The problem of modifying the role of the translator in the context of globalization, which has undergone significant changes over the past decades. Creation of an integrative space based on digital word processing and the use of virtual databases.
The analysis of the American gifted education from the days of the first colleges and universities functioning up to the beginning of the 21st century. It characterizes the steps of formation of American system of teaching gifted and talented students.
The analysis of the American gifted education from the days of the first colleges and universities functioning up to the beginning of the 21st century. The steps of formation and development of American system of teaching gifted and talented students.
The problem of freedom as one of the central ones in classical, modern philosophical science. Study of the understanding of the category "Freedom" by philosophers of different historical periods. Determining the place of freedom in an individual's life.
The reducing of regional disparities, the formation of sectoral perspectives for economic and social development of the regions, financial support to the states by means of block grants and stimulating the development of integration trends in USA.
Situation in Labor Market. Factors for resuming labor by women. The level of economic activity of women in Russian Federation as a percentage of a population. The employment rate of women. Female employment rate. Percentage of mothers. Recent studies.
The outcomes of Taiwan and China's long-term pursuit of current account surpluses. The internationalization of China's currency, enhance the quality of life. Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act 2010 and the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act 2011.
A state of emergency built on the authority of the sovereign to suspend the rule of law for the common good. Preparation of the basis for a discussion about the future of Ukraine. "The Concept of the Political" and "Political Theology" by Karl Schmitt.
Possibilities of forensic and psychological expertise in civil cases of moral injury under trial. The psychological aspect of moral injury. The procedure of psychological expertise. Different viewpoints stated and analyzed on above-mentioned problem.
The need for continuous research on domestic violence. the existence of legal protection and legislation aimed at preventing domestic violence. Reasons for the increase in cases of gender-based violence. Domestic Violence During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
- 251. Review of graphene properties in view of its use as a substrate for matrix-free mass spectrometry
The graphene basic properties is given. The possible role of intrinsic and deliberately induced structural defects in electronic and chemical properties of graphene substrates. Optimized geometric structures for the Stone-Wales defect functionalized.
Using Duraton-Overman test to study detailed location patterns of the forestry and agricultural industry in Russia. Data analysis package. The first article on geocoding. Methods for measuring localization. Distance-based localization measurement.
An overview ofthe legal positions ofthe Ukrainian Supreme Court on maritime disputes within the framework of administrative jurisdiction. In this class of cases, disputes arise about the performance or non-performance of public administration functions.
Characteristics of the basic principles of anthropocentrism based on an integrative approach to the analysis of linguistic phenomena. The study of the system features of toponyms as linguistic units at the semantic, structural, grammatical levels.
Determining the main features of the organization of monitoring of students' academic achievements in maritime higher educational institutions. The main normative documents and organizations regulating the monitoring of students' academic achievements.
Approaches to understanding political discourse analysis as one of the most promising methods of political analysis. As a result, we define political discourse analysis as a kind of general political analysis based on postmodern discourse theory.
Selection of children with general speech underdevelopment. Mastery of grammatical children at the age of about 3-4 years. The results of research in the field of mastering the category of gender by Russian-speaking children with typical development.
The concepts the burden of a foreigner and the burden of external origin occupy one of the central places in the study of international business. These types of "burdens" can create both obstacles and opportunities for managing companies and businesses.
Art criticism analysis of the difference in approaches to the study of the heritage of K. Malevich by domestic and foreign researchers. The manifestation of the basic principles of avant-garde and Suprematism in the paintings of the Russian artist.
Institutional aspects of teaching languages of the indigenous minorities of Finland. Research on sustainability and revitalization among the Sami minority. The place of the Sami language in the Finnish education system. Revitalizing the Sami language.
Training in virtual reality as a technology that brings benefits to football players. Advantages and disadvantages of using these trainings, their impact on skill development, tactical training, rehabilitation after injuries and mental preparation.
Cosmopolitanisation of german literature and culture through german-turkish texts. Rewriting as a boundary shifting literary strategy. Two forms of rewriting: mimicry and parody, which stand in a conflicting relation with the concept of the nation.
The use of high-frequency-magnetron sputtering, reactive solid-phase target in argon atmosphere to obtain silicon carbide and a film of silicon nitride. Using the obtained samples to create solar cells on substrates of monocrystalline silicon of p-type.
Работа бесконтактных смарт-карт, регламентируемая стандартом ISO 14443. Классификация и разновидности используемых меток, особенности их применения и функционал. Устройство Смарт-карты, принцип ее работы, области применения. Структура карт Mifare.
- 265. RFID-решения
Система радиочастотной идентификации, ее структура, типы и отличительные особенности. Высокочастотные системы и сферы их практического применения. Системы, работающие в СВЧ диапазоне, требования к ним. Технологии производства меток или транспондеров.
- 266. RFID-технологии
Метод автоматической идентификации объектов с использование радиосигналов при считывании и записи данных. Классификация RFID-меток. Принцип работы RFID-системы, ее схематичное устройство. Преимущества и недостатки технологии по сравнению со штрих-кодами.
Исследование сегментации клиентов на основе RFM-анализа по уровню лояльности. Рассмотрение примера анализа на основе базы данных фотографа. Характеристика программного обеспечения Microsoft Excel, особенностей создания таблицы необходимых сведений.
The speech of the president, prime minister or politician before the audience is analyzed in order to set tasks, provide recommendations or highlight problems. The impact on listeners, which is achieved through the use of classical rhetoric, is described.
The analyze of the correlation between RNase activity and resistance of two cultivars buckwheat: Kara-Dag and Roksolana. The virus replication and infection of upper leaves of plants. Unstable levels of RNase activity in infected buckwheat plants.
Creation of varieties with high resistance to biotic and abiotic environmental factors. Morphological characteristics of different rice varieties and the degree of their relationship, which determines the resistance of the rice plant to lodging.