційному суспільстві. Використання технологічних інновацій та Інтернет-ресурсів в навчальному просторі України. Впровадження комунікаційних, віртуальних і Smart-технологій в учбових навчальних закладах.
The pecularitis of the smart education. The concept of smart technologies and the list of the main smart learning technologies used in higher education. The requirements for smart technologies: availability, efficiency, economy, aggregativity, complexity.
Дослідження соціальної комунікаційної складової у нормативній базі сучасної української відновної медицини. Ознайомлення з програмою інформування українського населення щодо послуг відновної медицини. Ефективність створення реабілітаційних програм.
Инновационные технологии в организации учебного процесса на основе SMART-технологий при обучении биологии. Вовлечение учеников в проектную деятельность, повышение мотивации к учебе. Современное использование в самостоятельной работе SMART-технологий.
Рассмотрение феномена смарт-технологий в современном образовании с позиций развития универсальных и профессиональных компетенций. Обобщение особенностей включения данного инструментария в обучение по направлениям "Лингвистика" и "Рекламная деятельность".
Визначення важливості цифрової грамотності й компетентності для формування smart-технологій у професійній діяльності майбутніх спеціалістів медичної галузі. Комплексне теоретичне обґрунтування проблеми зі здобуття необхідних цифрових компетентностей.
Дослідження доцільності застосування SMART-технологій в ході організації освітнього процесу в Україні. Мотивація майбутніх психологів до творчої діяльності, самовдосконалення та саморозвитку. Підвищення інтересу студентів до природничо-наукових знань.
- 239. Smithsonian Museums
Description, history and interesting facts of the Smithsonian museum, the National air and space Museum, National Museum of American History, National Museum of the American indian, National Museum of Natural History, the National Gallery of Art.
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