The outbreak of Covid-19 disease since late 2019 has led to fundamental changes of the world economy. In order to prevent the spread of this disease and control its negative consequences, many countries have implemented policies such as urban quarantine.
Modem shopping malls are the most recent invention in a series of commercial structures that aspired to a certain universality of its structure in the second half of XX century. However, the results of recent studies as well as a history of problems.
Friction units for automotive and special vehicles are designed to operate under friction conditions. The development of a unified understanding of the effect of the size and chemical nature of ceramic additives on the processes occurring in a friction.
The quantization error functional. invariant regularizers. A regularized quantization functional. The connection to the GTM. Uniform convergence bounds and hence bounds on the learning rates of the algorithm. Experiments and evaluation of their results.
Consideration of the legal and regulatory framework that governs the implementation of education in Kutai Kartanegara through education policy. The Kutai Kartanegara Regency Government’s commitment to increasing human resources through education.
Clinical and laboratory examination of patients with myocardial infarction after thrombolysis. Determination of the levels of matrix metalloproteinase, tissue inhibitor of intracardiac hemodynamic status, the incidence of post-infarction heart aneurysm.
The task of a government regulation of income as a component of social policy and the distribution system. Principles of income generation. Lorenz curve. Distribution of personal income in the community. State regulation of distribution income population.
Considering the regulation of subsidies to state-owned enterprises as one of the key issues for the effective functioning of bilateral and multilateral trade relations between the WTO and EU members, given their different political and economic systems.
Development of regulatory activities at EU and Member States level requires defining limit of acceptable influence of the market regulators on shaping the content of the civil and legal relations on the basis of the applicable domestic and EU regulations.
The regulatory and legal support of the administrative procedure for the protection of personal data (PD) about a deceased person. The importance of observing the ethical, legal and social aspects of PD protection under normal conditions, as martial law.
The article dials with the problem of legal and normative regulation of ethno-national relations in Ukrainian society. The author studied the national-specific interests of particular nationalities and ethnic groups of policy in a democratic state.
Analysis of the content of the natural and scientific training of a specialist in physical therapy and ergotherapy. the specifics of the study of educational disciplines at the theoretical, practically and professional and adaptive stages of training.
Analysis the codification process of the definition of criminal organisation and its modifications, on the grounds of criminal law. Making a amendments of the definition in past few years. Exclusion of elements that could aggravate evidentiary measures.
The activity of the non-government organizations that take part in the providing children’s safety on the Web. Regulatory support of information safety of the children is determined as one of the priority direction of the European Union policy.
Analysis of the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Moldova, regulating the establishment and operation of rehabilitation institutions for persons suspected, accused or convicted of criminal offenses. Ways to use rehabilitation.
- 106. REID-технології
Створення системи контролю і обмеження доступу в приміщення на основі безконтактного зчитування та ідентифікації радіо-частотних міток (RFID). Приховане зчитування, підслуховування. Теорія криптографії методом пар ключів - відкритого і закритого.
Consideration of emotional surges that cause an instant reaction from the audience and eventually develop into a feeling of trust. Using a variety of emotional expressions that can move someone to action. Implementation of motivation in public discourse.
Review the brief history of the Prut-Dniester region for two centuries, from the late 18th century to the present day. Responsibility of the Russian government for violating the laws of war and facilitating the escalation of human rights violations.
Analysis of the mpirical study of the relationship between cultural values and the national affiliation of Ukrainian students in higher education. The relationship between cultural values and national affiliation in students who came to study from cities.
Trends in development of international law and its interaction with national legal systems. Theoretical and legal problems of the relationship between domestic and international law. Social and legal nature of the relationship between the legal systems.
Elucidation of the essence of natural law, formalization of its features for practical application and significance for law-making activity. Determination of the relationship between the concepts of "jus natural" and "bioethics", their differences.
The interconnection between basic human values, Instagram behavior (Instagram intensity and involvement in its use), motivation type of its use and self-esteem. Self-esteem and Social Network Sites use. Social Network Sites usage and Basic human values.
The role of the formation of the emotional-volitional sphere and the voluntary-emotional self-regulation of children, which performs the function of regulating life activities. Stages of development of national values based on general education.
Development of a methodology for identifying talented athletes. Comparative characteristics of physical fitness of basketball and handball players. A cross-sectional study of 30 male sportsmans aged 18-21 for speed, explosive power and shoulder strength.
Analysis of the problems of population exchange in 1947 between Soviet Ukraine and Czechoslovakia. Acquaintance with features in return Security service Organizers of Ukrainian nationalists and Volyn Czechs. A look at the way to destroy the Soviet agency.
Analyzes the relationship between the Security Service of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (hereinafter - OUN) and the Volyn Czechs. The attitudes of the both parts are clarified and their cooperation establishment preconditions are examined.
- 117. Relationships between time perspectives and procrastination of employees with different job titles
The state of the problem of time perspective and the phenomenon of procrastination in professional activity. An empirical study of the relationship between time perspective and procrastination among employees of an organization of different job status.
Тhe short and long-run relationships between Istanbul Stock Exchange Index and some measures of aggregate real activity including GDP, treasury bills rates, exchangerates in economy. The impulse response functions and variance decompositions reveal.
Peculiarities of different types of human rights, which are subject to restriction in the conditions of special legal conditions. Study of typical violations by state authorities and local self-government when applying one or another type of restrictions.
Approach to signals and systems on the base of relativistic time dilation. Presentation of relativistic time dilation in frequency area. Relativistic generalization of Nyquist-Shannon theorem. Calculation of the Lorentz factor versus relative velocity.